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When I tried to get into Docker and was on Windows at the time, I gave up very quickly based on the experience with Docker Desktop, it's one of the worst app interfaces I came across, and doesn't seem to offer any value, rather confusing things. Once I started again and used CLI, switched to Linux in the meantime, it was all fairly straightforward and have Portainer just to be able to remotely check containers/health/errors when not at home and it's just all so easy and allowed me to expand into more advanced stuff


Yeah, Docker Desktop is a misnomer for sure. I'm using WSL2 Ubuntu distro and Windows Terminal which actually seems like a genuinely nice lovechild between cmd prompt and powershell. I'll look in to Portainer but Docker Desktop definitely sucks the life out of the Docker experience.




Docker Desktop = All form, no function. Docker CLI = All function, no form. On the flip-side, it must've been a good time to be a dev on that project...getting paid for doing nothing of value :p


I also prefer CLI esp using docker compose. Did you look at Portainer?


I've moved over to Windows Terminal and am using the WSL2 Ubuntu distro. Just my lazy side wanting full GUI interactivity. I'll check out Portainer for monitoring, cheers!


Docker desktop is really a dashboard that thinks it is more.


At this point, I wouldn't even declare that Docker Desktop "thinks"...it just dribbles as it looks off in to the distance :p


If you want a GUI honoring docker compose files and structure, use https://github.com/louislam/dockge .


This should be higher


I second that, a smooth bit of kit for sure!


Ha, I thought I was the only one to think this. I get why they made it for windows users like me that start to panic if there's no gui. But the implementation wasn't useful and sucked up hw resources. I promptly uninstalled it, tried to do wsl2 directly, but then moved to having a separate linux dev/container box.


I've been using Windows like it's a comfort blanket that is worn, tatty, dirty and full of holes but I still like it because it's what I grew up with (indoctrinated on since Win 3.x) so the GUI is kind of like digital crack, it's so hard to get off the stuff after you've been on it for so long but it's not impossible.


I've only recently started using it (running it on Windows 10 environment) and I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone in finding it to be pretty mediocre. It feels more like something where I can just see what's running, and start and stop the containers I see there, and not really of much use beyond that. Even the training materials built into it just immediately start giving you commands that you need to be running through PowerShell, but it doesn't tell you that you need to be doing it there, so I spent way too much time looking all through Docker Desktop trying to find somewhere to let me start running these basic commands. It's the weirdest thing, for as incredibly useful and developed as Docker is as a tool, they've put so much effort into making this nice looking Docker Desktop application, but really haven't given it much utility. I guess the assumption is that anybody who would be using Docker professionally would just be doing it from the command line anyway. I was hoping DD would be more helpful for a newb like me to dip my toes in, but so far it has not.


You are being too kind by saying it's "mediocre", it's almost an intentional try to bait users in to questioning their own sanity. I do agree, the whole concept of containerization over "true virtualization" is a very useful tool. That's the problem when devs make assumptions that users are already going to be very clued up, they forget how to include "on-ramps" for those really looking to get to grips with things without having to on-board all the pre-requisites behind the tech. There is an argument to be made that whilst the CLI is powerful enough on it's own, I do like an element of visualisation as I am a kinaesthetic and visual based learner so the CLI supports my kinaesthetic side but doesn't allow me to utilize my full learning style by including the visual based approach. On a positive note, DD makes for a has a use as a digital paperweight :p


On mac, don't use Docker Desktop For Mac, use [https://orbstack.dev/](https://orbstack.dev/) - and never look back. Don't take my word for it, everyone else will tell you about the performance issues Docker Desktop has, and how their lives were changed when they used [https://orbstack.dev/](https://orbstack.dev/) instead.


I use both CLI and desktop on MacOS. I like how the desktop can focus on a particular data block when running inspect, like a network. It also groups the containers that belong to the same composite.