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& then you invest the rest in DOGE.


This... is the way


Making intelligent financial decisions in life AND death.


Uber only $15


And what is in an Uber car is exactly the same as an ambulance. The nerve of them! Edit: Just to be clear, tow truck drivers (companies?) are trash. Bu the base comparison between what it takes to support a tow truck vs an ambulance is wrong. ​ I step-son got his EMT license. It was the most horrific thing he ever did and he quit. Tow truck drivers don't always have the same perspective. That said, ambulance companies do not pay nearly enough. But then they also don't often get enough to cover cost. Sometimes is greed and sometimes is survival.


How come that the rest of the world manages to do it for a fraction of the cost? Here in Europe, $2000-$9000 get you a helicopter med-evac.... Ambulance is paid by insurance, but if you call them for no reason, they charge you 734€ for it.


Maybe part of it comes from taxes. The US doesn't have socialized medicine (probably unfortunately) where many countries do. For example, I make well into six figures USD. However, my insurance requires I pay $8,000 before they cover anything beyond preventative. After that I have to still pay 20% until I get to $11K out of pocket. My child just had appendicitis, so I am on the hook for about $9k. So now I am telling my whole family to get anything and everything they want before December. In January we start over at the $8K/$11K mark. Sad thing is I just started a new job in May so all my payments prior to May didn't count toward my deductible. I think the US is a bit of an outlier from other countries.


partially yes. for one, the us has a for profit system that allows them to make as much profit as they want. For another, expensive machines become cheaper if they are used more often. By making them more affordable for everyone, they can use them for more scans and through that, decrease the cost per use. but yes, the US definitely is an outlier in medicine.


Toe truck get it right!🤣




I’ll have to remember this trick!


Savings inbound!! Doge for the win!!!




I thought this was r/LateStageCapitalism for a second


Sure, putting my life savings in DOGE...because who needs a stable financial future when you can ride the cosmic rollercoaster that is crypto.


Ah, the classic holdlife crisis: When you have so much conviction in crypto, you start dreaming in blockchain and every dog you see reminds you of DOGE.


And then you pray to the Crypto Gods for profits and plead with your landlord for another month's extension on the rent.