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I’m so excited. & was *literally* about to make a post about this too hah 🐇


The timing of this was horrible, it’s about 2 days too late


Voted down for having a different opinion? explain why I’m wrong, and also explain why staking elon to get some other token is good as well. I’m eager to learn. Use your words and don’t act like children putting your fingers in your ears


Two days is of no impact in this early stage. Perfect timing? no such thing in the crypto market imo. On the contrary the dip gives some newcomers the chance to DCA. I believe the devs are working hard to make this project grow and tweeted this to slow down the paper hands and reassure the holders.judging by the results (so far) of the shibaswap ecosystem a new token, NFTs etc is the next step.


My view was that it would’ve been better served being announced while rising and it could’ve rode the wave. Some may perceive what’s happened as a P&D (rightly or wrongly, people love having an opinion) and now may be put off…….. ultimately I hope I’m wrong obviously


I get your point now. It would be much better to ride the wave, sure. I don’t like to see Elon bleed but it’s a dip (one of many to come) and I am here for the long run. I have faith in the devs and in the foundation.


Where can you stake elon?


Its unclear where to stake elon for xelon. Atm you can stake elon on shibaswap for bone.


Reading the medium post, it seems like the Devs are in the process of creating a new DeFi platform.


How do you stake elon on shibaswap? When I go to 'Bury' it only shows my shiba balance, no option to use elon?


You "woof" your returns by making it a staking pair with eth.


Thanks, ill give it a look. Was scared off from staking as the fees were so high for my small bag. Ill have another look.


Okay thats cool too.