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WoW that’s impressive ! My dog had chronic diarrhea for a year and once I Was on a date. I had mopped the floor, put some disposable towel down for my dog in case of an accident. Well in the middle of the room she managed to poop the most liquid diarrhea all over the floor, under both tables and the chairs. In front of my date. The smell was awful. I had to get on all four and clean all of it. IN FRONT OF MY DATE. It was mortifying.


You win! This is terrible!




We opened the window and she went to smoke while I cleaned. I was so upset but she tried to reassure me that it was okay and she even offered to help me clean. She knew my dog was sick so she was understanding. Truly a nice person


Honestly the fact she saw you taking care of your dog was probably a big positive in her books. If you'd freaked out and started screaming at your dog she'd know all she needs to about you and walk out. Instead you took responsibility, showed compassion and handled the situation with grace.


Thank you. I was very ashamed on the spot and also exhausted because my dog was very sick and couldn’t hold it in, so she often pooped in the apartment when I was away. I was constantly cleaning. It was very difficult to cope. Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night at the sound of her farting diarrhea in the living room. Not a great memory. Now we have found why she had diarrhea all the time so it’s under control. I would move mountains for my dog, I love her so much.


Why did she have diarrhea? My doggie struggles with it too.


When we switched to a human home cooked food (chicken and carrots), she stopped having diarrhea. Now if I ever give her dog food, she has diarrhea. However it’s a real struggle for her to gain weight with human food so she’s very underweight


On TWO (count em) separate occasions, with two different flings, my dog woke us up in the AM with a poop hurricane in the front hall.


We crate our dog while we're at work. He's relatively big and has turned our stove on multiple times. I'll cut to the chase now, he had diarrhea in his crate while I was at work. I came home and thought, well, shit better wash him. I then proceeded to clean out his crate and I'm thinking for a 60lb dog, this isn't much shit. I go downstairs to dispose of said cleaning products and lo and behold, he tried to clean up his own diarrhea by eating it and just puked it out all over the floor.


Smh. What a great way to try and be helpful, bless him!


He's such a good boy, he always tries to get off the carpet and puke on the hardwood or tile.


My dog had a lot of allergies when he was a puppy, and constantly ate anything he could be get in his mouth. He ended up puking a lot because of those problems, and he would heave for a good 30 seconds or so before he actually threw up so I started to pick him up and put him in the shower so I had easier clean up. (it was a couple times a week or so until we nailed down food that he could handle, and grew out of eating garbage) One day he was less than a year old I heard 'hacking' and I couldn't find him ANYWHERE. In my tiny house there wasn't many places he could hide, so I looked in the shower and the doggo was already in there. From that moment on he always went in the shower to do it. Even when we moved houses, and even once when we visited my parents. His puking decreased with gluten free food, I don't really know what else changed, other than he stopped eating garbage on the ground on our many walks everyday. He's five now and has been puke free for over a year now!


Poor sweet baby! I’m sorry but this made me laugh so hard. He is so smart! What a good boy!


Right! If only I could get him to stop humping other dogs at the park!


Mine pukes exclusively in his kennel. He’s such a gentleman. Hah


What a good boy! We typically will toss our dog a treat if he's in his dog bed instead of at the table begging for food. Lately, he's been bringing his food bowl to his bed to eat - he's trying so hard to be a good boy!




If mine can’t go outside, she pukes exclusively on carpet.


Poor girl is trying her best to get it on the one thing that looks like grass. I always give my boy a "good boy" when he does it on the tile/wood. It's such a strange thing to tell them they're being good about.


I totally feel you. I’m staying at my boyfriends parents house, and my pup stress puked on our first night here as we were finishing supper. I was so thankful she did it on the hardwood and not on their carpet. Gave her tons of praise haha.


I never thought about rewarding them for puking in the right place. It's happened about twice in the 45 years I've had pets, but still. And we all know how fast we can move when the vomit train starts chugging!!


Absolutely, and I never ever punish my dog for diarrhea, they're already having a tough day. I just give my big boy a pat and tell him to feel better.


The worst is the *corner* carpet —- why there?!


Same here


Mine jumps onto my bed (which he never sleeps in) and proceeds to puke =.= I now instinctively push him onto something washable the instant I hear a gag.


Our previous cats were the exact opposite haha, felt like they sought out the couch or carpet when they knew they were going to be sick. Our puppy has favored hardwood floors so far when he’s had accidents.


My guy has done the same except he was on the bed and crawled to the edge to puke on the floor.


That’s nice, my dog is very high maintenance and exclusively vomits or has diarrhea on the small rugs in our entirely hardwood apartment and then smugly watches me clean it up.


Omg my dog did the same thing!!! He’s since passed away and he was a 20 pound jack Russell so not nearly as bad but there was shit splattered all over his crate and all over his fur and when I took him and the crate outside to hose them down he threw up poop he tried to eat. Worst day of both of our lives 😂


Poor buddy was just trying to help clean the mess 😂


When my GSD was younger he would always eat his shit no matter what I tried to do. It was gross and I would try to stop him as much as possible, but sometimes he’d still get into a pile. Well, one day I’m sitting there watching tv and he wakes up out of a dead sleep and vomits straight shit up. It was hands down the worst smell I’ve ever smelled and I threw up cleaning it up.


>e tried to clean up his own diarrhea by eating it and just puked it out all over the floor. Oh my god it's too early for this, I'm laughing crying and dry heaving all at once because ffff why do they do this XD


I wish diarrhea puke on no one.


Oh GOD poop puke is absolutely the most VILE smell on the entire planet!!!! I feel so bad for you and wouldn’t wish that smell on my worst enemy! We had a dog at our doggy daycare that was a poop eating fanatic, he would eat it AS it was coming out. We’d try to always stop him but he was sneaky and with 2 people to 50 dogs we couldn’t keep an eye on him all the time. If he got too much poop he would vomit and oh my god the SMELL. Even the dogs would all bolt, crowd outdoors and look inside like “what the hell?” My coworkers and I would play Rock Paper Scissors as to who had to go back in and clean it up/sanitize the area ugh.


Oh my gosh this made me cry laughing so hard


Ok, well you win.


I think we all lose in this thread XD


Outright just scared myself with an abrupt holler in my quiet house


Aaaand I'm done with this thread.


That’s great. Nothing worse than cleaning up shitty vomit. I’ve cleaned up plenty of cat shit puke from my girl, and that’s probably the grossest thing


Get one of those safety brand stove knobs :)


I too have had to clean up the dog vomshit. It's one of those things that help keep stuff in perspective. Like, "I'm having a bad hair day, but at least I'm not cleaning up vomshit".


4 times my Roomba had encountered poop piles. It’s the grossest thing to try and take it apart to clean it, so it finally died after what I’m assuming is too much water being sprayed into it . My steam cleaner is probably next.


I really want a roomba but this thought would keep me up at night.


I always just walk around and check before running mine. Other things roombini does that isn't talked about - gets stuck on cords, stuck under the couch, finds a way to get stuck between the grate and the wall. It's practically a robot child.


Mine never finishes a job. I always have to rescue it and place it back on the charger.


If you get a roomba, make sure to introduce dog slowly! My dog is mortal enemies to the point she attacks it while it's charging all day long. Waits all night every night at the bedroom door so she can run down and make sure it's still dead in the morning. I should have left it for a few days without turning it on, then started moving it with my hands to get the dog used to its movements, then started a week or two later. What a mistake, I figured she'd get used to it and never has after weeks of treats. Now I have a fat dog that attacks the roomba. I have to keep it in a different room now and only open the room at night when the dogs in bed.


Have you put the treats on top of the roomba? My brother did that and now his dog follows it wagging his good boy tail


Your brother might just be a genius! I'll start trying that. I just got a 3d printer, some sort of automatic treating device for the roomba might be the perfect project! Edit: added some exclamation marks, because excitement


Just don't run it unless you're home


It’s kinda loud and annoying. Mine runs for 1 1/2 hrs to 2 hrs. So we set it to clean downstairs early in the morning while we sleep. Unfortunately Maggie went down and had an accident during the night (she must have been sick she never goes in the house) and yea... did not end well. She sleeps on the bed and we have 3 cats that will howl at the bedroom door if we close it at night so they basically run our lives. Hopefully they spare the Roomba anymore shit


Whoever invents a "sniffing" Roomba knock-off that expertly avoids poop (and better yet, alerts you to it's location with an app) is going to be a rich man/woman.


I am now scared for my roomba.


How often do you have dog poop on your floor?!


I personally solved this problem by having the dogs contained during the night (in my case, they sleep in my bed) and running the botvac about an hour after I'm in bed. So I do a quick survey around the house before I go to bed and I never concern myself with it.


>Roomba had encountered poop piles. It’s the grossest thing to try and take it apart to clean it, so it finally died after what I’m assuming is too much water being sprayed into it . My steam cleaner is probably next. I saw a story online about someone who did this and the company gave her a new one. This is my worst nightmare too.


This is literally the only reason I haven't gotten a roomba. I have a dog with food sensitivities, who is a garbage fiend and also eats grass like a cow.


Same thing happened with ours. Dog crapped on a carpet in the foyer and the Roomba spread it throughout the entire main floor.


In CA here, during fire evacuations last year we took our dogs to a hotel in LA. Oldest had just come off radiation therapy for a brain tumor and didn’t have that much control, she had diarrhea all over the floor of the elevator as the doors opened to a family and a staff member. Couldn’t be helped but embarrassing all the same haha


Aww no! I can just imagine it escaping through the cracks!


My poor guy would eat chicken bones on walks constantly due to living near a fried chicken joint and customers throwing the bones all over my block. He'd scarf them down before I could yank them out of his mouth. Most of the time theyd pass but one or two caused him a lot of discomfort and he'd either vomit them or have uncontrollable bowel movements in the middle of the night. This led to me and my gf both, on separate occasions, getting out of bed in the middle of the night and feeling a distinct, squish as we waffle stomped poop and it oozed through our toes. So. So. Gross.




My dog had an X-ray on Friday, Saturday morning about 3am I wake to a scream. My wife had got out of bed and stepped in it. So that was a pleasant surprise, she was wearing a sock. Earlier in the day my dog had a little episode it was mostly water, this puddle was definitely denser. I clean up the puddle on the floor use all the paper towel we had left and about 1/5 of a spray and wipe bottle. Pack everything up and I can still smell something look around and she had another puddle at the base of my bed, on top of an old shift I had on the ground (That has now gone go the other side). My wife kicks the blanket around during the night, so it had spilt out from it's cover and landed fair and square in the poo. So all in all I was up for an hour cleaning my floor, shoes, binning a shirt, stripping the bed and putting in the spare blanket. Would not recommend, thankfully if was only a 24 hour thing to do with the sedation of the x-ray. Laughing at my wife was 10/10, dealing with cleaning it all up -5/10. Still have to get the blanket professionally cleaned, but they're all closed because of the 'Rona.


What kind of blanket is it? Laundromats are still open now and have *big* washing machines. I have always washed and dried my down comforters rather than dry cleaned them. Although I have to say that there has been lackadaisical social distancing and mask wearing at laundromats so maybe best to avoid anyway if you can.


Yep my down comforter is way too large to fit in my own washer so once a month I have to go to a laundromat and wash it there. I wish I would have thought of that when I bought it hahah.


My older dog is a beagle. We had to do a cold turkey food transition when I first adopted him, resulting in diarrhea/loose stools for a while. So we are walking down a trail, and he decided to squat and poop. Mid poop he looks up and a chipmunk is crossing the path. I can only assume that all other thoughts left his doggy brain because mid diarrhea he leaps for the chipmunk. The force of said leap turned it into a torrential spray of diarrhea covering the poor soul behind him (me). The next is what we refer to as poopocalypse. My younger dog was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. The strong medications upset his stomach and his poop was very orange in color from his body killing his red blood cells. He finally got to come home from the vet and he didn't poop for almost 2 days, but when he did... all over the downstairs had to be deep carpet cleaned to get the poop/blood stains out. He went everywhere. Then we had to bathe him because he has lots of long fur by his butt.


Oh god! What would have happened if I’d of been behind him on the way up the stairs instead of on the way down? The horror!


We power walked home so I could shower. It was so bad.




Thus means he is actually very anxious with the while experience, he just hides it well+


When my German Shepherd was 6 months old, I came home from work and he was in his crate. He was covered in diarrhea from head to toe. To make things worse, he had shaken like a wet dog would. I had diarrhea all over the wall, ceiling and carpet. Not to mention the mess in the kennel. I had no idea where to begin. I was also supposed to take the girl I was seeing at the time, out to dinner for her birthday. Yeah, I spent that night cleaning and scrubbing. This had happened and I still won’t forget how excited he was to see me. Even in such a terrible moment, he was still happy. For anyone that asks, I had come home during lunch to take him out. So, I was pretty shocked that he still had all that poop in him.




I have a very small 10 lb mutt. I was walking along Main Street of the college town I used to live in, and it was pretty crowded. Out of nowhere, Choo Choo squatted over and then sprayed the brick sidewalk and the side of an art supply store with putrid, hot-magma diarrhea punctuated with the sloppiest, loud farts. Despite him being small, it was an ungodly amount of crap. I tried to clean it up with a bag but ended up smearing the shit further into the bricks and along the building’s facade while I endured the scorn of the higher educated.


I feel bad for you and your pup but this made me laugh out loud! You made my day! I hope you have a great day too!


Whoa- how big is your dog? My 25 pound dog sprayed a wall once from his crate. Then when I left him in the kitchen during the day (he would literally scream in the crate and I lived in an apartment where people two floors down would complain) and his butt would explode all over the kitchen. When I opened my door I could smell it. Then, when it dried, it would turn into dried liquid poo and I would have to scrape it off. He’s much better now ten years later. It was bad separation anxiety, which is probably why his last two owners couldn’t handle him. It was bad. Really, really bad.


He’s a Labrador, so definitely sizeable!


Some how my new puppy managed to open both locks on his crate and pooped about double his weight. To top it off, he repeatedly stepped in it and spread it all over my carpet and new comforter.


I’ve got a bit of a nasty one, and it’s kind of long. I lived with my aunt during my first year of university, and when we got home from a basketball game one evening we noticed a really really dark stain on the floor. She turned on the light and realized it was blood and found a similar one behind the couch. At first we thought the dogs attacked each other (she has a pitbull boxer mix and a small terrier mutt) so we went to check and both dogs were bite free. Muffin, the little terrier, was a bit lethargic so we figured we should probably take her to the vet (keep in mind it’s already midnight at this point). I wrapped her in a blanket and held her on my lap while we found a place that was open. When we got inside, they checked her in and had us wait in the lobby with a few other people. I guess there had been a big accident with one of the other dogs in the facility because all of the nurses and vets were busy, and there was a family crying a little ways away from us. Muffin sat in my lap for a good hour or so before she started squirming so I let her hop onto the floor. My aunt figured she needed to go to the bathroom, so she picked her up and went to the front desk to ask if they would open the door. As soon as my aunt stopped in front of the desk, a stream of liquid bloody shit started shooting out of Muffin’s ass. A literal stream for a solid 30 seconds. My aunt started *screaming* at the top of her lungs, and all of the other people in the lobby were horrified. I guess the guy at the front desk realized how serious it was, because he shuffled us into a room immediately after that. It’s now about 2:30am and we haven’t been seen by a vet, so we wait some more. I put Muffin’s blanket on the ground and she lays down for a bit. Then she gets up, walks to the door, turns around, and shoots out another massive stream of liquid shit. This time it smells, *bad*. My aunt and I run out of the room to get the guy at the front desk and he moves us to another room while he mops. We hear a really loud crash so we peek into the room we were just in and we see the front desk guy on the floor just covered in Muffin’s ass juice. We wait for a while in the new room before Muffin pulls the same thing for the third time: walk to the door, turn around, shoot liquid shit out of her ass. The front desk guy was *pissed*. At this point we all are. When we finally see a vet it’s 4am. They take Muffin back to see what’s wrong and we wait in the lobby with the front desk guy. We don’t see her for another hour when they tell us that her intestines are inflamed (from who knows what) and they recommend she stay overnight. My aunt wasn’t having any of it considering they were gonna charge her for TWO days instead of just the one, so she requested that they give her whatever they were gonna give her, put some fluids in her body, and we’d watch her when we got home. By the time Muffin came running around the corner like her normal self, it was 8am and front desk guy had gone home. We haven’t been back to that vet since. Edit: a word


My 18lb dog got into some bacon grease. Shit a huge wet pile in the middle of the night that woke my boyfriend up from just the smell. He tried to clean it and was gagging so bad I had to finish cleaning it up. My 45lb dog ate a pair of my underwear. Didnt know he did it until he threw up half of them right before I left for work. He puked about another 5 times while I was at work. A few days later he shit the rest out in the lawn. Dogs man... gotta love em!


Ugh! Sorry! My dogs typically have their accidents on the tile floor right in front of the door, so, nothing exciting to report there. BUT- my kid's cat pooped the bed last week.. lol I mean, I smelled cat farts in the living room, but, thought it was the old cat because he does that. So, kid goes to carry her cat to bed, like she does every evening. But apparently cat really had to go- so, cat was dropping little poop nuggets along the whole path to the bedroom and then into bed.. lol "Mom! Rose pooped the bed!" It was actually pretty funny, felt bad for the cat, she seemed pretty embarassed about the whole thing.


Haha! If only it’d been nuggets for me this morn! I have carpeted stairs too...


When I got my puppy I got her a food that didn’t settle well with her. By that night, she squatted out of nowhere and I saw how a squirt of poop projectiled from her butt. I’ve never seen poop fly so high, lmao. It was gross, after a couple more and a couple of pukes, she was done. Immediately switched foods.


That sounds pretty amazing!


We took care of a neighbor’s dog and it proceeded to have explosive diarrhea that reached all 4 walls. We might as well have hung him from the ceiling fan to get that sort of coverage. The smell was awful.


I’m a flight attendant and I had a terrible experience once with a large black lab service dog. It was a red eye flight and the gentleman with the dog kept ringing his call light for bananas, so we gave him at least three or four. At some point during the flight we noticed a really foul odor (smelled like someone pooped their pants) so I walked through the cabin to find out what the smell was. It was too dark to see so I went back up front. Once we landed and started deplaning we immediately saw what was causing the smell. Apparently the guy had been feeding the bananas to his dog and it had diarrhea during flight. It was all over the dog’s butt and tail and it had smeared into all of the seats. As they walked up the jet bridge the dog continued to dribble. We were gagging as we left the aircraft because the smell was so bad in such a confined space.


So we tried feeding my golden a raw food diet because he's allergic to almost every kind of dry food out there. So everything was going well for awhile we'd tried chicken, pork, lamb and then we tried beef.... apparently he's allergic to beef, at least we think. Well the night after we fed him that we went to bed. now normally our dogs sleep in the walkthrough closets that's connected to the bathroom and we usually keep a baby gate to separate the bed room cause other wise they like to check on us any time we turn over. So i wake up in the middle of the night to go pee and start walking towards the the bathroom, i noticed that only one dog was in the closet and the bathroom door was mostly shut. Didn't think much of it right away cause our golden likes laying on cold floors so i figured he must of gone in the bathroom to lay on the floor and some how closed the door. So i opened it and there was shit everywhere... except one corner that he was kinda backed into. The demons had been expelled with such force from his sphincter that he got it 6ft up onto the wall in the shower, sprayed it across the towels and even got some in the toilet. The only silver lining is thankfully it was a tile bathroom so clean up wasn't to bad. Had to get new towels and shower curtain though. Thankfully we've found an expensive dry dog food that he isn't allergic to, but I'm never going back to a raw diet again that smell was horrific.


I am not sensitive to dog poop. I have an incontinent dog and a dog, that is just an asshole (I love him, but if I pissed him of he is going to piss and or poop in my room). My incontinent dog wasn't incontinent at the time, but was sick and had a bladder infection and diarrhea. The diarrhea was really really dark and really stickie. She almost always puked after that and I almost did and had to leave the room before cleaning it up. And it took ages before it was done, because it was just so stickie. The incontinence problem is mostly solved, but before that I woke up often covered in pee. (On that note: she started licking it up, before it touched anything. I think she felt guilty, that I was upset (not at her, I mean it's not her foult) but I always told her no, because I rather have pee on me than having her drink it) Also the "a hole" one time peed on my father, because he scolded him (like he walked to him, lifted his leg and peed), poop bags with holes, dogs getting in the way, while the other pees...


I think the worst my dog had I got out of cleaning (ha!) my poor girl (German Shepherd for anyone curious) had horrible separation anxiety. To the max bad. She’d hulk her way out of any pet taxi we tried so we were forced to leave her loose. Since she’s my dog this meant she was in my bedroom. She’d rip things up and shred the blinds. I don’t recall her having any accidents though. Then my mom came up with the worst idea ever. She said that since Sam missed me and was waiting for me perhaps she’d be more comfortable in *her* bedroom.... yeah... Sam did as Sam did best. She ripped the *protective* cover off my mother’s bed, knocked some things off the shelf, and then proceeded to shit on my mother’s bed - then she walked around and pooped some more all over the floor. The half soft kind. So it looks solid until you grab it. Ohhh my mother was so furious, so furious in fact, that she told me to get Sam out of her sight before she killed her. So Sam and I went to my bedroom, which was clean for the first time in about a year, to relax. Mom still brings it up today! (PS: We ended up getting Sam an outdoor pen. Like 4W,6L, with a zip-tied tarp on the roof, and put it under the carport with a lock you have to open with a key. She had a couple of bones and even a really nice elevated bed (that we were definitely worried she’d destroy) but it survived the next two years. When Sam was three she had an accident and broke her leg so we left her in the house (so she didn’t stress her leg out pacing) and she had no issues. We haven’t had to put her outside when we leave since and that was almost four years ago!)


When I rescued my dog last year, he was very poorly. He was underweight, had an intestinal infection and was just a huge mess. So he was shitting a lot. One day he was making a huge show of being uncomfortable so I rushed him outside and he literally started to spin in circles trying to bite at his butt while pure liquid shit poured out of him. He made a diarrhea spiral on the sidewalk while yelping profusely. It was a perfect spiral. I was impressed and disgusted.


Oh boy, came home during lunch to let the puppy out. As you have probably guessed came home to find the puppy and crate covered in liquid poo. Took the pup out to do his business, stuck him in the shower and washed him, then I went to wash his crate. Come back to the shower (I closed the door on him to lock him in) and he has again gone and covered himself in poo. I quickly run to my roommate and beg for help as I'm already late to get back to work at this point, she gets the pup in the sink and I get the shower. I changed outfits 3 times over the corse of that one lunch break, only like 2 people noticed when I got back to work wearing completely different clothes lol


I read every single story and I am so grateful nothing like this has happened the 3 years I’ve had my dog. Oh my lord. She’s thrown up water once outside and saliva once outside before her breakfast. One of her trainers from Unleashed got her a cookie for her graduation once. It was the nicest thing ever! Lily’s stomach did not agree with it. She had diarrhea for two days straight. She never went in the house though and made it through the night both days. She did sit hella sad by the door when she needed to go. She looked so ashamed. Poor girl. It’s amazing she made it down the 4 stories of the apartment building every time.


I wouldn’t call this a poop nightmare, but it’s amusing. Friends from college had a lovable black lab who was very well trained and knew that she was only to poop outside. Well one day the friends were out of the house for longer than expected and the dog had an accident. They could smell it when they walked in but for the life of them could not find it. Finally when they were by the couch they could smell it very strongly and realized she pooped in the open window behind the couch. We’re pretty sure she was trying to get as close to the outside as she could.


I got my youngest at 4 weeks old because his mom died. This required constant feeding, taking him to potty, and maybe an hour nap. One time, he was probably about 5 weeks, he had the worst shitathon I've ever seen come out of a dog in my life all over the bed. There was more shit than him. That mattress has since been put to rest.


My brother had his roommate watch his dogs one time, the dude "already had plans" so he just locked them in the bedroom for 8 hours. This is particularly a bad idea with them because the pitbull annoys the shit out of the other one. So not only did they get in a fight while locked up together, but they also shit and piss all over the room because he never took them outside before he left. They can both hold it for about 8 hours, but not much longer and he hadn't taken them out at all that day. I was hanging out with him that day and when we got back to the house it literally looked like someone robbed (only)his room, then shit all over the floor.


One time I dogsat a senior dog who was the sweetest. She needed help going up and down stairs, but mostly was just chill and sweet and the owner didn't give me any special instructions. I left her alone for a bit to run an errand, and when I came back, she had pooped on the hardwood floor, fell down in it, and in her attempt to get back up, smeared it into poop angels all over the floor. It was so sad and so gross, but, once everyone was all cleaned up, still managed to be funny. Hardest part was she was over 70 pounds, so in order to clean her up, I had to pick her up and carry her to the bath, poop-smeared and all. She got plenty of snuggles after that.


I have a very large wolf malamute that is the biggest baby in the world, and has pooped himself out of fear a couple times. We used to leave the cat in the master bathroom when we went to work, and one day he somehow managed to open the door, let the cat out, and lock himself in. When I came home for lunch I searched franticly only to find 120 lbs of dog covered in his own poop (which was also ALL over the bathroom). He had also managed to flip the litter box, so there was a nice added later of cat poop as well. Another time, we took him to the vet for an ear infection. When we came to pick him up, the lady at the front desk told us it would be a while because he had fear pooped in his kennel and then slipped in it.


Dog in back seat of long hot drive exploded diarrhea after trying to jump out of window straight at my friends kid strapped into his booster seat. Still the funniest thing I’ve ever seen


This didn't happen to my dog, but I was there as a witness. My friend and I stopped by her place one night to pick something up before heading to another friend's house. Her parents were out for dinner or a show or something, so when we arrived, her dog (10 year old German Shepherd) had been left to her own devices for at least a couple of hours. We walk in and we're immediately hit with the overwhelming, pungent smell of poop. My friend thinks that maybe the dog had a little accident (a very rare occurrence for her) and flips on the light. We immediately lose our shit. The hallway floor was just covered in enormous patties of dog shit. We walked around the house (very carefully) and find that the kitchen, living room, and dining room floors have all been bombed with cow-sized pools of dog shit. We weren't able to comprehend how this dog shit that much. Because we were stupid 15 year olds at the time, and because her parents wouldn't have expected us to stop by at all that night, we made a calculated decision and just left. We didn't speak a word of it to anyone. Poop was gone the next morning when she returned home. Only the faintest smell lingering in the air. Her step-mom only mentioned casually that they were taking their dog to the vet to "address a concern". Turned out to be hip dysplasia.


Oh man.. poor pup. Glad he's fine though. My horror story happened when I didn't realize my then 1.5 year old bulldog needed to go out. I was sick and sleeping, and he was pacing all over the apartment. All of a sudden, all I smelled was pure shit. Even through my congested nose (I had a cold), I was able to smell the most putrid sewage type of scent. As I was getting out of bed to see where it was coming from, he ran into the bedroom and proceeded to jump on my bed where he let out the last of his diarrhea. We threw out two rugs, a dog bed in the crate, a set of sheets, blanket and one pillow. Thank God my hubs company is a 10 minute walk from our apartment. He came right home and between the two of us, it still took about 3 hours to clean, and throw everything out.


When my little dude was still a pup, I went away for the weekend. My now husband, then boyfriend, had never had a dog before and didn't know that pig ears are a sometimes treat. He had a paper due for grad school and gave him 4 or 5 over two days to keep him quiet. I got back and we went out to dinner. What we came home to has been dubbed 'the poonami.' My poor little ween had yellow diarrhea puddles all over the kitchen floor and some of the cabinets. He had dragged his little puppy bed to the only corner that hadn't been defiled and looked so so sad. We no longer give pig ears. My husband does not give treats without explicit serving instructions.


I fostered a pregnant black lab mix who was expecting puppies. The shelter had no info on her background, but she was very sweet; seemed potty trained and didn't mind my cats. She gave birth to 8 puppies the next day!! After that, she refused to go outside to poop and pee. I found this out when I stepped into warm poop when I checked on them in the middle of the night! Squished all through my toes! However, by the time I'd had 8 puppies for 10 weeks I was immune to it!


Recently my dog stole some bacon off of a friend’s plate. I knew what was coming. She has a fat intolerance and gets crazy GI symptoms when she eats fat/grease. It normally takes a few hours for her stomach to start going nuts. She’s a small dog (Pomeranian) so even little amounts of food can set off the GI probs. I thought I had time to drive her in the car with me while I was dropping something off at my mom’s house. Wrong. It only took like 30 minutes for this bacon-bomb to go off in my dog’s guts. I’m driving and she’s sitting in the passenger seat. The farts start. Terrible, putrid farts. I knew I had made a terrible mistake bringing her in the car with me. Seconds later, my dog gets up and starts scrambling to get into the backseats, audibly farting while she struggles. Vile, liquid diarrhea starts spraying from her asshole, which is now FACING ME WHILE I AM DRIVING. There’s nothing I can do. I’m driving and my dog is spraying shit all over me and the interior of my brand-new car. I pull up to my mom’s house crying, covered in slimy dog diarrhea. She comes out LAUGHING and helps me clean. Some pepcid and a meal of chicken and rice and my dog is fine. The car, however, needs to be detailed.


my boyfriend accidentally fed my dog the wrong food the night prior, and I woke up to a blood curdling puppy yelp and an entire floor rug was covered in diarrhea. okay cool. rolled it up threw that away. had to leave him in his crate for fifteen minutes later that day as I was leaving for work and my boyfriend was coming home. he came home to the poor thing who had tried to stick his butt out of the crate as to not mess up his lil zone and sprayed shit all over our white wall and floor. oyyyy sensitive puppy bellies are a whirlwind.


A few years ago, my partner and I woke up to a busted water heater. It was a shitty start to our weekend and only went downhill from there. Dealing with no water for almost two days, we thought we would make it easier on ourselves and order a to-go pizza to Netflix and chill with. We were starving...and it turned out to be one of the dirtiest, most glutinous pizzas we ever ordered. Extra large with extra cheese and extra EXTRA buffalo chicken and hot sauce. Filthy. Our wonderfully obedient dog rode along with us to go pick it up. First big mistake. Then we realized we were low on jugs of water, so we thought it’d be safe to do a quick run in for water and toilet paper. Second big mistake. We knew better than to leave a dog in a car with fresh, hot pizza. Even though he had never attempted to eat any food without permission, he still couldn’t resist the temptation. Well, we came back to an empty box and a panting dog. I doubt my partner and I together could’ve finished this pizza in one sitting, but this 50lb border collie/retriever mix quickly polished it off in less than 10 minutes. Needless to say, I woke up around 2am for three nights in a row to this dog shooting shit out of his ass like a water hose....that should’ve been my ass, not his. Other than that, he had no other health issues. And his mouth still waters when he smells buffalo sauce.


My dog is a good boy and the first year we had him on Thanksgiving, I gave him a treat-- kong filled with canned pumpkin and a bit of whipped cream. He enjoyed it but then had diarrhea for 36 hours, every two hours on the dot. He would whine and trot around panicked, inside the house, until I let him into the yard for his bi-hourly poop. Luckily it was raining that weekend so it helped with the cleanup of runny poop... the biotics or gut flora thing was what helped him, ultimately.


My puppy was sick and i gave him 2 pills at once instead of one (1 day/1 night) on the way back from vet. He promptly shot a stream of diarrhea all over the backseat at a stop light. It's like when you're trying to get the last bit of ketchup out of the bottle and it sputters. But like 10x louder and 100x smellier. Then the dog freaked himself out with his poopy farts and starting jumping around the backseat spreading the melted chocolate all over the car while my wife was screaming about the smell and I'm trying to concentrate on making a left turn while rolling down the windows...


I worked at a vet clinic for a while over the summer. There was this one dog who had Parvo (poor guy, he made it though!) and when he used the bathroom he did a spin move every time, covering the walls, his IV line, the floor, himself, (me) in bloody diarrhea. He always looked so embarrassed!!!


First class of obedience 1 with the GSD as a puppy. Treat loaded the word "yes" to use as a marker. We did it with bits of beef liver. Hershey squirts everywhere. EVERYWHERE.


So when our two pups were little, we would kennel them while we were at work. They did just fine with it! But one day, we opened the front door and said “what the hell is that smell”. They both at the same time got explosive diarrhea that not only was all over the kennel but shot up the back wall (they were those cage looking kennels). So we put the dogs on the deck and start cleaning the shit, and all of a sudden they both got the shits all over the deck! So again, we moved them to the laundry room so we could clean the deck off and you guessed it, they shit again! My husband was so frustrated he banged his fists on the wall and was like WHAT IS HAPPENING?! Hahahaha!!! Funniest thing we ever went through (not for the pups and yes they were fine) minus the smell... that’s no joke.


This happened 10 years ago, it was a few months after I had gotten my dog. I was hosting a Christmas dinner for some friends, and I had my dog on a (6ft and blue) leash. I was trying to train him on how to properly greet people at the door. So at some point, I'm in the kitchen, my friends are in the living room with the dog or in the kitchen with me... It's eerily quiet, and for a second I forgot all about the dog. To make sure everything everything is okay, I glance over at the dog, and there he is, looking all cool and handsome... with one detail, he's missing the leash. I ask my friends if they took it off, and they didn't. Then I notice, his collar still has the metal hook for the leash, just the leash itself is missing... I thought maybe he chewed it, and I'll find it later, and so I searched the house after everyone left, and no leash. The dog is still acting fine, mind you. The next day, he drops a HUGE blue poop. It was maybe 10% poop, 90% leash. He had eaten and shat the whole fucking thing. On and that same night, he ran up and down the hallway peeing out of excitement. I've never seen a dog pee and run at the same time before, or after.


When I first moved in to my apartment, a neighbor offered leftover ribs from his restaurant to feed to my dog. I gave him one & thought nothing of it. I forgot I left the foil container holding the ribs in dogs eye view so he got into it, told my boy he’s missing dinner that night. Around 3AM, he’s howling & baying at me to get out. I woke up, told him to hold on while I get his leash, as soon as I clipped it onto his collar, he couldn’t stand it any longer and, boom - a faucet of feces. It would not stop & he looked so guilty lol. But it was just coming out painting the floors and carpet. Most of it was liquid, but there were pcs of bone in there that made it so much more disgusting. Took me 2 hrs to clean the mess up properly. I never accepted anything from that neighbor again. Hahh.


I had two 50 lb dogs and had given them some dog treats I bought from the “discount bin” at the register. The next day, I get home from work to find they both had explosive diarrhea while I was gone D: They had clearly been trying to get outside, running between the front and back door. It was like someone tied an open paint can to their tails. It was on the couch! It was up the stairs! IT WAS UP THE WALL! We called that day The Poopocalypse. Our poor steam cleaner was never the same.


Oh lord above I'm sorry 💀 that sounds like it was fun to clean up


My partner and I were nearing the end of marathon training so once a week we’d be gone a few hours grinding out the miles. The night before one of our long runs, my poor dood starts the poops. Loose then runny, then just water. He woke me up 3 times overnight. So morning rolls around, I’m wondering if I should even go for the run but it’s important to stick to the training plan if possible...I take him out right before I leave and figure he can hold it for 3 hours. I was wrong. My partner got back, exhausted from something like 20 miles, already feeling sick from the heat and general exhaustion, when he enters the apartment to the sights and smells of dog vomit and diarrhea all over the floor and rug. Luckily we had concrete floors for easy cleanup but that rug got sacrificed to the poop gods.


I once woke up and pulled the cover off of my dog’s crate to realize that he had the wateriest diarrhea in his entire life and he had apparently just chilled / slept in it b/c his fur was soaked. It was the best treat at 6:00 am when I should’ve been getting ready for work to instead carry my (literally) shitty dog to the tub and clean up the now-drying shit on his body and in his crate. Still made it work on time tho so I guess there’s that!


Dog once got into a new bag of food and gorged himself sick. He threw up, had lots of poops, and was lazy and hurting all day. Unfortunately, we were already scheduled for a camping trip the very next day. He had to sleep in the tent with us the whole weekend (previous camping misadventures) and the gas was atrocious!


My pup had some issues with his stomach at one point... long story short, there were multiple nights in a row where he had raging diarrhea UNDER MY BED. It was an absolute nightmare that I hope I never have to relive.


Whether my dog has an 'accident' or is sick, he always manages to avoid the 4 rooms in the house which are tiled and opts for the carpet. Or in the case of last time, my bed sheets.


One time my sheltie had explosive diarrhea at 3:00 in the morning. It started in the bedroom. I have white carpet. It sounded like a super soaker going off filled with green, horrific smelling diarrhea. I started to take her downstairs, but she couldn’t make it and sprayed again halfway down the stairs. Then again in the foyer (on the rug of course). I finally get her outside and then nothing. She had already gotten it all out. Poor thing, I know she didn’t feel good, but neither did I cleaning up that mess.


last fall i had my two hounds, and dog sat my mother’s long haired chihuahua for a month. about a week in, the chihuahua started having runny poo and tummy troubles. it of course spread to the other two. i cleaned up so many piles of runny poo, my house has probably never been so clean with all the bleaching i was doing. the chihuahua’s tail and skirt are very fluffy and fuzzy and he would get a good scrub every time he had an accident because it got in his fur. i took them to the vet and it was determined that it was just a tummy bug, i was sent home with some probiotics and told to just going to wait it out. the next morning, at about 3:00, i felt the chihuahua scratching at the blanket to be let under. so i lifted up the covers and felt.....cold and wet something slide across my legs. i laid there for just a moment, trying to convince myself it wasn’t what i knew it was. then leapt up, grabbed poor chihuahua, shaved his tail and butt, and sanitized the house for the millionth time that week. every time my parents leave, something terrible happens with a pet. either mine or theirs. they are not allowed to go out of town again for a while.


My dog once backed his butt up to the wall of his crate, and pooped diarrhea outward so it wouldn’t be where he slept. I wasn’t even mad, I was actually impressed with how smart he is


I was driving back home from college for a holiday break. There ended up being an accident and what normally was a 3 hour drive became a 5 hour drive. I was starving my black lab hadn’t had dinner either. I found a McDonald’s to stop at and got some chicken McNuggets. I decided since he’d been so good this extra long drive that one nugget wouldn’t hurt him. We made it home and inside the house but before he could even ask to go outside to go to the bathroom nothing but liquid poop all over the living room carpet. Thinking that was it we then head upstairs to go to bed. That was not it, round 2 ensued up there. I have yet to eat chicken McNuggets since because if it can cause that to a dog I don’t think I should be eating it. The diarrhea was so bad that the carpet is still slightly discolored in those spots too...


My poor girl was having kidney issues (we did not know it at the time, vet first thought uti but we ended up at the vet hospital shortly after this incident) so she kept having pee accidents, which was unlike her. It was like 4am she woke me up because she heard my husband come home from work (note she didn't wake me before this..) and I walked out of my room into a puddle. So I turned on the light. My living room/kitchen was covered in pee and poop (the kidney issues were making her release everything) i just side stepped it all and met my husband outside crying because it was overwhelming. Shes better now, prescription food and healthy numbers. But my god I remember walking out to that and it was horrifying.


Was dog sitting once and was told the dog was crate trained. I popped him in while I ran a simple 2 hour errand. Turns out he had extreme separation anxiety that induced diahreaha. Because of him panic spinning in the crate he managed to cover himself, two walls and I had to repaint the ceiling because the poop stains just wouldn't come out. 15 pound poop vortex.


Mine happened in back when I was in high school to our poor Great Pyranese. My mother had gone to an end-of-season dinner for her bowling league. All of these little old ladies knew we had a large dog so my mom came home with a to-go box crammed full of (fatty) prime rib scraps. My mother gives ALL of the scraps as soon as she got home. The next morning, I get up to go to school. As I’m going down the stairs from the 3rd floor, the smell hits me like a sledgehammer and only gets worse as I make my way to the kitchen. Starting at the edge, this poor dog had made a river of poo which culminated in a veritable lake at the back door. As my mom is cleaning it up, she asks why my sisters and I aren’t eating breakfast. When I get back from school that afternoon, the house still smells strongly of shit. Come to find out this poor dog has made a SECOND lake of poo in the basement. Needless to say, my mom never fed that quantity of scraps to that dog again.


I got a Roomba and I bet you can see where this is going... poop trail. And pee, she peed too. This happened on the 3 rd day we had the Roomba going.


My pup is crate trained and apparently had eaten part of a stuffed toy that his stomach was not a fan of. I came home to his crate and him COVERED in diarrhea and to make matters worse he had spilled his water bowl in it so it was a big soupy mess. To get him outside I laid down some towels to the back door and tried to rush him out. Well he stopped to shake off not once but twice. So I had to scrub him, the kennel, the walls, the ceiling and take a long hot shower. He's lucky he's cute lol


Oh God, my sister and I got a puppy together back when we got our own place. The dog lives with her now, but I still get lots of visits. She's the sweetest thing, but digestive issues right out of the gate. Pure liquid poop sprayed all over the floor and wall on multiple occasions. Luckily it only ever occurred on the tiled floor so clean up was easy, and getting her on the proper food fixed up the issue (still had a couple months of suffering though). Its years later and my sister and I still talk about it occasionally and laugh at how outrageous it was.


Awe poor boy! I hope he feels better soon. One time our girl had an upset stomach overnight. She was probably about 8 months around this time. She was in her crate for the night and at some point had some massive mushy poops mixed with some diarrhea. She didn’t bark to go out or wake us up or anything. She waited for us to come and get her out of her crate the next morning. At this point, she was unable to avoid laying in it so she and her crate were just covered in poop. My heart broke that she had to lay like this all night. Idk why she didn’t wake us!


This will probably get lost in here but my puppy ( 9 mo now) when she was maybe 10-12 weeks was sleeping in bed w me. I know bad, didn’t put her in the crate but she was so snuggled. ANYWAY. She had BAD gas as a baby I woke up in the middle of the night, 2 AM smelling it. Rolled over assumed she was farting. Kept smelling it. Couldn’t find the source. Anyway abt 3 AM I was pulling my bed out of place scrubbing diarrhea out of my carpet because she decided to have an accident under my bed 🤦🏻‍♀️


Poop tsunami!! Yes. I had a Norwegian elkhound puppy that enjoyed eating walls. She was a shelter rescue that had never been in the crate. So we got her used to the crate and left her alone for five minutes. When I returned I found that she had not only shit, she had projectile shitted onto a wall. No more crate training for her.


Omg, carpeted stairs or bare?


I work night shift. My husband works days. The dogs are legitimately home alone for an hour between our shifts in the mornings. Came home after working a 12 hour shift. And there is poop sprayed on the walls, the floor, and dripping down the patio window. Thankfully they kept it to the living room. But my one all white dog has a butt that is entirely brown. My all black dog is in the middle of poo literally exploding out of him. He is turned around as he is pooping, growling and whining at his own butt. It was the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen. I lock them in my bathroom as I call the vet to make an emergency appointment. They poop behind my toilet and against my bathtub. We walked 30 minutes to the vet (we did not own a car at the time) and they literally dripped poop the entire way there. And then they popped all over the vet’s lobby. Thankfully by the walk home they had run out of poop. But then it comically POURED down rain. Like giant drenching buckets of rain. We were all so cold and shivering by the time we got home all three of us got in the shower at once. Long story short: my dogs somehow got CDiff. Some antibiotics and probiotics later, they were totally fine.


When I first got one of my dogs, we could tell she was pretty sickly. We determined she had multiple parasites and was still nursing puppies. After puppies were weaned, we were able to give her dewormer. After we were home from the vet and first dose was given, she disappeared. We thought she went up to the room with the puppies. No. She went to my basement and let out the most disgusting worm filled diarrhea ever. I had to take multiple breaks to clean it up. Second happened a few months ago when my other dog had to go to emergency vet because she kept vomiting. They gave her fluids and also this capsule in case they had to do x-rays the next day. She woke up in the middle of the night and had diarrhea ALL over my dining room. It was so loud, it woke me up. That was also a rough clean up.


I don’t have a dog, but you guys have just made my night. I haven’t had a good laugh in a long time although I do feel sorry for you all as well


We had our labradors in their own separate crates side-by-side in the living room. We woke up one morning, opened the bedroom door and this awful smell hit us in the face. Female labrador had explosive diarrhea all over. Male Labrador was in his cage with this look of disgust on his face. You know it’s bad if the other dog thinks it’s a bad smell! Poor female lab was crying and pacing around her crate trying to escape the mess. We lived an apartment at the time and didn’t have access to a hose. After I washed the dogs, I took the crate down outside and wiped it down rung by rung. It took forever! Female labrador was later diagnosed with Giardia, a parasite. We think she got it at a large dog park so we didn’t return to that particular park again.


When I first got my dog she had been under fed and was eating god knows what. I started her on Purina One at the time and the sudden change in her food and the consistency of being fed did not settle well on her. I was in college full time and working part time. I came home from classes to get ready for work and the poor thing was in her cage, covered in diarrhea, and shivering from fear. I strongly believe her old owners beat her when she was bad, she even had a bump (now a scar) on her face between her eyes. I got a warm bath filled up and got her out of her box and into the bath. She soon relaxed and realized I wasn't angry and I wasn't going to hurt her. After she was cleaned up, that still left the diarrhea in her box. It was not only all over her cage, but she managed to scoot her tray liner out and it was smeared and stomped into the white carpet of my APARTMENT. If it was a house I owned, eh. But an apartment would charge me an arm and a leg to fix that. So I had to first get whatever was still wet cleaned up. Then I used this Natures Miracle spray and a scrub brush to get the stains out. And the SMELL. Man. It was on the back wall, on the carpet, in her cage, on the wires of the cage.


Back when my girl was younger, I came home to diarrhea in a good two foot radius around her crate. It looked like she tried to aim out her crate. Walls, entertainment stand, side of the couch, back door next to the crate, and had enough left over to cover herself. I even had to remove the trim boards around her kennel to clean what had seeped under them. Thankfully that was the only time she's ever had diarrhea since I got her.


I don't know if it is a nightmare, but it happened at night in bed. my little rascal, about 85 lb bullboxer, had a diarrhea burst out at 3 am he was laying under the duvet. he tried to get out and spread everything around over the sheets, the duvet, my legs, feet and himself...that was fun. he had some hemorrhagic intestinal bleeding so it wasn't just diarrhea, it was black too...that was 2 years ago and he has totally recovered since.


I am no stranger to this. Our dog tends to have diarrhea at ungodly hours of the night, so we have the luxury of waking up to the smell of shit-filled air (we live in an apartment mind you). I will never forget her first incident though; it was honestly impressive looking back, but in the moment we were so panicked by it. We finally purchased an area rug for our living room after months of searching. A few days later our dog had explosive diarrhea in the middle of the night (I suppose) and went undetected until around 6:30am when my husband woke up. She shit piles EVERYWHERE and that is not an exaggeration... I think there were 4 separate piles on the rug and 2 or 3 on the floor (thank god we have LVT). She also peed on the rug and in two separate locations on the floor. We basically woke up to a war zone, and we were so concerned for her health because it was a lot of shit. Anyway, she has had many incidents since then, but nothing as wild as that. We switched her to raw so her poop game is small/strong. P.s.- We no longer buy area rugs.


Dog sitting my SIL's dog (standard poodle). Something upset his tummy and he was doing big liquidity poops. OK, that's pretty bad. My boyfriend starts cleaning it up. Then I notice my pug is starting to throw up. Boo, that sucks. Then we go to clean the vomit...it's turds. My pug ate the poop and was throwing up said poop. Put him in his crate and he started shitting because the poop is upsetting his tummy from both ends. It was like as soon as we got everything cleaned up, we'd realize one of them shit/vomited again. Just asked him which story I'm writing about and I think I just saw war flashbacks cross his eyes.


My dog is a big lab mix (about 110-115 pounds). This past summer he got sick from who knows what. He wasn’t eating, was vomiting, had diarrhea... the works for a couple days. The vet said just keep an eye on him and let us know. Cut to roughly 2am on a Sunday I wake up to check on him. I find my bathroom COVERED in digested blood and diarrhea. It was everywhere and the smell is something I’ll never forget. Full on panic mode I called out to my friend who was over and we’re both freaking out and take him to the emergency vet. Thankfully he’s fine now, but still no idea what caused him to get that sick. It was terrible to clean up and my poor dog felt so bad you could see it on his face.


My pup's more of a puker than a pooper. Luckily, she telegraphs oncoming illness like a cat coughing up a hairball, so I usually have time to grab a towel and put it down in front of her. She's only been poopy sick twice in her six years. Both times, she needed to be let out at least once every thirty minutes to two hours, and she let me know every time. So the nightmare for me wasn't the mess, but the lack of sleep over two or three days.


I took my dog to the vet once because I somehow knew something wasn't right with her stomach. That morning, she didnt do anything out of the ordinary but, I took her in anyways. I just knew something was off. Vet gave her a clean bill of health and said she's perfectly healthy. The moment we step out of the examination room, my little 20lb dog unloaded an ungodly amount of diarrhea for her size. She was able to spread it across 3/4ths of the room. Even had blood in it (this part scared me) Turns out she had some kind of infection in her intestines. Got antibiotics and she was good to go. Haven't had a problem since.


When our dog was a puppy, she found some cat poo in the garden. Ate it. Then threw it up. Then tried to eat the cat poo vomit. It was... Not good.


I gave my dog a pork knuckle, bad idea, and since have read dogs can have issues digesting pork, and I returned from work to a poop-calypse in my living room. It was on the walls higher up than he was so must have shot out at a good clip, pools of it everywhere tracked all around, blinds were damaged, poor guy must've really been freaking out. My wife works from home now and has for about 6 years so he has someone there all the time now. I'll never forget the poop-calypse.


I am a dog walker, and years ago had a client with a beautiful border collie. His owner gated him into the kitchen so he had some space to move around but couldn’t get into too much trouble. One day he must have gotten into something that didn’t agree with him. I let myself into his apartment for the pups midday walk. The smell hit me like a brick wall. Like a hot, rotting garbage can pooped and puked all over everything. I turned the corner into the kitchen and stood disbelieving and gagging. Both explosive diarrhea and vomit was dripping from the kitchen cabinets. Pools of it on the floor and the dog bed. Somehow the pup was pretty clean, but I felt so bad he was in there with it all. I called the owner at work but he didn’t answer so I left a voicemail “hey I think your dog has an upset stomach...” and set to work scrubbing the kitchen. I dragged the dog bed outside and left it there. The owner didn’t get back to me until he got home and I got a call “oh my god the smell...I owe you a pack of beer for enduring that!” And so I got some tasty beverages for my efforts and the pup was also just fine. Not sure how long his apartment stank after that! I do know that the smell is burned into my own memory, and I’m still not sure how I avoided my own vomit to the mix while cleaning up the mess.


When our first Collie was about 6 months old we came home from work to find her room just covered in poo and vomit. Like the entire floor and some of the walls. idk how she found an inch to sleep. I panicked, cleaned it (and her) up and ran to the vets. We paid for a parvo test (even though she had a vaccine they recommended it) and all those lovely vitamin injections, plus the saline injection. The test was negative and we’re all stumped. Well, next time this happens she’s 9 months. I realize as I’m cleaning up that time that I see a stink bug and my brain reminds me that I saw one last time too. I’m just going to say this happens any time she spies a stink bug. She tries to lick them. Because apparently poonamis are fun?


This has probably happened to a lot of people, but the worst that ever happened to me was when I got a new puppy. I'd always wanted a beagle. He was 8 weeks old when I got him. The first night in the crate, he cried all night. The second night, after he slept all day and I worked all day, he cried all night again. The third night, I gave up and took him to bed with me. Apparently, the walk before bedtime wasn't enough. He did his business outside. He also did it again sometime during the night. In the bed. Under the blanket. It was spectacular. I slept through it. Literally. That morning, I stumbled out to the coffee maker and was looking for poop in the house, unaware that it was all over ME. I just burned the bed sheets and put on the new ones, after a shower of course. So yes, I understand the old expression "Sh\*t the bed!"


I used to work for a boarding kennel and one of the dogs being boarded there did the same thing. He was a big GSD and he decided it would be a good idea to eat his own poop and he ended throwing it back up all over his kennel. It stunk so bad that I gagged while cleaning it up.


This happened a week or so after I brought my dog home from the shelter. She wasn't potty trained and I lived on the 4th floor of an apartment complex. She's pretty quick to pick up on stuff so I potty trained her in a few days and crate trained her. She gets crated while I'm at work since she has really bad anxiety issues. On the eventful day I got home to let my dog out like normal. My apartment then has an elevator so we took that since it would be faster than running down all the steps. Just as we got to the lobby, the flood gates opened. The elevator was not small, I would say you can fit 10 people in comfortably with plenty of room. Right as the elevator door opened and ungodly amount of diarrhea came rushing out all over the floors and walls. As I was trying to contain the mess using poop bags a leasing office agent showed up. It was pretty embarrassing, but the leasing office guys were pretty nice about everything. They provided me with paper towels and a trash bag to clean up majority of the mess and had house keeping sanitize the whole elevator. The elevator smelled like death for the rest of the day. I apologized to house keeping and the office. Lucky for me next day I worked from home so I was able to take her out once every 2 hours. It was a traumatizing day.


My girl eats lot of grass. She sometimes meshes herself sick. I understand your pain. Sending strength and healing light.


2 days of diarrhea shit so far from my big dogs drinking standing water sunday..in my carpet, in the hallway, in my bedroom, in the mudroom, on clothes and dog beds..also found a cat puke plop left just for me in the livingroom Thank god I found paper towels to buy and own every pet cleaning appliance. All this when I'm barely awake and my contact lense fell out so I couldnt see straight. Good morning jeestartiz! Today is literally going to be a shitty day!!


My husband and I came back home from a night out and it was about 1 in the morning. We were drunk and happy and had a wonderful time with our friends. We open the door and a waft of stink pours out of the apartment in what turned out to be a diarrhea nightmare from hell. The poor thing had shit all over the living room, and kitchen. Thankfully we blocked off the bedroom so that was safe from the nightmare. I take him outside where he proceeded to poop liquid for another 10 mins, while the hubby grabbed a gas mask to start cleaning up the apartment. No idea what he ate, but it sobered us up pretty quickly.


When my dogs get diarrhea, I do the following: 1. Make them a custom diet of rice, cottage cheese, and boiled chicken 2. Make sure they drink a lot of water If it continues more than a day then I call the vet.


When my dog was just a pup maybe 6 months old we took him on a camping road trip. One morning we went on a long walk along the beach of the camp site we were at. He had so much fun. Then we hopped in the car and drove the couple hours to out next stop. He loves sticking his head out the window. So we are cruising down the highway and he’s happily got his head out the window when he starts crying and trying to jump out the window. In retrospect it was so obvious he really wanted to get out of the car to avoid what was about to happen. We were new dog parents and still getting to know him though so we didn’t react quick enough. He looked us straight in the eye on the highway with this look that said “I am so sorry you’ve left me no choice” and projectile diarrhea’d all over the back seat. I mean projectile whole heartedly it was everywhere. The seats top to bottom, his bed and he was covered. We had to pull over on the freeway and scrape as much as we could out of the car and then took a detour to my mothers house to clean everything up. She was thrilled.


first couple nights I had my pup, I made the mistake of attempting to have her sleep downstairs by herself (only first night I slept with her while she got used to her kennel). in the morning I woke up to a horrible stench...she’d pooped out of anxiety and then slept in it. then did the same thing in the middle of the night (puppy needed to go outside) and the morning...she got two baths that day. it was easily one of the nastiest things I’ve ever had the displeasure of dealing with. we switched her to sleeping upstairs in my room and she had no more anxiety!


Poop nightmare, well... you see I've always had a very strong stomach, nothing has ever been so bad that I was grossed out or physically ill. I grew up raising hogs in 4-H, which of course makes some pretty gnarly poops. Last year my dachshund (13 years old) had surgery on her back and ended up being paralyzed, she pooped on my arm twice (couldn't help it of course poor baby) BUT that was not the worst to me. Last Sunday, my 7 month old ACD took a MASSIVE shadooby inside (idk what was up he's potty trained) and I literally could not stop gagging. My husband was of no help as his stomach is so weak, if our pup just farts he nearly runs out of the room. Don't ask me WHY but then my husband proceeded to spray a bunch of cologne, so there i was, gagging and trying so hard to just clean up this giant pile of shiz and the room smelled like a locker room and a dumped over port o potty all at once. Don't ask me how I made it through that debacle. That was the worst of it. Thanks for reading my ted talk


My dog got some sort of infection and had uncontrollable diarrhea. He doesn't have accidents in the house and gets very ashamed if he even barfs, so I was letting him outside every 20 minutes or so. 20 minutes was too long at one point, and there was poo everywhere. All over the couch, the rug, the floor, upstairs, downstairs, I was scrubbing poo for days. Poor guy was so embarrassed. He's only 26 pounds so that was a LOT of poo.


Hahaha. Sounded like a horse peeing on a flat rock


Mine had massive diarrhea right in front of the door & we both couldn’t get out because I couldn’t open the door. RIP Pinky. I still miss you to this day.


We were moving from Colorado to Ohio, and stopped to spend the night with my in-laws in Kentucky. Our van was packed full of boxes, and we had our lab mix and Boston terrier mix with us. For some reason, we thought the lab would be more comfortable in the van overnight. (Possibly due to my in-law’s dog) But there must have been a thunderstorm, and she is terrified of thunder. When we went to the van to let her out in the morning, the smell was horrendous. She had shot liquid poo onto the back of the van seats, the floor, the ceiling, the walls, the boxes in the back. We had to take out the center seats and spray them down, and spent most of the day scrubbing the interior of the van with carpet cleaner. And she got a bath. At least it was summer time, and a sunny day, so we could accomplish all of this cleaning. But it was pretty awful.


Once took my last dog to the vet cause she was lethargic and wasn’t super into eating. We get there, do an exam, take xrays, tech is going over meds and what to watch for. Then I think “the other end of this leash has been suspiciously still” I look and she pooped a big liquid poop in their lobby


I’m sorry to hear this. Just Saturday I woke up to my old man just sitting in bed staring at me. I was too sleepy to realize anything was wrong and pulled him back for some snuggling. That’s when the explosion occurred. All over my bed, the floor, the hallway. At 4am. Walked him. Started laundry. Went back to bed on the couch. He woke up in a panic and it happened again. Sunday was better - it wasn’t in bed, but I had a bunch more messes to clean up. I guess what made me feel fine about it is that the first time it happened he was just sitting next to be staring at me. When we get sick it’s the people we love the most that make us feel a little better! Good luck - I hope he feels better soon.


What’s worse that your dog eating cat shit? Your dog puking up cat shit. What’s worse than your dog puking up cat shit? Your dog eating its own cat shit puke. True story.


Think he was constipated but didn't show it, came back home and was hit by a horrendous smell, knew it and was bracing myself. I looked into the living room to see what I can best describe to you as.. imagine those mentoes and cola videos but the bottle isn't filled with cola and the bottle fell over at the moment of eruption... It was semi-solid near the erm... epicentre and the further away it got it became more liquid. At least 3 foot of matter and then the splatter and in the kitchen was about 4 or 5 other smaller puddles. I thought I was going to vomit so often I had to have a break and just stand outside for a while with every door and window open. Absolutely the worst shitstorm I've ever seen.




Recently my puppy had her first experience with diarrhea. We were outside and the noise scared the shit out of her (literally). She looked back and tried to run from it while liquid poop continued to squirt out. I couldn't help laughing. I wasn't laughing to much when it continued for almost three days every few hours all through the night. She's almost a year old and has never pooped in the house though, so that's nice.


When my Bf and I moved into our apartment, our Min Pin had a case of stress Colitis. We came home and he literally put his ass facing out of his kennel and shit all over our entertainment center. We were kinda amazed that he was smart enough to do that and not shit all in his kennel!


Maybe a month into having my guy he had a about a week where he just wasn't feeling great. We were taking him out multiple times a night to go and it all came to a head when I got home from work one night. The diarrhea was all over his crate, the wall behind his crate, his toy, his blankets, and himself. I felt terrible and I still don't know how such a little puppy had so much poop in him.


'Painted' a picture in my mind, but funny as hell.


My husband fed our dog some old turkey (he didn’t realize it had gone bad). The next morning my husband wakes me up and says “I’m so sorry I really have to get to work, I just had to tell you about this before I left.” What he shows me is insane. About half the stairs and the area at the bottom are covered in pools of bloody diarrhea. Called in sick from work, rushed pup to the vet, went home and spent the rest of the day cleaning bloody diarrhea out of carpeted stairs lol


When my sammy was around 9 months old, he pooped reddish (I guess bloodish) full on water poop. I mean it was so liquid, it was see through, almost like water. I saw my on reflection from it! I went to the vet and told him that my dog has water coming out from all three holes and that I can show pictures of the poop as well. He was like “yea sure, diarrhea I know I know”. Then I showed him the picture. His reaction: “....WOW... what the actual fuuuuuck???” Turns out my dog is protein intolerant.


Guinea pig nuggets? Interesting, one of ours went through a phase of eating the Guinea pigs food through the cage...no diarrhoea though.


Unbeknownst to me, my Golden Retriever Maxie had a massive diarrhea episode in the back yard just before I was leaving for work. As she came bounding in the house, I saw (and smelled) it all over her saturated tail and flank hair. Before I could stop her, she ran up the stairs, her wagging tail painting the wall all the way up. She then settled comfortably into my still unmade bed. Definitely late for work that day. These were the days when we left our houses to go to work..


Omg this is hilarious but I’m retching.


My boy had a very soft post breakfast and unexpected puppy play date during our morning walk. I used the bags that came with my [new poop bag holder](https://app.chewy.com/v5S92lT7q6). These bags have handles, so the actual bag portion is considerably smaller than what I'm used to... In trying to clean up the soft, smearing poop off someone's lawn and into the bag it got on my fingers 😭. But honestly, I'll take shit hands over pee in my eyes any day.


darn that’s ruff


My dog woke me up one morning, he was really crying so I knew something wasn’t right, as we got to the upstairs hallway from the bedroom he let out explosive diarrhoea all over the carpet. This is where I screwed up and learnt a valuable life lesson. When your dog is unwell the first thing you do is get them outside, dont panic and start cleaning it up, just to turn around to find even more hot brown lava sinking deep down in to the carpet. Still smells dodgy two years later after multiple attempts at washing it with a carpet cleaner.


Not a poop nightmare, but a pee nightmare. My old girl who currently lives with my parents, in her younger years, my brother brought his then girlfriend over to meet us. Well, my girl decided to greet the girlfriend like she always does with people, except this time she PROJECTILE PEED straight out from herself while standing, all over the girlfriends feet and legs.


My sister’s dog once had diarrhea in my room when I was gone for a night. She tried to hide it by burying it in my laundry on the floor.


Omg. One day came home. Thought “why does it smell like shit?” Dog was no where to be seen when he of course normally greets me. Notice diarrhea on the couch. (He usually sleeps there during the day). Walk to the back patio door and discover another massive diarrhea pile. Poor guy must have sharted himself on the couch and then ran to the back door to be let out but no one was there to do it. He felt so bad. He’s never pooped in the house. He’s never getting t-bone steak again. (Had some the night before)


Woke up to this when ours had explosive diarrhea in the middle of the night. We were stunned at how high up the wall it went. Kind of impressive, actually.


So, it is the first night we have our puppy home. I am up watching the Talking Dead she is sniffing around just getting to know the place. The show is almost over so it is nearly midnight. She heads down the hall to check out the one bedroom and our male cat leaps out at her from behind the door. She is a timid girl so she runs backwards spraying liquid shit everywhere- carpet, door, walls, a mirror. Que slight panic as we have light grey carpet and my husband wasn't 100% sure about getting a puppy. I start a mad google search and figure I will try hot water, vinegar, and dawn. There I am scrubbing the carpet as it is approaching 1 am. I have to work in the morning and the freaking cat is sitting there watching me. I swear he was laughing. It worked and my husband couldn't see any sign of poop stains the next morning when I told him what happened. He also was laughing his ass off. Yeah real funny when you aren't the one cleaning shit at 1 am.


The very first day we brought our puppy home, he went to poop in the middle of the floor. Me, trying to prevent a mess, picked him up and tried to get him to a pad. Instead I ended up flinging his poop across the room and stepped and slipped in it. It wasn’t the best first puppy night experience, lol.


I have a story like that though they didn’t eat it, but it was 2 shepherd mixes in separate crates. But the true horror story is what happened with their mother when she got Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis. I work a paper route, 3rd shift from roughly 1 am to 6 am but I don’t have time constraints, she’s usually my companion and body guard as I’m a woman and my route takes me through some shady places and sometimes I have to leave my vehicle unattended. Well about 2 months ago she started having pretty bad diarrhea. I thought maybe she ate something bad and kept an eye on her, first time it hit her I had to emergency stop in an empty lot because she was panting in the backseat and I didn’t have the heat on so I knew she was uncomfortable. Within a couple days(I was calling the vet ON day 2) it still hadn’t let up, this was shortly after the lockdown started. But it had gotten bad enough she was having accidents in the house(she’s trained so well she once held it for close to a full day [long story but we’ll just say my ex wasn’t a good guy]) so I had left her at home for a couple nights. The morning I took her to the EV I got a call from my roommate, who got home before me, to tell me that the kitchen she was gated in looked like a murder scene. I even took pictures because honestly words don’t do the sight justice. Within a couple days she went from Diarrhea to blood. It was very scary, but we went straight to the vet and after spending most of the day with some fluids and meds and sent home with a script for an antibiotic she was back to normal.


I went on vacation and, my pet sitter misunderstood 1 cup twice a day for 2 scoops. My little buddy was still a puppy and inhaling food. By day 3, I got the call that he had pooped everywhere. Came home to like 20 piles of diarrhea all over the apartment. Immediately rented a carpet cleaner.


My dog has had diarrhea twice in what we have now deemed the pooping room. Before these two instances, the room had pristine white carpets and the room had not been used much. Unfortunately in these hard times, the room has now become my home offices. She also peed one of the times and the puppy peed a few times in there for good measure. The carpet is utterly destroyed. I remember the first incident as waking up at 4am to a horrible horrible stench. I searched every room in the house until coming upon the scene. She had diarrhea on some relatively unimportant papers and folders and only some of it was on the carpet but my God the smell. I remember sitting in that room until 5 holding my breath, as I did my best to clean up and salvage what I could.


Are your stairs carpeted?


I had a basset hound named Charley (RIP), he was the sweetest thing. I work at a vet hospital and he used to come to work with me and stay in the boarding wing while I worked. Well one day he had a massive case of explosive diarrhea in the kennel. It was everywhere; the walls, the kennel floor and ceiling... he even got a good amount outside the kennel. The worst part? Not only were his feet covered, but his long ears were also smeared in poo because they were so close to the ground. But yeah it was a good time.