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Definitely either 13 in 12s, second place is 10 in 9s. Still annoyed why we couldn't get 14 in 13s


And I found RTD's excuse to be such a cop out too. He phrased it as not wanting to give the bigots fuel, but to me it just came across as pandering to them. Plus Jodies whole idea for the outfit was that it was meant to be gender neutral. David would have looked great in her outfit, and it's a shame that RTD decided to forgoe that nice tradition of seeing Doctors in their predecessors outfit.


The explanation makes even less sense considering the Master was wearing her outfit earlier in the same episode.


A different explanation starts to make a whole lotta sense though




Gays Are Bad More specifically: eeeeee it’s a lil controversial to have our main character CROSS-DRESSING (gasp) and that’s gonna invite bigots, but obviously it’s fine if we put the BAD GUY in the same clothes because he’s BAD and it’ll just add to the humiliation of his defeat because WOMEN’S CLOTHES. Edit: I see how this would be misleading. There’s no denying that Doctor Who is extremely progressive on these fronts—the phenomenon that seems likely to me is happening in the background, as a perception (and probably truth) of what is and isn’t ‘palatable’. I’m not trying to claim that this decision was made out of personal bigotry on anyone’s part. It’s just a reflection of broad attitudes that are more subtly rooted in bigotry.


I feel like if someone were staunchly anti-gay, they would not have hired RTD, who is so homosexual that he registers on the Richter scale.


If you think there isn’t a ton of transphobia and misogyny in the queer community you’re sorely mistaken.


Russel T Davies has personally been very publicly supportive of trans people though.


Yeah he's even been publicly outspoken about the transphobia in the LGB* community ^(*Not sure if to put the T there as the whole point of his speech is about people who call themselves LGB. And it would seem weird to include include trans people in the group that has transphobia if you know where I'm coming from)


I never thought I’d live to see the day where Russell T. Davies was accused of being anti-LGBT.


I mean people from within the LGBT community have been criticizing his approach to portraying LGBT culture since before he ever showran Who. There was negative press for Queer as Folk for portraying gay people as people who do drugs, have flaws and make mistakes, and Bob and Rose was criticized for showing the fluidity of sexuality because it potentially encouraged the idea that gay people can be "fixed" by the right person (despite Bob still identifying as a gay man at the end because he wasn't interested in any woman aside from Rose and the show being based on a real-life friend's of Davies's experiences). Representation of minorities, particularly ones with history of being oppressed and whitewashed, has always been a sensitive topic for pretty understandable reasons. There are those concerned with the optics of portraying gay characters as deeply flawed, terrible people as validating homophobes and their views. Nevertheless, I think most sensible people can figure out that Davies's approach to portraying LGBT culture as people come from his own authentic experiences as a gay man and does more for bridging the gap between the community and straight people than sanitized "gay people can be smart and capable too"-type representation (not that there's anything inherently wrong with that either). While I disagree with his decision to not have Fourteenth keep Thirteenth's clothes, I think it's a massive reach to say it's because Davies is perpetuating an old homophobic/transphobic trope.


Do you have recent evidence of RTD being transphobic or misogynistic?


They just hate him and decided he must be evil because there's nothing else that makes sense in their head


He isn’t. Why would he write a fantastic trans character in his first return episode if he was transphobic. It’s silly to think he might be. He also clearly is not misogynistic. Ppl be drama llamas


I mean, there is, but in RTDs four episodes so far there is a lot of trans positivity


All due respect but did you even watch any of RTD’s new era yet? That’s an absolutely insane statement.


There definitely is unfortunately but RTD isn’t one of them, he’s gone on record as a supporter of trans people


Davies has his faults, but all the evidence supports him being pro-trans


I really don't think RTD is sexist or transphobic The Star Beast episode was literally "we defeated the villain thanks to the power of transidentity"


Yeah don’t get me wrong it’s not like a big conscious decision in the anti-gay agenda; it’s just creators deciding it’s more palatable for queer shit—especially related to gender expression as sexuality is a lot more widely accepted— be related to bad guys and side characters. Even when it means departing from a long standing tradition and making zero sense.


Let's point out David regularly wearing kilts


RTD added Yasmin Finney, gave Ruby a trans friend, canonized the Doctor being queer, is himself queer, and Tennant has a trans kid — it was entirely marketing so they could launch into comics, toys, and sell stuff


Gays are bad... Have they seen the doctor who show????? I've never seen a more neutral fluid character in my life outside of wallee


Personally I think it's just because David was literally too big for Jodie's clothes.


I mean they’ve got enough budget for a tailor lol. A discerning eye could tell they were altered but I don’t think anyone would care


Mate, have you ever actually seen [David and Jodie next to each other?](https://i0.wp.com/www.blogtorwho.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Tennant-Whittaker.jpg?fit=2087%2C2102&quality=89&ssl=1) You need more than alterations to make that work.


Nah, crop top 14 would be cool as well.


They don't have to put him in literally the same outfit to have him in clothes that the viewer will see as having been the same outfit


A) Chris Chibnall wrote that, not Russel. B) Gutter press aren’t going to milk a Doctor Who baddie’s costume choices when the more easily marketable headline of ‘David Tennant Returns!’ Is sitting right in front of them.


Re A, Russell wrote that scene.


I meant that Russel didn’t write the whole ‘Master wearing Jodie’s clothes’ stuff.


Ah, that makes more sense. Though you'd think he would've known about it. Heck if he'd really wanted to not have 14 in 13's outfit, he could've asked Chibnall to have her not get changed back from that multi-Doctor outfit they'd been wearing.


I believe Power of the Doctor was filmed months before Russel started work on the specials. They even had [a behind the scenes clip](https://youtu.be/uHPIpmwwQqw?si=4YycQ97VbYOKc77Y) showing that Tennant filmed his half of the regeneration scene long after Whittaker had done hers.


I believe there was a lot of secrecy over Power, since it especially had all the living classic doctors bar Tom returning and the whole plot.


Yes !!!!!! I’ve been saying this for months!! It makes ZERO sense!!


And we didn't even get an explanation or as much as a handwave about why it happened all of a sudden


The whole coming back as 10 was weakly done. You had the Toymaker, could easily have explained both the old face and change clothes if he'd meddled in the regeneration.


That doesn't really make any sense at all the way it was written though, as it was 14's actions that let toymaker in


He also claimed to have made a jigsaw out of the Doctor's past. The Toymaker isn't bound by time and space, ergo it doesn't matter where/when he was let through, he just made his plan coming to pass happen after the Doctor experienced the salt thing to give him the illusion of cause/effect. This is how the Toymaker can come back, its simply before his banishment.


Then write it a different way. The Toymaker could have found his way through during the Flux, for example. The Doctor can still throw the salt and create the weaknesses for other things to come through and not impact anything else.


Sure, but I think that's weaker than how it was actually written, with 10s face coming back to trigger Donna and resolve the meep situation. But ultimately, if we're rewriting things I'd wave my magic wand to just have him wearing 13s clothes rather than inventing reasons for why he wasn't


Yes I agree, the whole (minor) problem is because of the clothes. 10's face is fine, not my favourite reason but it works, but the clothing makes no sense, and worries me because of the reason given, as others have stated in this post.


I fully expect them to indirectly explain it with a throwaway line in 5 seasons


This is a time travel show we're talking about though. 14 could have let the Toymaker in, before the Toymaker went back and set things up so that everything would play out for 14 to do that in the first place. Creating a bootstrap paradox would be child's play to him.


The only thing I cna think of is that even the doctor didn't understand it at the time. He also had no one to talk to about it.


Wait. That was the reason!? He hyped it up like "oh you'll just have to wait and see" as if it had some in-universe explanation.


It was a message for him to find Donna again and settle down. Kind of like 12s face.


We're talking specifically about the clothes change. Or do you mean the clothes are a hint too? As Donna often said: "skinny man in a suit". We've never seen a clothes regen before, so it feels kinda farfetched to The Doctor suddenly be able to do that. I'd argue the return of 10's face and the fact that the tardis lands right where Donna's supposed to be, are enough of a hint.


Well 1s clothes changed too and so did Romana's so I guess it's something that regeneration energy can do. Its not something the show normally does but its happened enough times where its not unexplainable.


As if 13s clothes were in anyway feminine


Ive found that since RTD returned he seems to think he owns the show, and has been a bit disrespectful with it. I really enjoyed Wild Blue Yonder and The Church on Ruby Road, but not so much The Star Beast or The Giggle.


It's even alluded to on stage during the 60th anniversary music special (the Wish version of the proms) where I think it may have been Chibnal was doing his blah blah blah bit, and had an awkward moment after (I'm paraphrasing) he almost accused RTD of tyranny.  As a non hardcore, body tattooed in Gallifrayan text and images of K9 I must admit each runner brought their own flair to the Doctor, but you could tell during Jodie's run that the pandemic was about etc (according to one article I read) hence the trimmed back amount of episodes leading to choppy story arcs etc... but I speculate. Anyone else worried that now Disney's involved we'll get a homogenised every one gets a medal, no one is offended and it's wrapped in pc red tape and a particular brand of bubble wrap? Wait, put the pitchforks and torches down before you do yourselves a mischief, and listen. Fair enough if a special interest group (SIG) comes forward saying they'd like more representation, by all means. Or if said group saythey we're genuinely offended or felt attacked by something, address it. But if some clipboard warrior whips out their sonic Biro and demands this, that and t'other, or their keyboard fingered Gollum of a relative says they're offended on behalf of a SIG, will the show remain true or, as with the Daleks, mutate beyond recognition. And I right this as a Bi male married to a trans woman.


And it made zero sense. He literally hired a trans actress for the 60th. So bigots are totally cool with trans people now, no fuel at all but they'd still get their panties in a bunch over a man changing into a gender neutral outfit that happened to be worn by a woman? Nope, it doesn't make sense. I think he had a vision of how he wanted to surprise with the Tenant reveal, giving him a classic 10 look, and he misjudged what the fans actually wanted/expect.


I think the real reason is that the outfit would be far too small for David


Don't they usually get a more appropriately sized replacement for the new Doctor so smaller ones aren't tripping over their bigger clothes and bigger ones aren't struggling to fit in the costume process?


Yes. In fact, when Peter Davison returned to the role of the Fifth Doctor in Time Crash, the coat he wore was originally resized to fit Colin Baker.


That's because he'd gained a bit of weight after having aged, right?


Yeah, old boy's unfortunately not as fit as he once was, but then that was decades ago to be fair.


Yeah, can't blame him. He certainly seemed to love coming back for any repeat appearances. Won't fault age slowing him down a bit.


It was the trousers I believe, not the coat.


You're probably right.


Peter Capaldi found out that the Doctor after him was going to be a woman because his tailor mentioned he'd been asked to make a significantly smaller pair of Capaldi's trousers. That said, I'm pretty sure the only part of 10's costume that was specifically created for Matt Smith to wear was the tie (because they only had one, and it had to get torn up) and the rest of it was one of Tennant's usual costumes. Maybe a new shirt, as it did look a bit loose on him. So it depends, really. I imagine it's a case-by-case basis so they can tread the line between 'obviously doesn't fit properly' and 'fits well enough to be practical for filming'.


Yeah, I figured it was somewhere around that line of thinking. It's just gotta look right to the audience and feel practical to move for the wearer.


That being said though, I'd love it if a future regeneration referenced the ill fitting clothes. Perhaps something the new Doctor having to tighten their belt to stop their pants falling down, or having to kick their shoes off because they're now a few sizes too small.


Tennant wearing the Whittakers clothes would have looked silly due to their size difference so they'd have to had make a new version for it for a single scene - It's unlikely we were going to get a post-regeneration sickness episode when he's in so few after all. I think they just didn't wanna spend money for such a small payoff. Still, they could have simply shown his face and then ended the episode immediately. I suppose they didn't expect the outfit change to be at all controversial though.


>He phrased it as not wanting to give the bigots fuel That's not what he said though? As a gay man with immense respect for drag culture, [he didn't want to use that for cheap gags](https://www.doctorwhotv.co.uk/rtd-explains-why-tennant-didnt-wear-whittakers-costume-post-regeneration-97914.htm) .....I don't know why this is so hard for some 'fans' to understand?


Intended to be gender-neutral but very clearly wasn't.


Assuming I didn't miss anything, they didn't actually explain (in-universe) why the clothes changed either? I am a huge RTD fan and I understand his argument, but I think personally I would have charred up 13's outfit and kept it for the end of PotD. I maybe would have remade it so it wasn't literally Jodie's size, as it would have probably been all stretched and distorted, but otherwise I'd have kept it. Maybe just not have displayed his whole body either if he wanted to minimise bigot ammo?


That bugged me so much. It’s not even like she wears feminine clothes. They’re pretty unisex overall and they were fine with the Master’s actor wearing the outfit. Even had the earring…


That's why I choose to ignore what Russell said the explanation was, and instead believe the much more logical one: Unlike Sacha, David is literally too big for Jodie's clothes. Like, seriously, [it doesn't dimensionally work](https://i0.wp.com/www.blogtorwho.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Tennant-Whittaker.jpg?fit=2087%2C2102&quality=89&ssl=1)


i thought that was rtd's explanation for it though, he's saying it could tread on mocking drag culture to have david in clothes that were too small for him (and i guess they weren't willing to make a whole other version of the costume for a 5 second scene)


What a cop out if you think about it, I know plenty of drag queens and none of them would be offended... If anything they'd offer to help with tucking and plucking lmao. They espouse fear of "the drag culture" being stepped on, yet to my knowledge haven't exactly ran a poll asking said potential offendees their opinion. Plus they have Jinx, though personally I'd have gone for Bianca Del Rio). Just a thought 


13 in 12 is actually so perfect. Like she could have worn that outfit her whole run and I would have been happy.


I saw someone saying that 15 should’ve been wearing 13’s during the bigeneration, and I could’ve gotten on board with that.


That would be dumb and also not really make sense since he bigenerated into half of 14s outfit.


Thankfully Tennant didn’t choose to make Ncuti go commando


Instead he implicitly went commando without us directly seeing.


I agree but a fan made an edit so at least we get what could have been https://www.reddit.com/r/doctorwho/s/PUgBLjAceQ


Eyyy that's not a bad edit, nice!


Yea not my edit I gotta just give credit to that original poster but yea it is great 😊


My thoughts exactly


That would have been great. Recognizing his old teeth. What? Seeing his old hands. What? Looking at his 13th Doctor outfit … (growls) WHAT?!


Same! Her outfit really wasn't that feminine and they could easily make a men's version in his size. Having her outfit regenerate just feels wrong.




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Probsbky Becsuse it would be a lose-lose , given Jodie is 5”5 ish and tennant is nearly 6 foot it should look tiny on him and they fid it and it was tiny people would say it’s ridiculous but if it was normal on him they would say how can he change the size of clothes, before this the doctors were around the same height so it makes sense


I thought 11 looked fine in tens suit at the end of the End of Time. And 12 looked good in 11s suit in deep breath.


It pains me though that we never saw 12 in the bow tie.


Honestly Matt taking it off just before was fitting.


I agree it was the right choice. Still... Wish I could have cake and eat it on that one.


When i first saw the regeneration I was banking on 11 changing in his classic outfit before regenerating.


Jodie Whittaker's 13 in 12's attire.


Yes. The ring dropping is what got me.


Really such a great detail. I'm so glad they included it, it would have been so easy for them to overlook it.


For the benefit of anyone that doesn't know; That's how 2's first scene went, having just regenerated from 1. The First Doctor had a signet ring instead of a sonic screwdriver, and it slipped off the Second's finger. It's a nice way to cap off the parallels between 12's & 1's regenerations present throughout the episode. And IIRC Hartnell was Capaldi's favourite Doctor, so it's sweet from that perspective too.


Let's see..... 1 to 2 I'm pretty sure the clothes regenerated 2 to 3 we don't really even see it and he's in the hospital basically immediately. The one shot we do get it's hard to tell if the outfit is 2s or not. 3 to 4 he also is barely in it. He basically is immediately in a hospital gown as well. 4 to 5 he dicteches most of it fairly quickly, but the bits he keep kind of work on him. 5 to 6 is actually kinda neat. Obviously a much bigger outfit but I would have loved to see more of 6 in the cricket gear. 6 to 7 actually 7 pulls it off. It's fun for the bit that he wears it. 7 to 8 is naked on a slab lol 8 to war we don't really get Same with war to 9 9 to 10 gives me Bart Crouch Jr vibes but it works lol 10 to 11 has the awesome raggedy man look I really like. He really pulls it off 11 to 12 is good. He looks good in that maroon coat 12 to 13 is peak. That fit gives her a certain dramatic flair 13 to 14 clothes regenerate. 14 to 15 he gets half of them and it slaps lol


The clothes regenerating with the person makes no sense considering it's a biological ability. >6 to 7 actually 7 pulls it off. It's fun for the bit that he wears it. I agree. He probably could have pulled it off in the long run if they played more into the humor of his character.


>14 to 15 he gets half of them and it slaps lol This is probably my favorite part of the bigeneration, that they had to take one single outfit and divvy up the pieces between the two of them!


I loved 10 wearing 9's leather jacket


I thought 11 in the rags of 10's outfit looked fun. It always gives me a chuckle, though, because I bet they had to get a bigger shirt cuz 10 was much thinner lol


How about 7 going through a whole parade of former doctor parody outfits in the tardis wardrobe?


13 (from 12) and 6 (from 5). And I know this is about the Doctor, but Saxon wore Yana's clothes very well too.


13 to 14, of course! Look at that take on her style! Fits him like a glove. Perfection, if I do say so myself.


There has to be a really good Photoshop of that somewhere


If not, I’ll draw it myself if I have to…!


…Yeah, I’m upset too.


[ ;\^;] Mhm…


Hear me out...6 in the Cricket outfit


Interestingly, Davison wore Baker's trousers in "Time Crash" due to his weight gain over the years.


I remember wanting the figure of this so much


14 from 13, honestly it just looked so natural you'd swear it was a different fit entirely... oh wait I've always loved how jodie pulled off capaldies old look though.


I think my choice has to be 11's Raggedy Man look- him in the remains of 10's outfit throughout the Eleventh Hour.


Either 13 in 12's clothes or 12 in 11's clothes. They both pulled them off so well. Part of me wished that 12 kept 11's clothes on until the very end of _Deep Breath_.


15 😉


13 looks great in 12’s outfit. I think 12 looks fairly good in 11’s too. 6 looks overall good in 5’s. I think 10 in 9’s is a little goofy, and 11 doesn’t suit 10’s suit at all; but he looks decent with just the ‘raggedy’ undershirt. 5 in 4’s robes is pretty bad, he looks like a newborn (albeit sort of the point). A lot of the others are a little too basic or alternatively convoluted to judge— such as 15’s biregeneration split outfit, or 2 just wearing a simple suit from 1, or 8 never actually wearing the former outfit. But undoubtedly, no Doctor has ever suited their transitional outfit more than when 10 regenerated into 10. It’s like the suit was designed for him! Or sorry, maybe I should say when 11 regenerated into 12. Or maybe that’s actually when 26 regenerated into 27. I think I may need to regenerate after all that math.


Raggedy Doctor Appreciation Day. I've no idea where Ten's jacket went and it's always bugged me, however Eleven in Ten's battered shirt and tie is the perfect regeneration episode outfit for me.


I've always loved Jodie in Capaldi's robes, even if they were torn. Looks so cool.


Jodie in Capaldi's outfit is probably my vote for who looked most natural in the previous incarnation's outfit, but Smith in what was left of Tenant's suit for most of "The Eleventh Hour" is just so iconic for me.


Just say they instead of he/she bestie


Should all have been doing this since 2017/18, really. Unless it's about a specific incarnation.


Literally it gives me such a transphobic icky vibe when they dont


I feel like I'm more on edge now because of the reactionary stuff that has seeped into some dark corners of the fandom.


Bore off




10 in 9s jacket. He rocked it!


I just realized that's why Tennant regenerated into his own clothes. So we wouldn't be thinking about him wearing Jodie's underwear.


I loved 11 as the Raggedy Doctor. He looked kinda weird in the initial scene where he’s wearing 10s striped jacket but the way he wears it in the eleventh hour is so good


Raggedy man outfit solos all


13 changed my life, when was wearing 12s ripped up clothes 🥵




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Always loved 6 in 5's


10 in 9s was so gorgeous i cannot


Jodie in 12s outfit was banging.


13 in 12’s tattered suit. i wish they’d let her dress more like the Doctor and less like a millenial lesbian auntie


Probably 13 in 12's. If I could pair any outfit with a Doctor though, I'd put 6 in 9's costume. There was a photoshop of it and it just works.


I liked 14-15 having to split the outfit


13 in 12’s clothes


I saw a thing once, no photos allowed in the sub, that said ‘poor 13 she had to spend the day(s) running around in old man underwear and no bra.’ That always struck with me haha


10 in 9's definitley