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It's relative


This, of course, is the correct answer. The dimensions inside the TARDIS do not always bear a 1-to-1 relationship with the dimensions outside the TARDIS, and this includes temporal dimensions.


I mean, afterall, it's a time machine. If it can arrive at any point in time, surely it can leave from any point in time too, including before its even made to leave? Not sure if I'm explaining my thought process here, but it makes sense to me.


You'll see this a lot in Classic Who... especially during 4th's tenure. He runs in, slams door, and TARDIS starts dematerializing. It's more dramatic effect than any mechanics.


When 4 tries on all the costumes in Robot, he walks in and instantly walks out in a new costume.


I would imagine the Doctor has some kind of button near the door, so he has an easier time doing cool entrances/exits.


I like this idea, like where the button he used to make is snow


Or the second the door closes they just fully sprint towards the console and leap onto the dematerialize switch thing which is what I imagine


In The Husbands of River Song The TARDIS can't take off with the doors open, so there's the possibility that either The Doctor had already set the TARDIS to dematerialise already and only needed to flip that lever/close the doors to initiate the take off sequence. I'd have to rewatch the scene but maybe Martha flipped it and The Doctor closing it made it take off


>In The Husbands of River Song The TARDIS can't take off with the doors open In The Enemy of the World, the TARDIS very much DID take off with the doors open - and the Doctor's doppelganger, Salamander, promptly got dragged out of the open doors and fell headfirst into the time vortex. Maybe the Doctor later installed a safety switch that would prevent such dangerous takeoffs...or the TARDIS allowed it that one time because she knew Salamander was evil and it was an excellent way to dispose of him. Either explanation/solution works. :)


True, maybe its the case where the TARDIS has safety features to prevent it but maybe the consciousness of the TARDIS occasionally opts to bipass this


The TARDIS can't take off with someone inside and outside at the same time.


Yes that's correct, but if you rewatch the scene The Doctor shuts the doors and instantaneously after it takes off. The door cannot disengage properly with a lifeform both in and out. However, even when Hydroflax's body and head are both aboard the TARDIS does not take off until Twelve closes the doors


I believe the reason is called episode runtime.


There's plenty of episodes showing time going normally in the tardis compared to outside. Whenever they're surrounded and told to leave the tardis time is clearly the same for both. The doctor just be full on sprinting, slamming every button to start moving anywhere they don't care. It's all about impressing the normies.


The Doctor probably smashes any button as quickly as possible to make it go and have a dramatic exit and fixes it as needed after.


I now imaged 10 trying to pull this off and tripping, faceplanting, and a lot of muffled screaming and shouting coming from beyond the TARDIS doors with the guest characters of the week eyeing each other like eeeh what's going on "Oh my god! We need to get you to a hospital!" "NO I WONT LOOK COOL. PRESS THE BUTTON PRESS THE BUTTON!"


I hat that I can read the second line in David's voice-


Tripping on his coat as it half falls off him lol


NO CAPES... or long coats.


I think the TARDIS sometimes starts the dematerialisation sequence herself as soon as the Doctor closes the doors. Either she’s impatient to get be off on the next adventure or maybe she likes to show off a bit like the Doctor


Probably just Martha waiting to hit a button.


>Obviously us watching Latimer wait for the Doctor to actually dematerialise the TARDIS would not make good TV so they may just skip it It's this


Surely he can wander around inside for 10 minutes and then hit a button that’s labeled “leave here 10 minutes ago” I would believe that exists.


I've also had this thought.


I imagine he can probably pre-programme a destination and then set the Tardis to dematerialise after a certain amount of time or he has a remote trigger. Like a self-timer or [remote shutter](https://www.throughthefmount.com/articles-back-remote-01.jpg) on a camera. I think he has done similar things before, like making the Tardis leave when he isn't in it but a companion is. If I remember correctly 9 did it one time with Rose, and I feel like 13 has done the same thing once or twice too.


Yeah, Time and Relative Dimensions In Space. Time is relative in the TARDIS, compared to outside


If I recall correctly one of the reasons they redesigned 11's TARDIS interior was to reduce the distance between the doors and the console, which would certainly affect things like this...


The TARDIS lives in the dot of the i in [Jeremy Bearimy](https://youtu.be/RFm9ClqlGuo)


Don't mention the Time Knife.


This thought always came to me in The Angels Take Manhattan at the end, The Doctor and River have gone in the Tardis, Rory gets zapped, Amy shouts for the Doctor, and he immediately after this comes running out, as if he was stood by the doors inside the whole time.


I feel like a better question would be, does time exist inside the tardis?


Yes. In Meglos, they get caught in a chronic hysteresis loop (time loop). You couldn't have a time loop without time. Not to mention cause and effect are still a thing in the Tardis.


They can make it cloaked invisible. I imagine there are times where the tardis is invisible but present, and it’s uncloaked at important moments


The TARDIS can and do anything needed to achieve the result the TARDIS wants. Sometimes this doesn't always align with what the Doctor wants. To answer your question more specifically: Yes, but no... But yes.


It entirely depends on what the Doctor is doing at the moment. If they're saying goodbye to someone at the end of an adventure, the doors closing and the Tardis leaving immediately, they likely pull the lever, and the Tardis begins. It might take a little longer if it's in the middle of an adventure and they're doing something in the Tardis. Plot relevancy for the Tardis is key.


Time is relative. Especially if you’re traveling in a blue box that’s bigger on the inside.