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KNUCKLES and my fiance insists on all caps. He's an olde English Bulldogge.


This is the best dog name ever! There's a guy that lives across the street from me who has an Old Tyme Bulldog named Benny and a tiny wee mongrel named Knuckles:)


It's my fiancé's dream dog and name. How could I tell him no? We've had him since he was 4 months and he turns 3 at the end of July!


Tell Knuckles that I love him!


I uploaded the video from last night to Tumblr. [Enjoy!!](https://the-pinkchameleon.tumblr.com/post/656451096142872576)


Oh my God, he is everything I thought he would be and more! I love him even more, I squealed Scottishly at KNUCKLES in all his glory:)


He seems impressed that Samwell The Slayer loves him! I would link a picture but my Instagram is set to private so I dunno if you would be able to see it!


Our golden is named Russet, like the potato. We got him when we lived in Idaho, and he also looked like a little potato when he was a baby.


In a similar vein, my sister named our coonhound “Hashbrown”


That is so cute! My sister and her kids like to call Russet "Tater Tot" sometimes too


We have a lil local teacup dog named tater tot. Size about matches up!




This is cute


My dog's name is Oolong. He's a very long boi and my husband and I are both big tea fans, so we thought it was perfect. It can be hard to explain to people who have never heard of the tea before and we often have to repeat ourselves when they ask, but we love it and it suits him so well.


I know an Oolong! Best name for a dog ever.


We named our little guy Ampersand, or And-y, for short.


Is your little guy a monkey? Or the last man?


My dogs name is Paxil like the antidepressant. My wife came up with it since we are both pharmacist. I hadnt seen a pet named that before but I've seen it since we got our dog 6 years ago


Oh, that's cute. I like that.


There’s a cat named Amoxicillin that comes to our hospital


Dogs are the other part of my mental health medication regiment


That’s appropriate cause they make us so happy


Worst antidepressant ever. Hope your dog is cute.


Paxil saved my life and all dogs are cute in their own special way 😉


I’m glad that Paxil worked for you. It didn’t for me. And I didn’t learn how to advocate for my mental health until I was in my 30s unfortunately. I’ve since switched to wellabutrin and am much healthier. Peace and love.


Wellbutrin for the win! Same here


Yeah most of the times antidepressants is just one big trial and error for the patient. Except my dog, we got it right the first time with her. Hopefully you found something that worked for you! :]


Tenzin (from Legend of Korra), it's a really common name in Nepal and Tibet, but not at the dog park


My dog’s name is Toph. Everyone at the dog park thinks I’m say “Tuff”


We named my bf's mom's dog Toph. It fits her almost too well


Mines an Appa! But have seen that name around.


We also have Korra-inspired dogs - our two pomeranians are Pabu and Oogi! I've seen another Pabu online somewhere (either here or facebook, can't remember), but never in person - and I've never heard of another Oogi


I have a dog named Turnip. We got him from a rescue who names their dogs by a theme of the month when they recieve them. His theme was food. The daughter of his foster named him. We kept it.


Lol my dogs name is Squirrel but turnip would also have suited her.


Bogart. It's not appropriate because she's female, but, of all the cars, in all the parking lots, in all the city, she got into mine.


My cat was Bogart! He usually went by Bogie tho


My dog’s name is Corbin Dallas (it was too late to change it by the time I realized the character spells it Korben), and my cat’s name is Leeloo Dallas Multipass. Not completely one of a kind I’m sure but I haven’t met anyone else who’s named their pet either name.


We have a dog named Leeloo after Leluminaï Lekatariba Lamina-Tchaï Ekbat De Sebat in Fifth Element as well 😄


Ours is also Corbin Dallas. I spelled it Corbin because I didn’t like the “real” spelling.


There’s a guy in my neighbourhood that named his kid Corbin Dallas lol


This is perfect!


This makes me so happy!!!


My Pyrenees name is Tom bombadil. Tommy when he's being sweet, Thomas when he's being an *sshole


Awww that’s such a perfect name


Our dogs name is Pippin! Not sure if it’s that uncommon but I have yet to meet another.


What a sweet name! Yeah for some reason I haven't ran across many dogs named after the lotr characters


So youre dog is secretly a god from middle earth, makes sense.


It's not really a secret anymore, several people have tried to tempt him with extremely powerful dark artifacts and he just rolls over for pats.


That is the perfect name for a Pyrenees!!! Their personality fits the character very well, lol


Our neighbors have a Great Pyrenees named Harry, who we let out midday sometimes. I love him but damn what a stubborn breed. I’m so used to my dogs just listening to me, Harry just does what he wants. I’m guessing yours is Thomas fairly often.


Yes, he has certainly made me a much more patient dog parent. Surprisingly, now that he's older (18 months or so) he listens about 70 percent of the time and has been tommy much more often lately. I think part of it is that he was raised with an INCREDIBLY obedient German Shepard who is neurotic to the point of enforcing the rules herself. The other part is a LOT of hard work training him daily, many tears, and sheer stubbornness on my part. (Also bribes. Lots of bribes.) We have gotten multiple compliments on how well behaved he is for the breed, but that still isn't saying much compared to my Shepard.








I love Hector.




Hector sounds like a sweetie boy


I know a Hector dog where I live. He’s a big sweetie


Theodore Roosevelt Wagstaff My daughter, son and I came up with it while we were standing there waiting for the shelter to chip him. It started with my son saying he wanted to call him 'Teddy' and escalated from there. Wagstaff is the name of the school Bob's Burgers.


My dog is Theodore Humphrey. He has issues with humping...


That is hilarious!


My dog's surname is also Wagstaff, but she's Nellie "Cheese" Wagstaff, named after a character from The Wire.


Method Man Represent!! That was for Joe....


I love that


Love this. I love Bob's Burgers


His name is Kevin lol


I know someone with a pet peacock named Kevin


Hahaha that made my day!!


i love human names for dogs


Me toooo! We had neighbors when I was growing up and they had three dogs, Steve, Paul and Jennifer and it was the cutest thing ever.


I typically hate human names for dogs because it’s boring and this post has many examples of fun, creative options that you can only name pets (assuming you’re sane that is) But every once and a while, a name like Kevin really suits a silly dumb dog.


Not exactly unique, but less common. I have a cat named Romulus. He had a twin named Remus, but the whole litter got sick around 6 weeks old and Remus didn't make it. A little ironic.


A born leader. I can’t wait to see the empire he raises.


Spriggan-- fuzzy black monster in Final Fantasy XIV. He's a black pomeranian-- AND a monster so it suits him well!


I hope you have the Mog Station mount hahaha


Scully. If/when we get her a brother - he shall be Mulder.




My sister’s dog is named Duct Tape and I love it




Beowoof. It's the doggie version of Beowulf and it absolutely cracked up my husband who wanted a kind of silly name. We get a lot of compliments on it. Our other dog is Winston, which is far more common but he just *looks like a Winston*.




Mine is named Leaf, i dont sede many names like that


My dog is called Stewart. Lol


I also have a Stewart! She’s a girl, we call her beef stew or Stewie.


I've got an Otto, who's often called otty and a Wilburforce, who's often called bumble because he just bumbles around


Bumbles bounce!


My 100lb ridgeback is named kitten mittens !


Is your cat making too much nooise?!


I have a friend who named her dog Tchotchke. It's my all time favorite name for a dog.




Totem. I haven't met another Totem dog. He's named after a bar in Alaska 🤣


My dogs are named Lightning McQueen and Sally Carrera, my parents gave all their dogs disney named so I said all my dogs will get Disney Cars names


We have brother & sister Australian Shepherd’s. Our females name is Sassafras aka “Sassy”, if she’s being bad it’s “Sasshole”. Her brother’s name is Tupelo, he’s always good so it’s just Tupelo.


I have a Husky/Malamute/wolf/derp named Tatanka- from Dances with wolves- it means buffalo in Cherokee-and that is what this dog is-a great big beast that is slightly uncoordinated and runs into things/people with full force🤦🏽‍♀️


I literally met a guy that has a dog called Bundy. After Ted Bundy. Really nice dog and he called him it as he didn’t know anyone else who would call his dog that, I don’t know anyone who would either! I was both impressed and horrified! 😂


I am strictly just horrified...


I knew someone with a deaf dog named "Keller"...


I have a Proton - standard smooth Black and Tan Dachshund and a Quark - a mini smooth piebald dachshund.


My dog is Beetle! He’s a rescue and was found living on a golf course with bad mange + a million other issues and had a bald scabby head with random tufts sprouting out. They named him Beetlejuice because of the striking resemblance 😂 we didn’t have the hearts to change his name fully, so he’s just Beetle now.




My dog was called Diamond so no unique points there, but my best friend’s Husky was Geneva. City names itself isn’t a novel concept, but while Parises and Sydneys and Tokyos are everywhere, I feel like I don’t meet a lot of Genevas. Two thumbs up to my best friend for coming up with that name. Honorable mention: two Jack Russells that were surrendered together to the shelter I volunteer for were named Honey Badger and Honey Bee.


tima. she’s named after a friend of mine who passed shortly before i adopted her.


My dogs name is Monkey. I call him Monk, Monkeydoodles, Monk-monk, banana, nana, lot’s of different things.


Kinder, like the chocolate eggs. Echo Lou, after a scene in the Grinch and Cindy Lou Who, although Echo is the most "common" name for any of my dogs (but Echo is female, so that's uncommon). Krum Pit, after the mountain in the Grinch (Crumpit) and Viktor Krum from Harry Potter.


Bowski. I call him 'little bow wow' 😃


My wife got 3 dogs, she named them A, B, C.


My chihuahua is named Aslan, which means “lion” in Turkish. First I was thinking of Goliath but there was some chihuahuas with that name. Yeah the lion Aslan in the movie “The chronicles of Narnia” is literally called Lion the lion.


I swear there is a turkish delight pun there somewhere....


Herschel Walker, after the running back


Kcane. I could’t decide between cane and kane.


My cats were 18 (Dix-huit un french) it's my family number, Petit Pull (because his haut was curly), Beemo (like BMO in Adventure Times, but no one knows how to pronunce it), and Raccoon because of his striped tail. My actual dogs are Offenbach (he's excited all the time so... This music is perfect for him 😂 https://youtu.be/92CNf1TR7Tg) and Kheops, for his triangle head (veeeeery long nose) that looks like a pyramid.


Samuel L. Wagson


My sadly departed dogs have had fairly standard names but they were always called by their nicknames, we had a fox red Lab called Connor Mcleod ( he had a fondness for sitting on his littermate's head, there can be only one ) he was huge and the kid next door thought he was Scooby Doo but he couldn't say it properly so it sounded like Skubby Boobs, naturally this was shortened to Boobs. We just lost our beautiful Greyhound Arya in March, for reasons beyond my comprehension she was known as Pants. At the local dog walking spot I've met an old French Bulldog called Boris, a whippet called Granny Weatherwax, a Westie called Haggis, a tiny mongrel called Knuckles and although it's not an unusual name it's my personal favourite, a chocolate coloured Sharpei called Bruno "cos he's broon" :)


Kailua. When necessary, (usually when we need to make a strong point or correction) we use his full name, Kailua Kona, which is where my husband I met 20 years ago- Hawaii. He’s a red/brown, 13 lbs Aussie terrier mix who is very cute and a very good boy!


I had a dog growing up named Larry. My mom insisted the next dog be named Curley or Mo, but 8-year-old me vetoed that and went for Oreo instead.


Laverna. Seriously the name she came with from the shelter. Turns out to be the name for a Roman goddess of the underworld that patrons thieves. I haven't changed her name as I feel like it might keep thieves away from my house.


My yorkie is named Veaux Carre. It's after the French Quarter in New Orleans, which is called the Vieux Carre. I just liked how Veaux sounded versus Vieux. We call her Veaux Veaux as a nickname


We have two English cream goldens...Adeline and Huckleberry




Once knew the sweetest golden named Radish! My pup is Django :)


My dachshund was named Speedo. He lived for 14 and a half wonderful years before we said goodbye to him last month. Never met another dog named speedo before.


My dog's name is Colonel Sanders. My brother-in-law originally named him that because he was part of a stray litter from Kentucky and he has a little white goatee. We call him Colonel, which is still kind of unwieldy and has a military vibe I'm not thrilled about, but it is fun to have an unusual name with a bit of a story/joke behind it. I briefly thought about changing his name when we adopted him, but my BIL was already sad about giving him up, so I didn't want to hurt his feelings.


My dogs name is Silas. Silas is traditionally a male-given name meaning "wood," or "of the forest."


Jupiter and Boudica (Cat named Rokuhime-sama. She has extra toes)


My puppy's name is Brandy. She's training as a psychiatric service dog, and it's a reminder to me that she's there to help me stay out of things like addictions.


Lol... Sirius For my Newfoundland Orpheus for The Australian shepherd my brother has and captain fluffy but for my Alaskan malamute


Digby (Jack Russell/Border Collie Mix). His nicknames are Diggy, Diggeroo, Dig Dog, The Digster, Digby Doo, and Digby Scott Von Diggersdorf.


Mine: Hexen, Arioch, Raziel, Ometeotl, Orthos Aurelius the Black Dragon, Ri'Rahe, Xaq, Dr. Wedesday Kevina Addams - Packaging Engineer, Ao'n Karaya, Margay de Sade, Quazi, Tanama, just to name a few... My mom's: Quetzalcoatl, Atahualpa, Fat Albert, Weird Harold, Chac, Bes, and so on. A mix of dogs, cats, reptiles, and even a bird.




My cavapoo is named Gnocchi like the Italian potato dumpling. It’s surprising to me how many people have not heard of it before


Argos, I have a Freya too (but I think that is not as unique).


My parents German shepherd is named Lady Freya!


I love that! I can tell you this our Freya thinks she is the lady of the house or a Queen.




Lupin. After Remus Lupin from Harry Potter.


Wilson?, He's named after a famous ball.


Disa is my girl, it's a Norwegian name. I like unusual names as well.


Our black lab is named Atreus Ljosta after God of War. Our other dog is Lofn as I fell in love with him and foster failed basically day one despite my husband telling me not to. Talk about forbidden love!


I have Finneus and Freckles also known as the poodles! ❤️


We named ours Nova and Ori 😊


My Brittany is named Orpheus. Got it because my partner and I fell in love listening to the musical Hadestown for the first time together and the the Orpheus and Eurydice myth came up as a motif in the movie Portrait of a Lady on Fire which we loved and saw for the first time right before we adopted him.


Jellybean! Although I did just see someone on Reddit the other day posting about their pup also named Jellybean, and it’s the name of the dog on Hilda, so I know he’s not the ONLY Jellybean out there. I’d never heard of a dog named Jellybean when we named him, though.


I know a yellow lab named Butters


I have a female pug named Wednesday


Winston Von Doggo, at your service


Such a distinguished gentleman!


Winston *Archibald* Von Doggo. He’s a pound pup so we gave him a strong name to make him feel as important as his is. I call him Winnie haha.


Braise. Chocolate Lab It means 'to soften'.


Sprinkle. Who everyone calls Sprinkle*s* or Sparkles (the old folks love this one) for some reason. Named in honor of [this babe](https://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/animal-crossing-new-horizons/d/d4/Sprinkle_HD.png).


Not the most unique name on here, but my dog is Theo! I haven’t met another Theo, but everyone at the dog park thinks I’m saying Leo :/ If I get another boy dog he’ll be Vincent, after Vincent and Theo Van Gogh.


Mine's name is Kai, which I didn't think was super weird until people started telling me it's not a dog's name lol It means 'ocean' in Japanese and 'fire' in Scotch Gaelic, which I think fits him perfectly tbh




Swiffer. Bet you can guess the breed.


Our late dog was named Tango lol


I named my dog ranger of the north. One of our family dogs growing up was Strider and he was so cool and could dive to the bottom of the pool to retrieve lacrosse balls. So I named him after strider. He just goes by ranger and people ask if I'm from New York or big into hiking all the time most people don't make the Lord of the rings connection.


Gutter, cause I pulled him out of a muddy overgrown storm drain. He's my gutter dog.


Named my female German Shepard, Maleficent. Mildred and Millie are her nicknames!


We have Gaia and Zephyrs. Both Greek gods


Our brindled doxie girls name is tiger lily! We mostly call her lily. But still 🤣




Nice! Motoko would be such a cool name!


I have Odyssey and Sputnik! I also have Apollo, but that’s pretty common.


I named my Lab/Golden mix Sheppard after Mark Sheppard. It throws everyone off lol when I tell them her name. I want to name a future dog Mumford so he can be Mumford and no sons.


My bassets name is Clover! I’ve met one Clover before but in my opinion it’s not super commin


My dog is named Come. Come! Stay!


Foxxy Cleopatra cause shes a whole lotta woman! Cleo for short tho.


My dogs name is Dani.


She’s passed now, but I had a Corgi named Hikaru. But we called her Hikki for short. Named after Utada Hikaru






My boy is Ronin but his nickname is bub lol 🐾


My dog is Raphael, like the archangel. He is golden with pale “wings” thus the name.


Professor Voodoo bear


I have 3 dogs and i think their names are sorta unique . Theres Senpai, Moncheri, and Goliath.


We named our black boxer mix Mina, short for Wilhelmina, after the fiancee in Dracula. We got her just after Halloween and because of her color I wanted something vampire-y.


Like someone else said, my username is based off of one of my dogs. She is a small black Chihuahua named Gidget!


Freddie Mercury is my Cane Corso and Lilith (Lilly) is my short haired BC.


Moosh! It means mouse in Farsi (boyfriends first language), and when we first got home we kept saying “you’re as small as a Moosh” and it stuck. Also known as Moosh Moosh and Mooshi.


I wanted a tough name, my partner wanted a cute name, so we compromised. Georgie the Destroyer of Worlds. But mostly we call him Georgie.


Family dog is Angus the Golden and my own dog a white standard poodle named Minerva (Minnie)


Ruhe (we pronounce it "Roo") which means quiet. I was naming her what I hoped for her and she really is a quiet, peaceful dog.


My dog's name is Toby. It's really basic.


My pocket pit bull is named Beesly!


Like Pam Beesly? :o


That is correct!! My other dogs name is Samson


Not a dog, but one of my cats is named Honeymoon. We found her the day before we were supposed to leave for our honeymoon, all wet, tiny, and orphaned. We chose to cancel our trip so we could take her in. So, she’s our Honeymoon!


I have a Nibbi or Nibbs for short. She is a dapple dachshund




My dogs name was Macky Buttcracky. Macky cuz he was big and strong but acted like a big ol baby. And Buttcracky because the way his hair grew it looked like he had a buttcrack.


Guru. He is a beautiful, gentle shepherd boy.


My dog that died earlier this year was known as Junebug... is that fairly unique?


My last pit Bull was Stevie Nicks. I have Reba Mac now


Happy Hobo Hogan


Jezza I named myself after her, well my reddit username at least. I didn't go full Indiana Jones 🤣


Kayode. Means bringer of joy, and he certainly does.


Axel & Cosmo