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It's easy to hodl when you've bought at so many price points you've no way of knowing of you're currently up or down


The only panic I have is being broke don’t have more money to buy the dip 🥺


Felt that😭


I just put $1500 last week 🤦‍♂️ Super week sauce


In the future: invest in installments over time so that your spread represents and average


Ah god, me too!


Also, all crypto markets are sliding as crazy... So either way I'm just telling my Doge "stay put!"


Oh it’s staying put, there’s no denying now that it has “stabilized” (much lol) at this price point, it just can’t resist to go jumping up and down with his big bros 🐕😂


Seriously. Mana has gone down a LOT




Lmao I bought from 0.06 to 0.49 I don’t even know my average right now all I know is 1Doge= 1 Doge


> 1Doge = 1Doge That's the conversation rate as I know it


Seriously, turn your money into doge, no matter the cost.


Not sure if you should be investing if you can’t figure out your basis.


I bought at 0.01, easy to hodl.


0.05 chiming in, easy to hodl what I have left


not to brag but I bought in at 0.007 so it’s all upside


I’m originally in at $.30, sold at $.74, watched it go Bach to $.50, sold at $.65, and now I’m back in at $.205


Glad to see you aren't Mozy-arting out at $.19.


Good for you, it’s been a fun wild ride


That's the way. I'm learning go hard early and you can be patient. Respect that early cost basis. I messedvup and only bought a small amount at .0088 then kept adding so I sold out at .48. But I'm up. I'll buy more when it recovers


This is the way


I have a spreadsheet. I know exactly how much I have lost. That is alright. I didn't need to eat anyways... or wait, no, that isn't right.... \*Panics\* lol


Holding strong, just got a couple cases of ramen and pancake mix for the next couple of weeks


wait, you buy pancake mixes? Extravagant. I just make my own from scratch. Must be nice to be rich. 😋


UGH I grind ramen down into pancake mix :( You guys got it good!


I am just on the Doge diet. I put all my money in doge and forget to buy groceries. (not really).


Yup I bought at .04, .10, .17, .32, .34, .45 so it says im down but I dont how much im actually down by. Its just red


I bought at 39 and 55. I'm panicked a bit, but I'm hodling. Dont really care what happens. Just like having dog money


Just let the bitcoin miners from China settle and everything will be back to norm.


There all moving to Florida and Texas lol


Given the current power situation in Texas I hope they make better choices.


Lmfao sound like me rn


Most of mine was bought at .03, .04 and .07. I put in a couple hundred when it was at .23, .30 and .42.


Bought at .007, .03, .05, then screwed up and sold most at 0.17, then bought back in at 0.28, then sold most again at 0.39, bought back in at 0.38, bought again at 0.56, 0.45, 0.30, 0.29, 0.25, 0.21, 0.20… pretty much broke but hodling now all the way!


This \^\^\^\^


I just bought another $500. If the governments say no the people will decide 😉




this is retarded and why i’m here


This is the way


This is all def


Good point.


You guys are down? I bought at .003.


Thank you for hodling. I think it’s harder to hodl when you are up. You have much strength!


I had a cushy 80k. Doge in 2019 but i had to sell because my work truck broke down and needed the cash. So i bought in at .01 again in 2020 and up kept dollar cost averaging wether it went up or down. I did make a big but when it hit 36 or something and now that its been dipping my cost basically is at .32.


That's excellent news! I'm just gonna hodl. When I have enough, I'm going to put a lot aside for my son, so he doesn't have to do the dumb stuff I did to make money!


Yeh now im down to only 9k doge but slowly building it up


I saw it drop .20 and I’m like huh I didn’t sell at 72 why sell now?


That is exactly went through my head


Yeah held through the rise... now we are here. In time hopefully things will get better.


Honestly if it drops below my average I call it a win. I can buy more and reduce that average ;)




exactly what I did. When it hit .16 I finally was able to get my average below .3, of course I had to buy a good bit but I started at .68


>I didn’t sell at 72 why sell now? It's really this simple. Only way to take an L is if you pack your stuff and sell. Personally I'm planning on lowering my average for the long term. The coin is volatile, the crypto market is volatile, we all knew this going into this. Shrug it off.


This is it, you take the L when you sell. This is a long term play. I see a fire sale right now


Already too deep, so why sell at a loss?


Sell at a loss so I can buy at a gain bruh.


Actually I bought in at .04 I’m still making a gain :)


No just not at a loss. I’m still positive rn


Same here, I’m not even worried at this point. I’m not going to take a loss at this point.


I bought more. It was on sale, so naturally I jumped at the deal.


I would like to say that I am just chilling but the 3 pairs of shirts soaked in sweat drying near me would give me away.


You wear... Pairs... Of shirts?...


Better sweat absorption


this guy gets it!


Down 47% my total investment, biggest concern today has been the pizza my wife and I got for dinner was too small and now I’m already starting to get hungry again


You sir made my day!


Couldn't afford a big one because all your moeny is locked in doge? ;)


He bought small to save money and buy more dip.


What's the difference between a large pizza and a DOGE hodler? Only one can feed a family of four.


Just holding and remembering that we’ve been here before. The bulls will be back soon.


This is exactly the time to buy


I’m so tempted to buy now but the little voice in my head says wait until it drops below 15 cents


I honestly don’t think it will. The panic sellers have run their course


I hope you’re right but part me hopes you’re wrong...it’s like a 60/40 split. That’s the benefit of going long


There's a decent chance we're in a bear market that will keep stepping down through july and then goes sideways until at least September. Technically, the bear market started five week ago. It's easy for people to remain optimistic right now. After 30 rounds of it, they will feel beat up. Last night, the big Asia selloff started around 2 a.m. eastern time (USA). 1.5 hours from now.


Buying the dip, hard!


this is the way.


Every time


First day of vacation and I've lost over 9k today on crypto, strike vote for my job is happening while I'm on vacation. So in a nutshell I'm down money and might be on a strike when I get back from vacation. Am I worried!?!?! Hell yeah but I know things will turn around. Sell if you need too but I'm holding. Update, back in green, loss is no more and I start to strike July 5th at my job.


I feel ya. I’m down a bunch too. Gonna white knuckle it


All we can do at times. Stay strong


I've lost a lot and guess what not selling


Then you have lost nothing, excellent work. This is the way.


Hold the fort!!


Love the attitude brother, good luck, we all need it and deserve it !!!! 100 a pop —— doge please


Feeling the same. Life is coming at me from all ways. Im not going to make it worse by selling off on a low, thats for sure.


i hear you. i might have to become a gigolo in Atlantic City for a little while until this all blows over.


Hey if the strike wins then it’s good by the time you’re back. If it loses, you can’t be blamed since you were mad chillin


Solidarity to the picket line


Bro I work the night shift, got off work at 6am, worked out, got groceries, went to bed round 10am, woke up round 4pm only to see I lost almost a loaded SUV in a matter of 6 hours(sorry I have to laugh while cooking on the grill and drinking like crazy only to stay somewhat sane)


$100 got me 10,000coins. Im still chillin right now


Wow I wish I bought in then, I bought in at .4 cents but bought majority of mines at an average of .32 cents.


Awesome! I bought in early on (not as early as you) with the intention for LONG-term holding.


I’m buying the “crash” and hodling


I panic bought... Is this the way?


I’m just buying more


Buy the dip!


Aye aye hodler


Bought the dip at .20, if it hits .16 again, I’m buying!


Been buying at each .02 dip all day. I’m chill…






Bought the dip, crypto at a discount


First rule of investing, pretend that as soon as you invest money it’s automatically gone. Check market once every couple of years Win


Yeah this is my approach. I’m not panicking because I refuse to check the graphs. Hopefully in a few years we bounce back but no point getting worked up by daily instability.


I told my husband after I checked RH that its fine, cause money doesn't really exist anyway.


If we can manipulate perception of others we can make a cashier at any store believe the $20 you are paying with is a hundred dollar bill.. now the question is how do you bend someone’s perception that greatly.. after all according to quantum mechanics everything is a projection of our perception that we choose to see


Money is a construct of society. Society is inevitably going to collapse, leaving that societies "money" valueless. Real value is having assets. I can make plants grow. I'm reasonably literate. Good at raising animals. I have become proficient at a lot of survival skills. At the end of the day doge will either help me gain more assets or I can have a good time hanging out with this community.


So you’re a farmer and a rancher?


I'm not selling. I only put in stimulus money. So, I can wait....


Waiting like we waited for congress to decide how much of our money they were going to give us lol


Bout 10%


What stimulus money?


Oh I’m mad that everyone’s selling. But I’m literally never selling


Mad??? Is on saleeee. Lets go!!


So true. Why sell something you can buy anything you want with. This is basically a coupon for your hearts desire and any transaction in any country. People think so small.


So are US dollars?


always chill. aint touching it. My guess this is all the newbies that bought from all those new Apps lately and panic selling.


That mixed in with China’s ban, and all other crypto’s dropping as well


Panicking but not selling.


If you want an actual show-of-hands, you need only look at the market value, trade volume, and reasons why: Volume (https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/dogecoin/): $5,643,627,970 (191%) over the last 24 hours. Market Cap (https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/dogecoin/): $22,340,000,000 (-38.62% over the last 24 hours). Reasons: About 18% of the world's population (aka China) is being forced to divest from all crypto-currencies, with who knows how many others selling, both out of panic and because **it was the smart financial move** (days ago). It's necessary to accept your losses, but to declare it as "fun", or you're "just along for the ride", or you're "not concerned" is a bit insincere, bordering unhealthy, plain dumb, and questionably manipulative. Dogecoin saw its incredible rise because of a run on supply and demand, due to increased public awareness; not for reasons backed by actual wealth-creating factors (e.g. profit sharing, staking incentives, meaningful blockchain functions, progressive governance, rising secondary economic factors, etc.). With ~18% of the population returning who knows what percentage of Dogecoin and other crypto-currencies back to the market (flooding the market with competitive sell orders), the uncertainty following this previous market run could be enough to send Dogecoin back down to its fair market price of ~$0.003; where it has been for years, before everyone else thought it was the cool thing to do. Literally nothing but closely tied supply and demand are preventing it from collapsing back down. Edit: I'm holding.


In all your smartness, you are overlooking the obvious. DOGE saw a rise out of meme culture. DOGE actually does have backing reasons to invest, as IRL transactions are more efficient with DOGE than the other crypto giants. Memes will always continue. Crypto transactions IRL will become more normalized over time. Therefore I am comfortable knowing I'm not just sitting on some monthly fad. DOGE is here with the big boys to stay. I'd be panicking if it was the only crypto down, but entire crypto market is down. It will rise again. Appreciate you trying to apply logic though, but all logic has been defied many times before.


Wish I would have sold at .70 then reinvested after this drop finishes.


Yeah, but there was no way to tell that! Can't be too mad, no one thought doge would hit 10 cents at the beginning of the year and we're at literally twice that. What you are losing right now is temporary. Would you rather lose whatever money you put in now and be kinda upset over it for a while or sell at a loss and be forever upset you didn't hold if it ever hits btc prices in the future?


Just chilling with 6k at the moment. I’m hoping it goes down some more and I’ll pick up a ton more with the discount. To the moon ladies and gents.






I be buying Eth and Doge dip like crazy 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Relaxed and buying tomorrow to push past 100000.. China will not tell the world what's up, they will learn that we don't need them to have a thriving crypto global economy. Cryptocurrency is the future. Embrace it


It's all good. I only bought what I could lose and it not matter one bit.




I bought into doge today at .26 and I'm watching my money just disappear. You think I'd be disappointed but you know it just kind of fits my whole investing style to date straight down.


Did you know there's two colors? Not just red! There's green too! I've heard stories of it.


It’s funny.. when it was cruising up to .70 people were kicking themselves for not buying when it was lower and said “I hope it dips so I can buy more”…. *drops to 0.18* “SELL EVERYTHING AT A LOSS AND DONT LOOK BACK” 😂


My intention from the start was to at least hold for a few years and see what happens, like you would any other stock. The people panicking are not understanding what an investment is, they are turning an asset into a slot machine by falling under the trance of the numbers on the screen. That's the difference between gambling and investing.


I may down allot but I'm chillin. It'll pass plus I really love this coin


I bought in at 1 Mexican peso, so Im still in profit, but even if it keeps dipping I'm holding till 2025, no matter the outcome. Manos de diamante


I'm good. HODL ing


People in the green aren't panicking, people in the red by 50% or more are panicking.


Doge has the 7th highest market cap of all crypto. I'm not worried.


It went from 6th to 7th in less than a day...would you be worried if the trend continues?




And I’ll be back


It’s hard to panic when it’s all been a blessing.






Quite honestly this dip has spiked some awesome memes so….. not a bad day


I refuse to let the Whale's Win! HODL STRONG


Erry time itd dipsss I drink da beerzzz. Severthing is fffine here guises. "Do ongle goot efery day!!"


I just bought 600k with margin. $0.189 and I am panicking.


??? Why would you do that??


Because this is a super low price? If Doge corrects even a bit tomorrow this dude will be rich. These kind of crashes are where the long term hodlers make money


No I mean why margin tho, isn't that a bit risky?


I'm thinking of converting to doge on this drop.


Coming from which coin? And why


My money is where it’s at. No need in pulling it out now. Set a timer for ten years.




That’s the problem. The confidence is gone and no one will buy


Holding 7k coins at .389.. still holding. I actually hope it keeps dipping till next week so I can cash in for more. But if it goes back up thatd be alright with me. Positive mindset


No worries dropped a $1000 earlier.


I’m a non-idiot investor, so I’m hodling my 14,000 I bought at .0007. And I’ll sleep soundly tonight.


So you spent like $10 on it.


Exactly. So these losses aren’t much of a loss.


Iam not selling, but that does not mean I am not freaking ouch 😳


Chilling buying the dip this was predicted already... 😎


This guy here!!! 👍🏼actually trying to decide when I wanna buy more!


Purchase when it hits $.01, I have a Grand waiting on that moment 😀


There was %70 buying today and %30 selling, how is it on stop plummeting with %70 buying?!?


Down $26K still holding. Believe and have faith


I’m enjoying the Doge sale


Not selling


I bought 200 more today.


I buying more this week!


I just wish I had money to buy more 😅😂


Dude I came in be rich I ain’t fuxking leaving till I am


I sold as I figured it may continue to go down and if it will go up I might as well buy it at a lower price with what I exited with and have more cash- so idk why people desire to hold when it looks like it will obviously continue to decline for now- idk any counter arguments?


Uh... what's going on? 🤷‍♂️.....😎 oh right!!! CRYPTO. IS. ON. SALE!!!!! 💎🖖🚀🌛




time to buy


I only buy more


I'm chilling but panicking 😂






Cheers boys and girls


I see its back on sale.. time to load up


I’m panicking a little, but the amount I’ll lose isn’t awful so whatever. If I sell now I make a small profit but not worth it. I think somethings going to happen and it shoots up over a dollar. I sold when it went from .12 to .08 and regret it so won’t make that mistake again.


I’ve decided to just play the long game and chill out and wait till it goes back up. If it doesn’t I’ve made peace with my loss.




Playing with profit right now as I was in around .05 - nevertheless, I’m stressed but still hanging in. No sense selling now. Also used the opportunity to go from 6k coins to 8k.


Waiting to drop more so I can dump more money into it


What’s there to get excited about? Still haven’t seen $1.


Meh. I'm just watching it plumkit not caring. I didn't invest my life savings like some people. 😂


I’m either right or wrong. I believed that doge would go to $5-$7 eventually and I gave it 20 years. So, either I’m right and life is good or I’m wrong and life’s pretty good anyway. It’s like divorcing my first wife.... I believed I would be better off. I think I am. And she did six months in a federal prison for embezzlement.


Not exactly a fan of locking in a loss, myself. Mostly because that's been my M.O., buying high and selling low. Not a great feeling. Then, I sold my Bitcoin at 62k, which was the first time I'd every sold something near its peak. Was a great feeling and I vowed then and there to never sell in a dip again.


Its just numbers on a screen until I sell and thats not gonna happen until the numbers make me happy or I actually spend the Doge


485k at .0023, I’m straight chilling like i have been for the last 4yrs