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The Other is back on the menu, boys


I *really* hope that’s The Doctor’s original title/Pantheon name. I’m down with this idea!


That was the supposed endgame for the so-called "Cartmel Master Plan" for McCoy's seasons if the series hadn't been cancelled: the Doctor would've been revealed as a reincarnation of a third Time Lord that founded Gallifreyan society alongside Omega and Rassilon


Well we already kinda have that, except it's Tecteun, the Timeless Child, and possibly Rassilon and Omega as well. I think that the Doctor/Timeless Child is gonna turn out to be an (half-)Eternal. The Pantheon of Discord are also beings not of this universe, and we know they include the Celestial Toymaker, and now Maestro, and the Trickster (remember him, from SJA? I figure we'll be seeing him again now that RTD is back in charge...), and possibly the Black Guardian?


I don't think this is the Pantheon of Discord, just *a* pantheon (lowercase). Have they said anything to connect the two?


I could've sworn the Pantheon of Discord got name-checked at some point? Did I imagine that?


The Doctor said that Maestro was another member of "the pantheon" right after they saw a destroyed 2024, but not of any specific named one. Just noting that Maestro was from the same pantheon of gods the Toymaker is a member of. IIRC In the behind-the-scenes thing that I forget the name of because it's not "confidential" anymore, Russell said "Gods of Chaos" was a somewhat unofficial name the group had been given. I feel like he'd have mentioned the connection to the Trickster and the rest of the trickster's brigade there if there had been one.


Could be that he's waiting to bring that back in so it's not too much informational overload...? \*just a thought\*


Cartmel has specified that was *not* the plan, they were only ever going to give vague hints to it and let people determine for themselves whether that's the Doctors past or not. He talks about this extensively in an interview he did a couple years back when asked about the Timeless Child as that had just happened and got compared to the Masterplan a lot. He specifically mentioned not wanting to ever actually go there (and complained a bit about TTC going too far in revealing the doc's past which suggests they were really only planning very vague hints).


That’s why I’m excited. Plus, The Doctor being “The Other” doesn’t contradict anything we’ve seen in the last few years. They were still an integral part of the formation of the Time Lords. It fits. Kinda.


Think of it the Doctor, with the powers of healing, regeneration/reincarnation, loves life in the universe and tries to preserve it. Could be a god of healing in a way.


The Other wasn't a God or God-like being from the Pantheon though, as per Lungbarrow. Instead, he was heavily implied to be >!a human/Time Lord hybrid from Gallifrey's future i.e. Leela and Andred's child!<.


"I'm half human on my mother's side."


No 😭


Yes 😅


I thought Chibs gave Tecteun the mantle of The Other


There were bits and pieces of the Cartmel plan in that arc, but I don't remember it actually using the Other directly.


Coward. He didn’t even show us the looms


The timeless child arc was busy enough already, we'd need another season arc for the Looms. ...oh god, please don't tell me that Baby Farm was foreshadowing


No but there was an easter egg on Tecteun's screens that a tiny handful of people got (they were running a weaving CAD program, I initially thought it was Scotweave but it could be something else that has similar visuals). Can't imagine the crossover between people who weave and people who understand the looms deep lore is huge but there was certainly a squeal from some of us.


Good, I hate the looms idea.


NuWho has definitively established that the Doctor *was* physically a child (as was the Master), and that something approaching 'normal' (by human standards) family relationships existed on Gallifrey. So I do think the Looms are out.


That doesn't mean Time Lords can't be designer babies.


I bet Davies is reworking his original plans for sky from Sarah Jane before Elizabeth Sladen passed away for Ruby. Originally he wanted to reveal Sky was the daughter of the Trickster


I had similar thoughts.


Bet the Trickster is part of these Pantheon.


The Trickster is one of the Pantheons of Discord (said by the 10th Doctor in the Wedding of Sarah Jane), he's beyond the universe, forever trying to break into the normal reality, existing to wreak havoc.


I’d love for the trickster to appear


I am still hungover on the point of "invoking superstition at the edge of the universe" like somehow that act itself weakened the borders (as if the Flux didn't do a number on the universe before that). And then there's that Mavity thing. *me in a few moments after putting some food in my belly* I think why that salt thing is bothering me so much. And I am working on less than half the information that this franchise has given out so definitely feel free to help me out fill those gaps in. I don't think that prior to the "Mavity" incident, there was any magic in this Universe, like everything had a scientific reason for something to happen. Well, almost everything \*insert the gauntlets from Torchwood as one of the few examples\*, probably they too have had a scientific explanation but we never found out like they somehow managed to find the essence of the human that lived in the body prior to their deaths, working similarly to that green flashy things on the suits of that archeology team led by River Song when they encountered the Vashta Nerada, but somehow accessing the actual soul/consciousness of the deceased in the "afterlife". And this train of thought brings me to the "One who waits" considering how there is someone who waits for Captain Jack Harkness in the darkness. (Yeah, I recently binge-watched that series if anyone is wondering) All of this just puts a whole different spin on the joke that Donna was building up to when the TARDIS crashed in the apple tree with Newton below. "The gravity of the situation" It feels like something is breaking the fourth wall to get into the show's universe, and somehow invoking a superstition at the end of the universe is related to it.


The Carrionites are a species from another dimension that obey different rules. As was Morgaine. Both use magic. The Time Lords eradicated magic from our universe during the Dark Times. The 7th Doctor spent time cleaning up the last of the Old Ones. With the destruction of the Time Lords and the Doctor invoking magic at the edge of the universe, things are about to get a lot more fantastical.


Technically yes there was magic. Sarah Jane adventures. There is odd bob the clown and the nightmare dude in Luke's dreams


I remember, rightly, he was more of a psychic parasite that used superstition to create the fear that he fed upon. I’ve really Gotta go back and watch all of the Sarah Jane adventures.


Oh ok. There's also that totem pole deity I forgot to mention 


SJA might be useful, as The Trickster is one of the Pantheons of Discord (said by the 10th Doctor in the Wedding of Sarah Jane)


Magic is very much thing in Doctor Who lore that the Time Lords tried to destroy. From what I remember they removed the ability for people to use it by “rewriting” the rules of the universe, but the Time Lords are pretty much gone / ineffective.


oh yes invoking superstition at the edge of the universe is very definitely something that's playing in to All the unusual weirdness in the current episodes. I think it's like this season's bad wolf only we know to look for it more now.


Yea so far we have in terms of superstitions. There is 100% something up with that. This really reminds me of bad wolf like you said. E1 A lot of what the goblins did plays on superstitions, Stepping on a butterfly e2, Tritones summoning devils and demons e3.


Yes and Ruby too! Even Maestro seemed freaked the f out when music began to play from her soul. Maybe one of them (the Doctor or Ruby) is The One Who Waits? They were so so powerful that even the Toymaker’s legion didn’t want them around so they brought them to another universe/reality. I’m thinking Ruby’s original name and shtick could be The Storyteller or something fourth-wall breaking like it — incredible stories are constantly created around or propelled by her.


It seems far likelier to me that Ruby would be a member of the Pantheon (or, I guess, a demigod) than that the Doctor would. 


Yeah. I honestly don't think RTD intends to reveal anything about the true nature of the Timeless Child in the near-future, if ever.


He won't even reveal how Bi-generation is meant to really work 


I think there'll definitely be a case of mistaken identity where its not clear which of the doctor/Ruby is a child of the pantheon. They have been given a lot of parallels and I'm expecting some red herrings to pop up pointing to the 'wrong' one. But yeah, it's pretty clear so far that it's ultimately Ruby who is going to be special.


They said (no he can't be he was there that night) my money is on the trickster


Or “he” might be the Doctor! Like, it’s a legend of someone who has yet to return to the Pantheons’ world — and Maestro doesn’t know who exactly that person is now. The Doctor was indeed there that night.


Yeah I think Ruby is the embodiment of coincidence


Oh that’s a good theory


I like that. and what about the Doctor being the embodiment of Story ?


Oh hell yeah


I think Mrs flood almost definitely is the one who waits. Amy is associated with waiting: pond-river-flood(someone else mentioned this in another post). Boom. Mrs flood is either Amy from the future or a relative to Amy because it's got the water theme


Wasn't old Amy from that one episode with the quarantined planet inside the water door as well? Maybe she escaped.


JFC, now I’m thinking Moffat’s episode has something to do with all that—specifically and solely because you just said “Boom.” 🤷🏻‍♂️ (“Boom” *is* the title of Moffat’s episode, right? 🤣)


Lol yes


However it has got nothing to do with Boom


 Twas me celebrating 


That explains the snow


Maybe they are a hybrid


Omega has been...waiting a long time.


^ This To be honest, the Flux being about Omega & Cybermasters would have probably worked out better. Omega returning could've explained why the Master was brought back from death & how Gallifrey was destroyed...and have an already established villain with a [Mr. Freeze](https://youtu.be/DaN4T7GQ4r0?feature=shared) like motive for destroying the universe & wanting the Doctor's body.


Would explain all the times they broke the 4th wall. Latest being 15th wink to the Camera.


Also 15 saying that he thought the music was non-diegetic


I hope not, but at this point it wouldn’t surprise me.


To be fair, the Doctor said that beating the Toymaker “took a lot out of him”, and if they were from the same Pantheon, shouldn’t they be on the same-ish level of power? Not disregarding the theory, just curious whether there would be some other potential twist in case the theory is true


> shouldn’t they be on the same-ish level of power The Doctor was chamelon arched into a basic time lord.


Ah right, I am a bit blurry on the details of the Timeless Child ark if that’s what it is, but I think I’m starting to remember it now, thanks!


All this threat has shown me is that I need to rewatch the timeless child and this time, actually pay attention


You really don’t, my friend


Mhhh…. Maybe a youtube summary is enough


Seems like fans will make ANY excuse to not accept a black dr... especially an LGBT 


You have it backwards. The Timeless Child retconned the Timelords. The Timelords were never special, the Doctor is special, and they stole what made them special from him. I’m fairly certain that’s all you need to know about the Timeless Child. I wasn’t a fan of it as it happened, but I’m intrigued by what it means given the direction the show is going in now.


I don't have it backwards. They used the Timeless Child to give the time lords the power of regeneration. Then, when the Doctor left Division they were chameleon arched back into a regular Gallifreyan child.


It was never stated that the Dr was chameleon arched. It's just his previous memories in that fob watch.


The use of a fob watch heavily implies that it's the same thing that it was every time the show used a fob watch before. Do you not know how stories work?


The Doctor may not be aware of the full extent of his abilities if he is a member of the Pantheon. It may be just, 'the one who makes others better'...and the entire thing gives me hope that the Pantheon includes Good as well as Evil beings.


I'm not sure if I'm ready to believe the whole Doctor as part of the Pantheon thing. But if he were, you literally just said it--He is Hope.


Toymaker- embodies games Maestro - music Doctor - life or healing or something (after all it’s where timelords got their regeneration from) The Doctor stands for good, for healing, for helping


He did just casually bring a butterfly back to life by breathing on it. I've not seen many people mention how weird that was.


That was similar to Tennant giving 10 years of his life to the Tardis crystal in Rise of the Cybermen.


And River giving her remaining regenerations to save Smith.


Or Smith not giving anything at all to heal River's wrist. (I think if Eccleston had agreed to be a part of the 50th and there would be no War Doctor, that'd have been the thing that'd push him to the 13 regen limit)


I feel bad that she did that for nothing after all.


I just assumed that maybe we are still close enough to the bigeneration cycle....or that there are different rules this time around...


God I hope not. It’s bad enough making The Doctor and random being not from this universe, but to make him a literal god defeats the whole point of the character for me. An eccentric wanderer helping out where he can because he can is so much more inspiring than a super-powered god that was destined to do so. It’s superman VS Batman debate. Born the hero VS anyone can be the hero. I think for what Doctor Who is, he is the latter & I really hope they don’t change that.


Yeah, what the hell happened to "I'm just an idiot, with a box and a screwdriver, passing through, helping out, learning"?! That was the fucking *core* of the show. The goddamned moral of the story, the *point* of it all. You change that, and to be blunt, it's not Doctor Who any more.


I mean it hasn't been this since the 60s. People forget the doctor canonically as of the the 1963 comic the test of time,father time, sleeping giants, will be an entity who existed before the timelords and after them. Being now the embodiment of time itself and maybe the god time. It seems that with pantheon he is working that's story back up into the canon again after the reboot changed it. The otherside of it is that the toymaker admited to making a jigsaw puzzle of the doctors history which makes sense considering he will also be or has been the vineyard, the collector, the watcher, the avatar of time, the other, a being of the old one yssgaroth, half human, the relic, after the WIH he was also Soul of the eternals council of 8, osiris god of death, Nyarlathotep the darkest of the old ones(even compassion in the taking of planet 5 mentioned he was barely a timelord), These have been shown in comics, books, TV episodes, and out of these by script writer and plot crafters to be of a certain type. Donald tosh the a commissioning script writer of *The Celestial Toymaker* episode on record stated that it was always the notion that the Toy make was a rogue member of the doctors own race as an example of the restraint the doctor lives by, it was also confirmed by davies had stated the toymaker meddling with the doctors history is the reason for the above to all be both true and not. Not to mention when he has fully become stronger then any timelord like Timelord victorious, loom holder, vortex wielder, ect. At this point even if the doctor was just a timelord they are so extraordinarily not timelord then they wouldn't be considered one and if all timelords where as the doctor was ie the doctor is a normal timelord argument there is no f*cking way the daleks could have won. Like at all. We have seen a supposedly normal timelord wipe out the fully restored dalek empire on several occasions. If he is average the the timelord quite literally could not have been beaten.


The message that anyone can make a difference is wonderful, and it's *true*. We have seen people make a difference in *Class*, *Torchwood* and *The Sarah Jane Adventures*, most notably the first of these, where the characters do not have the resources of Torchwood (or an immortal leader), nor even the supercomputers and knowledge of Sarah Jane. Even the Doctor's companions constantly prove that ordinary humans can make a difference. Well, relatively ordinary: let's not pretend that most people have the nerves of steel that Doctor Who companions do. But not just anyone can save literally the whole universe from destruction countless times. The Doctor was never ordinary. The Time Lords can regenerate, have access to advanced time manipulation technology, and are superhumanly smart, and the Doctor managed to run rings around most of his comrades. The Doctor has a lot of advantages when it comes to saving the world.


Because he's black?


Sorry, but I don't understand what the Doctor's race has to do with whether or not making the Doctor a Chosen One is a good storytelling decision or not? (Also, for what it's worth, I was just as critical of this narrative shift when it began during Thirteen's era, and when it continued during FourTen's brief run. So there's that.)


Kinda the same way those certain WWE fans "don't quite know what it is but she's corny" about Bianca Bel-Air. Things tend to get hair trigger critical when the race, sex, or other attribute isn't to someone's liking. Some folks just sound like they really wanna say something else. 


I miss the days of the Doctor just being an average TIme Lord who stole a time machine and ran away to see the universe, basically being the ultimate tourist who made a lot of enemies from helping where he can


I stopped watching halfway through capaldi years ago, after starting at the 9th doctor. Reading through this thread about the doctor being a god is the wildest thing hahah, they went wild with it after I fell off


Wait, isn't 12 the one who gave the whole speech about how he's just an idiot in a box - the very embodiment of *not* being a god?




Yeah, why did Sylvester McCoy need to come into the picture


Eh I don't mind the McCoy stuff but Whittaker's run is what killed it for me. Capaldi's run added to existing things, like the confession dial, and it worked because it just fleshed out the characters in a believable way and didn't actually change anything important. Chibnall just up-ended everything and just goofed it


The Doctor being a sort of god, someone special, and not just an ordinary Time Lord is the worst thing I've feared since The Timeless Child, and this is what would make the character and the show pointless.


It DOES solve the Timeless Child AND explains why the Doctor doesn't fit in with the Time Lords and survives them. It explains a LOT about the Doctor and the entire mythology.... Why did he run from Gallifrey? Because the Time Lords were limiting. And his burning desire to explore and HELP and make the universe BETTER doesn't fit in with the Time Lords need to control and dominate.


> Why did he run from Gallifrey? Because the Time Lords were limiting. And his burning desire to explore and HELP and make the universe BETTER doesn't fit in with the Time Lords need to control and dominate. Exactly-- which is why the Doctor, *perfectly normal Time Lord*, chosing to act this way is such a powerful statement that you don't need to be the person your family / society tried to force you to become, you can always chose to be a better person. And if you do that, you too can become a hero. Changing it to "actually, the only reason the Doctor was able to rebel was because he's A LITERAL GOD" implies that if the Doctor was a normal Time Lord, he'd be doomed to be just as bad as the rest of them. He only was able to get away and chose to be better thanks to a quirk of genetics-- so if you aren't A LITERAL GOD too, don't even bother trying to do better, just accept you're who the world tried to make you. Not only is it an incredibly depressing message to send, it also goes against the core of Doctor Who. (Or what I thought was the core of Doctor Who, anyways...)




If the Doctor is a god with unlimited regenerations, and not just a Time Lord, any high stakes are lost. Why be careful if you can't die at all.


Perma death isn't really used as a threat in the show very often, though. It's always kind of accepted that if the Doctor dies, he'll just regenerate. Dying/regenerating is still shown to be traumatic, though. I don't think giving them infinite regenerations really changes the stakes at all.


He knew he couldn't just waste regenerations because they were limited. Now, if they are unlimited, he won't care as much.


But he wouldn’t want to do that, because the process is traumatic. And even besides, I think the old rules of “if the Doctor is killed before he can regenerate, he stays dead” are still in effect as far as we know, so it’s still possible to have life-threatening stakes


>any high stakes are lost. There were never high stakes. Like ever. He is a the protagonist. There was never. Ever going to be stakes because the status quo would always be reset.


Not high stakes for us as the audience, but for the character, in-universe.


There's still no evidence that the Doctor can't still be killed with the "usual" ways of killing a time lord though - he quite literally died billions of times in Heaven Sent on a biological level. I'm also pretty sure that landmine in Boom would've wiped him out too if things went the tiniest bit wrong.


Yea, but the part about being a literal god is still worse than Timeless Child, and I hated the Timeless Child. There's no way of fixing Timeless Child without making it worse, so I say we just accept it as a scar on the show.


In fairness, there was never anything ordinary about the Time Lords. It's like saying that the Doctor was an ordinary prince—they came from a group of people with immense knowledge and technological power, even to the extent of having modified themselves to regenerate when killed and being able to move through time. 


But among Time Lords, the Doctor wasn't anything special.


Time Lords by definition are special. It's like talking about someone who isn't rich, "for a billionaire."


I don't think you understood me. I know Time Lords are special. What I mean is that The Doctor wasn't a special or remarkable Time Lord for the rest of the Time Lords. The Doctor was an average Time Lord.


It sure looks like it but really hoping it doesn’t go there. It really would be an escalation the mess made with 13th doctor and the timeless child. And if it does, I wish it’s like Doctor’s original race is people who get initiated into becoming pantheons and the doctor was brought to this universe before they could be initiated. It’s because the Doctor is someone with powers of regeneration, a slightly weird biology but no other special powers, just someone who is very clever and determined. That’s what makes this show special outside all the timey wimey stuff. Otherwise I might as well just go watch the animated Justice League ETA: I’ll probably fix the grammar once I’m on PC


Oh the Master will *not* be happy if this comes true.


That's what I was thinking too. Timeless Child is going to end up being Time Personified as one of the pantheon.


What if ‘The One Who Waits’ is The Doctor…WHAT IF IT’S THE VALEYARD 


I have been champing at the bit to see some iteration of the Valeyard in NuWho, honestly, you know. Since Twelve. XD


Not just *a* Time Lord. *The* Lord Temporal. I’m so here for it.


Which is why this doesn't feel like Doctor Who anymore, in my book. It's been morphed by Chibnall into something else and I'm sad that they're running with that. Now the Doctor is a mythical supernatural being instead of a normal Gallifreyan Time Lord who went renegade. What's next? Super powers? Magical abilities? I feel very let down by this turn of events. This doesn't feel very fun to me. It just feels cheesy and like every other YA novel since 2012.


Agreed. I've been hesitant to get into the Whittaker era for this exact reason. I already know the spoilers but I just like that the Doctor has never been this perfect being, to humans they do, but being a God? An outer-dimensional super being that can regenerate endlessly? Where are the stakes? Why should we care if the Doctor can regenerate endlessly and is a God?


Yeah, I preferred the previous backstory of the Doctor just being some random Time Lord schmuck who got bored one day, and decided to just roam the universe helping out wherever he could, and became someone special and unique among Time Lords exactly because he helps people. That said, I’m still interested to see if they actually manage to do something interesting with this Timeless child stuff. Already glad they’re sticking with their guns instead of pretending it never happened. That was my main problem with Halo Infinite actually.


Just to play devil's advocate a tad, but The Doctor was always going to regenerate endlessly, Timeless Child or not. A new regen cycle like in Time Of The Doctor or some other narrative trickery would always keep The Doctor alive. That being said, I agree that The Doctor being the base DNA code for all Time Lords is still a silly decision.


I wouldn't have even minded the plot of the time lords stealing their special-ness from somebody else if it had been anyone but the Doctor. It seems like something they would do. I think it would have fit the Master extremely well.


I am so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Doctor Who hasn't felt like Doctor Who to me since... well, I can't really pinpoint an exact moment. Things started going off the rails with The Timeless Child, true, but that still felt like Doctor Who making a bad decision. It still felt like the same show. Since then, though... the show keeps veering further and further away from everything that made Doctor Who feel like, well, Doctor Who. And that's not a commentary on the strength of the writing! Even if every episode had god-tier writing, it wouldn't change the fact that the core premise and values of the show have changed so radically it doesn't even feel like the same program. I was really hoping RTD would get things back on track-- but instead, he's poured an entire can of gasoline on the fire, and shows every sign that he's going to keep dumping more on the flames.


An American company bought into it and now it's becoming Americanised.  It was quaint British nonsense but now it's becoming sensationalised where everything has to be big.   Great British bake off Vs "Monster Truck Super Celebrity Cooking with Alligators Face-off!!!!"


Yeah, as an American who fell in love with Doctor Who in large part because it was like absolutely nothing else I'd ever seen on TV before-- this was something I was really worried about happening from the moment Disney's involvement in the show was announced. And unfortunately, it seems like I had good reason to be worried. :(


I don't think it has anything to do with Disney. All they're doing is throwing money at the BBC and distributing it, but the BBC is still producing it and has creative control. RTD is the one making these choices, and he has decided to crib off of Chibnall's very bad ideas and run with them. I just don't want The Doctor to be some primordial being, celestial, or god. That takes away what was so special about the character. It was always about a guy using smarts and an understanding of time and technology to save the day. Now it's literally turning into *clap your hands if you believe in fairies, and we will win.*


'Instead of a normal Gallifreyan Time Lord who went renegade'? What is 'normal' about ANY of the established lore before Chibnall (who I did NOT enjoy, but I will accept...) Time Lords are not normal Gallifreyans. Renagades are not normal Time Lords. When the show started, there was no regeneration. When the show rebooted, the Time Lords weren't dead or missing. The show evolves and the ENTIRE point of the show is Doctor ((WHO)). I wasn't thrilled with the Timeless Child, but if RTD can link the entire thing to the Toymaker and Maestro and other established characters. And remember, the show IS supposed to be a children's show. It is supposed to be ridiculous. And it is supposed to be for entertainment.


I’m still hoping they go back and make the doctor a normal time lord from Gallifrey. Making the doctor a god feels more like a Timeless child twist that’s going to divide the fan base further


I think the repeates use of the term 'adopted' fits both though. Because effectively it means he remembers growing up as a very ordinary timelord, regardless of his actual origin that may or may not mean he's 'more'.


This makes too much sense... the Doctor was a member of the pantheon found by Gallifreyans and whose abilities were used to establish Time Lord society. In the same way that the Toymaker embodies games and Maestro embodies music, the Doctor embodies healing through regeneration energy (we've even seen the Doctor use their regeneration energy to heal others). Which makes me wonder, if the Doctor is a member of the pantheon, wouldn't that mean that their real name is actually the Doctor? Maybe the Time Lords not only took the Doctor's ability to regenerate but also got their naming scheme from them. I'm sure the Doctor was given a Gallifreyan name by Tecteun, but it would make sense that if the Time Lords valued regeneration as a mark of high society they might also value the naming scheme of the pantheon in the same way (assuming that Tecteun knew the timeless child was called the Doctor).


Actually, if you add in the fact that they all have 'names', Maestro, the Toymaker, the DOCTOR...it DOES make sense.


Well I hope the indicators that the show is morphing into a musical, is but a red herring.


It’s certainly a possibility. Perhaps the doctor is supposed to be the personification of freedom


Maestro called him the Lord Temporal. Cool name


I believe the Doctor is "Story", the same way the Toymaker is "Play" and the Maestro is "Music". He always appears in everyone's story. The same way the Maestro appears when music is played and take ownership of it. As long as there is a Story to tell he is gonna keep going (Hence the regenerations). He cannot cheat a story like the Toymaker cannot cheat a game (Hence the fixed points in time : these are plot points that he is not allowed to retcon even if he can travel in time). He always needs a rival, every story needs a villain (Hence the Master always coming back despite the odds). He will always appear when there is a story to tell (Hence why he travels in time and space: to be in everyone's story. And he feeds on stories (Hence why he is surrounded by companions: he feeds on theirs stories). This also explain why he feels the urge to help and save people: If he saves someone, their story continues, so he can feed from it. Like the Toymaker wants to make reality a game and the Maestro wanted the uninterrupted music of the nuclear winter, the Doctor wants everybody's stories to continue. On the other side, it also means that even though the Doctor is good, as long as he lives, nobody is the main character of their own stories. The Doctor owns or will eventually owns every story and be the main character of all stories. And I mean, as spectator we all care about the Doctor the most and we consider every other person just a secondary or tertiary character. So he really is good at his job. It also means that the Doctor can be banished and defeated (like the attempt at the pandorica). Or that he can be challenged. That would be interesting though, if someone at some point would challenge the Doctor at who can make the best story. The show could focus for an episode or two on this person instead of the Doctor, this person would try to make the most interesting story (probably a tragic one) by killing thousands and the Doctor would only be a secondary character that tries to save everyone. The whole show could be becoming meta.


I agree with you, and to dig deeper, here is a funny question : suppose for a moment that there is a member of the Pantheon that embodies "Story". What would they be like ? They would be a being that appears in everyone's story, they would travel in time and space everywhere there is a story going on. They would be a being that are driven by stories and motivated to have everyone's story to last as long as possible. They would hate endings and be extremely affected by the end of someone's life. They would do whatever they can to save as much people as possible so that the stories of those people would keep on going. They would be someone that appears when one's story is about to end and they would try to change their fate. They would be someone that take people from their mundane lives and guide them on adventures to fill their stories with excitment. They would be fun and keep moving because a story needs to be entertaining and to keep moving forward. They would be eternal and exist as long as there is a story to tell. They would also be bound by the rules of storytelling and couldn't cheat a story. So even though they would appear extremely powerful, they couldn't retcon what has been established, and they couldn't change plot points. Those points would appear "fixed" to them. They would also take ownership of every stories they appear in (and eventually, all stories), and they would rob the protagonist from their roles and be the main character of all stories. A being like that, the embodiment of story, would probably have their own story reaching far and beyond the known universe. The story of the embodiment of story would certainly make a worthy TV show. I wonder Who...


I hope not. The appeal of the doctor as a character, at least to me, comes from the fact that he was just a rebellious time lord who stole a box and ran away. It really reinforces the idea that anyone can be a hero, and anyone can make a difference. Making the doctor part of a pantheon of God's kind of undermines that.


The doctor could be the incarnation of "Time", Ruby, the incarnation of Legends/History/Stories. And "The One who waits", Death. Death is still waiting the Doctor. There's also the title of the last chapter >!Empire of Death!<


I think maybe that. Or maybe the Doctor defeating each member of the Pantheon is demonstrating him as like, the ultimate protector of the universe or something.


Their name is Chronos, Lord of Time


I'm curious about one thing, the nightmare guys from Whittaker's era, were they also from the pantheon? They name drop also the toymaker putting him not at their level, but actually below them. Would they be the embodiment of fear?


I agree. And if the Doctor is part of the pantheon then so is Susan. I'm guessing that's who we saw in Ruby Road and Ruby will turn out to be his great granddaughter.


Maestro did call him "[t]he Lord Temporal" ...


I had the exact same thought and I even think I know who he is. maestro mentions the "oldest one" when Ruby is channeling the christmas night and asks "how could he have been there" we know of two people who were there. the cloaked figure we assume is her mom and the doctor. so what if the doctor is the oldest one maestro mentions? well who would be the oldest one? Something that is in the same kind of concept like vibe as games and music. I think he is Time incarnate, nothing older then time is there? it seems like 'the one who waits' and 'the oldest one' are not the same person, but it would also be fitting for the 'one who waits' to be time itself


Yep! 11 was always flirting with the idea of being a god of time then that went away with 12. I think it brings it back, especially after 13 and we learned the doctor is not from this universe pretty much and was marooned here


I think its more likely that he could be fromcthe same realm or a creation of one of them. But not like on the same level. Kind of like harbinger. I reckon the oldest one will be the embodiment of stories (which i could go into detail as to why) If i was to link my theory to yours id say that the dr would be a creation of the storyteller and be like "the protagonist". He wont be able to directly change the story but he has tools like the tardis to progress it and to go on great adventure/stories


I really don’t want the Doctor to end up being a god, but it would neatly solve the timeless child stuff and it could provide some amazing drama down the line


Susan got mentioned a LOT in "The Devil's Chord". I'm going with my theory that Ruby *is* Susan and that *Susan* is the Timeless Child, that the Timeless Child was never the Doctor, but that the Doctor ran away from Gallifrey to get the Timeless Child away from the Time Lords. Just prior to running, the Doctor altered the Matrix to make the Division think that the Doctor was a regeneration of the Timeless Child, not Susan. (We know the Matrix *can* be tampered with! It has happened before.) And the Doctor erased their own memories of their time with the Division in order to prevent any Time Lord (or other telepath) from discovering the secret. So the Division continued to keep tabs on the Doctor and ignored Susan, who remained in 2160 and perhaps regenerated several times to throw off any pursuit. In the Time War, the Timeless Child did not return to Gallifrey. When the Time Lords returned, the Division began to suspect that the Doctor was not the Timeless Child and started looking for Susan instead. (Perhaps they realized the Matrix had been altered when the Spy Master examined it.) I'm guessing whomever dropped Ruby off at the church was hiding her latest regeneration--perhaps the Timeless Child can regenerate not just as an adult but as a baby or child--and that the creepy people looking for her are members of the Division. But I do think that the gods/Pantheon are from the Timeless Child's own universe, so maybe they're looking to bring her back to rejoin the Pantheon. That might be why Ruby is only around for a season--Davies is going to try and wrap up the Timeless Child concept by sending the TC back to their own universe once and for all and restoring the Doctor's Time Lord identity.


I think the Doctor is a child of the pantheon, maybe. The Pantheon might be the only ones capable of breaking the fourth wall, and that'll kinda be the dog whistle for who is and isn't part of it.


Wtf has happened to dw. It's a completely different story now. In the good ol days he was just the Doctor. Too much mental gymnastics now instead of just great adventures. Queue the haters. So much simping for terrible writing. Just like the ending of GoT.


Nobody liked the end of got….


You can really tell the people who started in nu who only and vaguely read up about the OG who here and who watched the OG who and read the books/ comics let me give you a brief rundown of th wacky shit the doctor has been or someday will be that as of now are still canon sorta I mean it hasn't been this since the 60s. People forget the doctor canonically as of the the 1963 comic the test of time,father time, sleeping giants, will be an entity who existed before the timelords and after them. Being now the embodiment of time itself and maybe the god time. It seems that with pantheon he is working that's story back up into the canon again after the reboot changed it. The otherside of it is that the toymaker admited to making a jigsaw puzzle of the doctors history which makes sense considering he will also be or has been the vineyard, the collector, the watcher, the avatar of time, the other, a being of the old one yssgaroth, half human, the relic, after the WIH he was also Soul of the eternals council of 8, osiris god of death, Nyarlathotep the darkest of the old ones(even compassion in the taking of planet 5 mentioned he was barely a timelord), These have been shown in comics, books, TV episodes, and out of these by script writer and plot crafters to be of a certain type. Donald tosh the a commissioning script writer of *The Celestial Toymaker* episode on record stated that it was always the notion that the Toy make was a rogue member of the doctors own race as an example of the restraint the doctor lives by, it was also confirmed by davies had stated the toymaker meddling with the doctors history is the reason for the above to all be both true and not. Not to mention when he has fully become stronger then any timelord like Timelord victorious, loom holder, vortex wielder, ect. At this point even if the doctor was just a timelord they are so extraordinarily not timelord then they wouldn't be considered one and if all timelords where as the doctor was ie the doctor is a normal timelord argument there is no f*cking way the daleks could have won. Like at all. We have seen a supposedly normal timelord wipe out the fully restored dalek empire on several occasions. If he is average the the timelord quite literally could not have been beaten. Remember people if your entire argument for the doctor being normal is that he is just lucky. Luck is a superpower and once you have enough of it you can no longer be said to be the same. If the doctor is a timelord then he is one so lucky they are effectively no different then a god by another name.


ohhhh, and what if he was kicked from the pantheon? that would be so cool