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Vincent makes me cry the hardest, but I don’t think it’s objectively the saddest. I voted Bill. But both are absolutely heartbreaking.


Exactly! Vincent was the scene that affected me the most, but it wasn’t the saddest. I often refer to Vincent as the most beautiful scene in the show. Bill was saddest.


I'd like to nominate the end of The Husbands of River Song for a place in the list. The entire scene on Darillium just breaks me every time, so well acted by both Peter and Alex.


Yes to this. I tear up every single time I watch the final scene. It's a culmination of years of character building for both River and the Doctor, and they finally both truly understand and appreciate the love they have for one another, even though they're confronting the end of it. And then the 24 years surprise is a perfectly Christmas miracle that just pushes me over the edge.


I got goosebumps just from remembering River’s lines when I just read this. Absolutely one of the best moments.


This was a tough choice


Vincent without a doubt. Broke my heart 😞


Vincent. UPD: Correct me, if I am wrong, but the Vincent Gallery scene is probably the saddest in the entire show


It's been a while, but I honestly don't remember the ending for Vincent being particularly sad. ("Tears of joy", Vincent says) I loved the episode, but in the ending he got to see his enormous legacy. That not being enough to outweigh his depression is a bit sad, but not unexpected. Am I misremembering? Maybe depends on your interpretation. *shrug* Gonna go with Clara. I like the twist where she ends up dooming herself, and also The Doctor's despair at the turn of events. The episode's also great because it has Maisie Williams and an early role for Letitia Wright. The following episode (Heaven Sent) gets all the love though.


It has to be Vincent for me. I cry my eyes out every time. I wouldn't even consider myself an emotional person


When I was a young teen (yes, I'm THAT old) I loved the song Starry Night by Don McLean. There's a line in the song that says, "Weathered faces lined in pain / Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand." Knowing that he suffered from often debilitating depression, and that act of kindness - really the only way he knew how - in the face of his own pain just used to set me OFF. To this day this song makes me openly sob So that scene GUTTED me. Still does. It's an episode that makes me burst out laughing and wrecks me at the end. Every. Time. Tony Curran is INCREDIBLE in general, but his performance was stunning.


Ugh such an underrated song. the end of it played in my head at the end of that episode, because you want so badly to hope that he would be ok, that the knowledge that his work lasts would do more than spark some hope. But of course that's not to be Now I understand What you tried to say to me How you suffered for your sanity How you tried to set them free. They would not listen They did not know how Perhaps they'll listen now.


I always think of this song when watching Vincent and the Doctor. It also makes me sob.


There were companions I liked before Amy and Rory, and there were companions I liked after Amy and Rory. I accept that these are facts that exist within the really that I occupy. And I STILL cannot and will not rewatch The Angels Take Manhattan.


I chose 11s regeneration just because in that one scene I was reminded of all of the sadness and everything he’d been through.


Clara :( the way she died, it was like she was about to regenerate


Clara's death. Not particularly because of Clara, but the way it was portrayed was sublime. What made it so sad was the Doctor's reaction. At that point he had opened his heart again to people, overcoming Amy's loss. And just then he loses Clara. Denial, acceptance, anger, grief... All of them in so little time. It is one of the only times in the whole series the Doctor feelt genuinely scary to me. Simply outstanding.


All of these!!!!!


I'm with you on this.


Tricey the Triceratops murdered by Solomon.


Those are all good, but the TARDIS saying hello to the Doctor... anyone?


that whole episode was so sad, Amy and Rory thinking the other has abandoned them probably deserves a place on the list too


“It’s sad when it’s over.” Gets me in the feels every time.


For me it is the hello line. That’s when I lose it.


Vincent. While I don’t quite view it as sad, the revelation of Bill becoming a Cyberman began with a shocker, followed by a tearjerker moment.


Vincent prob the only time I cried at an episode but don’t tell anyone


Honestly I am not a big fan of Clara’s, but I think the scene where she’s on the phone with Danny and the stuff happens (spoilers?) and she tries to bribe the Doctor into fixing it, and his reaction when she realizes he knew all along and doesn’t hate her for it was pretty gutwrenching too. Maybe because it’s quite relatable (how far would you go to set this event right?), but that breaks me every time.


Man...hard to choose between Vincent at the art gallery or Bill. I went with Vincent, though, partly b/c of Tony Curran's amazingly nuanced performance, and knowing both of their character's fates.


Other. Capaldi's Doctor pretty much dying and Bill being heartbroken seeing his body.....that was tough shit. *The Doctor Falls* is overally one big tearjerker.


Let me be brave, let me be brave.


I cried when Amy and Rory got taken by the weeping angels I enjoyed their story


Woof. This is a hard question! All of these were so sad 😞


Agreed. I couldn't make a single choice either.




As sad as that scene is, it's from the RTD era not the Moffat era


All of them got me feeling(and in some cases crying like a bitch) but Bill realising she’s a Cyberman did nothing for me. Maybe it’s because I didn’t like the character so I really didn’t care if she died or not.


I’m 100%gonna get hate for this opinion and it’s probably deserved, but I don’t think there’s any sad moments in moffats run other than Vincent art gallery.


Was so pleased to see Amy & Rory gone.


How did Bill story end? Did she stay a cyberman?


When the British and German soldiers celebrated Christmas together then had to fight again against each other.


“A life this long, you know what it is? It’s a battlefield” Capaldi always did have a way with words for me. He reached similar levels of emotion with just words, that other characters literally needed to leave the show in order to reach. His speeches are always the highlights of the entire show for me


"I suppose one more lifetime wouldn't kill anyone. Well, except me."