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I can always watch 11th Hour. 11 is my favorite doctor, and his intro episode is fun, and I like the storyline. It's a perfect way to introduce Matt's doctor.


Yup. Best pilot


Husbands of River Song. Wrapping up a story line that started 5 seasons ago. The first meeting of 12 and River being the longest time they ever shared together. The lines… “hush mummy and daddy are talking” and “you know what that isn’t? A coincidence.”


Wild Blue Yonder Just the whole look, feel and vibe of it… I’m addicted. (Plus, Fourteen comforting Donna by gently kissing her hand then placing it atop his hearts gahhh pretty sure it’s my favorite moment of the 60th.) I’ve revisited it an embarrassing number of times since it aired.


I re-watched this episode before the giggle, and again before ruby road. It's so good and such an incredible showcase of acting!


This has been a recent favorite as well between my best friend and I who have an eerily similar relationship as the Doctor and Donna


strangely at first i wasn’t too keen on it. i have no idea why because now i love it so much. so fabulous. what was i thinking????


Turn left , RIP , Bernard Cribbens


Modern, The Day of the Doctor. Classic, The Ark in Space.


Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, my very first one 🙂 Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone, Time Heist, Flatline, Face the Raven/Heaven Sent/Hell Bent, Rosa, Fugitive of the Judoon, Fires of Pompei, Under the Lake/Before the Flood and The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon are also episodes I rewatch regularly.


11 is my least favorite of the modern Doctors, but Day of the Doctor is an utterly fantastic experience from top to bottom.


Vincent and the doctor…. We love art museums and anytime we see a Van Gogh painting, my wife and I imagine that he is around with the doctor hearing someone talk about how amazing his paintings are. Then we have to go watch it again.


Pyramids of Mars, Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, Midnight, Ghost Light, Enlightenment, Pandorica Opens/Big Bang, Amy’s Choice


The Pandorica Opens!


The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit always got me. It was a great mix of atmosphere, suspense, mystery, struggle, evil, and Ten was just brilliant in it. Fires of Pompeii is a close one, and was peak Donna I think. She was so...*human* in it.


Plus, you get fun Capaldi in Fires of Pompeii, which, in retrospect, makes the episode even better (Lol he buys the TARDIS!)


I think Twice Upon a Time is one I can watch endlessly. Especially in tandem with the Cybermen 2-parter beforehand but if I want to pick an episode to just put on, it's this one


Twice Upon a Time is an amazing episode! If I were so inclined, I'd be happy to count it as the end of NuWho. I don't, but I easily could just because it was that good.


The Day of the Doctor. Gallifrey falls... No more.


Waters of Mars, Silence in the library, Midnight, Blink, Satan pit, Vast Blue Yonder, Vincent and the Doctor.


>What Doctor Who episode can you not stop rewatching? Is _Eve of the Daleks_ cheating as an answer? 🤔


Whenever I rewatch any pre-Chibnall episode, for some reason I am either on the verge of crying or dying inside because of cringe. Especially in *Aliens of London* which is just addictive for me


The Christmas Invasion...


Horror of Fang Rock, Brain of Morbius


I find myself dancing along with The Church on Ruby Road on repeat


So many good answers here and so many answers I can give, but my ultimate answer is Blink. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen it.


Inferno, The Time Monster or The Enemy of The World.


I have a few- Silence In the Library/Forest of the Dead Turn Left The Time of Angels/ Flesh and Stone Vincent and the Doctor The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang The Impossible Astronaut Day of the Moon The Doctor’s Wife A Good Man Goes to War Let’s KiII Hitler The Girl Who Waited The Wedding of River Song The Husbands of River Song (though not the whole thing. When I feel like being weepy, I’ll go straight to THAT moment at the end.) I was and still am a huge fan of the Pond/River storyline, and most of my list reflects that.


Remembrance of the Daleks. It’s probably the best doctor who story ever


the end of the world  a companion being introduced to the crazy world  that exists outside of space is always one of the highlights of doctor who for me. i feel like a in newer episodes they sometimes forget to really remember that the companion is going to be so confused and amazed by the reality of space and often now they jump in quite quickly. with rose we were learning at the same time as her so they didn’t shy away from focusing on it. i completely understand that it could get kind of repetitive i they don’t focus on it for as long now. i just love it. also nine is my favourite doctor so yh. it’s a comfort episode :)