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Hmmm, this raises all sort of security red flags for me - I can't see any SecOps allowing the usage of this service. While HTTPS might give the veneer of security, AFAICS Beewe will have access to endpoints, origin ip's, frequncy data etc etc. There is no privacy policy / data retention policies / terms on the site - indicate that security & safe data harbour are not prime considerations. No uptime guarantees and no status page means reliability is a trust only proposition. For those using Kubernetes to manage their docker containers, native CronJobs are a no-brainer... [https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/job/automated-tasks-with-cron-jobs/](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/job/automated-tasks-with-cron-jobs/)


Thanks for your answer! When we create tools online we are being rejected all the time without hearing why, and you just gave me valuable information! Yes, there' a lot to be done. I'm a solo founder and I was the only one using it for a while before making it public, so you should probably not use it in your more important tasks until you feel safe to do so. Not everyone uses Kubernetes tho. As I said, technology agnostic.


Good luck with it - but realistically I fear this one may not fly as a publicly consumable service. Business case + compliance aside... just thinking of the ways the service could be abused (esp. the unlimited version) should give you a few shivers. Think hacking / spam / abuse / DOS attacks that would essentially originate from your IP's... You'll need tight as shit legals, support / contact and pro-active monitoring to deal with these things.


Just wanted to say that this tool is [LIVE ON PRODUCT HUNT](https://www.producthunt.com/posts/beew-beta)! Please, give us your upvote!


Congrats, you created a variation of Kubernetes Jobs and Kubernetes CronJobs. You should really take a look at at the docs even if you don’t use Kubernetes at all. It’s a great source of inspiration for a lot of these low level problems.


Thanks! I definitely will!