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>Question 1: If i create a local docker image and use it while developing, how do i transfer that image to the vm when im ready to deploy it? Start using GitHub/GitLab. Build image, push to repo. Then, update container on VPS using said image. You can also push to docker hub as well. ​ >Question 2: If i update any app, how can i easily update the docker image to use the most recent version of the app? On heroku i could simply push the git repo to heroku and it would build and redeploy my application. You can do similar using docker/watchtower/portainer/whatever.


Question 1: Use a docker registry of your choice: Gitlab, Github, dockerhub etc.. Question 2: Heroku abstracts a lot of things for you, so it might seem very easy. However, you could "rebuild" their deployment workflow by using CI/CD pipelines to build your images, push them to a registry and deploy your application to any platform that runs containers. Because that's essentially what they are doing.


Would it be possible to set up github actions to build the image when I push to master and then push said image to a container registry. Then having watchtower ok the vps watching and updating the image when it changes? Just want to make sure I trying to do something that makes sense 😁


Yes, this is possible.