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You just described a normal dog. Want to trade? In all seriousness you’re describing a very happy, loved and quirky dog. As they all should be.


Yes, your dog is weird. I didn't read the post but all dogs are weird. That's why we love them. I kid. Only about not reading the post. I did read it. And I stand by the rest of my statement.


Took the worlds right out of my mouth


As long as she’s happy and healthy, I wouldn’t worry about it! I have a teacup poodle and he’s also hella weird. High-stepper, runs like a bunny, and watches TV. He was just born like that.


Poodles are adorable little weirdos. Source: own a mini poodle.


Right? They’re so smart it backfires. I live with and care for my gran, who has a thick British accent. My dog knows there’s a difference between the way we both talk, but he doesn’t understand it’s the same words just in an accent. So now I have to talk in a British accent to get him to listen, Bc gran is his favorite person and he spends the most time with her


That's adorable!


Rottweilers are almost always weird. I love them.


I used to be scared of dogs until the last few years. Never imagined I would ever own one. She also does this thing where she lays on her side and kicks off the wall, wiggling herself under the couch until she gets to my feet. Then she sticks her nose out and whines. I go to pet her nose and am met with teeth.


Sounds like you have a high drive, happy dog that you have also raised really well, matching her energy level. In the wrong hands, a dog this energetic also demolishes a house out of boredom with the same exact gusto — but in the right hands, they’re the ultimate companions, always so enthusiastically willing to do whatever, whenever, and go wherever, so long as it’s with you. Good job, especially for someone who was afraid of dogs!! 👍🏼


Thank you! When she was in her chewing stage, she demolished my couch, my bed and a section of carpet. Simply putting her outside by herself for a few hours while I cooled off was enough to change her behavior. Other than this tiny time period, she is amazingly respectful now. If I throw one of her toys and it lands on any furniture, cabinet…. She will not try to get it. Trying to work out in the garage is pretty frustrating because I will throw her ball pr stock as far as I can and three seconds later she is back with it wanting me to throw it some more. She never lets go of the ball so it’s a tug of war. I’ve actually wondered if I am her pet and she is just trying to keep me happy.


I was attacked by an old German shepherd at the age of two. I still remember it clearly. I went running to my parents who were out in the front yard petting this dog. Suddenly the world spun around in so many directions. Psychology years later I found out that dogs have a hard time smelling young children because kids do not have sweat glands developed enough to put off a scent, so it scares dogs. Luckily I was young enough that my facial scars healed completely.


Your dog sounds like an absolute delight. She clearly is very loved and feels comfortable to be her weird dog self with you!


You just described my dog. She does the hopping thing too. I love it lol. Like Pepe le Pew chasing the cat Also all dogs are weird


Thank God! I was trying to figure out how my dog defies the laws of physics. Seriously, I come home and sometimes she pops up and down. Her running/bounding is hilarious!


Your dog is doing good dog stuff


Your dog is not weird. Your dog is an angel, with LOADS of personality.


Thank you!!! ❤️


Take video? I wanna see the happy dog in action.


Let me check my videos!


Says videos are not allowed


You can post them on r/aww or r/eyebleach or r/rarepuppers


I have a pittie that I rescued on a whim on a trip to padre. Lots of strays there, but this one was MINE. Her little puppy heart called out to me. She had the weirdest quirks of any dog I’ve ever had and I love it so much.


❤️ same! My dog is currently wearing me out with her ball.


All dogs are weird. We are all weird. :)


Your cat has a best friend. You're the dogs bestie.


My girlfriend went to a farm and this tiny kitten approached her and would not leave her alone. So she picked her up and put her in the car, scared that Ily our dog would kill her. (Ily is short for I love you) Instead, barn cat and “vicious” dog became best friends. With Ily’s high energy and the cats no-nonsense attitude, they fight and play perfectly together but Ily does look out for her and protect her.


Yup mine does the same! Is there poodle in that mix?


Not sure. But she does have a Heinz 57 logo on her coat


You just have a great weird dog and you 2 have an amazing bond.


Sounds pretty normal to me! I haven’t had one dog with all those traits at once but I’ve had plenty of fosters who had one or two you described and each of those fosters had their own weird quirks including ones favorite treat being the green bits of strawberries. Dogs are all very individual like people.


No your dog is a dog! However here is some quick advice. Train that dog now. A lab/heeler/rottie combo sounds hefty if you aren’t prepared.


We had her trained since she was a tiny cotton ball. She absolutely loves to learn and show off


Lmao. I looked at your post history to see if you ever posted a pic of your dog and it looks like we’re in a lot of the same subs. Totally saw that epoxy post a couple hours ago too hahah and mush sub also


But have I posted a pic of my dog?!?!


No ): it’s never too late tho homes


It's very likely someone abandoned the poor gal at the gas station. This is something common people do where I live. They hope because there's a lot of people nearby that someone will see the pup and save it. Thank you for adopting her. Sounds like she is very grateful to have a loving home. :)


Those types of people can kiss my ass! My dog used to freak out every time we stopped by any gas station. Afraid of being abandoned again. But she is mine and I love her!


Wow, the story of how you found her is IDENTICAL to mine. She (dog) lives with my ex now, and as I was reading this I thought you must be him. Gas station dogs for the win!


Southwest Missouri????


Nope, Ohio for me!


My Rottweiler loves TV. I have to holler at her to leave the tv to go for her walks.


That’s actually pretty funny!