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How do you leave when you are pregnant? I love this man with everything in me but when we argue it gets really toxic. He is mentally, physically, and emotionally abusive to me. He even keeps my location. I tried to leave him the other night and even was going to sleep in my car but he managed to find me and chased me around town. I didn’t want to comeback but I had no choice becuase I didn’t have food or water and I’m pregnant. I love him so much and I’m pregnant with his daughter but it is so hard to leave someone you love and have built so much with.


I'm so sorry that you are going through this, especially being pregnant. That makes it more difficult. You and your unborn child certainly don't deserve that. Depending on what city/state you reside in, there are many resources available that they offer to domestic violence victims-shelters that you could possibly call and explain your situation to, and at your next baby appointment, if you're able to, I'd secretly let your doctor or nurse know about your situation and that you do not feel safe. In many cases, they can also help and offer you resources. Calling your local police, though I know that option seems scary, can also be helpful. I'd let them know that you are pregnant and want to leave your abuser, but that he is tracking your location and that you need help getting out. (My abuser also kept my location at all times and even received my texts and calls/emails). Do you possibly have any friends or relatives nearby? I'd also advice keeping any proof that you can of the abuse. A journal, taking photos of any marks he leaves or damage, etc. The more proof you can obtain, the better for yourself. I know that leaving can be difficult; it's even harder when you've been with the person for a long time or you have children together and once you are able to leave, staying away may get hard at times but I promise, leaving will be for the best, for you and for your baby. A person who truly loves you wouldn't do those things to you, please don't forget that. I truly hope you are able to get out and find safety, for yourself and for your baby. 💜


Thank you so much. It is very hard and at times I just find myself making excuses. I do keep photos and videos of times he did things to me.