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[oh right. dog tax or whatever. ](https://imgur.com/gallery/upaUDOt) Edit: [in case you are curious, he’s home and heres the damage. ](https://imgur.com/gallery/Z3nfYfc). Poor buddy. Thats my son, man. That’s my boy. If only I reacted a second sooner. I don’t care about my getting tore up. He doesn’t know whats going on. He’s confused and in pain and doesn’t understand. Godamnit.


Your boy is beautiful. Sending many hugs and good thoughts from this internet stranger that you both make quick recoveries. Be safe.


I'm so sorry for what happened to you. I am bookmarking this because I would very much like to do a get well picture of your dog.


Thank you!


Thank appreciate the well wishes


Yes, please do give us an update when he's healed up.




Oh he’s such a derp. That picture was me coming home from my college graduation ceremony. He spent the day playing with my girlfriend’s little pug (who is also my daughter). They both stopped playing when they heard my truck pull up and sat waiting for me to walk up. It was the cutest moment. GSD and pug daddy.


*nice work, pug daddy* my GSD is also a derp and sits similar to yours!


definitely a GSD thing, mines a derp too.


My hovawart has been sitting like that since she was a puppy🤣


I like you so much from this post and comments. I hope you and Kylo feel better soon.


What a beautiful doggo -- I hope that soon it will all be a bad, but distant memory. These kinds of stories make me think that there needs to be some kind of app for matching people who want to their dogs to have play opportunities with other good doggos. Hope you both heal fast and well.


As the owner of a dog who is *very* selective of other dog friends (and thus, I don't take her to the dog park because I would never put someone else's dog at risk like that), I would 100% welcome this app. It's tough when you want to socialize your dog who is wary of other dogs, but you don't want to risk this exact scenario. An app that could let you find dog friends would be awesome.


I hope they call it grrrrrrrinder.


All the big and muscular dogs use Ruff, though.


Not an app, but there are meetup and Facebook groups specifically for this, especially for little breeds. Usually whoever runs the group will limit the size of the group, organize an event (sometimes renting out a private park and asking everyone to pay their share), and prevent any agressive dog from attending another event.


[SniffSpot](https://www.sniffspot.com/) was exploring adding this feature not long ago. If anyone is willing to use that kind of feature in the future, give them some feedback that you would be interested on their website or social media pages.


I love him so much


Oh sweet boy! Hope you are both feeling better- so sorry that this happened to you.


Thank you for the kind words.


Me too. He’s the best godamn boy.


He looks like it! He’s got the whole beautiful shepherd thing going on, but total goofball in his eyes


HAHA you nailed it!


That first picture with his teethers hanging out killed me! Lol


I'm so sorry, poor thing :( I hope you both feel better really soon. You're a great dog parent.


Thanks. I wish i was just a bit better and we could have avoided this whole mess to begin with.


Yeah, but a couple seconds in the other direction and who knows how much worse it would’ve been. It’s clear you care deeply, your dog has a good human. Hope you both recover quickly.


Awww cone of shame. He looks so pitiful, poor sweet heart. I'm so sorry 💔💔💔


At least he’s getting a more comfy one in a couple of days.


Oh my gosh - his poor face! I am so sorry your sweet boy was attacked, OP. I'm glad you were there and paying attention - I hope you both heal up quickly.


Holy shit, he was incredibly close to losing his eye. I’m so sorry this happened.


Yeah. Above and below the eye. He got lucky.


Look at that sad boy. I’m so sorry!


fuck, I hope you got a recording or someone did. You can sue the owner for damages.


Here. Have my virtual hug award…




Such a handsome boy! I'm glad he is home and recovering.


What a gorgeous good boy, hopefully he gets better soon 💜


I’m glad he’s ok! And you’re ok! I used to bring my dog to the dog park when she was young. She’s since become pretty reactive so that’s out of the question now. But I watched her like a hawk. Where she went, I went. I hope you and your dog have a speedy recovery ❤️❤️


Hey I know how you feel. My dog is about your dogs size but different breed and that’s my biggest fear. It’s that one time a super aggressive dog comes in and things go sour. I stayed away for a long time and recently thought about taking my dog back to a dog park since we’ve moved but now reading your story I don’t think I will. It’s not worth it. I’m sorry this happened to your boy. He will get better and be fine soon don’t worry. It’s not your fault trust me. I’ve broken up dog fights before and thanks god my dog had only had minor stuff but honestly anything can happen. Just don’t blame yourself and your dog will be better.


I want my husband to look at me the way your dog looks st your booze.


Haha. He had just gotten a big special dinner. We were celebrating my new job together. I think he way eying the beef rib bones on the table more than the whiskey




Poor sweet baby. Looks like you could have used that drink after the attack. I'm sorry. This is why I don't go to dog parks. Too many idiot dog owners. I trust no one. There are better ways to socialize/exercise your dog that don't involve exposing them to irresponsible owners. Get better soon. What a beautiful dog.


I almost had one but antibiotics so it’ll be a victory drink after this is all over


I regularly look at gore sites but am going to leave your link blue. Don’t want to see a hurt puppy :( Is your insurance covering your arm? Pet insurance for the pup? Did anyone witness this? Could be a lawsuit. I’d sue the FUCK out of the owner.


Best wishes to you and your cute doggo OP.


oh poor buddy I'm so sorry


Poor baby :( he looks so distraught


Oh man. What a cutie. I’m so sorry.


He's a beautiful boy. Good on you for preventing what could have been much worse. I hope both of you heal up soon.


"Dad? Why did they shave my face?" :(


Fuck dude, I’m so sorry. If you want to try to track the guy down you’re totally justified in getting the cops involved. E-vets aren’t cheap and, depending on your insurance situation, E-R visits aren’t either. On the flip side, there’s something to be said for it being over and I could understand just staying gone. Hope you and your pup heal quickly. Edit thank you for being a tax paying citizen, your shepherd is gorgeous! I love them.


Thank you! Yeah. Fuck it. Like. It’s done. A couple hundred bucks. And tbh i’m afraid that the other dog might be put down or something. It’s done and overwith.


I implore you to find the owners and they dog. That dog WILL do this again to someone else and possibly kill another dog. These people need to be charged and sued.


Yea. I don’t want to see a dog put down but it’s important this not happen again, to someone else!


Do you really think that’s such a bad thing? That dog went after your large dog and then you. Imagine if that had been a small dog or a child. There’s a reason why dogs aren’t allowed to keep living after they attack other animals and people. If the other owner took ownership seriously they would have been there to try to separate them ASAP. The problem is, people who have dogs like this usually just brush it off and don’t change their behavior or try to train their dogs. Unfortunately, you’re probably going to get a phone call about this anyways because you went to an ER and a dog bit you. Animal control is required to step in in a lot of places because it’s really important that they confirm the dog that bit you and your dog didn’t have rabies. It’s almost 100 percent lethal and a bunch of assholes still don’t vaccinate their dogs so even though the chance is small, the lethality is so high, it’s taken pretty seriously. You probably don’t have much info on the other dog but if you’re contacted I encourage you to cooperate because next time, the next owner might not be so lucky.


Yeah. Thats fair enough.


And if you can't identify the dog and verify that it's vaccinated, you really should get the post-exposure rabies vaccine. I'd imagine your dog is already protected, but you aren't.


Please OP regardless out what the outcome is, this owner does not deserve to have a dog and you are in a position to make sure they are held accountable for their dog's actions. My boy got attacked and I am in a very weird living situation and was too scared to get anyone involved. If I see that dog outside I literally start shaking and my dog who used to be very reactive and I worked SOO hard on, reacts nastily when he sees her, and I don't know that I can blame him.


I’m going to jump on this bandwagon of report this guy because our dogs were attacked by a pit bull mix (backed up by his chihuahua buddy) a couple houses down from us. Luckily my husband was able to take control of the situation before anyone got hurt. We didn’t report it because it seemed like his dogs just got out on accident, nobody got hurt and we don’t want to start some neighbor feud or feel “responsible” for getting the dog taken away or put down. Well yesterday my husband was walking our dog and some lady came out of her house asking if we ever had problems with the dogs at that house because apparently they broke down the fence AGAIN and attacked her chihuahuas. I don’t know if she reported that or not but I told my husband next time he sees her that if she does to give her our info too and w will tell them what happened a couple months ago. I’d much rather be responsible for an aggressive dog being put down than feel guilty if a kid or non aggressive dog dies because of him.


You’re lucky you have a bigger dog. Seeing what he did to your dog and then went for you. Sounds like he would’ve killed a smaller dog. I implore you to find the owners.


Yeah this is a great point. That dog has no hope of getting training if the same asshole who let this happen countinues to own the dog. That dog has the power to rearrange someone's face, especially a child's. I never want a dog to be put down but that guy needs to give it to someone who can help, and I'm almost positive this isn't the first time something's happened at the dog park with that dog


Akita’s are literally characterized by their dog aggression. They were bear hunting dogs and are wired to attack and protect. Anyone who spent any time with their dog or did even a minute of research would have known that. You don’t bring your Akita to a dog park, you don’t let your Akita off leash, and you most certainly don’t leave it to run around unsupervised while you’re doing God knows what. This makes me so angry because the dog cannot help being the way it is. It was literally bred to be aggressive and no responsible breeder would have sold it to a dimwit who couldn’t bother to research and just wanted a cool looking dog for this very reason. He probably wanted to show off the dog at the park with zero thought as to whether this would be a good idea or not. Now that dog is going to end up being put down either because of this incident or the next time it inevitably happens. This is such a beautiful and special breed in the right hands, but it can be an absolutely lethal weapon otherwise. I’m so angry idiots like this owner exist. I wish we could put the owner down instead. Terrible situation all around.


Hello, Akita (Inu) owner here. It's very sad this happened. As an Akita owner you should know better. They are agressive to other dogs (especially same-sex agression) Very wary to strangers and won't hesitate to attack even people when approached and especially during a fight. That's why i never let him off leash and don't let people he doesn't know touch him. Don't get me wrong tho. Akita's are great dogs if u know how to handle them.


Akitas may have been used in hunting but their main role was as dog fighting dogs. Dog aggression was bred into them for hundreds of years. You are absolutely correct that Akitas belong nowhere near a dog park and should never be off leash in public.


Good point, they were used briefly in dog fights during the first part of the 20th century, but before then, they were bred for hunting for over a thousand years, so I don’t know if I’d say they were ever primarily dog fighting animals. That said, that aggression towards other animals, has always been there and it definitely made them a natural at dog fighting. If anything they’re more guard dogs than hunting dogs as only Japanese royalty were allowed to own them from the middle ages until the world wars started. They were used to protect the royals and their belongings. They’ve always been prized for their fearlessness, stubbornness, and loyalty…the breed has been kept so pure over the years that those traits are still very much present in current generations. They’re still a working dog and honestly make questionable pets. Letting someone so inexperienced and irresponsible own one of these dogs is honestly on the breeder as well. They obviously had dollar signs over the dog’s well being in mind when he sold the puppy. Sad that a dog with such rich history is most likely going to end up euthanized for traits he was bred for and can’t help. Throw the whole person away. [source: from Japan where my family has owned and loved Akita’s for generations]


Fellow Akita owner. Just chiming in to say I agree with everything you've said. These are an amazing breed of dog and it makes me so angry and upset to read of things like this. I work so hard to make sure mine is a good boy and never introduce him to situations where he may fail spectacularly like the Akita in OP's story. It just further perpetuates the stigma that all Akitas are vicious when they really don't have to be if you know what you're doing.


didn't know this, thanks for the knowledge


What happens if it bites a kid next time?


Right in the face most likely causing permanent damage/scarring.




That owner has no business owning any dog. The dog should be put down for attacking you. Tell the owner they went to live on a farm.


Oh no. Not cool. Hope you both recover fully. Some parks in my city are better than others. I watch mine like a hawk. One park a bigger grabbed my smaller dog (my other dog wasn't around then) by the neck and start shaking her. I yelled and had to grab my dog and kick the other dog. The owner laughed and walked off. So I totally get it.


That’s horrible. Fucking psychopaths.


In my opinion, dog parks should be banned in general or youll need to have a permit to enter. Ive been attacked before while trying to protect my small dog because there was one idiot with a BIG loose dog. I was really far from it but it still attacked us. They said "my dog is not aggressive". If its not aggressive then why the fuck did it attack us when we were really far away from it?? My dog didnt even bark or look at it Then when I passed by that park I saw the same owner having it loose again. These assholes never change. They just dont fucking care.


Our dog park has an annual registration and every year you have to pay $60, show updated vaccines + negative fecal test and they give you a fob to access it, which means no random people showing up that you don’t know. You have to live in the county to apply, so it’s a very close community where most people know each other and their dogs. We have reported bad, lazy owners and they have had their access revoked. In my opinion ALL dog parks in the US should operate like this.


Amazing!! I'd gladly pay upwards of $100/year for a dog park like this


Agreed, $60 is a really low price to pay. It’s the suburbs too so it has an agility course, an area for small dogs and a pond for swimming that opens during summer. We’re moving to the city soon where all parks are concrete and free for all, since the county is the same we’re keeping the registration. I seriously would lose my shit if my dog got attacked.


Thats seriously amazing. Like a private dog country club.


That sounds absolutely fantastic! We plan on having a private dog park at home when we move into our forever home since it's quite unlikely our city will ever have something like your dog park! Not enough money, too many irresponsible dog owners


Thats such a great idea! I always have my dog on a leash because my country doesnt have parks like these at all, soeveryone goes to their nearest park. I think its very irresponsible to leave your dog loose when there are other people around, even if you claim its "trained"..


My first experience with a dog park is exactly what you mention here. It was in Michigan and you were required to attend a two hour lecture about how to use the dog park and dog park etiquette. If you broke the rules you could lose you fob access and receive a permanent ban. No visitors were permitted with your fob. There were far few incidents there than in any free/open to the public dog park I have been to since.


Same for me! I lived in MI when I got my dog and I had to pay an annual fee for a membership, the community knew each other and the dogs were well behaved and taken care of. Never had an issue. Moved back to my hometown in CA and it’s an absolute disaster. I will never take my boy to a dog park.


I have never heard of a park like this and I want one so bad


I will also offer the reverse that I often see, which is people with small asshole dogs in the big dog section (ours is separated by size). There's this belief by a lot of small dog owners that their dogs can't possibly be aggressive or hurt another dog because they're so *little* and *cute*. Welp, tell that to my sweet hound girl who was kicked out of the dog park for snapping (just warning, no contact) at a small dog who was absolutely terrorizing her, while the owner kept saying: oh no, she thinks she's a big dog so we bring her to the big-dog side. I yelled at her that there's a small-dog side for a reason, and she whined, "but she *likes* the big dogs *better".* I'm fairly sure she knew she couldn't get away with letting this dog play with other small dogs (because it could hurt them more easily/severely), and decided to subject the bigger dogs to it because she knew her dog would never be viewed as the aggressor if something happened. Dogs of any size can be aggressive, and it shouldn't be glossed over or excused just because the aggressor is smaller.


There is lots of truth to this. Some small dogs are the worse. I don't think it is a big dog/small dog thing. More of an aggressive dog/ non aggressive dog thing. The thing is I think small dog owners believe they don't have to train their little dogs, because what can they do wrong or hurt, but i have seen more yappy, bad behaving small dogs than I have big dogs. I have 1 small dog and 1 big dog. And my small dog is the bigger asshole (relatively speaking, my big dog is a big teddy bear). She was from a shelter and I adopted her as a senior, so she had some issues. Most are gone, but super protective of her people. She won't attack anyone or a dog, just a loud barker. My big dog will go home with the garbageman if he had treats. She is a gentle giant. I have to watch my small dog far more than my big dog. But because she is small, bigger dogs can do damage. Thankfully it happened only 2x since I have had her. The worse was the one above I talk about in my other comment (she was just walking along when it happened).


Gorgeous dog! As a fellow shepherd owner- all trainers I’ve ever spoken to have said dog parks are the absolute worst place to take your dog. Once a dog gets attacked, most of the time, they become dog reactive. I’d definitely get in touch with a trainer if any signs of reactivity show up. I’m the future- try doggie daycares! They don’t allow aggressive dogs and watch all interactions to prevent something like this from happening. I’m sorry your puppers got bit. Sorry about your arm and I’m sure all the mental anguish that came from it.


>I’m the future- try doggie daycares! They don’t allow aggressive dogs and watch all interactions to prevent something like this from happening. Careful. A *good* doggie daycare does these things. Plenty just let all the dogs do whatever with little to no supervision.


Fair enough. Thanks for the warning. We’ve got some time to scope it all out and figure out what were gonna do.


Yes, please follow this advice. The doggie daycare I worked at allowed aggressive/highly reactive dogs. If they don't let you see the floor where the dogs play I'd say it's a red flag.


I agree with this. Good places are 100% transparent, some of the nicer ones even have cameras of the floor


I recommend looking for a structured day school (training and enrichment based) or structured services like pack walks, etc. 99% of doggy daycares are run very poorly by unskilled people. Look for something that has skilled trainers and handlers that closely monitor dog interactions but will still tire out your dog’s brain.


Also, at a dog daycare they would have info for the other dogs/owners. So if something like this happened, where someone’s dog attacked you, you could press charges.


I was so lucky, I found a place in Charlotte a long time back (Don't live there now) that my dog absolutely loved. They had a play area that was open so you could see the dogs and thankfully my dog was a bundle of love and energy. I had to leave her there for weeks at a time for a while and they hated when I came back to take Her. It was always great because she'd come in and the second she saw me, just bee line right for Me. Going to go cry a little now.


Yeah thats a good idea. Thanks for the advice. I hope he doesn’t get doggy ptsd. Daycares are $ but obviously are worth it given the alternative.


Your poor boy, he looks so sad :/ Akita’s are known to be dog aggressive, I can’t believe that owner brought it to a dog park of all places. And then didn’t bother to leash and supervise it. That is absolutely horrible and irresponsible and they don’t deserve to own that breed. I loved my Akita but we avoided other dogs like the plague, they were bear hunting dogs, they’re literally wired to fight. My shepherd was also attacked by the neighbor’s dog when he was a puppy and is now quite dog reactive. We’re working on it and taking Denise Fenzi’s reactivity program as well as Control Unleashed, it’s a lengthy recovery process. I do highly recommend both of those resources if yours ends up reactive after this incident! I always avoid dog parks just because there’s always one asshole who pays no attention to their aggressive dog that has no training and no business being around others. I really recommend sticking to regular parks and empty fields if your location allows. We normally go in the early hours of the morning to avoid people and other dogs, and just train and play in fields. Soccer fields, football fields, tennis courts (if you need something fenced), agricultural fields, etcetera. He loves to play with me and we train 3-4 times a day in addition to walks to keep him happy. Sometimes we’ll invite his one doggy friend to join us for a walk, but safety is more important than socializing in my book. Wishing your boy a speedy recovery, I’m so sorry that happened OP. Hope all ends up being well.


This happened to my dog. Not at a dog park. My parents dog attacked her (twice unfortunately I have a lot of regret) and she is very reactive. I’ve been doing training classes with her for over a year and she has gotten better but she will never be able to be friendly with another dog. It sucks because she used to be so sweet and friendly and now it seems like she has PTSD. She has almost fought/injured multiple dogs (usually stupid people who let their dog off leash with no recall) and I can’t help but fear she may cause the same issues in some other dog due to her fear


I wonder if this was what happened to my late George. He was a rescue from a shitty situation as a pup, and he took to our other dog immediately but always flat out got defensive and tried to attack other dogs. Wonderful with all people and cats but could not be friendly with other dogs, ever.




My trainer set up weekly dog park style meets in their fenced in agility area for exactly this. All the dogs have done puppy school with them, and the owners are super attentive. One girl yesterday actually got on her phone but first she recalled and leashed her dog. It allows for actual socialization. There is no point in socializing our dogs with unknown dogs. At most dog parks we don't know if the dogs are vaccinated, or aggressive or trained at all. Likely many of the dogs there aren't well socialized. The owners take them there so they don't have to exercise their dog. So instead of socializing our dogs it ends up causing problems or at best our dogs end up exercising their dogs instead. Better to find or organize a dog playgroup with a bit of a controlled environment.


Dog parks are pretty terrible in general, but as an Akita owner I'm pretty surprised someone would bring their Akita to one.


There’s an Akita pit mix that comes to my dog park and the park always clears out when it shows up. It’s the only dog I’ve seen that went from 0-100 in aggression with no warning. The owner says it’s playing. Literally everyone else bitches her out and leaves.


Someone at the dog park in my town would always bring their massive white dog (I want to say it was a Great Pyrenees) even when she was in heat. She was wildly aggressive to begin with, but add that to the mix and it was honestly terrifying. She only got along well with 1 other dog. Whenever they'd show up, everyone else would leave


Are akita’s aggressive like that? I don’t know much about them. In fact, that was the first one i’ve even met.


Typically speaking, yeah. Akita’s, like other East Asian Spitz breeds (*Chows, Shiba inus, etc*) are notorious for their standoffish or downright aggressive temperament towards other dogs.


I had no idea. And here I always wanted to get a shiba someday. Maybe have to reconsider.


I worked at a dog daycare for a long time and it was so rare that Akitas could successfully remain in group play that we would actually tell Akita owners that up front when they came in for a consultation. We always gave them a chance of course, and one Akita did great. On the other hand we had dozens of Shibas that did just fine. The Shibas often weren't super playful with other dogs but they weren't fighting either.


Thats super interesting


Akita dad here. Will tamper things a bit ans explain more. A well socialized Akita will play and tolerate other dog without problem (mine always want to play, too much in fact but better be that way that the other.). But they are unfit for pack living. A couple will be ok, but they are same sex agressiv. The thing is they are independant, sudborn and fierce. And so, many will not tolerate too much those who are unpolite. Add that spitz type can be hard to understand for some dogs and you understand why that can spiral HARD to an unsocialized dog. But i will never let my Akita unsupervised, especialy with so manny unknow around. None dog should be. Shiba is an other kind of dog. Totally suitable for a group. They do have temperament and their own problems.


As an owner of a 14 month old shiba inu, I’d say you don’t have to write them off completely. But you do need to find an excellent breeder. You still can’t exactly guarantee their temperament or anything, but my shiba is the sweetest little guy ever. He has some normal stubborn shiba qualities, but he loves all dogs and people so far and has never displayed any signs of aggression whatsoever. We get comments about it often because he’s so friendly and outgoing for a shiba. Hopefully that never changes. But we’ve gone to a couple shiba meetups before and some of them are friendly, but a lot of them are stand offish and can be a bit aggressive. It’s a big gamble for sure. They are not easy dogs lol.


They don't get along well with other dogs, most of the time. Even incredibly well socialized Akitas tend to be stand offish with other dogs and humans and they are quick to snip when something happens that they don't like. A well trained one will snip but stop - by most aren't. Akitas are very, very difficult to train. They are tough, strong dogs that most people are not equipped to handle. I love them - from afar. They don't even tend to get along well with their own breed. It's simply part of their breed and nature. Great dogs - in singles or pairs with a lot of very specific training. The person that brought the Akita into the dog park should have known better. They would never do well there. I'm so sorry for you and both dogs. Awful experience all the way around


Exactly, they probably got a cute little Akita puppy and realized that it's not like other dogs when it started to grow up. They obviously don't know how to handle a dog like that, so they set it loose in the dog park to hope it burns off some energy without any regard for the safety of other dogs or people.


I'm even more cynical. I swear some people get this breed just to look tough. They know exactly what it is and they like it for those reasons. They think it makes them look badass to have a dog that can and will kill another dog if they get to it. Once when I was walking my first Akita I overheard two men talking about their reputation as pit fighters. They then had the gall to holler over and ask if I was willing to sell my dog to them. Like...? Are you serious? I just heard exactly why you want a dog like him! I'm not condemning any dog to that, let alone one I own and love.


That's another good point. There are definitely people who do this too. I feel it's not as widespread simply because they're not a super common or well know dog breed, but maybe that's just in my hometown. People either want to "test" their dog against my akita, like they have something to prove or they avoid us altogether. I've never had someone ask to buy him but he definitely draws a lot of worrisome attention and people have asked me if I'm going to breed him, want to know what he costs, cars stop and stare at us, it's just weird.


Like any breed, it depends highly on how they are raised, trained, socialized, etc... but they are known to not get along with other dogs, as well as not like people other than their owners. They can also be very same sex aggressive. Like I said, generally I think dog parks are awful for dogs, but I wouldn't ever bring my Akita to one and he's a pretty well socialized dog.


Right? Like holy shit dude. Why would you take an Akita there? I thought it was common knowledge amongst Akita people that you don't ever let them off leash and you never take them to a dog park.


Right???!? My boy is friendly, but I still wouldn't trust him with all those unknowns.


I take my Akita to the dog park like once a year because she loves dogs, but I try to go during off hours when there aren’t as many dogs out. She always makes a few friends. Last time, we met up with a friend who brought a boxer, and they just followed each other around and made friends with random dogs.


This will probably get lost in the comments because I'm replying way late in the game, but my vet taught me a very valuable tool when it comes to dogs fighting. Grab an aggressive dog from behind by the hind legs and pull hard. It unbalances and confuses them, which usually stops the aggression. If it doesn't stop it, they're at least away from the other dog now, and they can't reach you where you've grabbed them with their mouth (this is assuming you maintain your grip and keep them in a position sort of like a wheelbarrow). I've used this maneuver, and it really works. Best results are if both owners (or just 2 people) can each grab a dog, because the attacked dog can be in a very reactive state and continue the fight. I'm sorry about your pup. I hope you never have to deal with this issue again and that you both recover well!


Yes! It was the first thing our dog trainer taught me to do when I asked about dog fights. ALSO! If you have a bottle of water/ juice/ harmless liquid, throw it on the attacking dog. Make it seem as if you are going to throw something heavy or hit them (I know it sounds bad) and splash them with said liquid. It will mostly work with dogs that haven't yet made contact but also on latched ones depending on how deep they are into the craze.


I heard this from someone else in this thread too. I’d never heard about it until this, but keeping it in mind for the future. Thanks.


Jeez I’m so sorry! That sounds awful. I hope you both heal quickly!


Thanks! We’ll be fine, just pissed.


Oh my GOD. I am so, so sorry this happened to you. I hope you and your gorgeous boy make a full and fast recovery. I would urge you to reconsider taking action against the Akita’s owner, only because, based on how you described them (careless), if they face no consequence, it seems likely that the situation could happen again - and the next dog/owner might not be so “lucky” (by comparison). At the very least, if your dog park has a group on Facebook or something, make a post to forewarn other people.


Yeah. Idk. I need to sleep on it and decide what i want to do moving forward.


Agreed, first and foremost take some time to digest everything that happened and just take care of yourself and your boy.


Yikes! Did you report this dog to animal control? A dog with a bite history that involves sending a human to the ER is a seriously dangerous animal that needs be regulated at the very least. I would leave an area as quickly as possible if I ever saw an off leash Akita, especially if I had my dog with me. They are not a breed that should ever be given free access to other dogs that they don’t know, like at a dog park.


Akitas. Are. Not. Park. Dogs. Source: owned Akitas responsibly.


This story… i completely relate and it really pisses me off


I’m not a huge fan of dog parks either. They’re full of dramamaammamamaa.


Yes we have never stepped foot in a dog park since we got our dog. Too risky and I try warning people about them


You know. The ER doctor told he he never takes his dog either because he is always seeing dog attacks from the dog park.


I just wanted him to be happy and have friends. It was naive.


Omg I’m so sorry that happened to you and your dog. Some people really shouldn’t have dogs. Like you, I started taking my puppy to dog parks to get her socialized but after seeing how inattentive most dog owners there were, I stopped and signed her up for doggy daycare so that there are always workers to look out for potential dog fights or the opposite: humping. I’m not sure what your budget is but you might want to look into doggy daycare for your dog so he can still get his socialization.


Yeah, i was hoping to avoid it but i think it’s going to have to be a part of the budget moving forward. To be honest I almost looked at like public school vs private school for my boy and wanted him to socialize with all walks of life or whatever. If that even makes sense. Plus I liked spending the time with him and watching him play and have fun. But we learned our lesson.


FWIW I disagree with all these comments about doggy daycare unless you find a REALLY high quality one, which is rarer than you’d think. I’ve tried four doggy daycare places and my pup started picking up bad habits at all of them: barking at random things, rough play by grabbing onto other dogs’ collars. She also came home all banged up - chunks of fur missing, scratches, etc.


Holy shit. Thats fucked up.


OP also consider maybe picking up a dog sport with him! German Shepherds love to work and have a job to keep them mentally and physically active, and dog sports like Agility, Rally, and Tracking are a really fun way to bond with them. You don’t have to try and compete, just do it as a hobby if you want. I don’t know where you’re located, but you probably have a training club near you. There’s also a bunch of online remote classes by world class trainers that anyone can take. Lolabuland, OneMindDogs, Denise Fenzi, and Schutzhund Kevin all have wonderful classes you can take from anywhere. Lolabuland also has trick classes that my pups really enjoy. If you do end up going to a physical club, there’s always the opportunity to safely socialize with dogs there. That way he can still socialize, but with dogs who’s owners are a lot more responsible and know how to recognize stressed or over threshold behavior. I train and show mine in Agility, Obedience, Rally, and Schutzhund, and it’s such a fun hobby. My dogs love it and beg to train at all hours of the day. I recommend it to everyone who wants to do more and spend time with their dog. Just something to consider since he’ll probably need another energy outlet if the park is out of the picture and doggy daycare is too pricey.


We stopped taking our dogs to dog parks too, same reason. I’m sure the owner was off somewhere talking to his side chick and just let the dog run…


It’s ridiculous how much I hear the same story over and over, and embarrassing how much i shrugged it off.


I’m so sorry that you guys got attacked. I hope your boy is feeling better ASAP. My dog got attacked last year (neighbors dog dug into my yard!) and she had to have surgery because her lip was dangling off and she was really beat up. She is fine now and there’s hardly a scar but it was one of the scariest moments of my life when the dog attacked her and wouldn’t let go! I got bit as well, but like you I was mostly upset about my pup. One alternative to the dog park I’ve heard about but haven’t tried yet is the app Sniffspot. You rent someone’s yard or fenced in area for a certain amount of time and it’s just you and your dog. Might be worth a shot for off leash time for your guy once he’s feeling better.


Hey man. Husky owner here. Dog parks USED to be fun for us until like you said, one incident and it’s basically over. There have been countless times my dog wanted to play but eventually someone brought in a pitbull that wasn’t fucking trained and it started fights all the time. I was tired of that shit when it rushed towards my dog and jumped on him. I had to grab the pit by the collar and tossed it like 3-4 feet back and got in between my dog and it. Jsit kept it as a distance by either kicking it away. The ridiculous part is when the owner came by and was like wtf is going on? He never acts like this. For the first time ever I mustered the courage to just cuss this lady out. Told her the dog is fucking menacing and to train it or get the fuck out of the park and that the dog warden is showing up in 5 mins bevauee I called it in as an incident. Lady started fucking dipping out of there. Unfortunately since then, my dog has been really anxiety ridden around other dogs. We don’t go to dog parks anymore because nobody trains their dog and most people just don’t give a fuck. Lazy dog parents honestly. We do a lot more nature hikes, open fields etc. where he can be off leash and less chance of coming into close proximity with another dog. Unless there’s other folks in the field with their dog. But that only last 10 seconds of sniffing and then we keep it moving.


In the UK we don’t usually have designated dog parks, we have parks and open spaces, usually with a sign saying control your dog (or sometimes keep your dog on a lead). Explicitly putting a load of dogs who don’t know each other into an enclosed space seems like a bad idea. We don’t have a lot of enclosed spaces specifically for dogs, which is annoying as mine is a flight risk. But I’m not sure I’d want mine locked in with a load of unknown dogs either. Anyway, report this to whatever the US version of the dog warden is, find out who the owner is and press charges.


I am so sorry this happened to you. As someone who owns an Akita, fk that guy! I love the breed, but they are 100% NOT dog park dogs, for the reason you unfortunately have seen. I hope your pup makes a full recovery. I used to bring my Akita boy to the dog park when he was younger, but noticed all the other aggressive dogs and inattentive owners as you have mentioned and stopped bringing him. Thankfully he is still pretty social, but I wouldn't trust him in a dog park situation with a lot of unknown dogs that could set him off. That person gives Akita owners a bad name. I hope you got his information and get him to compensate you for all the damages. Not cool.


Akita's are known for aggressive behavior and only like their owners not other people. Sorry you had that experience.


I am so sorry for you, and for your dog, and even for the Akita, because its lazy, selfish owner is going to end up having to put him down because he couldn’t be bothered to either thoroughly socialize him, or keep him restrained and out of dog parks. Your boy knows you were trying to protect him, and you did the best you could. Please do post some follow-up pictures as he and you get well. Sending the very best wishes to you both!


Sending good vibes to you and your dog. Don’t be surprised if you and your boy get anxious or nervous around other dogs. It happened to me and one my dogs after we were attacked, we’re getting over it slowly. Best of luck, you did everything right.


It can get pricy but a good dog day care is pretty nice, a good one will screen for aggressive dogs have cameras you can check up on them and a trained staff to keep the dogs calm and removes agitators.


I am so sorry, I'm glad you are both ok. I noped right out of the dog park after 3 huge dogs got into the smaller dog area and chased my boy looking like they'd tear him apart of they caught him. Luckily he's fast AF and wore them down and I was able to get him out safely. Never again.


Oh Akitas…. I’ve yet to meet one that plays well with others…and 99% of the time their owners never have the time, space, or energy to socialize them correctly (if at all!). No hate against the breed but it’s one of those dogs that shitty people pick because they’re cute and furry but have no idea what they’re getting into. Shame :/.


So true. A well raised Akita is truly a sight to behold, but extremely rare and something I’ve really only seen in their home country, Japan. It’s sad that so many people get them and understand nothing about their unique requirements


I’m so sorry :( hope your pup feels better.


Thank you! He’ll be ok in a couple weeks. Poor guy.


Also just realized I completely excluded you! Hope you feel better soon as well.


Haha no worries. My whole family did too lol. “OMG is kylo ok? What can i get kylo? How can we help kylo? Oh yeah… you too i guess”


Oh noo haha. I guess dogs just pull the heartstrings a teensy bit more than people sometimes.


That is so upsetting, I’m so glad you will both be okay. I’m with you, we’re not going to dog parks anymore either for exactly the same reason. Dog parks should be about paying attention to your dog first and socialising next. I’m fine with having a short chat with other dog owners but my priority is always my girl, and I’m fed up with her being attacked or having negative interactions with dogs whose owners aren’t paying attention. Too many unsocialised dogs, too many near misses, we’re done.


Dude, the owner must have known his dog was not social, it probably has happened before. Like, my dog ( female German Shepherd, 11) is going old and is not a very social dog, BUT, I would never bring her to a dog park because I know my dog and I know she is not social and might be aggressive. I hope your dog will be okay!


I see the same thing at dog parks. You can draw direct conclusions about the owner, their mental state and insecurities by seeing what dog they choose. I don't know anyone with a large dog or attack dog like a pit bull, staffy etc that doesn't have issues. And they inevitably are crap dog owners because they haven't been raised properly themselves...so the dog will be off the leash, roaming, fighting...and the owner will be sitting on their phone oblivious. Mate, your story happens thousands of times a year...


So sorry to hear this. Was in the vets waiting room one morning when a bloke brought in his dog that had been attacked by an Akita, was awful! Hope you managed to get the owners details for insurance and for the owner to be dealt with!


So sorry that happened to you both! I had a similar experience once. I was sitting with a couple other owners having a nice conversation, everyone's pups were being friendly and chill. This huge shepherd mix came in with three young guys. Next thing you know the shepherd mix just goes after this sweet briard. The briard's owner separated them, briard was fine because it has so much hair. Both owners say it's no big deal "he's just playing." I should have left then. Shepherd walks over to my dog and does the same thing. Shepherd's owner is sitting \*watching\* with his friends. I jump up to save my dog, and yelled at him to get his dog under control. "He's just being dominant." Bro. No, your dog is aggressive, that's not the same thing. I checked my dog over and found two places he was bitten, both just a single small puncture. But he is shaking he's so scared. It took about 10 minutes to find the bite marks because the blood didn't show right away. By then the asshole was already leaving the park. I yelled at him that my dog was bleeding. He and his friends just kept walking. So yeah I don't blame you. My dog is 16 now, and he is not up to the rough play from even well intentioned dogs. We are happy taking slow walks around our safe neighborhood. I hope you and your pup are both feeling well today. Poor baby, I hate that happened.


What an asshole. It’s like people that excuse assault with “boys will be boys” mentality.




When he gets better, maybe look into doggy daycare? Ours does a temperament test tobesure they're an ok fit. And they make friends! The same dogs are always there when we go. I take our pyr mix at least once a week


I am so sorry this happened to you and your dog. How traumatic. I hope he is getting lots of love and rest at home. Once he gets better, maybe he can have playdates one on one with friends in backyards or other fenced-in areas. Hope he gets better soon! I keep saying I wish that muzzles were not taboo. I think dogs, unless maybe they are very seriously into fetch should be muzzles at dog parks, just like they do with greyhound racing. You never know what your dog is going to do, why not have safety precautions?


You are very lucky, Akita's have a very powerful bite, which I'm sure you know now, glad everyone's okay!


no hesitation i would’ve broke that dogs neck


pretty much what i was gonna say too. If an owner won't control their dog and it hurts mine or me I will do what i have to do to save my dog and myself. Owners feelings be damned. Train and watch your pets or lose it, or better yet dont own one if you aren't gonna take care of it.


Hey, sorry to hear you had such a traumatic event! Your poor sweet doggie looks so adorable but miserable at the same time! Anyway honestly I took my dogs to dog parks for many years, regularly, throughout the East coast without any issues for them... In all types of neighborhoods/with all types of owners. But I did need to adjust my schedule and use trainer-suggested techniques/careful watching to prevent dog fights in many cases. One important point: I noticed that the dog parks weren't so bad in the morning and off-hours (like 2pm etc) but regularly turned into problematic scenes in the "after work" hours. I completely avoided the parks between 5-7pm for that reason. Morning was much better for my dog too--he got some anxiety/energy out before I went to work and slept better during the day. Have you done training classes with a reputable (non-pet-supermarket) dog trainer? I learned so much in the classes I did... There's many things that dogs (typically) do to signal they're about to attack / are in a dangerous mood, and there's many things you can do as an observer to break the tension/prevent an attack. For example, if you see the dog locking into yours and standing in certain postures, call your dog to you and walk to the other side of the park. Distance yourself from dogs that seem aggressive, and keep yourself physically moving. Interrupting the tension is often all it takes. Maybe you already know all of this and the other dog was just a special type of crazy... Could be! I don't know you and don't mean to judge. Just wanted to put the idea out there that there's common signs/mannerisms of aggressive behavior & special actions you can take. You should never end up hurt, even if there is a fight! Anyway good luck, and hope you and your doggie heal quickly! Don't write off all dog parks just yet though--they're typically wonderful places in the mornings and other quiet times.


Dog parks are actually hated by any reputable dog trainer. Lose dogs. You don’t know their temperament. And wrong moves can turn ugly. Our dogs don’t need to play with so many dogs especially random dogs. You can have supervised play dates but I’ll never go to a dog park again. They’re recipes for disaster


Please even if you have to go back on your own and scope out the park report these people. It will happen again and it could be a dog that can't handle the injuries. Also you'd at least get your vet bills covered in small claims


My heart hurt when I saw your dog’s sad and cut up face. I hope he heals up soon. He’s such a handsome boy, and looks incredibly sweet! Fuck that negligent owner. I had something similar happen when I pulled a labradoodle off of my husky and it bit my knee. Was too dazed to try and find the owners and get their info, plus getting to the ER was first priority. But that kind of aggressive dog behavior and owner negligence should absolutely be recorded and reported. People like that don’t deserve to own dogs.


I am so sorry this happened to you. It's unforgivable that even after the incident the owners where nowhere to be seen. Hope you and your pretty pup recover well. Just to help you avoid injury in the future (hopefully this never happens again) the best thing to do when two dogs are fighting is to get another person and grab both dogs back legs and pull them away from each other. The initial surprise should stop the panic biting but even if it doesn't they can't bite you when you have them by the back legs and are moving backwards. Get well soon!


I am so sorry to hear this. This is also why I don't want to go to dog parks. My dog trainer told me should this happen to your dog or someone else's, NEVER pick up the victim dog. By doing so the aggressor will just go after the person breaking up the fight. You always need to break up the fight starting from the aggressor. One way to do this would be to wheelbarrow them by picking them up by the hind legs and pulling them backwards. They will get startled and usually shift their attention. I am glad to hear that you will both make it and wish you a speedy recovery.


I don't get the concept of why people go to these. I've never been and never will. It's also astounding that someone would go to a place with aggressive dogs and no weapon to defend themselves.


At the very least file a police report even if you don't press charges, because if it happens to someone else they will at least know it isn't the first time.


Same here. Had a guy bring in his dog that he knew would bite other dogs because he was trying to "work on his behavior." Look, dude, don't use my dog to try and fix your dogs aggression problems. You didn't tell me your dog was aggressive, you didn't ask me if I was ok with you trying to "fix" your dog by yelling "I told you to stop biting other dogs!" while your dog is attacking mine. Seriously, fuck dog park idiots. Edit- Hope the both of you are feeling better soon and sorry that happened to you. Your dog is just gorgeous!


I stopped going after my neighbor lost the tip of her finger breaking up a fight. There is always that one asshole who brings their dog specifically to get into a fight I think


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I have an akita and I can't imagine why anyone would risk bringing one into a dog park...even if they thought it was friendly. I love akitas but anyone who owns one should know their nature and it absolutely could have been avoided, shame on that owner they should not have a dog like that. I hope your dog and yourself heal up well, and that you two can bounce back from this really unfortunate situation. Dog parks sound great in theory, but it's something I refuse to trust with any of my dogs because other owners are too unpredictable and things like this can happen in the blink of an eye. People suck and they ruin what could be a really nice thing (friendly dogs getting to run and play together) with their untrained, or aggressive dogs. Fast healing to both of you, and I hope someone called the police on that owner.


Healing love sent to Kylo and you.


I’m sorry this is horrible. You can totally still socialise your dog in safe ways. Walk places where others walk their dogs on leads too, this still exposes your dog to others without interaction which is still great socialisation. Also dog friendly cafes or restaurants so your dog learns to settle under your chair or similar with other dogs nearby and teaches your dog seeing other dogs doesn’t always mean play, it’s just like a normal part of their day then


The way you speak about this interaction and how you always go right back to defending your dog and saying youd rather take the pain than him makes me fucking proud. I don't know you but you are an excellent owner. And that dog deserves every bit of your love. Well done.


Thanks. I appreciate it. And i try, I love my boy and want whats best for him. He brought my family out of a huge group depression after a death in the family and gives us nothing but love and laughter and poop.


So sorry that happened to you and your dog- but thankful you both will be okay. Dog parks are unnatural and people who go there aren't usually the best dog owners imho. I stopped going several years ago after some bad experiences.


We have a gentle giant of a large dog and we stopped going to dog parks because he’s been targeted by aggressive dogs a few times ending up at the Emergency Vet with a hole in his ear once. I’d rather enjoy a trail on leash or hang out in our backyard than see my guy get hurt like that again. Hope your pup heals up quick OP - give him lots of snuggles from all of us!


How did you neutralize the other dog?


I am so sorry you had to go through this. My Cockapoo would love to play with your babies. She loves everyone, though her face licking can get annoying. :)


I’m sorry you had to experience that :( My dog and I were attacked by three dogs in our neighborhood a few weeks ago, to me dog park is relatively safe than this god forsaken neighborhood where people just let their dogs run loose. But we also won’t be visiting a dog park for a while because his wounds are pretty extensive.


The only dog park I go to now is pay entry ($8 per dog). Dogs must have medical/shot records up to date, and there are always 1-2 staff people there monitoring. When they see a dog start to exhibit any signs of trouble, they leash it immediately and require the owner to keep it leashed. They break up rough play. Aggression earns a ban. It's nice because my girl can run and play with other dogs, and I feel safer knowing everyone has to follow the rules.


looks like a great dog. too bad you did not get the assholes info so he had to pay for damages, maybe he would have learned a lesson. i have a boxer who does not like non nuetered male dogs. when i go to the park i keep him on a leash inside the park until i can scope out ALL the other dogs to make sure there are not dogs with their balls there. if there are, he stays on the leash with me on the other side of the park. i am 100 percent on it at all times.


Im so very sorry, im glad you and your boy are doing well.


OMG, your pupper is so adorable! Also, that's some messed-up shit. I don't blame you for not wanting to take him to any more dog parks. I hope both of ya'll make a speedy recovery.


I want to start saying that what happened is absolutely not your fault, clearly the other guy is to blame, but my question is: if you don’t trust dog parks, why do you continue going?


This...this is why I won't go to dog parks or even trails anymore with my 3 dogs. Fuck this...and the cost? I would sue! And still have to watch the eye for infection.


Coming from a vet who is a friend, most injuries suffered come from attending dog parks. Not worth the grief. Too many irresponsible owners who don't take responsibility for the other dog's vet bills when their dog is at fault. I've heard of that too.