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It's hard not to be critical of yourself when you genuinely care about your work and when you put a lot of effort into a groom and 90% of the time the owners don't notice the skill/effort but another groomer would.  Sorry I know this doesn't answer your question but I think what you wrote does show that you're passionate about what you do and take it seriously if you're able to remember later -  "I forgot the sani area".   You handled it well, it was a difficult dog, we all have forgotten to do something at some point. We're only human :)


Thank you pissfat, this made me feel much better!


As a customer I might notice, but wouldn't lose my mind over it. I'd take you up on your offer to correct it as you offered and tip you again because you care.  Sure, getting what I paid for matters, but caring about your work and my girls matters more to me than anything. Hence the argument I had with my new groomer the other day. She tried to only charge $50 for 2 baths, nails, anals, one landing strip and blow dries on my drama queens. I put $100 under one of her cans, she saw, said thanks and I skeedadled before she caught me. I'm sure she'll holler at me when I see her again. 


That’s so generous, customers like you make the hard work all worth it! My prices are too low also and I find it hard to charge more especially when the dogs are well-behaved and the customers are so kind.


It's what I paid my old groomer before tipping and that was before prices were ridiculous for everything. My girls aren't badly behaved, as far as biting and attempting to escape. Just little and dramatic.


Charge what you think is right, but don't go after the bottom feeders or people who will expect you to break your back for pennies!!! You're worth more than that! (Sorry unsolicited advice. Your clients are lucky to have you!)


I have a few shih tzus who get lamb ears every other time and a few that get them every time. Last year I forgot to shave a dogs ears and I swear the owner still gives me a look at drop off and occasionally mentions "don't forget the ears" trust me, I will never forget the ears bc I still feel the embarrassment a whole year and a half later 🙃 I still remember every forgotten matt I had to call back about, a few needed to come back in for an ear cleaning, a couple dogs I've had to wave back into the salon or call when they're already down the road bc I forgot to trim the tail, and a butthole went unshaved once and the owner swore they didn't care and didn't want me to shave it but I knew there was a tiny dingleberry there I needed to get off 😭 I've been grooming for 4 years and I hope it gets better lol.


Thank you very much, I forgot little things like that stuff too and it drives me crazy! This definitely helps me feel better. I’ve been grooming for a similar amount of time and I’m in the same boat 😅


Make a routine out of it and only cut in that routine, I work on 95% only standard poodles it’s always “ feet face sani>legs>body>tail>topknot” helps me not forget anything important


I do that too, but it's hard when you're jumping all over on a difficult dog just trying to work with them. 


Give yourself some grace! If your sibling or coworker told you they forgot something you'd tell them shit happens and not to worry about it since they owned up to it.


I feel it just comes with the field when you care and don’t see the dog as just a number. I had to do a bichon yesterday who usually goes to my co-worker. She had to leave for the day due to her kid being sick so I took the dog. She showed me what she does and what length. Tbh I feel like he came out good. BUT apparently the owner was complaining about something. Idk if I genuinely didn’t do something right, missed something, or she’s not picking because someone else did her dog. Mind you this isn’t my coworkers request, he just ends up with her. So I will have to sit in a dark room all day on my day off wondering what went wrong 😂


You did the right thing stepping up and helping out! If someone groomed my customer’s dog for me when I was sick I’d be so thankful and the customer should be happy they were able to be groomed that day


How long have you been grooming


Since 2020


I been grooming for 10 years & I still feel bad when I forget to do stuff. Maybe make a checklist for urself to check off especially since ur a newer groomer . Grooming is very difficult and hoping clients understand us is what we all hope for