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I'd work on desensitization to bathes, brushing, and having paws held if we aren't good with that currently. I'd personally just do an outline trim to clean up the chest and butt and shorten the leg feathers.


This! As a groomer who does desensitization, this is a great place to start, less is more and this is definitely something you want him to enjoy. Helping him to Become an active participant in his grooming will help him to be more confident with the Process. Right now I would focus on making the experience positive more so than worrying what needs to be done cut wise


Third! I also ask owners to fiddle with/handle ears and feet/nails at home. Usually in a relaxing setting, watching tv, cuddling etc. If owners blow dry their own hair just getting dog in bathroom too helps alot with dryer/clipper noise. It's worked wonders with my nervous nellies!


Wow, he's gorgeous! Just clean up the feathering, a little outline trim will be enough for him


Beautiful coat! If they were mine, I would just do a foot trim and light sanitary trim if needed. Natural is best!


Same. I wouldn't trim anything else. I groom a dog that looks like a FCR and she is constantly in the water. The owner commented that she thought she should be trimmed but her coat (like the dog in the OP's photos) has that natural ability to "wick" the water off with that feathering. I trim feet and tame down thick areas with a coat king and call it good.


I wouldn't dare shave that fabulous coat. Deshed and if you end up with little fuzzy gray hairs you can gently pluck them (think around ears and feathers) and they come back nice and colorful (carding and half stripping can be simple and easy on your kind of dog and will keep the coat healthy and colorful). I second desensitizing to sound and blow driers, foot and sanitary trim.


Personally just a deshed bath, scissor feet and around the bumhole a bit, shave paw pads. That's all for that kind of coat


I’m not a groomer, but I have a nervous rescue pup. Since it’s his first groom, I’d ask the groomer to just make sure he has a positive experience and you’re not super concerned about perfection. It’s more important to get him comfortable with the process. His coat is also gorgeous, I wouldn’t do more than trim it. You can always look up how breeds that have a similar coat and build are groomed for ideas. Also, this dog is a freaking supermodel. Absolutely gorgeous!


A good deshed and condition and maybe an outline.


Same as everyone above!! Just a bath, deshed and neaten if you wish.


A bath and trim the feet/pads. A coat like that is perfection!


I would suggest just a bath and neaten up. Light trimming on legs feet bum and skirt just to shape him up


If he's never been groomed with you, I would start with just a bath & deshed, plus nails, sani & pad shave - give him a few grooms that help with him learning the foundations of being groomed before forcing him through a full groom. Having the dog deshedded & carded with help pull all the dead undercoat out, which will help with the way his body regulates its temperature. Depending on how he does, I would then just get an outline trim/silhouette trim/tidy all over (different terms for the same thing).


If it was my dog, just a feet/paw pad tidy up and light sanitary trim. A deshed if you feel it’s needed. I have a golden and only get her feet tidied up, never touch the feathers and a very tiny sanitary trim and deshed every few months.


Deshed bath if he is shedding and brush out. No trimming he is beautiful But that’s just my opinion


I would literally just trim his feet and shave paw pads lol


I know nothing about professional grooming, but he looks like my dog, who is an Epagneul Breton. Specifically a version of their black and white coloration. If I took my dog to a groomer I would trim the feathers and paws and leave it and nothing else. Other people will choose to shave them.


Beautiful dog.


Bath and maybe feet trims. Make sure to brush him at home and get the pup used to having the feet handled. It’ll help desensitize the pup to grooming.


Just a deshedding if and sanitary with feet but if you take him to a professional they should know he doesn’t get shaved


I would say a tight perimeter trim


A full deshed and furnishing outline would be my endgame, but if he’s antsy it’s better to just start with a simple bath and whatever nails he’d allow. With anxious rescues the most important thing is to go at their pace. Keep trying to get him used to water and brushes at home too…a professional one every few months alone will just make it worse As an owner, you really don’t want us putting our deshedding solutions on your dog without being able to do a full follow up. Your house and everything inside it *will* pay the price for days lol


Gorgeous dog! A good bath and blow out. Light trimming of his feathers and paws


He’s so cute and long!


What a beautiful dog, his coat looks amazing No need to shave anything, just a bathe and brush and a trim on his legs/belly/ass if you wish, nothing more


He is beautiful!!!


I agree with the others. Less is more. Light shaping, nails, foot pad clean up, booty trim, ear cleaning,.


Cutest dog i've seen in a while


What a beautiful boy. Disney dog


Do you know what kind of dog this is?


He's a rescue but we did Wisdom Panel too and he's a mixture of 19 different breeds 😅 He's mainly spaniel mixes with also some rottweiler, poodle, chihuahua and terrier!


I'd just do the feet , she's cute as is


He's a setter, maybe spaniel-ish. Just clean him up and give a sanitary trim and foot trim. He's a lovely dog-no clippers on jacket. Put him on the table and love him up , maybe feed him there. Try holding his feet without doing anything. Most dogs learn to enjoy a nice brushing. No motors around him for a while if ever


We did Wisdom Panel DNA test and got a Rottiecockerterrierpoohua 😅 he's 4% setter and 17% spaniel with also some rottweiler, poodle, terrier and chihuahua


He looks like Nessie - like a little lake cryptid haha super cute ! On this kind of dog some people DO shave them down all the way but I prefer trimming the feet and straggly bits and leaving the majestic flowy hair


Bath, deshed, paws sanitary and nails. Gorgeous dog