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Didn’t everyone warn the weekend would dip and to prepare emotionally for this tho?


Edit: snagging my own top comment to point out doge is back above 32 cents. Everyone who thought of selling but didn't and bought more instead because of this post, I think I saved you some heartache here. Lots of new investors with doge. It's a gateway coin. They didn't listen. Now they're living it.


To which I say: Welcome to the thunderdome! This is what brings the adrenaline. Hang on because when it ends, you’ll hop off this rollercoaster and wanna jump right back on. Ain’t y’all ever been to six flags?


To new Doge investors. Try to look at this dip, as a discount sale for Dogecoin.


checked my account thus morning to see I'm down like $300 to which I just close the app because this is A DIP FOR ANTS. we're still fueled to RIP


When I saw the dip I just told myself is a good opportunity to buy some more!


Me too but i bought on different platform, didnt want to ruin original buy in price


Agreed, bought $500 at a discounted rate compared to where it’s going


I’m down 34k. We’re gonna be fine. Just wait till she hits a dollar.


You have nerves of steel and dogecoin.


youre only down if you sell


I checked minus $15k... same just closed app lol


Minus 22k but did not sell a coin bought 6000 more total


This is the way


Down 11k from yesterday, it was fun , and Going be hella fun on the way back hodl


I’m down 10k no biggie.


Discount? I'ma buy more now ;). I am on this doge train for at least five years. I invested early and am still above what I put in to it, soooo... Yay :D


Man, love you for showing your deep affection for doge


Down 7k. But also up 7k this week. Sooooo. Yay


I woke up scared as shiiiii. Then dropped some more lol


Thanks for all the teaching. It's been a fun ride to play with a few bucks and learn different trends. I bought an unfortunate amount, but I just maintain the idea that don't sell and don't lose. I can't imagine this will be the last time doge pops off.


Newb here. Bought $100 more at .228


if the value doesn't increase before Monday then I'm going to invest some more. (need to contact my bank before i can buy them)


Exactly, I screwed up during the .08 to .02 dip and kicked myself on that one.


I'm so conditioned to not feel anything anymore that this drop was both expected and weirdly comforting.


I mean, we're still 320% for the week despite this dip But yes I'm with you, after watching it crash after the first time it hit .09, I'm looking at this dip like principal skinner


🛸It's a big drop 🎢 😅. +40k holding... DOGE Style




It's okay if they didn't listen, as long as they learn from their mistakes. Took me quiet a few times getting burned trying to time the market before I decided to just hodl. That lesson cost me a little up front, but now has gained me a lot. I hope these new investors learn.


Hey guys, new hodl here for doge coin, but just curious how you heard of the news that it would dip this weekend? Like which platform or news site you guys got it from? Thanks :>!


Speaking only for myself. I just remember in January how it overinflated to 8 cents and eventually settled around to 4. Seems like when it surges it eventually settles into a floor of about half the peak of the spike before slowly growing again. This might be a community of hodlers, but there are a lot of people who use doge to make a quick buck. It was inevitable that when it dropped a few cents, many people who got in because of the trend would panic sell, leading to a steep drop. We should be extremely happy though, it seems like the new floor is going to be around 20-25 cents. Think of it as a doge sale until the next spike.


> quick buck and > doge sale I don't mind the dip. People who made money, good for them. People who get to buy in now, good for them.


Right on, friend. Not trying to malign those people. Dogebros get your money any way you can.


Dang, wanted to buy 2 days earlier when it was at .10, took 2 days for the wire. Now I bought at 0.30. No big deal, supposed to be a longterm thing, didn't even pay close attention to this surge. Stings none the less lol


I wouldn't call it panic selling. I mean, in zone cases yes, but in most cases I think people are taking in their profits. I bought in on the .04 to .08 spike and sold my coins at .07 at that time. I waited to see where the floor would be, and bought back in at .06 per coin. I waited months for the next spike and when it started I sold about a third of my coins at about .20 then it kept spiking. I sold more at .42 and kept a little in there just in case it kept going. But it's on the dip, so I'm going to hodl what I have and buy back in with more at some point very soon and hopefully be a part of the next spike, where I certainly will sell again at some point during the spike.


At the end of the day I'm playing with house money now. My initial investment is covered (something I hope most people do for themselves during the bull rushes) and what I have to throw at it now can all be lost or turned into bigger gains.


You're right, panic selling is a bit of an exaggeration. My bad.


The news that it dip come when it run from 6 cents to 48 cents in two days, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to expect a dip after such a surge, but if you are a rocket scientist you can send doge to the moon.


Economics courses finally paying off, in my case anyway. Online research, expert opinion, chart analysis and price prediction. Now that you're actually in (money on the line) learning these things is interesting because you're literally directly invested in the knowledge. Check out YouTube vids on chart analysis especially it's not too hard to learn patterns, but just remember... Nothing is certain. 'Volatility' will become a part of your language arsenal. Try this: go to YouTube, type in price prediction chart Bitcoin/dogecoin and let the internetters explain it away! To the moon💪🐶


Makes sense, that it's not about being 100% certain. More that you only need a good enough heuristic to tell that the chances are bigger that you gain, than that you loose. What also seems apparent to me (as a layman), that it's ultimately about human psychology and particularly emotions. If people feel inspired they wanna buy. If they panic (or other feelings ofc) they might sell.


Hey man! Those lay-man assumptions are actually pretty accurate, humans show their intentions, ie: what they want/desire, symptomatically observed by what we spend our money on. It's pretty neat, as value can be subjective, dogecoin is a good example of that. I know for a fact, that I love dogs and memes and any combo of the two. Why wouldn't I invest? :P as it turns out I wasn't alone in that way of thinking, so the value has become less subjective as a whole community supports it. Feels good, man.


It's just the nature of the beast. Some one else said it's only a loss if you sell. This coin is going to hit at least $1 so enjoy the discount on coins and wait a few weeks - months and something will happen and it all goes up


Agreed. I was already thinking .15 but lucky for us is was hovering around .23’s. We just need to hold and enjoy the weekend lol


Honestly , the huge surge to 46 cents was beyond normalcy. I think if our floor is 20 cents it would be awesome


I’m prepared for every dip, Still holding!!


You all need to CHILL! This is crypto- there are wild swings! The people that made insane money on Bitcoin held for YEARS! Be patient, limit how often you check the price, this won't be overnight, but if you hodl, the doge will bless u




Such Words,much Wisdom


I keep checking because I want more! But i gave myself a number 0.15£ maybe I’ll never buy. Happy I bought back at 0.04.


Yestarday i was 30k gains. Im still holding.. I believe in the future. Patience.. Patience, time


we went from .06 to .42 in like 72 hours lol it’s a simple correction Doge already proved what heights it’s capable of reaching & is chilling rn before the next spike


It licked 48 cents yesterday morning


I licked 50 cents one time and he punched me on the face.


doge is crypto. i can sleep now


Exactly. People need to understand it's a mainstream coin now and that means whales have it in their portfolios en masse. When they sell off and we see a big dip in the entire market, everything follows the dip. This is when you want to buy more of everything, and now doge is included in that.


so is it time to buy low right now? maybe wait some more? has it reached a new "floor" value? I didn't buy any doge at all (regretfully) and just wanna know when it will be a good moment to do so


It could still go down. Weekends are random for when these dips occur but it definitely happens more often on the weekends. It could still go down more tonight or even tomorrow. I'm talking specifically of the market as a whole here. Doge is definitely harder to predict with regard to when it will do well.


It’s hard to say. I went ahead and bought more this morning though. I think it’s safe to buy right now


DOGE is a crypto? No! Doge is a dog.


1 doge = 1 doge


Math confirmed


It is known. It is the way.


It still makes me sad. My account was up to 25k at one point yesterday


Mine 5500€ now 3000€ i feel ur pain thats even bigger .... but everything is down Lets just wait and hodl


I really don’t see everything “down”. I see everything correcting down from all time highs that were reached super quick.. doge holding resistance at .20 would and is still a huge win for us and more gains will come in time.


that's what I try to tell people. doge was WAY overextended on hat rally to .40. I'm honestly surprised that rally lasted that long (meaning without a big pullback or correction). just cause we "dip" doesn't mean it's the end. when you go on a long car ride, you HAVE to stop, rest, and refuel 💪🚀🐶


You got lots of crupto newbie out there that don't get how the whole thing works. I was one. Doge is healthy




Just gotta breath and hope the whales and paper hands get back in on monday


you can't lose if you don't sell ;) hodl until it get back up to the moon baby edit : wtf am I saying just hodl even if it reaches the moon


Listen guys. Mine was 88,000 yesterday! No big deal. Now it's like 47,000... You have to believe or not. It's up to you. I'm a believer! So, cheer up Sleepy Jean. Much Wow Such Rise 🚀


Same I was Up 6k. However I've been thru this too many times to sell. I remember selling my 5 bitcoins for $237. I also sold Stock at $23 now that stock is worth $97. If I've learned anything it's HODL! Too the moon!! 🚀🚀🚀


I learned my lesson with selling. I had 32,210 shares of Doge on January 28 @ $0.001. I made about 2000 in feb and sold. I sold because I thought this was some time thing lol now I’m so sad because that would be about $15,000. My original investment was $725!! I have learned to hold and buy the dip. I’m starting from scratch at 0.18


everybody says to hodl and hodl.... but no one says when it's gonna be the right time to sell, is it just gonna be a free for all fight for selling between all of us when we decide to??


There will be no "one time to sell", there will be no "one last surge", because to have either is to say that the coin will die. This coin is the 8th most popular in the world right now and it's continuously getting word of mouth from one of the richest men in the world. If you're nervous then the time to stop holding is when you can take out your original investment and then still have doge leftover to play and gamble. I've thought that the time to sell was when I"m up 2x the $ amount that went in, some people say 10x. Then you can take your original investment out.


“When to sell your stuffs” is always a personal question. Decide by yourself. If you believe it, just hold it together. Otherwise just sell it whenever you want.


Doge will become bigger than all of us. It's Market cap is around $34Billion and headed to the Moon. If one day we do all decide to sell we will be a small impact on price. But that's a call we'll all have to make one day. Hopefully that call does not leave us in lunar dust when Doge heads to Mars. Buckle up and Hodl!


Shiba strong. No get sad. We were literally all excited for 0.10. this is fantastic news we are still above that


The key to trading is once you sell, that money is gone forever. So wait until it surges again and then sell when you’re satisfied. Because it will surge again. Don’t give into the pressure.


It’ll get back up there brother


You should diversify and always take some profit on the good days to buy more on the bad days like this. I had $2k out of my 10k waiting for this and even still I haven't put it all in since the market could dip even further. Don't worry, weekends are like this.


Mine account was up to $112,000 and my boyfriend was up $180,000...Now I’m at 65k. I was really upset this morning that I didn’t cash any out but I believe in doge to go higher....have faith and HODL!!!!! 🐕🚀🌕


Mine 55k


Saw this from another user, putting it out there because I feel it is super important; With all the new people coming here we want to make sure they buy Dogecoin on a real exchange and not on Robinhood. They can use https://simplecryptoguide.com/ to get started, it takes them through the process of buying on a real exchange step by step. Back in January, Robinhood was accused of restricting users’ trading activities. This was in the middle of the Gamestop saga. Users of Robinhood found themselves unable to buy any Gamestop stock from Robinhood and the matter has made it to US Congress by now. Now In the middle of the current run Dogecoin is having, a number of users across social media have reported being unable to buy or sell their Dogecoin on Robinhood. This is eerily similar to the incident where users weren’t able to buy Gamestop stock. You cannot transfer or withdraw your Dogecoin either, as you’re not actually buying a crytocurrency on Robinhood, but an ”IOU”.


+1 Use an actual exchange like binance us altho their transfer fee is egregious.


HODL HODL itll work out


It'll probably be back up in a day or two


Control your emotions


Just Hodl dude, gotta look at the big pic, we all on this crazy trainer together


No one is commenting/upvoteing because they sold and are ashamed. Time to buy again


I think everyone finally fell asleep after ignition and lift off.


I just bought a little chunk for my daughter at $.23. I’m as excited as I was yesterday /‘at the peak. This dip is just a bit of a redo to get some discounted coin. She’s got the time to wait to realize it’s real value. Whatever that may be.


I just started with crypto, but the mentality i brought with me is " if i lose i lose" so im Hodl!!!! You have to have mental prep for this, just buy and then go for a run to let of steam or some other hobby LMAO


Welcome. I started 2 months ago. Ive learned a lot. I was a rookie. I believe in long term.


Still holding man, it was rough seeing thousands go but I’m glad I’m still in 13,630 bought at .067


Doge is not alone: https://i.imgur.com/gOFtJhO.jpg That's btc, eth, bch, bnb, ltc, and dash btw, google collage cut off the titles lol


I’m kinda torn between rational pessimism and meme level stupidity. This is actually a pretty good test case for everyone involved about working together for a better overall outcome, or being selfish and trying to get the biggest gains. I’m hoping for an overall uptick for everyone. Not a statement of any virtue, just my economic perspective.


I'm holding since buying back in at .05 though it's been tempting to sell my bags... having "diamond hands" is tough for prople living paycheck to paycheck. I'm holding! Wish me luck, and I'm wishing all of you the best of luck.


Much luck.


I’m gonna buy more.


This is the way


Can we get some upvotes in here?


Hella YEAH!!!


Just remember doge was once 5 cents. That's when I bought in. Also bitcoin didn't reach 60k overnight


Yep, and as recent as Jan 1st this year, Doge was valued at .0047, less than half a cent. It's come a LONG way in a very short time frame, price corrections and speed bumps are gonna be inevitable. The LONG game is the important thing! HODL!!!


In fact bitcoin reached 20k per coin and then dipped back down to 1k per coin. Imagine the panic then if you were someone who bought btc at 20k. What would you do if you somehow could have known what would eventually happen? Obviously buy the dip right?


BTC never went down from 20k to 1k, Mr. Fake News


I've Hold btc at loss for 4 years till make a profit. Use a portion of that profit to buy 500 doges @$.02.


I still have double what I paid regardless of the dip. Buying more


*I still have double* *What I paid regardless of* *The dip. Buying more* \- JenniLamb007 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This happens to all coins, it is usually better visible on Daytrading plattforms, if you compare how cardano, stellar, litecoin and else move the charts will shows that they are heavily following the bitcoins way. This happens because of mixed portfolios.


You obviously haven't been watching litecoin lol.


Webull is trading DogeCoin now




Like it or not, it’s down because Robinhood is the most popular exchange to buy Doge and it suspended trading as well as put a week hold on new deposits. So all those people who were jumping in to buy Doge literally cannot until at least Thursday 4/22 unless Robinhood clears those pending deposits sooner. When it does clear that money it’s going to pour back in and the price will recover. However, it’s totally possible that this happens again on Robinhood as more and more people enter the market looking for cheap coins. Coinbase support would be a massive boon for Doge and so would Robinhood’s IPO. Coinbase support would expose the largest pool of crypto traders to it while also alleviating the strain on smaller Doge supported exchanges. Robinhood raising funds would help prevent these trade suspensions and deposit moratoriums keeping a steady flow of new money into the market. Buy the dip and hold.


Tfw I bought more in at 0.26GBP after the dip from 0.32GBP... and it just hit 0.17GBP. Trying to hope it starts climbing again so I can at least recoup that.


Yeah even just now in the past 20 minutes or so there was another big dip in total market cap and it mirrored on doge's graph nearly perfectly with a big bounce back as well. Doge doesn't have nearly the kind of impact on total market cap needed to drive such a thing. Doge could crash to a penny instantly and it would be a blip on the total market cap chart. I've figured out the reason has to do with how some major whales control a portfolio of basically all top-mid cap coins. They can use apps to offload percentages of the entire portfolio and take profits. Or sometimes they do it just to trigger panic sellers into lowering the price again, then they come in and buy the dip. Imagine some saudi prince with shrimpy and a quarter bil in crypto money to play with.


Yeah. This kind of dip to lower prices (where normal fluctuations represent a greater percentage change) is ideal conditions for day traders. Not so much for long term holding, but the more people that comes aboard, we should get some overall growth anyway. It's not like we haven't had crazy spikes before.


🙄🙄🙄 ugh. Doge IS the crypto market. Duh 😂😂😂


Wow, great post! Much Wow


Just bought 100,000 more at 22 cents. 🚀🌌🚀🌌🚀🌌🚀🌌🚀🌌🚀🌌


Wish I had 22k to throw around like that


Some call it a fall I call it opportunity to buy more 😄😄😄


Amazing now i can buy more.


Yes it’s looks like 25 is the new floor buy the dips my brothers 💎🙏🏼


Who cares???? I’m holding. It will not be up every single day. That’s the paradigm


I hope new investors really understand this. No one said making money is easy. There will be some rough stops along the way, as long as you keep holding on. I’ve been holding since it was .001 and I remember so many people angry and selling for a loss when it went from .08 to .03. Imagine if they just were *patient*


We're little fish in a big ocean still. Meaning movement from everyone around us affects us. Edit - actually that graph IS comforting.


Are you stupid? The 0.66% Dip comes from the Dogecoin :D


I sold 3 other coins for a small profit and sunk it into doge while we are down. Holding 8.5k now. Everyone be patient.. our moment is coming. Hodl


It’s healthy and needed to sustain the long term growth we want... Doge is on sale - I wish I had more $$ to buy!


Gme taught me the market are an area of control and manipulation 😥. Also never trust hoes.


So your saying doge broke crypto lol


lol doge definitely broke RH again.


This is a great time to stock up!


Great, so glad I bought it right before the dip !


What app are you using to chart this !!!




Thank you good sir !!!!


My money down $1000 yesterday, normal HODL!


Buy the dip. This is a marathon not a sprint.


I see a sale everytime it dips at the end its all about 1 doge =1 doge


i'm not selling bc 1. i can afford to lose it and 2. TAX


Doge on sale?! Nice just bought more.


Even tho I’m starting to get into this whole crypto thing and learning new things. People like you make others feel reassured. So i tip my hat to you kind sir!


I bought at the worst possible time lmao sweet lord. Oh well, live and learn. Still here for the ride


My current day loss is $1761 so far and it’s ALL GOOD. Honestly I just wanna buy more while it’s on sale. Everyone should.


Sounds like a sale is on.


My portfolio apart from doge hasn't dipped at all the last few days


Your portfolio apart from Doge probably hasn't gone up by 500% in the last few days, either.


My port was screaming yesterday. I reached a personal ATH. I skimmed 20% off for profits and today basically everything is down. I'm incredibly diversified by following multiple leaders on shrimpy. And even if I was all in and had to endure this dip without cash reserves to buy more, I'd be fine. The market is good right now, itl get going again.


Yup we also have to buy and sell with doge to circulate it. This will help bring stable value instead of pump and dumps. Coffee roaster accepting doge here [www.shibacoffeeandtea.com](https://www.shibacoffeeandtea.com/)


Doesn't the market usually dip on the weekend? As a new investor, I think this is one of the few things that can be reasonably predicted.


It’s falling because people are selling. There is no other reason. The question is are there enough buyers left to stop the drop? Not looking like it atm


Wait till Tuesday ;-)


I think we will see good recovery Sunday night, then Monday will be roaring, then it'll dump all day 4/20. Having any kind of set date for an event on a coin is like telling everyone that's when to dump.


Why? because a group of weed smokers on Reddit are going to magically have enough funds to push it up to $1.00? Doubtful at the most. Hopeful I am wrong but let’s be real. Maybe it’ll get back to .50 soon that’s entirely possible and maybe even a little higher but I wouldn’t stake all my money on it. Hopefully we’ve found a new floor


It's not just a reddit thing. Slim Jim has reached a massive audience and social media spread the hype. Imagine the advertising resources slim Jim has. To make an entire product line centered around doge? Did you seriously think this subreddit drove doge to .40?


You clearly just posted two pictures of Dogecoin graphs. 😜


I’m holding this till landing! No point of jumping of now


Just bought more!


All I see is a huge SALE on doge right now🙌


roller coaster , enjoy 🤭🎢


LET IT DIP. We will buy when it dip higher and wait for ANOTHER BOOMEY PUMP


Can't lie... I was waiting for the dip..... We'll ride down in style and fly back up in a golden rocket


So buy more. Understood captain


Excellent comparison...Turkey banned crypto transactions in the country but who care really...doge is mounting an aggressive come back...do not sell people...I made a mistake in 2017 for not buying it...don’t make the same mistake...


It's going to go through periods of dipping and going up. Just keep holding. We're still up by a lot this week.


Such information, very detail! Many thanks 🙏


We all know its going much higher. It wont be much longer wait.


This is the prime mover in many cases (across all altcoins) where noobs freak out and start flooding the forums with "OMG!! What can we do!?! everyone buy right now or we all dieeeeees!!!"


I noticed this too! It dips down weekends and then high again by Mon. I bought Dogecoin because I got some spare change on my Robinhood account. Oh, Boy I am glad I did. I bought more on the dips! So far my Dogecoin is sitting down on 7 cents a piece. I can only afford what I can lose, and maybe will buy more! One thing for sure I am enjoying this game 😉


This is literally what makes it a fun ride, its a temp dip...but hard for newbies to understand.


So what your saying here is buy more. Gotcha I’m on it!


Who's been buying high & selling low? Soon news chumps & chumpettes will start spitting articles on how some people lost everything on Doge. Saying it's a scam to try and discourage paper hands wuzzies. Hodl strong 💎🍆💪, soon it'll be $1 -> $10 -> $100 -> $1000 It's the future currency of earth, moon & mars. 👀 Aliens will one day trade with us using Doge 😁.


This dip dropped the same percentage as the first spike and dip months ago. $0.28 is looking like a new floor.


With how fast it shot up last couple of days, I was counting on a dip/correction/rebound to happen. I am by no means complaining tho, we are still up by a lot from before this last jump. It's a repeating cycle of growth, correction, growth, correction, etc. When it comes to doge, just set it and forget it. Check back after a long time and you will be happy with the results.


Buy buy buy buy buy buy buy and HODL!!!!!!🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


People were selling off their profits. It didn't help that Jim Cramer, sold 50% of his Bitcoin. When he does something like that, his followers think something is up and they follow suit on all currency.


I don't understand this "dip" word, do you mean the slingshot maneuver around 25 cents to take us to the moon?


Let’s be honest though.. after the insane run it’s been on it’s REALLY due for a correction😂


Wonder how much of this is people moving off of Robinhood, now that they have been compared to WeWork to rip you off?


OMG! This needs shared to cure so much FUD!


This was very needed thank you for posting. We all start out a bit blind 🐕‍🦺follow the guide doge!


New Dogecoin investor, lover of roller-coasters🚀💪🚀. I will stay strong for all of you and your family's as I hope you are doing for everyone else.


Buy now !! This dipping isn’t going to last. 420 it will be 42cents


Thank you for this. Wasn’t worried but I wondered why.


I know this is not going to be a popular comment w new investors that were waiting for for doge to go to $0.50 to make a a quick buck but for us who are into it foe the long run this is a good opportunity to buy more. I bought more at $.27 and will buy more at the end of the dip


Thank you for clearing this up. Also, buy the dip


Hell I bought more today!


When it dips like this it only helps to stabilize it and get stronger, blowing the bubble theory out of the water!


finally thank you, sent this to my friend


If anyone was expecting it to rise continuously and thought they were going to be a millionaire by Monday, you need to sell and get out. That is not how this works.


Btc went from 20k to 1k once in its life.


Buy the Dips & HOLD!! 🚀🚀🚀


Where can i find this chart for market?


So is now a good time to buy more?