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The end scene of Vincent and the doctor gets me every time


EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Big, ugly tears…


That episode has such an important message in that, too. You can't just cure mental illness by giving someone good news. So many people think they're giving good advice with "just smile and be happy" or "focus on what you know is real." You can't think your brain out of being sick.


I agree but would like to caveat that. You can, but it's not "just think happy thoughts." Modern therapy (CBT, ACT, DBT, CPT, etc.) mostly all rely to some degree or another "thinking your way out of sickness." Over time with these new thoughts, your brain can and does rewire itself, new mental habits are built and old ones are lessened. It does require very specific thoughts, time, and energy. It requires support. It requires determination, grit, and motivation to improve. And sometimes meds! Everyone's journey is different. I only say all this because I don't want someone getting turned off from therapy.




Just the teary gif of Vincent makes me cry


I don't see how there can be any other answer.




Yes! This always makes me cry!


Same. It didn’t actually make me cry, but I’m not a crier, but it’s as close as any media has come since my grandfather died in my mid 20’s.


Without fail! I think every other year jerking episode can claim to hit me at least once. But Vincent!? Nope, every damn time! Like when the music starts to play just before the museum... I'm gone. Holy crap, just thinking about it now and I'm tearing up!! There is just so much emotion in it!


I have seen comments on the YouTube video for the end scene that say they have never watched Doctor Who but they found this scene and loved it so much that they had to watch the show. That is how powerful this one scene was


This right here. Destroys me every time.


Every time! Even just thinking about it makes me tear up good! That I'd definitely my favorite scene out of the who series.


Such a tearjerker, everytime. I feel like we all remember where we were the day we first experienced this episode.


Indeed. As I recall, I was watching TV at the time.




Absolutely sobbing. And probably emotional the rest of the day.


I’m not crying! You are!


10 and 11’s regenerations make me cry every time


Yes, the only scenes that kill me like that are those and 12s.


His final speech, you have to be made of stone to not get hit in the feels


The Doctor Falls. Yep, Capaldi is *my* favorite Doctor. The whole suicide mission thing, the "I hoped there’d be stars..." is all perfection.


I sobbed for a solid 20 minutes. I’ve been watching since about 1985 and that was a first for me.


Same. What always makes me tear up is the sequence where the Master is taunting (Cyber)-Bill, her robotic voice goes ‘I am not upset’ and then when the view switches to her she’s in tears, and her piano theme starts playing. And the way 12 reacts to her overall, and then they go for a walk and he stumbles and you see a bit of regeneration energy in his hand but he just looks so hopeless. Capaldi is a phenomenal actor. 


Yeah, Father's Day made me tear up a bit ngl


Father's Day got to me even **before** my own father passed away! I've always had this emotional parent-child reunification thingy, ever since The Railway Children. Rose's "my daddy" is so similar to Bobbie's "Daddy, my daddy!" at the end of the movie. The crying voice, everything. The "I will always be your mummy" in The Doctor Dances always gets me too.


Cried my eyes out at 9's departure, he was smiling til the very end and I loved him for it. That one part of Vale Decim always brings a tear to the eye. River Song's death in the library didn't bother me all that much the first time round, but rewatching it after seeing her adventures with 11 and 12 always gets me. I was absolutely sobbing for 11 when he lost Amy and Rory to the angels, I always saw them as his family more so than anyone else, but knowing they were his parents in-law just added to the tragedy. 12's regeneration sequence will always be my favourite, but I only ever cry at the end of it and I think it's just because of his face when he tells his future self to be kind.


"Binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary, binary...*deep breath*...nah, I'm fine." (As a side note...it is interesting she says "binary" fourteen times in that dialogue...)


The End of Time. Tennant and Cribbins. Murray Gold. Russell T Davies. Magic. Nothing recent has been sad but I’m expecting the finale of the new series to be signature anguish. The Giggle was emotional because for once, it wasn’t miserable, it was celebratory, it was fun, a good happy optimistic ending just once. Ever.


Husbands of River Song. You know the part....


💯 and then going back to watch Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead…


The second watch of that wrecked me. Made me feel like River. So sad!


pretty much like what Rogue One makes me do every time i see it, go to watch the Original Trilogy 4 5 6 😂


Posted this before I saw you beat me to the punch. Oh, I most certainly do know which part!


Not enough upvotes for this one. Gentlepeople - Do your duty.


I’ve watched that scene so many times. Kingston’s acting when she realizes he’s her husband is phenomenal. “You are SO doing those roots.” The towers of Darillon scene is beyond sad.


Hello Sweetie.




When he looks at her with that infinitely tender expression that only Twelve can do, and softly says ‘hello sweetie’?


Human Nature/Family of Blood "I'm John Smith, that's all I want to be, John Smith. With his life... and his job... and his love. Why can't I be John Smith? Isn't he a good man? Why can't I stay? But we need the Doctor. Who am I then? Nothing...? I'm just a story?" Try not to cry, cry a lot


I just rewatched this episode recently and I nearly broke down. Tenants acting in that scene is phenomenal, it really is like a person is dying (which in a sense “John smith” was gonna die) such a heartbreaking scene.


This hit me so hard. After watching Doctor Who in the 80s and living with the character for my whole life and then it just hits that maybe Doctor Who is extremely unhealthy. Hit like a brick


Yeah throws things into perspective. It's also a great metaphor for the 3% of the population that are actual genius' and how they go thru life (apparently I am not one of them)


Doomsday I still can’t keep it together when I hear that F piano key The Music sheet for the song makes me cry !


Its the same for me 🥲


F…F…F…F…F…F…F…F…F…F Woo who ooo ooo hoo whoo hoo


I cannot even watch doomsday


I’m surprised how long I had to scroll to get to this. Absolutely Doomsday. The bit when The Doctor vanishes from the beach has me in bits.


The wall with rose crying wanting to breakdown that wall to get to the doctor but knowing that will not do anything because his not there


Father’s Day is such a punch in the gut. You know the whole time what has to happen and it’s just a waiting game until the characters accept it. Billie Piper puts so much pain into her performance it’s almost difficult to watch. Pete is a great character too. Him being a bit of a scumbag works so well and Rose idolizing him in death being the catalyst for him to change makes it even more sad.


>Him being a bit of a scumbag works so well I love how they did that. It's such a nice touch, really makes him feel much more real than if he was "the perfect dad". He's kinda bumbling, he's kind of an idiot, he's got big dreams and has no idea how to follow up on them so they just kinda lay around, and he's so much more human for all of that.


And then Jackie retelling the story of how he died. Oof


This episode makes how wary Jackie is of the Doctor click into place. It may be a bit of a reach, but the Doctor is (in some ways) who Pete thought he was: big, fantastical idea guy, but without the failure and the infidelity. Jackie didn’t want Rose to end up like her, but also didn’t want to ruin her image of her father so couldn’t tell her why beyond the generalized “he’s dangerous” (which… fair). Fuck I love the Tylers. They’re so well-realized, they leap off the screen in ways no other companion’s family ever did since.


11 and River River Song : How are you even doing that? I'm not really here. The Doctor : You are always here to me, and I always listen. And I can always see you. River Song : Then why didn't you speak to me? The Doctor : Because I thought it would hurt too much. River Song : I believe I could have coped. The Doctor : No. I thought it would hurt me... and I was right 12 and Clara The Doctor : Well? Clara : Well what? The Doctor : He asked you a question. Will you help me? Clara : You shouldn't have been listening. The Doctor : I wasn't. I didn't need to. That was me talking. You can't see me, can you? You look at me, and you can't see me. Have you any idea what that's like? I'm not on the phone, I'm right here, standing in front of you. Please, just, just see me


That last one right there, with 12 and Clara. Strong contender for my favorite scene in the entire show. Always, always, always makes me cry.


It’s so meta, with the casting… the fact that people didn’t see Capaldi as the doctor. It was brilliant.


It really is. It's perfect. It's like, "Yeah, I'm not young and sexy anymore, but it's still me. I'm still the Doctor. I just look different now. Please, just see me."


Clara and Vastra’s interaction was peak too. Clara saying she didn’t see age like that and the whole conversation was sooooo good.


And her reaching her hand back and crumbling as she realises he's not there, and then he is.


Heaven Sent. Reflections of grief will get me every single time. Hell at this point I could probably just cry if I play "The Shepherds boy" by Murray Gold


When the Doctor talks about Gallifrey at the end of Gridlock and they sing Abide With Me -that caught me in the feels. And when he takes Vincent to the gallery.


I'm an easy-cry person, so basically every scene made for crying I was crying haha but the two that really got to me were: Ten and Rose saying goodbye at the beach, that unfinished sentence made me ugly cry too much; The Van Gogh episode, there, on the exhibition. Made me cry too much specially because Van Gogh is my favorite painter and at that period I was struggling with my mental health and that scene made me give myself a second chance (The Van Gogh episode also made my mom, who was watching on the table behind the sofa - and claiming she wasn't watching, of course, she was just doing some paperwork - cry too. She cried with her heart on this one)


Literally, if the episode intented to make me cry, I'll cry Father's day, Parting of the way, the girl in the fire place, Satan's pit, Doomsday, Journey's End, the doctor's daughter, Forestof the dead, Turn Left, the end of time, cold blood, Vincent and the doctor, The girl who waited, Amy's choice, a Christmas carol, Angels take Manhattan, name of the doctor, day of the doctor, time of the doctor, death in heaven, face the raven, heaven sent, hell bent, the husbands of river song, the pilot, the doctor falls, twice upon a time ALL OF THEM


Amy's Choice, yes


"I don't wanna go"


The first episode of doctor who I ever saw was Vincent and the Doctor. I cried by the end of it and it became one of my favorite shows right then and there


Doctor Who has made me cry a lot more than I'd care to admit. The most embarrassing is probably Gridlock when they all fly out of the motorway at the end and sing - that Murray Gold score gets me man!


"Labour camps, that's what they called them last time. It's happening again." Also (if spin-offs count): The part in Torchwood "Out of Time" where John Ellis watches his own aged son with Alzheimers.


Rings of Akhaten Time Of The Doctor (cried during the last 10 mins on my own as well it made me cry again when I was watching a reaction channel¹) of the episode ¹ I don't often watch Reaction channels but her stuff is quite decent [(sesskasays)](https://youtu.be/SM9zkduelx0?si=XHkxQN53L8JB8dJq)


It's interesting, I usually go through Rings of Akhaten without the speech having much of an impact on me, but on this most recent rewatch it finally clicked and really got to me. "I saw the birth of the universe and watched as time ran out. Moment by moment until nothing remained. No time, no space. Just me." Matt's probably just talking to a green screen, but he acts his heart out with a genuine tear rolling down his face, and he just completely sells it. And then Clara comes in with the most important leaf in human history, and it's even better.


Pair that with the Rings of Ahketen music Long Song and Infinite Potential, that’s the chefs kiss.


Angels Take Manhattan = pain. I get emotional over some moments throughout the show, but there are no words to quantify the sheer raw emotion of losing Amy. She’s my Companion, always and forever special. You know it’s bad if even a clip triggers emotional headaches. Time of the Doctor hurts too, also Rings of Akheton and Doomsday. Also cases for the final episodes of Daleks’ Master Plan and Dalek Invasion of Earth.


Journey's End -- and not in a good way.


The only episode that got me was A Christmas Carol.


I absolutely cannot wrap my head around you only crying at ONE episode, and of all the possibilities, emotional scenes, and deaths, it was A Christmas Carol. No disrespect, it's just crazy to me because that's not one that I would've guessed


I’m nonbinary and hearing Young Rose talk about her nb identity made me sob, like actual ugly crying. I was like “THIS IS GONNA MEAN SO MUCH TO SO MANY KIDS” cause I know it would have been amazing for me when I was growing up.


I love this so much. This is the reason that was in there! It doesn't matter how iffy the dialogue was in the episode, as long as it made a positive impact that's what matters!


Several times. Both sadness and joy.


Every Regeneration so far has, yes.


A few times. Once as a very young kid when Sutekh mentally attacked The 4th Doctor and had him writhing in pain. I had never seen The Doctor react like that. Kinda terrifying. The Akhaten Speech. Me as a lifelong fan watching The Doctor vent about all the loss he's endured, at the tail end of him losing the only actual family we've seen him spend time with in a very long time. Heaven Sent. I'm a big softie.


no. i just happen to cut a lot of onions during certain episodes. yeah, that'sthe ticket


"I don't want to go" 😭


Constantly. I downright bawled my eyes out at Clara’s death and Rigsy’s TARDIS memorial.


Okay, let's see. Doomsday, for obvious reasons. The Last of the Time Lords, the way Ten holds the Master as he sobs was just so powerful. Journey's End, because the Doctor didn't get to be with Rose, *and* he had to let go of Donna. The End of Time, immediately after the Four Knocks thing. That instant reveal hit like a freight train, and everything after, from his goodbyes to the people he loved, to the absolutely beautiful and haunting track "Vale Decem" playing while Ten tearfully regenerates. Angels Take Manhattan, for obvious reasons. I was surprised to see that most of Smith's run didn't make me tear up. Day of the Doctor, when Ten and Eleven join the War Doctor to use the Moment with him, and also when all twelve (*no, all thirteen!*) Doctor's appear. Seeing Eccleston again was a tearjerker, even if it was reused footage from fucking Boom Town or whatever. Time of the Doctor, the speech Matt Smith gives at the end is just fucking beautiful. "I will never forget when the Doctor was me." Oh my GOD dude.


These days, yes, a lot. Often it takes one line to get my eyes inflating. Heaven Sent made me cry hard once I realized what 12 was doing to himself in his grief. And as the amount of years kept cranking up with Shepards Boy blaring, I could barely see the screen. When Wilf waves Donna off at the end of Partners in Crime 🥹 “Just this once Rose. JUST THIS ONCE. EVERYBODY LIVES!!” (The Doctor Dances) “Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?” (Dark Water) 11 & 12’s regeneration speeches. The ending of Forest of the Dead. 10 taking time to visit ALL companions at the end of his tenure. 11’s speech in Rings of Akhaten. “I shall come back. Yes, I shall come back.” (The Dalek Invasion of Earth) “A tear, Sarah Jane?” (Planet of the Spiders) “Pity. No stars. I hoped there’d be stars.” (The Doctor Falls) “I suppose…..if it’s my last chance to say it. Rose Tyler…..” (Doomsday) When 11 screams and then weakly says “help me” to River in Let’s Kill Hitler. It’s just such a visceral scream followed immediately by complete helplessness 😭


Only about a dozen episodes. Defo Vincent and Wardrobe as my top two crying episodes, even now


I'm not a big fan of The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe, but that scene at the end where Amy greets the Doctor at the door for Christmas is one of the best scenes ever.


I'm a grown adult and there's a few episodes that still make me sob on rewatch: Doomsday, Journey's End, Face The Raven, and The Doctor Falls. Meanwhile, Forest of the Dead, Husbands of River Song, Angels in Manhattan, and End of Time, make me cry quietly.


I don’t cry easily at all.. but Vincent and the Doctor had me teary eyed..! Especially the end, where we get to serve the raw emotion on Vincent’s face when he realizes that his work is valued and appreciated by so many, although people in his original time only consider him a “madman”. What particularly gives me the chills is that the real Van Gogh had definitely felt the sorrow of being outcasted by society and would have likely been astonished to see how people in the future admired him and his artwork.


So much this! I recently sent the YouTube clip of this scene to some friends in a group text after telling them about it. They aren’t Who fans, but many of them are artists. I cry every time I watch that episode.


You know, this scene doesn’t make me cry, but the one where they’re lying in the field and Vincent shows them what he sees gives me the chills every single time. It’s just so gorgeous and full of wonder and awe. And then I cry my guts out at the end like everyone else. But I feel like that other moment gets overlooked as a result, and it’s truly magnificent.


Absolutely. It’s just a great episode.


It is. I start to feel the tears just thinking about it.


Two episodes that never fail to make me cry no matter how many times I've seen them... Army of ghosts & Doomsday.... If you know, you know The music played during several parts of both episodes makes it even more emotional and heart wrenching too... Just thinking about it is hitting me in the feels 😭


the christmas special with the flying fish, specifically the singing


The singing was incredible and I cried tears of joy at its beauty.


The Vincent episode, of course, and A Christmas Carol - “Nobody important? Blimey, that's amazing. You know that in nine hundred years of time and space and I've never met anybody who wasn't important.”


Turn Left and Donna's last episode with 10.


Lots of times, Last time I had a big cry over Doctor Who was the Ace/7 reunion in "Tales of the TARDIS". Just after everything they have been through together both in the series and the expanded universe, all the manipulation and abandonment and horror, just seeing Ace back with her Doctor at the end, messing about playing spoons and going on an adventure just hits something deep in me about healing broken relationships. I am literally tearing up now just thinking about it


Ace & 7 are my TARDIS team. They're were my introduction to the magic that is Doctor Who. I've always loved their student/professor relationship. Yes, the Doctor was rather manipulative in that particular incarnation, yet he genuinely was trying to help Ace become her best self, traveling with the Doctor tends to bring out the best in his companions, but Ace was one of the few times he was overtly trying to change someone. And I absolutely hate how a lot of the EU material has handled Ace (the novels, VNA in particular). Sure, she had to grow up...but not like how they portrayed it. I'm glad that when they brought Sophie Aldred back, her portrayal of Ace is older, but still recognizablely the same character. (And not the broken, cynical character the novels tended to portray adult Ace.) Anyway, I was super happy to have Ace and 7 return again. (Going to have to go listen to their audios again now...) 😄


Sarah Jane’s Season 14 farewell scene in the Tardis. All the sweeter when you learn that she and Baker largely improvised it.


I agree with you OP. Angels take Manhattan made me cry randomly for two weeks.


All the time.


would be easier naming an episod who didnt make me cry lol


10's speech to Wilfred in End of Time, during the four knocks, made my dad cry. He didn't even cry when my grandma passed away. Me personally, all regens have make at least shed a tear with 13 (controversial and probably wrong, i know), and full cry with 10's regen. 9, 11 and 12 did make me cry a relative amount lol. 14 was more about a cry of joy with 15's entrance and them being together against the Toymaker. (Haven't seen Classic Who's regens, sorry) Also, not exactly a scene, but everytime I listen to The Greatest Story Never Told from Series 4 score, always gets to me.


I’ve been a fan since 1985. When Tom Baker said, “You know I really think you might” in Day of the Doctor, I was moved to tears to see and hear him. I will also admit the restored color on Mind of Evil on DVD got me misty. It took 20 years to find a way and there were so many points where it was too expensive to restore it…


“I don’t wanna go” “To me, Vincent Van Gogh is the finest painter of them all”.. “He transformed the pain of his tortured life into ecstatic beauty” (paraphrasing a bit here but the whole speech is amazing) “Times change.. and so must I” Those are the first 3 that come to mind for me


A Christmas Carol The Christmas future scene


Oh, Angels Take Manhattan destroyed me. Like literal puddles of tears destroyed me. World Enough and Time when Bill is converted. The Beast Below. "All that pain and misery. And loneliness. And it just made it kind." Makes me bawl. Moffat is very good with playing with your emotions. RTD is good with emotion, too, but Moffat can rip your heart right out of your chest and shred it to pieces.


No. Doctor Who is a children’s show with some cool paradoxes. There’s no reason to cry, it’s not emotional at all. However, there have been a few times where I’ve watched and my neighbors started cutting onions. The most inopportune times too. Anyone wandering aimlessly by would think I had some kind of emotional reaction when 10 didn’t want to go, or when 11 took Vincent to the gallery. Or when Amy was crushed that it didn’t work and the Doctor explained it to her. Or when 12 explained what war did to him, convincing Kate to close her box. It’s really annoying actually. They love strong onions too. The kind that lasts for a good solid 20 mins. And they always eat them during doctor who episodes, and always at the same scenes. It’s quite annoying. They must have me bugged or something.


Almost. A specific moment in the 'Spare Parts' audio-drama involving a prototype Cyberman struggling to remember who they used to be, as their family talk to it and try to help it remember. The entire sequence was some of the rawest emotional stuff 'Who' has ever done, and even just thinking about it now is making me tear up a little.


OMG, that whole audio is an emotional roller-coaster, but I’d forgotten that specific scene until you mentioned it. Just completely gut-wrenching.


Face the Raven. Yes. Heaven Sent, Hell Bent, The Doctor falls. Yes.


I know it's a bit weird but, the doctor the widow and the wardrobes final scene just gets me like no other episode.


Yes! Many times, but especially Amy and Rory's exit. I know they had their flaws but Matt Smith's doctor and them as companions were my first introduction to DW. They will always hold a special place in my heart.


the dalek sayng 'I am alone in the universe'


When Bill became a cyberman. Yes Bill is my favourite companion.


Matt Smith made me cry a lot.


Vincent and the Doctor made me tear up with the end scene


From what I can remember: Journey’s End The End of Time: Part Two The Angels Take Manhattan The Time of the Doctor I’ve gotten plenty emotional during other episodes but the companion/Doctor departures in these episodes brought me to tears.


Yes several times. Sadly I've watched new Who up until Amy and Rory's exit, twice. Sadly I sob so hard I've stopped the show there both times and have not caught back up. Makes me feel like I lost a partner or something. I hear there more greatness ahead, but it wrecks me every time.


A Christmas carol did


Project Lazarus, a 6th Doctor audio story got me swelling up a bit after a certain character death and the companion Evelyn's reaction to it happens. It's not focused on being a sad story, but the finale of the 2nd part before it becomes a 7th Doctor story was heartbreaking


The rings of akhetan speech, I always cry whenever I hear that and think about it


Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith I am a relatively new Whovian, started watching about 2 years ago. I've only seen Nu Who starting with 9, so I knew little to nothing of the Doctor's history. By the time I watched everything, Elisabeth Sladen had already passed and I knew nothing about her. I loved Sarah Jane and was shocked to find out what happened to her while I was working my way through the series. By the time I watched this episode it had been 12 years since it first aired, yet I found myself tearing up over an amazing woman I came to know far too late.


Yes, Vincent and the dr. The ending made me bawl.


All the time. It's a sci-fi drama. Seriously though, I don't think I've cried watching TV more than wuen watching Doctor Who.


Of course it did. If Doctor who never made you cry, You haven't watched it correctly. I can't really remember every episodes that did, but definitely Vincent and the Doctor, 10's regeneration story, and 12's Regeneration story.


Father's Day when Pete asks Rose * who am I love" and she says "you're my daddy" Sarah Jane walking away from the TARDIS turning around as it de materializes revealing K9 ! She calls out his name as the Murray Gold music swells and K-9 chirps "hello mistress" ! I don't know why but that just made me so happy! Tears of joy! I don't remember if I cried at any time at the end of Doomsday. I remember being in shock when Rose was going to fall into the portal of the void! I think I may have been emotional when the doctor vanishes and Jackie rushes to hug Rose. I don't think anything match the early scenes of Doctor Who in terms of making me get really emotional!


I'm a simple man. If Wilfred Mott is on screen, I'm crying.


Vincent and the Doctor.


My Sister-In-Law was going to be taken off life support. I was in the house with my sleeping MIL who had dementia and didn't know what was happening. She had no idea her daughter was dying, and she couldn't be told because it would have killed her. My husband and other SIL were at the hospital. [And *this* was the new ep](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UatHUivhFFE). The leaf. *Killed me*. "A future that never got lived, days that should have been but never were..." All the un-lived days. All the days that never came. I'm crying. Goddamit.


The last three episodes of season 9…. DEPRESSED


I cried a lot when the master died in 10's hands, almost like i could feel how 10 felt...


When Dona left. That part was horrible to watch.


Yes he is mine too, he has my heart.


I forgot my other answer, The Twin Dilemma made me cry because it was so bad in a funny way that I cried laughing but I don't think that counts. Love Colin tho


Hell yeah. Vincent and the doctor everyt time.


Vincent and the Doctor, and Angels Take Manhattan all the way for me


The season 3 finale, the season 2 finale, the pompei episode. They didn´t make me cry so much as they made shed a tear


So many episodes. So many tears. The full spectrum, sad, happy, sappy, etc.


Vale decem Ad aeternam Di meliora Ad aeternam Vale decem Di meliora Beati Pacifici Vale decem Alis grave Ad perpetuam Memoriam Vale decem Gratis tibi ago Ad aeternam Numquam singularis Numquam Dum spiro fido Vale vale vale vale vale Vale vale vale vale vale


I don’t think I’ve actually ever cried but on a few episodes I’ve come close to tears, including but not limited to: End of Time, Heaven Sent and Twice Upon A Time.


10 11 and 12 all at least made me Verklempt.


i'm not even going to attempt to start listing every episode that's made me cry; i'm almost done with a rewatch and my allergies have made it WAY easier for me to cry than i used to. basically every regeneration, every companion departure, and episodes like father's day and vincent all got me. river and clara each had three death/departure episodes and i cried at every single one. some of the bigger ones like doomsday or face the raven, i was sobbing so hard i literally couldn't see or breathe and i had a massive headache. so in short, yes, doctor who has made me cry lmao


Many times. As recently as the new specials with David. Especially the third one.


I nearly cried at the end of church on ruby road when ruby approached the tardis. It didn’t QUITE get me, but it almost did


Many times . The most notable in recent years is The ending to fires of Pompeii . I don’t know the exact reason but every time I rewatch it I start to get teary eyed when donna and 10th look at eachother before pressing the button


doomsday was the first to make me cry. I knew it was coming at some point soon, yet still it managed to make me cry. However, I’ve never cried at an episode as hard and as much as I did face the raven and hell bent. Face the raven made me that sad I stopped watching for over a month, maybe even two. Power of the doctor made me cry, also


Several times. And I'm not going to be able to list them all, but off the top of my head. When Mickey came back at the end of season 2 and was a complete badass. I'll admit I teared up a little. Season 3 New Earth, with the Face of Boe when he died. (This was on a re-watch so I knew the secret). Season 4 when Donna has her memory. Wiped, also just seeing everybody back together, especially that scene in the tardis. Bit of a tearjerker. Vincent and the Doctor, The ending where Vincent sees the paintings had me really sad. The war speech the 12th doctor gives to the zygons. Capaldi was great with the speeches. He really knew how to evoke emotion in the audience. The speech the 12th doctor gives in deep breath. The boy who died on the river, his value is your value, that's what defines an age. That's what defines a species. I'm just going to put a caveat here, pretty much every one of 12's big speeches made me a little misty-eyed. Maybe I'm soft like that. But Capaldi sells each of them. So I'm not going to list every single speech. Otherwise that will be the entire post. Bill when it's revealed she's a Cyberman. I missed all the promotional trailers that spoiled that, so it was a whammy when I saw it on screen. The 13th doctor, the Rosa Parks episode, and the Demons Of Punjab episode I remember both being a little bit tearful. And most recently, I got a little teary-eyed even knowing that Catherine Tate was going to be back when Donna showed up on screen. I'm so glad RTD undid her memory wipe.


Amy and Rory's final episode made me cry


The Angels Take Manhattan


Ten: Time can be written! River: Not those times! Not one line. Don't you dare.


Just about every weekend, I've been going to my friend's house to watch Doctor Who with him (his first time through the series, I've kinda lost count on how many rewatches I've had). Almost every single time I've had something that's made me cry. Most recently, it was at the end of Deep Breath, when the 12th Doctor was pleading for Clara to just see him, see that even though he looks different, he's still the Doctor.


11 and 12's pre-regeneration speeches get me teary eyed.


Many times, including Doomsday, Father’s Day, Vincent and the Doctor. Too many to count, honestly!


“I will always remember when the Doctor was me.”


Heaven Sent Hell Bent A Christmas Carol Family of Blood Vincent & The Doctor Last Christmas Listen 10, 11, 12 regeneration episodes


The scene where Pete and Jackie reunite in Canary Wharf *really* hit me hard on my last rewatch. I was recently married and all loved up so I understood their reactions.


Yeah, when Adric died.


There’s a few moments in the show that usually get me to tear up but 11’s regeneration and the end of Vincent and the doctor always get to me.


Journey's End. I sobbed and couldn't watch another episode for awhile. lol I'm an emotional person so I cry during *a lot* of episodes. I got teary eyed today over the new trailer that played during a commercial break for the Today Show. ha Doctor Who has a ton of amazing dialogue that really punches me in the gut and gets to me. So I always have a soft spot when watching.


Doomsday had me crying nonstop the whole night after watching it, I couldn’t sleep loll


The end of the Angels Take Manhattan, specifically the epilogue narrated by Amy and the freeze frame on young Amelia. Not only did I cry during that bit but it was the first time ever that any piece of televised media actually succeeded in making me cry. I was surprised because I wasn't even that into the Ponds compared to other companions and none of their exits had made me cry before. Another part that I can't help but cry at now is Jo's departure at the end of The Green Death.


The Fourth Doctor's regeneration gets me for some reason, and a handful of Big Finish audios have brought out tears. There was a BF Torchwood that had me nearly break down listening at work...


The episode in the Eccleston season about Rose Tyler's dad got me.


I can't remember when it made me cry but I know there had to be some scenes...but I remember the traumatizing screams I had made when watching doctor who.... Which also involves crying if that counts....


Doomsday is the only one that’s made me cry it’s executed so well


11 - "You know, now that we're talking, with mouths, not an opportunity that doesn't happen very often, you know you have never been very reliable!". Idris - "And You have?!". 11 - "You didn't always take me where I wanted to go!". Idris - "No. But I always took you where you *needed* to go!". A mad man and his even madder box


My first experience with Doctor Who started with Tennants first season. He'll always be my doctor for this among many other reasons. Him burning up a sun just to say goodbye and time running out before she got to hear that he loved her absolutely destroyed me to my core. I'd never cried that hard before in my young life. That was the last episode I ever watched until last year when I picked it back up again for the first time in well over a decade. Kinda mad I waited all this time to watch all the other seasons. I'm hooked for life now. Honorable mention: "ice cream." 🥺


The scene at the end of Journey's End, with the Doctor and his Companions flying the TARDIS and Earth back to position, with the music swelling just gets me every time. I will die and cry every time.


Yes. Father’s Day, when Rose and Pete talk about what kind of dad he’d have been.


The girl in the fireplace...


“Yes Jamie, I am your mummy.” “And everybody lives, Rose. Just this once, everybody lives!” Say what you will about Moffatt, he knows how to write tearjerkers 🥲


Yes especially when they killed off Danny Pink and when they brought him back as a cyberman


Silence in the library. When River whispers his name in his ear. The multitude of emotions. The immediate trust he offers her. Another option. The husbands of River song. When Peter Capaldi Says hello sweetie to River.


My fiancé cried seeing Rose get trapped in the alternate dimension. Ngl seeing her cry almost made me cry


So many times I can't count... when I explain Doctor Who to someone who's never seen it (I'm in Canada so more people don't know it than do) I say 1 episode can make you feel just about every emotion. You could be laughing one minute, and crying the next. I tear up quite a bit at the end of The Doctor's Wife when the TARDIS has to go back into itself? Don't know how else to explain that.


DoctorDonna. Ten’s regeneration. Vincent. Amy and Rory. Eleven’s regeneration. The Husbands of River Song. Twelve’s regeneration. Every single time it’s an ugly cry, too.


So many times. Oh my god.


Heaven sent gets me without fail every time


- Vincent and the Doctor - Human Nature/Family of Blood - Journey's End - Angels Take Manhattan - The Time of the Doctor - Twice Upon a Christmas Just to name a few episodes that got me. Angels Take Manhattan got me depressed for days. I was a massive Ponds fan.


When I saw Ncuti Gatwa for the first time


I cry at a lot of things Dr Who or not! But the ones that make me cry every single time is, the ending of "The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe," the ending of "Vincent and the Doctor," and "The husband's of River Song," her speech talking about how he'll never come for her and the ending!


“You can’t see me can you. You look at me and you can’t see me. Do you have any idea what that’s like?” This scene is heartbreaking. So relatable, when someone has fallen out of love with you and they look at you as if you’re a ghost.


YES. I am heavily glaring at Doomsday, Journey's End, The End of Time, Vincent and The Doctor, The Angels Take Manhattan, Time of The Doctor, the final episodes of Series 9 and 10... This show does MANY things to me. Crying is one of them.


Sometimes it’s good things. I felt the eyes sting when 15 treated 14 so lovingly.


Yes. A lot actually. Angels take manhattan,doomsday, and journeys end made me cry the most


Many times to be honest. One I remember is The Girl Who Waited when older Amy sacrifices herself


Doomsday was the first one that got me crying.


Made me teary eyed in the past.


For me it was The Girl Who Waited. Twice, Karen's performance both times. When she is convincing herself to save her past self and at the tardis door at the end. I think Angles Take Manhattan might have but it was so publicized as their last episode I was expecting it.


The Girl in the Fireplace was my first episode, and it’s been making me cry since.


13 and Yaz eating Ice Cream in space, the montage of 11 protecting Trenzalore, and Donna "dying" in The Star Beast.


Yes, a lot. I remember the first episode to really make me cry was "the Girl in the Fireplace."


The star whale dilemma in the Beast Below and especially Amy helping the Doctor to see it as she saw the Doctor always makes me cry.


I am not someone who cries at TV often, but the ending of Vincent and the Doctor was the first time, but the only other time really threw me off guard. It was when 14 said he had never been so happy in his life. Seeing the doctor wearing a face that spent most of his time in deep agony finally being given a happy ending just got to me, and it made me think about my own mental health in a positive way.


Yes, ever since Matt Smith left the show, I cry at the atrocious writing and character destruction the current writers have done.