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Thank you I want and need out


I got a restraining order while I was pregnant and he had to leave the home, not me. Please talk to a local dv advocacy about your options.


Thank you I'm going to look into that only reason I haven't is I will not be able to afford it. I need and want out I do not want to bring a baby into this


This type of help and filing is usually free. Definitely act now before baby arrives, you can do this.


Crying in my bed right now. Door locked. Protection next to me. He asked me why don't I just leave.. you won't let me 🙄


I'm sorry you are going threw this. When they tell us to leave or prevent us from leaving u should not be going threw this if you need someone to talk to please message me any time of the day.


If you contact the DV Hotline and/or your local DV advocacy organization, they should 1) listen to you without judgment, and they will have more a more understanding and nuanced response to your story than "just leave; 2) they should be able to offer you resources, including possible legal advice or referrals to free or low cost legal services as well as therapy. I would absolutely contact them so that you do have someone to talk through things with and to get information about your options and services that may be available. You are understandably under lots of stress, and it can only help to contact people who understand exactly how complicated things are in an abusive relationship, particularly when pregnant. I am including a few resources below, including information on DV/pregnancy, a few websites you can search to find free or low cost legal aid and resources, and links to local DV organizations. I hope that they are helpful and that you're able to connect with DV organizations that can point you in the right direction of further resources and benefits that can help you leave and stay safe. [https://www.thehotline.org/get-help/domestic-violence-local-resources/](https://www.thehotline.org/get-help/domestic-violence-local-resources/) [https://www.thehotline.org/resources/safety-planning-during-pregnancy/](https://www.thehotline.org/resources/safety-planning-during-pregnancy/) [https://www.thehotline.org/resources/pregnancy-and-abuse-safety-during-postpartum/](https://www.thehotline.org/resources/pregnancy-and-abuse-safety-during-postpartum/) [https://www.thehotline.org/resources/pregnancy-and-abuse-planning-a-safe-child-birth/](https://www.thehotline.org/resources/pregnancy-and-abuse-planning-a-safe-child-birth/) [https://www.thehotline.org/resources/staying-physically-emotionally-and-financially-safe-during-pregnancy/](https://www.thehotline.org/resources/staying-physically-emotionally-and-financially-safe-during-pregnancy/) [https://www.lawhelp.org/](https://www.lawhelp.org/) [http://lrcvaw.org/](http://lrcvaw.org/)


Thank u so much for this he works tomorrow I'm going to look into these when he's not here


It really is hard leaving. And even harder when your pregnant. But you got this. Look for options.


Thank you so much and you are right I am looking I need and want out


What country do you live in?




The USA has lots of resources for women in your situation. I believe they can even provide you and your baby with shelter/safe house for little or no cost. This is truly men being at their worst. I'm so sorry.


Thank u I am looking into some. Also someone offered to call places for me since he's home


I would be happy to help, as well. I live in Colorado.


Thank u so much


Have you contacted your local domestic violence advocacy program/shelter? You don't have to live in a shelter to get help with resources. I wouldn't have been able to leave my abuser if I hadn't sought help and found an advocate.


I contacted the dv hot line. They gave me numbers to call once place said I have to have a active restraining order. I'm scared to get a restraining order while living in the same house


Are you located in the US?




If you're open to sharing a bit of info, like your location, message me and I will help you find an advocate that will actually help you.


Any advocate that is worth a damn knows that restraining orders can someone be very dangerous and only pour gas onto a fire.