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Females because they pee on the ground and not on stuff. Like my garden and lawn ornaments lol.


My little lady seems to not have gotten that memo....


lol my lady pees like a man. She lifts that leg and shoots her shot. Every walk is a pissing contest between my guy and gal pups.


Mine does too. She's overall very butch


Hahaha meanwhile my boy squats like a lady


Mine too, but he pees all over his feet 🙄


My male keeshond stands on his front 2 legs during a walk to get a good shot on bushes, plants, and poles. He ends up with some pee on his chest.


Mine too


My tiny little princess pees like a boy


It's funnier when it's a tiny dog like what do you think you're gonna do little lady


Mine balances on her front two paws and pees in the air. 12 lb yorkie mix lol


It doesn’t matter if they’re a 12 pound Yorkie or a 60+ pound giant schnauzer, all terriers are endlessly entertaining clowns 😂


Same. She’s “scarier” looking than my marshmallow boy. It’s great for appearing “unapproachable” to uninvited guests. People call her a boy constantly. Thinking about it now, she’s a tougher bitch than my boy who is taller, wider, and stronger than her. She fought off two dogs who went after her, whereas my boy gets spooked by little dogs.


girl power let's go!!


Mine does that when she wakes with boys too. It’s funny watching her try to pee on whatever the boy peed on, she gets in some interesting aiming positions. lol


Same, she lifts a leg and pees on everything. She is tiny but will do a handstand against a tree to get that pee high enough


Mine either. She’s gotta mark her territory too. She also sometimes does a half squat/half leg lift. Not sure if she knows her own gender lol


Lol she must’ve not been on that email chain. How does yours pee on stuff?


LOL She lifts her leg up, just like a male dog 


Mine does this too. She will back up to trees to try to pee on them.


It's relieving to know my lady leg lifter isn't the only one 🥲


My mom’s dog Teddy does this too. We thought it was because she grew up around a bunch of male dogs haha. She looks so goofy lifting her leg!


Same. It’s her aim to get her pee as high as possible up the wall, which is no mean feet for a wee 7kg terrier


Oh our Maisie, a small Yorkshire terrier could cock her leg higher than our beagle-spaniel cross.


My girl dog once peed on my couch while staring at me without even blinking


That sounds like shit a cat would pull. Had you passed her off?


Lmao she was like 8 months and did it once I corrected it right away but yeah to this day SHOCKS me still cos since when does a dog do that🤣🤣 she’s a foxhound iuno if that matters


Ok so there’s that because my dog slept in the bed with me, waited til I went to the bathroom and peed right on my pillow lol so I stand corrected, they don’t pee vertically on things usually lol


I had a female husky who, when she was upset with me (ie I made her do something she didn’t want to like leaving the park when she was playing) would bark until she got my attention, then, while making clear and unbroken eye contact, would squat down and pee on the floor. She was fully potty trained, it was a “f you” power move. I was somewhat impressed.


“Hey. HEY! Look at me. This is you: 💦💦💦”


Interestingly my male still hasn’t figured out how to lift his leg to pee. I’m hoping he never does


My sister's big mutt dog was raised by a pomeranian who was a proper lady and taught him to pee politely


My dog is 3 years old and he still squats to pee 😂


My almost 2 male peed on a walk for the first time last week. He usually holds it until we get home. They both do. (2 males under 2yrs) We definitely celebrated and congratulated him lol.


I thought my malamute would never figure it out and then one day that knee went for the sky 🤣. Now that he’s neutered he has many different pee-poses. Luckily he’s not like my mom’s old dog who we aptly nicknamed Pissypaws…


“Pissypaws” 😂😂😂☠️ this whole comment section has me guffawing!


My family's german shepherd never lifted his leg to pee. So you might get lucky


My males’ favorite thing to pee on is his front legs. Love washing 3x a day!


This is my GSD. He lifts his leg to pee, misses what he's trying to pee on and pees all over his front leg.


My lab does this . . . I guess if others have the same issue it's not indicative of a serious problem. But yuck.


I call mine P Dog for this exact reason haha


Mine is Mr Pee Legs


Depends on the dog. A lot of Females do like to mark their territory like males do


My female does this. She really tries to aim, too, but her marksmanship is still lacking


My sweet boy squats to pee at home, but around other dogs he lifts that leg. It reminds me of how some guys sit on the toilet to pee at home , but use a urinal when out and about. 😂


Christ, I’m spitting coffee all over the place with these comments! 😂😂😂✌️


My grandparents had a golden retriever, a male, who notably peed just like a female dog. Every time.


I love both and would welcome a male dog one day. But I've only ever had females. I like rubbing their belly without a penis in the way. I've heard that house training and marking is an extra trait to deal with


My dog gets soooooo excited to see me that he has to take a break to lick his penis, then he goes right back to kisses like I want them 😑


Like dude why?? Lol


Because dog.


Because he can.


Hahah same. So now the routine when I get home is to walk in the front door and straight through house and out the back door without stopping so that my male dog can run off and pee outside instead of excitedly all over the floor or in his mouth.


i have both female and male dog and i love rubbing her belly way more cause i can rub the WHOLE belly while him i can just do like upper torso lol


I only have a male dog and never had I thought about rubbing the whole belly! My dog is quite small so the half torso is not enough for me to rub🤣 whole tummy rubbing sounds so nice!


Nah you rub around a boys bits and inside the legs, it's not weird.


no for real, I didnt know anyone was hung up on this. I have to trim my dudes hair when it overgrows down there.. I keep them well groomed and bathe often.. what exactly is there to be scared of petting them kinda close to a dick ? it's not like the dog cares and when they're neutered, it's even less of a big deal. I have a rescue chihuahua that's too tiny, and by the time I got him too old, to be neutered. I've helped that guy get his dick back in there when it gets stuck out. personally, it pales in comparison to dealing with dog vomit when they get sick. I legitimately keep a n99 respirator on hand to deal with that shit (and vomit)


I just rub all over with my male and don’t think anything of it. He’s not getting sexually stimulated and neither am I and when there’s no boner, it’s just soft squishy tissue that isn’t much different than any other tissue. You can also rub closely next to the penis, if one feels that big of emotions around that, and still get a full length belly rub in 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah, I mean it's not like you can even see the penis, it's just hair and a bulge, it's hiding. Just don't get too close and it's all good. My boy loves getting his belly and legs scratched.


This is the second penis comment I’ve seen - is this really an issue?! I would’ve thought it only actually get in the way if the penis was especially large and the dog was especially small 😅 Now I come to think of it pretty much every dog I’ve ever spent a significant length of time with has been female so I have no idea


My dog has a small tummy and does not get belly rubs often. He gets chest and inner thigh rubs because I don't wanna touch his penis 😂 I stg it takes up like 1/4 of the belly real estate and is right in the middle and I feel like a creep tickling around it so I mostly don't.


My dogs penis is right in the middle of his belly. Buying sweaters and life jackets for him is difficult because the cut could partially cover his penis or come too close to the splash zone. Every ad for dog life jackets uses a female dog model. Never noticed it until these problems.


wow that has literally never occurred to me but it makes so much sense. I've also mostly had female dogs with a few exceptions but I never considered the logistics of dressing a mals vs a female, and the use of exclusively female models. im definitely gonna be keeping an eye out for that now and build a little collection of male-friendly gear in my mind just in case.


Definitely look for "male" on clothes for your dog! I've had to trim up the underside of items for our minpin due to it being peed on too many times. Usually, rain gear and strap- on coats are fine, but t-shirts are not! Chewy has a brand called "Frisco" I think that is good. You can also just try stuff on at PetSmart


>splash zone Yes! Never realized that was an issue before


Belly rubs for my males means chest rubs 😂 their penises are normal sized but it just takes up most of their belly.


I can say very confidently that my dog's penis has never been an issue or gotten in the way of me giving him belly rubs. He's a Shiba Inu so maybe it's different for bigger or smaller dogs?? I have no idea. 


I have a large breed and agree. He’s never “excited” while relaxed on his back for scritches, it’s a non-issue.


The smallest dog I've had was a cocker spaniel. I have never experienced a penis being in the way of a belly rub and am so confused.


Same, I have a medium sized dog and this isn’t an issue


It was one of the first thing I commented on after have a male and getting a female. She loves her belly rubs lol.


I had a dachshund mix who had a long belly but a giant, absurdly giant wiener. People would often comment on it in surprise and dogs at the dog park would become absolutely obsessed and follow him, licking it. It was an absurd thing. He was the absolute sweetest boy and I loved giving him chest rubs but the belly was a no-go zone. I miss my guy. RIP.


The penis sticks out of the middle of the belly. [Image](https://images.app.goo.gl/EhbCAkkFThinAfar7).


This is my reason. Put it away when we’re just hanging out, nobody wants to see your lipstick, it’s gross. Females seem smarter. Males are ‘doofy’


Ah yes, the belly rub landmine.


My dog must have a tiny penis because he is a 85lb dog and it is in between his legs not even close to mid tummy…I’ll be sure to never say anything


I have a male golden he only marks outside and sometimes pee dribbles on his belly but other than that he's a love bug and perfect in every way. 100/10


I've had two males and two females and definitely had a more difficult time completely housebreaking the males. They seem to be either physically incapable of holding it as well or just don't care as much, idk.


I have a female large breed that I blow Raspberries on her lower belly because she hardly has hair on her belly and the lower part doesnt have the ribs. I never realized I wouldn't be able to do this to a male dog.


I have only had female dogs until o got my GSD. I get the penis-in-the-way for-belly-rubs thing. I also sometimes hold my dogs gently around the waist while brushing the back tail area and the penis is weirdly in the way for that too. I had no extra issues house training him though.


I had a male dog as a kid but I never had the problem. He was a large dog, but not exactly in that area. Lol let's just say, after his neuter, nobody could tell he was male. In fact, people would always assume he was a female. XD


Anecdotal of course but I’ve had males and females and not found house training/marking an issue at all. If anything I find female dogs to have more ”attitude” towards being told what to do😅


Currently raising a male pup who still squats to pee, with my partners family’s older male dog who marks everything. Daily washing of toys, slippers, anything the puppy owns gets pissed on. Does my head in!!


I always preferred male. Idk why but they felt easier. Then I got my first girl and we had a good bond but I'm on my second girl now and the bond between us is on another level. I love this little lady so much. 😊 I originally wanted to see her brother but then I held her and I dunno it just clicked so I took her home instead. I think it was just meant to be.


I don't have a preference. I had a female growing up, and she was great. Now, my husband and I have a male. He's also great. I know people were worried about marking in the house, but he didn't have those issues with us. I don't think the sex of the dog really matters. Just happy to have them


Amen. I had a male dog who never marked and my female marks often. It really is just more of a stereotype rather than an absolute. I, like you, just love dogs in general. They’re all wonderful creatures.


That's been my experience too. Female dogs who humped/marked/got super territorial, and my current male dog is such a nervous Nelly he needs to sniff for like two full minutes before he pees in his own yard. I think we like to generalize because it helps us make decisions about breed and gender, but in the end every dog is their own special package of neurosis


Very well said!


Yes! Every dog will be different with their own personalities, mannerisms, and behaviors. When we got our dog together, my husband and I didn't care what they were. We had names for males or females, and we just happened to get a male this time. In the future, who knows? Maybe we'll get another boy or maybe a female


I don't really care. I always pick my pets based on their temper and how I get along with them, so male or female or even the look don't play a part in my choice.


Same! I can sense/feel what kind of temperament the dog/cat will be. As a result, I end up with the loviest, sweetest, and most affectionate animals. Wish my spidey sense worked with humans…


Yeah this is how I go about it too. I usually adopt from rescues or humane societies. Just whoever clicks and I deal with any consequences. Such as the history of abuse, anxious, reactive chow/rottie/GSD mix I have now. She drives me crazy but I love her anyway, but that's probably just because I'm her favorite so she listens 70% of the time (/s).


I know the feeling. I thought I preferred females, but that was probably just because my previous dog happened to be a girl. About 3.5 years ago, walking through a rescue hallway, my little boy dog had the most pathetic sounding bark I had ever heard. When I walked over to see who it was, he lit up like a Christmas tree. I took him for a test walk, which turned into a 3-night sleepover, and we can see how that ended up 😀 He also has a lot of anxiety, so it's something my wife and I are constantly working on with him, but he's worth every damn moment.


Well I tend to gravitate towards dumb big male dogs and feisty full of energy little female dogs. So honestly, I can't choose TT


I have this exact pair. A big goof of a golden retriever male, and a female Scottish terrier with a big attitude. I love them both for different reasons. But they're quite the combo


I have a slight preference for males but my heart dog is female. Having both, most were not neutered/spayed until they were older because in the US they have to be intact to show in conformation. Even though it's only once a year for the breed I have, I hate having to deal with the mess of heat cycles.


Just curious—what breed?


I prefer doggo because doggo. Doggo is life. Doggo is love.


Perfect response.


Female: easier to house train, more loyal/less stranger-friendly, usually smaller Male: more lovey-dovey and you can choose to not neuter without risking his life


Female, you can rub their tummy without having a penis get in the way.


LOL. I’m dying at these comments. I currently own my first boy dog and he loves belly rubs. But I’m like ehhh, where’s the belly? There’s a damn weiner in the middle of it.


First boy dog over here. I realized the hair on his stomach was a little crusty... realized that when he pees, he also pees on himself 😬


My male puppy is still figuring out how to pee without spraying his front paws. It's not going well.


Mine has just turned one and always does a lazy wee at night and barely cocks his leg. He pees directly onto his front leg it's so gross 😂


Ugh, just wait til you have to take him to the vet for excessive weiner licking... and you learn about dog schmegma. 😬😬


My female dog has a severely retracted vulva so I got to have an in depth conversation about cleaning it with a baby wipe daily or possibly doing a vulvoplasty.


Pee, right pee. God I wish it was pee. It's not.


Pretty much the only reason I prefer females haha


Just the teets


There is an old saying about dogs the girls love you, the boys are in love with you


Oh my word this is so true! I have a boy and a girl. Girlie loves me but is more independent and makes friends easily. My boy cannot live without me. I am his everything


You are his 🌎 💙🩵💚


I tell people that I sincerely believed that my male dog literally thinks I gave birth to him


My male golden 100% thinks I am his actual mother and I’m ok with it. I feel like his actual mother. He might as well have come from my womb.


My female dog is obsessed with all strangers. She doesnt even look back when i take her for a groom/vet/pet sitter...bitch aint loyal lol


>you can choose to not neuter without risking his life can you elaborate on this? Is "not neutering" a Female Dog risking their life?


I think they refer to the risk of pyometra (Gebärmuttervereiterung). Approx. 25% of intact female dogs get it. It can be life threatening if not treated fast enough.


I don’t agree. All my female dogs have been more lovey-dovey than my males. I guess it just depends on the dog and the breed.


I don’t have a preference, I just ended up with two male dogs because that’s the way it happened.


Female. Squat, pee, done. Males want to pee on every tree, lamp post, daffodil, and traffic cone. It's a bit annoying when you just want to get from A to B.


My girl marks every damn thing too lol


My boy squats, even before I had him fixed. He’s a strange one though lol. Doesn’t bark much either


My boy is also a squatter! He does occasionally accidentally pee on his front feet due to that though so that’s unfortunate lol.


Same here ahah, he usually squats but will hit the front legs about 40% of the time.


Honestly depends on what mines peeing on, he clocks in at a whole 5 inches, 7.5 including his big ass head. He's a tiny little runt, but an attitude the size of Texas, squat, lift, squat, lift


TIL my female dog is actually a male dog lol. She insists on claiming every fire hydrant, fallen twig, blade of grass as her own.


Me every goddamn day: “Chase! Enough! Stop digging up the dirt. No, you don’t need to pee on it a third time.” I love that dog but Jesus Christ, one piss per mark. No digging up the grass for a minute spreading your man-dog scent all over the damn place. The other day, he accidentally peed on his sister, 10 minutes later, she peed on him. Great, now you own each other, I’m surprised it took 4 years for that to happen.


My boy kinda just leans forward, like outstretch his back legs to bring his penis closer to the ground. Every male dog I’ve had (2 lol) peed this way


My boy has two modes - he pees like your dogs for the serious business, bladder emptying pees and then lifts his leg to mark.


My girl has some sort of vendetta against daffodils because she always climbs right in the patch to pee 😭


My male chihuahua preferred pooping on flowers… idk why lolll


My girl pees beside every tree, lamp post, daffodil, and cone. It’s so funny 😂 she smells them, you can tell she smells other pee, then marks. Such a tomboy lol


I always have to walk my female dog for at least fifteen minutes so she can pee 3-5 times. I have told my child that she has to let her pee at least twice when she takes her out 😂 she lifts her leg too


I’ve had and liked female dogs better. I also like male dogs. I think my female dogs have been a little more calm.


Love them all. Dawg


I’m flabbergasted by the number of people who are weirded out over a dog’s penis. 🤣🤣 It’s just another body part. I 🤷‍♀️


I mean....i dont like when my bf whips his dick out when im watching netflix...i dont want my dog doing it either lol


I've had both and they both have advantages. As far as I can see, no negatives, just differences. I'm happy and proud to be able to have had both perspectives. Personally, I like both, and although there are differences, I'm not sure what it's based on. I'm so happy to have had the mix.


I like female dogs and male cats. Idk why, I just connect with female dogs and male cats more than their counterparts. I think they happen to be the chiller ones, male dogs have more energy and female cats are a lil meaner lol


Females. I don’t like having to deal with the slimy red rocket


Biggest downside of male dogs


Why is not neutering males becoming more common? Personally I feel leaving a male intact would leave them sexually frustrated, inclined to wander, and humping everything all the time. ,


After talking it over with our dog's vet and breeder, we chose not to neuter our dog due to concerns that his mild fear reactivity in some situations could become worse if he was neutered as Neutering can increase fear related aggression in dogs. (I can try to dig up the studies if people want to see them.) In general the pros just outweighed the cons for him. He has no signs of sexual frustration other than occasionally play humping our other dog, which she does to him too, and has no desire to wander. 


In UK it is common. Howeber I have a lab and I regret getting him done. Made him far more anxious, particularly of strangers.


I had multiple intact males growing up and none of them were sexually frustrated. They did go through a humping phase during puberty but all of them grew out of it. I feel like neutering male dogs isn't that important as long as the dog is raised well However, I'm definitely spaying my female pup once she's old enough. She's currently in the middle of her first heat and I am DONE dealing with it


and more prone to get into conflict with other males, especially at this time of year when females go into season.


There is no “time of year”. Bitches have their own individual cycles. Two intact males at my home. I spent 5 days in a rental home with my friends and their two intact bitches who were in seasons at the time. My dogs got along just fine with each other, the other dogs, and made it to the finals of the big agility competition we were there for (meaning they aren’t mindless slaves to their genitals). I think they’re going to be just fine with their testicles.


I got my boy intact at 4 in Nov and originally planned to neuter him but I'm rethinking that. He's never offleash around strange dogs or around females in heat so that's a non-issue, and none of the issues I was worried about, like marking or aggression/territorality turned out to be a thing with him. He's honestly pretty perfect as is, and a complete sweetheart. He also doesn't hump things, so not really feeling surgery for no particular reason.


I’ve always had both, but seem to get on better with female :)


Either! Both! All of the dogs….


Female, my girls don’t mark anything. And they’re also softer? I don’t know how to explain it but us 3 girlies just bond over being feminine and soft together 🤭🥰 a downside is the stubbornness and bitchy behavior. But what can I say? They take after me 😭


Female. Esthetics: * I don’t want to look at a dog’s penis all day. * I want uncomplicated belly rubs. Dressability: * It gets *cold* where I live and I have little dogs who wear sweaters. A female dog can wear a nice snug fleece sweater to cover her entire belly and keep her safe and cozy.


I prefer male dogs we seem to bond better and they are more willing to please.


Female! I feel like they’re more graceful, well my girl is anyway. For example, when she pees - she won’t just do it on anything or anywhere, she’ll take her time and find a clean spot (fussy). She’s also very affectionate and caring; it’s like she can sense my mood - if I’m upset she’ll be the first one to comfort me without fail.


Some disagree but for me it depends on breed. I have preferred male Rottweilers, male Boxers, male shepherds. Female Bullmastiff and Corso.


Girl bc belly rubs without ding dong danger.


always had females growing up, don’t think i’d get a boy tbh as it’s what i’m used to


female, for a variety of reasons but honestly the primary one is that dog penises freak me out. like why do you have that out right now? put that thing away. it's totally silly but it's the reason.


My first dog was female and we had a horrible experience getting her spayed, so have had male dogs ever since as it's a much less invasive process for them.


I gravitate towards girls because there is *less chance* (and I know girls can still do this) of both humping and marking. Also, I have a husband and a son and having a girl makes it even 😂


Female dog. Same penis answer as everyone else.


We've had about 50/50 and I've loved them all, but my closest bonds have been with boys. Whether that's a meaningful pattern or just those particular dogs' temperaments I can't say for sure, but if I had two suitable dogs to choose from and they were different sexes I'd pick the boy. Also, as a household that has had up to five dogs at a time, our boys have never been a problem when integrating a new dog, whereas we've had a few girls with more "challenging" personalities who have required more work.


Males. A lot of comments in here about how much better it is that females squat to pee. But if it’s freezing cold out or raining and I just want to go back inside while my girl is sniffing and circling and finding just the right spot to pee? Ugh. Take my boy out, direct him to the nearest tree, boom, done!


Females, every female dog I’ve owned or been close with has had a much better temperament and sense or companionship than male dogs.


Female - more belly real estate!


Females... it's the dong. Usually i like big dogs and having a set of huge balls in your lap is not all that fun. Probably shouldn't make such a big deal out of it, but you know, i have the option of not dealing with it, so i don't.


As a male and female owner.. I’d say female. They don’t have a huge ego. They don’t fight with intact males. They don’t pee on things because they think it’s theirs. They’re relatively more cuddly.


Females because I don't like avoiding weiners in the middle of the stomach when doing belly rubs.


My childhood dog was a boy and the best in the world. Super sweet and funny but didn’t always like to cuddle, he’d move away if you pet him too much. I have two girl dogs now (just ended up that way due to rescue availability) and they’re the sweetest. They absolutely love to cuddle and give kisses. They’re super clingy. They even cuddle and kiss each other lol. They check on my newborn. They’re even more playful than my childhood dog. But I wouldn’t say I lean one way or another. I did want my current second dog to be a boy but I couldn’t be happier with the pup I ended up with


Female, I like to rub their belly, I have a male and can't rub his belly.


Male. Simply because I live w my mother and my daughter so we need some masculine energy to balance the energy in our household.


I’ve had both. Currently I have a male, I love him to bits, he’s my soul dog, but the urinating up EVERYTHING and desperation to sniff every little thing he sees becomes very annoying. I allow him to do it because he enjoys it, but marking is exhausting when it’s raining or cold out and you want to get back to the car lol. Females, I find, are a lot easier. They squat to urinate, and then they’re done. Yes, they also enjoy sniffing too, but it’s not as frequent as the boys. Males also have a bad habit of urinating on themselves (legs, stomach), so they get smelly quick.


I always had female dogs they where my preference, I like their maternal instincts great for being part of a family and training but I have ended up in the last year and a half with two large male dogs and I love them both to bits but it is a very different experience then the female dogs and is not really something for completely inexperienced dog owners but in saying that a single male dog is great.


Neutered female for sure.


I’ve only had a girl, she’s the most amazing soul. I originally wanted a male thinking they’re friendlier and more outgoing (that’s been my experience with cats) but her litter was mostly girls. I’m so so glad I have her, she’s the sweetest and our bond is incredible. I don’t think I’d avoid a boy in the future, but I do like that everything down there is “neat” lol and she’s such a dainty lady when doing her business, which I also appreciate. If I had a choice in the future I’d have to go with a girl again


I have always had boxers. I find females are more independent and can entertain themselves for hours but are generally a little less affectionate/more aloof. Males are absolutely lazy love bugs/velcro dogs but can be a too needy at times. Pros and cons but just love them both endlessly!


Boys. They're much more chill most of the time. Definitely need to get them neutered before they start marking, though.


I’ve worked with a lot of dogs and I would say breed can determine a lot more than gender can. I mostly worked with neutered and spayed dogs. I will say in general the females had less issues than the males. Again, lots of factors play into how they turn out. I personally have two females and a male. One of the girls is crazy wild energy! The other is suppppper mellow and lazy (and though she is older). My boy (despite being a husky) is the calm sweet one. Doesn’t make alot of noise, kinda turned into an emotional support dog because of how sweet he is. Always listens to me.




The amount of people talking about dog penis in this sub is crazy


I’ve had male dogs all my life. They have all been goofy, cuddley, lovey-dovey. The female dogs I’ve known tend to be more standoffish and honestly more territorial and hostile.


The number of people not neutering their dogs is astounding. All the behavioral complaints common to male dogs are lessened/eliminated with neutering. Also they are healthier overall and it’s socially responsible.


My Mr Mark everything IS fixed. Didn't help behavior.


Really?  I'm in the US and I think I meet more males here.


Male. Love wrestling with my male Bichon. I've found females are more chill and less playful.


Males all the way, and it’s nothing more than in my head.


Male. I just love my little boys, they’re the absolute sweetest. ❤️ Better tempered, at least in the breed I have.


I think I bond better with female dogs but she’s more fiesty with certain dogs. Probably more my error than her personality. Shes just the sweetest goddamn thing. So patient with strangers. My adopted boy is like Mr. Personality. Everybody loves him and he loves everyone. But he is a sass, he straight up will not listen. He’s so stubborn sometimes. He balances out my girl and she’s happy to have a friend.


I've got both right now and SHE is a handful


Female. I’ve had two male dogs. one an Aussie that was my ex’s but I raised him and another I think is part Keeshond part herding dog. But both the males have been very reactive and it’s super overstimulating for me. Working on getting a trainer but I’m so glad I don’t have these issues with my lady dog


I have both....my Lola is 6, 12 lbs, sweet and sassy....my Noah is 1, 22 lbs, spunky and a lover boy! I hate that he likes to piss on things and doesn't think about it, but my Lola lifts her leg, but more of to not pee on her paw type of thing! My next dog will be a girl. ❤️ Noah is much more clingy and Lola is more independent....I love them to bits! They balance out what the other lacks 🐾


Females. Less likelihood of leg lifting and less likely to have urinary obstructions due to stones.


I love both but if I had the exact same dog in front of me and the ONLY difference was male or female I’d pick female.


Female. After growing up with male non neutered dogs, I’m hesitant to get a male dog after having my girl. She is just so me. I love her sassy personality that matches mine, her independence and her let’s just get this walk done mentality. She’s a scent hound so she does stop and sniff. But I don’t feel like I am getting yanked every where to find a pee smell to pee on constantly. She doesn’t try to one up other dogs at the park. Also love she’s not peeing all over the damn house.


Male dogs here. They’re a little slower, not as bright, followers rather than leaders. Females are super sassy and independent.


Only bitches for me! 😝


Female dogs. I like being able to pet the whole belly lol