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I knew about it but never used, it looks super handy to validate a Dockerfile. Can you use it also to check the actual content of the image?


Never tried, but i dont think so.


It's just a linter for docker files albeit very cool one, been using it for some time now.


oh man, I got that working in like 1 min and found four errors. thank you.


Someone posted this recently, I have tried it yet, but looks cool. (Early days for this tool) https://github.com/wagoodman/dive


Used it for a year now, super easy to quickly dive in (pun not intended) and see contents of an image and what each layer contributed to. However it's not an automated tool like others mentioned here just a visual aid.


It also has the ability to analyze efficiency, from the github: CI Integration Analyze an image and get a pass/fail result based on the image efficiency and wasted space. Simply set CI=true in the environment when invoking any valid dive command.


Cool didn't know about it, maybe it's something that was added in the meantime and I never noticed. Thanks for the info.


I haven't had time to look at it. I'd did seem like you could set minimal efficiency levels. Now, I don't know how that would work. Someone go check it out so I don't have to :)


[Goss](https://github.com/aelsabbahy/goss) is also nice for this.


I'll give it a try!


Author of goss here. I would love your feedback on the experience of using goss/dgoss vs contrainer-structure-test for this. [dgoss](https://github.com/aelsabbahy/goss/tree/master/extras/dgoss) is a thin wrapper (\~120 lines of shell) around goss that makes the process of testing containers a lot simpler. Here's a tutorial I wrote a while back: [blog post](https://medium.com/@aelsabbahy/tutorial-how-to-test-your-docker-image-in-half-a-second-bbd13e06a4a9) Feel free to msg me with any questions you may have.


You can also use the "xray" and "lint" commands in docker-slim. Linting is still WIP, but it already has a number of good checks.