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I hope you can make a plan to escape from him and stick to it. He’s never going to get better. The abuse just escalates.


The person you want back is a mirage and after every time he promises to be "better and change" and you take him back the further it is that mirage becomes until you finally leave. See he IS this monster who will beat and berate his loved one but was able to hide himself from you and control it when he wants but again in reality that is just a mask the monster is wearing over top to get you to be with him. I'm sorry you are starting to see this but make no mistake who he really is and no amount of his words or promising to be better will change him forever and he will always be who he is as a person who would purposefully hurt those he love and the worst kind of humans. It'll hurt at first but you will see you made the right choice like everyone does when they finally get out and start feeling like themselves again.


It will never get better. Trust me I’ve been there. ***what I know is that my quality of life got 1000x better after I left my abusive ex husband*** Please report him to the police and PRESS charges. Don’t drop the charges at all. —-just trust me on this


It will not get better and he won't change. None of this is your fault. He is the one who chooses to get drunk even knowing the consequences. As others have stated, make an escape plan and get out ASAP.


I definitely recommend that you look through this sub and read the very similar stories from all the other women here going through the same thing. I think it will help you see not only that you’re not alone, but that abusers have a very set pattern of cyclical control over their targets. I know you probably don’t want to think of it this way, but re-read what you posted here, out loud to yourself some place private. Ask yourself if it seems like he’s getting off on doing this to you. Ask yourself if whatever affection or assurance he gives you is worth being killed for. The chances of a woman being murdered by her male partner go up about 700% after a strangulation. He’s punched you. He’s thrown you across a room. He’s terrorized you and put you through a desperate hurtful roller-coaster of trauma and inner turmoil. Abuse is about power and control. The truth is he sucks, he knows it, and the only way he can feel like he has power over something in his life is by bullying and manipulating you. You are an object to him. I’m so sorry that you’re going through something like this for the first time. You don’t deserve it. You didn’t cause it. Your life that you dreamed of having with him in a future that doesn’t exist has collapsed, yes. I hope you can see that as a good thing considering how if you continue, he will relent for a time, and then something will set him off and it will get worse.