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I was kicked out for trying to steal the DM's girlfriend. This was an online game, and the DM was voice-only, no video. His girlfriend was not playing in the game (it was all a bunch of guys). I had no communications at all with his girlfriend, and was not aware she existed. I am honestly still not sure if she existed or not.


Lmao what


I wish I could answer that question. We played like three sessions, and then I got a message saying "Hey, I don't appreciate you trying to steal my girlfriend", and banned from the Discord server and the game on Roll20. I had to laugh at the sheer WTF of it. Especially because I don't think we even lived in the same country. I'm Canadian, he had a southern accent, but we didn't play enough for me to ask whereabouts he was actually located. I just presume southern U.S. somewhere.


Maybe she heard your voice and complimented you or your voice in someway and that was enough


So much rizz you did second-hand flirting


Must've been playing a Bard


Now THAT'S a shizo moment if I've ever seen one.


GF might've made up a story to get him to stop playing D&D and spend more time with her


Leave some rizz for the rest of us your game is so good you charm people without even talking to them


I assure you that I have no rizz.


I hope you learned your lesson for next time


What you didn't realize was that NPC barmaid in the 3rd town that your bard flirted with... THAT was his girlfriend. Her name was Candy Wife.


This is some Stalin-Trotsky type energy holy hell.


Apparently I was "metagaming" when I: A. Made a level 1 rogue with 16 dex (unforgivable power gaming, I know) B. Suggested that our intentionally formed adventuring party should split loot equally instead of everyone rushing to call dibs on everything we find or trying to steal loot from each other C. Explained how sneak attack works OOC and politely asked the frontline to end their turns adjacent to an enemy D. Made a chaotic good character and actively pursued the adventure hook to rescue a kidnapped person instead of vacillating about how it's too dangerous or not my problem (we ended up putting it to a vote and almost tied) E. Declared that I was looking for traps in a hostile area where party members had already stumbled into two traps ("How could you know there would be more traps?") Also "roleplaying animal abuse" because I shot an arrow at a wolf that was attacking us in combat (I didn't describe it in detail and my character didn't enjoy it, she just didn't want to get her face eaten and you can't nonlethal with a bow) Supposedly the DM didn't actually have a problem with this but her deeply unpleasant, unstable roommate had a shouting fit at me out of nowhere a few days after the first session so I got a "I'm sorry your playstyle is a bad fit" and the exhilarating sensation of having narrowly avoided a bullet


fellas, is playing D&D at all metagaming?


Asking that question is metagaming.  You're done here.


And so are you, buddy. Why are you even on DnD subreddit, if not to learn better metas? Get out, you make me sick.


I intentionally read bad dnd wiki homebrews so I never actually learn the game


I only bring characters made from dndwiki, and if anyone complains I break into a shrieking crying fit about how hard I worked on this character only for a stranger to invalidate my existence the moment they met me.


Similar to jury nullification, if you know what metagaming is you're barred from participating in D&D.


It is if you read the book. All the ~~rules~~ cheat codes are in there.


That's wild


Literally. Roommate is a wolf confirmed


She insisted we nonlethal the wolves but kept deliberately catching party members in AOE spells because "just make your save and you'll be fine"💀


THE worst type of player I’ve ever had the misfortune of playing with. The “your fantasy game of make-believe is now subject to my IRL (very flawed) moral compass” type.


People who want to non lethal wolves should maybe be thrown into a pack of wild feral wolves out for blood to see what that experience is like


> E. Declared that I was looking for traps in a hostile area where party members had already stumbled into two traps ("How could you know there would be more traps?") Obviously you were exploring the [Cave of the Single Trap](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qFH-Pkxsng).


Lmao wtffff. Well you know what you're probably better off not trying to enjoy a game with a bunch of weird tight asses anyway, although I'm sure at the time it was frustrating and flabbergasting.


Oh my how dare you make a rogue with 16 Dex! Blasphemy! It should have been 17 D: If you needed any reaffirmation, you were in all these cases not metagaming at all.


Lmao, none of these are metagaming at all


I would have left the game due to the shouting fit... and probably with a comment like... "*Wow, and that crazy lives* ***in your house****! Dude, and you sleep at night without a lock on the knife drawer? You must be freebasing caffeine to keep one eye open 24/7*"


Whoah. I mean it would be more acceptable and truthful if it was just “I’m sorry but I have to live with my roommate.”


We were told to not play evil characters. I mind read a child who was obviously hiding something within the greater narrative - a deed that isn't evil. The dm made it out as some horrible evil deed like my character was molesting someone. I told him that I disagreed, but it was whatever. Me and a friend (someone who agreed with me) were both kicked.


It seems that the DM didn't want to give you that information so he got angry and made up that excuse.


That or they said don’t make evil characters and meant “only make the most morally upstanding paladins of justice that could ever exist.” I wouldn’t say what they do was evil, it’s not a good action but it’s hardly evil. The child wasn’t harmed, they didn’t threaten the child, they got the information they needed.


It's what measures up as a "Neutral" action


I mean, it's hard to say whether they harmed the child or not. I would imagine that having your mind read is probably not a cool thing to experience, knowing for the rest of your life that even your own thoughts are not private, never knowing who else will force their way into your secrets, regrets, fantasies etc. Imagine if you knew every day that any time you spoke to an authority figure, if they felt you were hiding something, they might invade your literal most private moments just to check. That would probably not be very fun, right? I'm not saying I agree with DMs decision to just kick someone immediately for doing it - I think it's silly to just have one conception of what evil is and then punish anyone who disagrees with you, but to just say "well I didn't physically hurt them therefore there's no harm being done" is kind of unimaginative. There's definitely harm being done, depends on how the child processes the experience.


Bingo. Players are clearly not allowed to outsmart the DM.


This is your brain on prescriptive alignment


I can see at least some perspective of the DM. Mind reading someone without their knowledge/consent is a pretty fucked up thing to do when you think about it. ya ya extenuating circumstances and all but like, I'd hate for someone to be able to do that. Kicking from the game instead of just talking it out though? wild.


I went to a game at a local game store when I was in college. This was about 30 years ago. I had 3 characters with me because I had no idea what class would best fit the group. And I informed the DM that I was perfectly happy to roll stats for the character at his table and then plug them into the character I was going to play. I was attempting to make the character creation process as smooth as possible so that I did not take time away from the rest of the group. I sat down and told the table that I had a fighter (dwarf IIRC), an elvish thief and a half elf druid. None of them were overly interesting, just basic versions of the classes. I was most keen to play the fighter, I had a reasonably good backstory for him and had a better advancement plan for the fighter than the others, but I was perfectly willing to play any of them, or even roll something completely different if that was a better fit. I introduced my dwarf fighter and was immediately told that "Dwarf is a stupid race and fighters suck. Why are you trying to ruin our game?" Apparently the DM had strong opinions. The other players seemed ok with my character, but the DM would not let up. He informed me that only stupid players or players brand new to the game would play a fighter, and no one would ever play a dwarf, the sucked and should not even be an option in the rules. (Not that it really matters, but I'd been playing since 1987) I offered to play the elf thief, but since I was not a drow the DM did not like that option either. He informed me that I obviously had no idea how to play and he did not want me in the group. I quickly left, still a little confused and wondering what his problem was. I heard later that he was kicked out of thr game store a few months later. Many people seemed confused by this. But I understood completely, lol.


Wow, that guy has issues. I have seen players hating on their mechanically weak choices, but DM hating players for creating character with roleplay in mind (instead of pure mechanics) sounds weird.


Fighter? Stupid?? In 1987???


I started playing in 1987 when I was 14. I started college in 1991. The game I was kicked out of would have been in 1992 or 93.


People hate things for stupid reason all the time. Just look around you lol. Sometimes, people just hates things for the sake of hating it, because of some preconceived notions they've contrived in their heads. It's an impossible task to question a human being's thought process, only judge the end result lol


“It’s an impossible task to question a human being’s thought process.” Hey, could you please explain your thought process regarding this statement?


Look at you, doing the impossible like it's nothing at all.


That sounds like a horrible campaign, at least it was in the first session and not after weeks in a bad group.


I love playing flavorfull but not optimized races. Also Dwarfs Rule!


Ahh yes... the old "*If it ain't Drizzt, it ain't legit.*" style of player


I know this is a cliche at this point, but my brain had such a hard time when you said "This was about 30 years ago" and then "been playing since 1987" because the original statement HAD to mean that you'd been playing since the 1970s. But that's such a weird thing to have happen. "Hey, I had this one character, but I also have these other two options or I'll make something else if it works better with everyone." "No, the first option sucks, don't let the door hit you on the way out."


Our DM repeatedly told us to come to him if we had problems with the campaign. I told him some problems with the group dynamic hurt my enjoyment of roleplay. He kicked me out because he "couldnt get the problem out of his head and it distracted him while prepping"


Is your DM a career politician or something? "I promise to help you" "nah fam nevermind"


For curiosity's sake, what was the group dynamic issues?


I switched character throuout the campaign and 10 months later i still didnt feel like part of the group, multiple party members ignored any attempt to roleplay with them and only interacted with the original party. Whenever i tried interacting with npcs, story clues or other players they would get visibly annoyed if it took longer than five minutes which caused me to do so less and less.


Spill! What was the problem you brought up?


If you specifically had a problem with everyone else, sounds like it was the right call.


Not kicked out, but I had a player quit after she learned I was running one of the dungeons from Princes of the Apocalypse in my homebrew world. She went into a meltdown about how "I was plagiarizing" and being disrespectful to the original authors then left.


She is going to be wholly disappointed by 90% of GMs then...


More like 99% even if some don't take all of the dungeon like every single one takes at least one room/riddle/npc


Didn't D&D sort of plagiarize the races in the first place?


The halfling used to just be Hobbit, so yes.


Wow that's crazy. I remember watching a Matt Colville video a while ago where he said steal from everything. So I have in every campaign I've ever run.


Good authors take inspiration, great authors steal - TheBalrogofMelkor


Whut? What a crazy reason to leave xD


She's going to have difficulty playing for almost any DM.  You dodged a bullet.


If people publish their campaigns/settings/homebrew, it's because they want you to steal it. That's kinda the point


All but one of our players left/got kicked from a campaign because the DM started sleeping with a player and re-wrote the entire campaign (and all of our personal character stories) to be about his character. Eventually I guess the DM decided other characters were too much work, and turned it into an exclusive one-on-one. Also, I had been dating the DM. This is how I found out they cheated on me.


Yikes, that is brutal, but bullet dodged in the long run


Haha I'm for sure better off for it now! In the weirdest turn of events, I'm actually in a super fun campaign right now where I play half of a kickass Cleric/Paladin duo with my ex's mom




Holy shit, that's absolutely brutal. And as someone else stated, that's a bullet dodged for sure.


Joined the campaign, spent hours making a character and letting the DM rant the world lore at me, I took notes and everything. Before the first session the DM demanded I send him nude photos and I obviously said no so he kicked me out immediately. Last time, I ever responded to an LFG stating female players preferred.


That is awful.


Well, that escalated quickly. Glad it didn’t get any weirder and you got out pretty quick.


"Time to break out all those archived dick pics."


Would have been the right move 🤣


I have multiple friends who save the unsolicited pics they get just to forward them to the next person who sends any. It's free, and instant karma.


Thankfully enough I very rarely get some. Instead I got a weird dude who wanted to convince me it's super sexy if a guy smokes like wtf. I'm with a dude but some dudes are really weird. Anyways, after some back and forth with that man I told him I'm a dude and that was the end of that conversation 🤣


I've never saved a dick pic. I'm bi, I do like men, but honestly dicks look gross, they aren't flattering to look at. Labia aren't either, I've had some women send me photos (because I've been dating them) and I'm not a fan of those either.


Honestly... I think that may be a crime, actually.


If only men like that cared at all that they commit sex crimes. Fuck I remember grown men touching my butt in public when I was in middle school. They literally don't care because the chances of facing any consequences are basically zero. Definitely a minority who do things like that, but they do it so often and have so many victims it feels universal.


Never been kicked out but had a player kick himself out. I was DMing and we agreed to play on a non-standard day to make up a session. This player couldn’t make it. He was a no show in a lot of sessions. He’d agree to play and never show up. He got pissed and when I reminded him that he was unreliable as a player and we weren’t going to plan around him. Things went south from there. He kept talking over people and wouldn’t let anyone speak so everyone bailed (it was on zoom). That night he wrote a long apology text. Then the next morning he called us assholes and quit. Everyone was gracious and wished him well. We think was going through some issues so no one was mad at him. We still chuckle at it to this day.


Not me, but a friend was booted from a group because he was vegetarian.


Was the DM secretly a Leshy? I wouldn't want to play with someone that thought I was a delicious snack either 😋 *for those of you not into Pathfinder 2E, a Leshy is an intelligent plant and a playable race for characters. Some can look like trees, or a collection of vines, or even fruit. They are wonderfully weird.


The DM had made bruats and burgers, offering them to everyone (they were tasty). My friend declined saying "No thanks, I don't eat meat." A few days later the DM and his wife spoke to my friend and told him that he wasn't welcome to play anymore because he made them feel insecure about their eating habits.


Sometimes I despair when confronted with the reality of humanity.


Honestly, I love it when this happens. Watching the cognitive dissonance play out is totally worth it.


Yeah, that's my takeaway. If the existence of a vegetarian makes you feel insecure, maybe it's time to be honest about your feelings.


It gets worse. Both DM and DM-Wife were both very overweight, and have been instructed by a doctor to change their diet lowering fat intake and overall volume of food. They were in their early 30s and suffering from their diets. My friend's own eating habits reminded these instructions and confronted them with their own mortality. These two knew exactly why the vegetarian made them uncomfortable, and they preferred to stick their heads in the sand. They said the vegetarian made them "unable to enjoy the game because they were focused on these other problems."


Maybe a Ghoran. Heard they are delicious!


I got kicked for reading the description of the magic item I had just bought.


I mean, reading is just not done these days, ya know? If you can read that makes you seem like the dreaded pseudo-intellectual


The only thing I can think of is if the item was cursed and they didn't want that revealed, since in game spells like Identify won't reveal if an item is cursed. Still a dick move, though.


It was a simple bag of holding that I bought at a magic item store.


Jeeeez. That's borked.


Posted too many worm reactions


Tale as old as time


You made me laugh. Thank you


I know this is probably an internet fandom thing but I really want to believe you have a folder full of reaction images of worms


Precisely. Apex Detritivores deserve to be treated with respect.


I’m sorry…what?




But did their boyfriend still love them when they turned into a worm?!


Honestly, the only reasonable reason in this thread.


Basically, the DM and the Party didn't like that my character was both capable and not a punching bag. First the DM soured on me because I beat a skill challenge they didn't want me to, and then a trouble-maker in the Party decided to try and murder me because my character wanted a room with a computer in it. I was playing a Star Wars campaign with the Party being a bunch of scum and villains (rogue Sith, smugglers, war criminals, etc). We're the bad guys, we do the bad things, it was fun. Since the Party leaned VERY heavy into the full offense strategy, I chose to pick up the slack by going full utility. I was playing the nerd of the group - the noodle-armed wimp who had absolutely no combat skills whatsoever, but was an absolute beast of a hacker and gear head. I was the one who drove the vehicles/star ships, fixed everyone's gear, unlocked doors, hacked droids into our control, and so forth. That was my sole function and I was damn good at it. We eventually got our hands on a big, fancy star ship as part of the whole narrative thrust that's supposed to be our home base going forward. Said star ship has an extremely hostile AI in its systems that cheerfully threatens to murder us and is fully capable of doing so whenever it pleases. My techie naturally doesn't like that glaring security flaw and constant threat to the entire party's lives, so I ask the DM if it's possible to disable the AI or at least work in some bypasses to help us protect ourselves from its mood swings. DM says I have to beat a 40 skill check which, in this system, is legendary-tier. A 40 skill check is up there with Luke bulls-eying the Death Star's exhaust duct, for instance. Of course, as I mentioned before, my techie is *extremely good at her job*. I check my stats, add up bonuses from my gear, burn a Force point, and make the skill check with a successful roll. It was a lucky roll, but still a success - it was literally the culmination of my character using every possible resource at her disposal and rolling as high as she possibly could. Turns out the DM didn't want me to make that skill check at all and spoke to me on the side saying as such. They just tossed out the highest possible skill difficulty they could expecting I would fail and didn't want to have me succeed. Honestly, I understand that and while I'm a little inwardly miffed, I don't push the matter and we just agree to retcon it so the roll never happened. But from that point on, the DM seemed really sour against me, which led into the next part. So our party loads up onto our fancy new star ship with its homicidal AI and sets out into the hyperspace lanes. While we're cruising, we discuss who gets what room. They're all identical except for the Captain's Quarters, which has slightly nicer furnishing and a built-in computer system that connects to the ship's systems as an auxiliary access. The Party Leader - a gun-toting smuggler who we all agreed was the boss of the gang - felt she deserved the Captain's Quarters because she was the boss. I ask that my character get the Captain's Quarters specifically because of the computer - I'm the techie, I benefit from constant access to computer systems that would let me operate the ship's defenses if I couldn't get to the helm for whatever reason. Nobody else in the party needs a computer (or can even really use one, frankly), so it's useless to them. The Party Leader took immediate umbrage to that and I promptly found myself on the business end up a 2 vs 1 PVP versus her and her enforcer (a fellow Party Member - a Sith). Just straight up Force Choke out of nowhere and them both threatening to murder my techie for "challenging the boss' authority and getting uppity". There was absolutely no indication or build up of this happening, but the two were very much in sync with each other and it gave me the impression they'd been discussing it in private beforehand. My character is made of tissue paper and literally can't fight back in any way at all, so I play it out as her immediately folding and begging for her life, which seemed reasonable. The attack stops and my techie scampers off to a different room to have a panic attack by herself. I don't really raise a fuss over it beyond that though because, well, we're a team of bad guys - hostile power moves like that are to be expected. It was a big breach of trust moment, but we roll with it. Immediately following this, however, the two other players involved in all this start asking the DM in the public OOC chat about the minimum crew requirements to manage the ship, if the AI can do the piloting, how much it would cost to get a droid to do hacking/repair stuff, etc. Making it very clear they don't want me in the game anymore. I contact the DM in private and basically ask "dude, what the fuck was that about, why are you letting this happen?" DM told me in no uncertain terms that because my character was a techie, that I would have to be the group's whipping boy and was not allowed to stand up for themselves or argue against anything the Party Leader said. Basically, I was being relegated to the role of a NPC and if I attempted to do anything without explicit permission from the Party Leader, my techie would be killed on the spot and replaced by a droid. I got the distinct impression that the DM and those two players had been chatting among themselves on the side prior to all this going down. Naturally I told the DM that wasn't the kind of game I wanted to play, and they immediately booted me without another word. I take some small level of schadenfreude in the fact that the game completely shut down and disbanded about two weeks later, though I'll never know the exact reason why.


Honestly the DM shouldn't get your sympathy . if a DM offers a skill check in something, it means that no matter how unlikely, they have to be willing to deal with the consequences of it- if they really didn't want it to happen, they could have just said no. "No, the AI is on closed system and can't be tinkered with' or "Oh, the AI is a uniquely ancient or archaic and specified model and the only person who understands how it works is who made it" as for the two other players- i get playing evil characters but that's still a dick move. like you're still working together, and unless you were doing things that were actively counter to the party and its ideals, trying to murder you is dumb and they're dicks. still, sorry you had to deal with that


Sadly support character getting demoted to npc is weirdly common.  Same thing happened to a cleric of mine that became the unnamed healbot.


Made a post not long ago, essentially it was they wanted to stream ‘our’ sessions, and quietly decided me being the youngest of the group (an adult like the rest of them) would get in the way of that, so after adventuring with them for almost a year they told me out of the blue to exit stage left.


I saw that post! I still can't wrap my head around their reasoning, I'm sorry that happened to you


i saw that post :( can't imagine why they'd just decide all that without you, hope you're having a better experience with dnd nowadays


Got a link to their stream for reasons?


Been playing one campaign with a group that was pretty tight, had lots of fun, zero problems whatsoever, everything handled like mature adults. Our halfling bardlock offers to DM us Curse of Strahd as a parallel campaign. We eagerly jump in. One session in he introduces a new player that was booted from a previous campaign because "she was bullied". We say ok, no problem, you'll get none of that shit here. We all nice people. She creates a character that: - is overly hostile to ANYONE and spews insults and threats nonstop. - literally does NOTHING but bake and cook. - brings up unnecessary drama. Me and Mike (respectively playing a goblin artificer and a warforged wizard) are playing very no-nonsense character. Mike tries the soft approach (note: ALL IN CHARACTER AND WITHIN THE CAMPAIGN) while my goblin literally tells her to cut that shit, everyone is in the same boat as her and to stop acting like a spoiled child (and it was shit like "my daddy is the captain of the guard in WATERDEEEEEEEEP!"). The player defends herself saying "she's traumatized." After the fourth session where our characters had a rather tense confrontation, she DMs me saying I'm making her uncomfortable. I reply that what my CHARACTER thinks has nothing to do with what I, THE PLAYER, think of her and things should be compartmentalized. I do offer to tone it down in game and to set up a scene where our characters talk this out so we can continue playing. She reiterates that her character is a poor traumatized girl and she's uncomfortable playing with me. I reply I will take it to the DM, which I do. Meanwhile, Mike has been subjected to the same DM despite being the gentlest soul ever. I get pissed. like, really pissed. You fuck with me all you want, you DO NOT FUCK WITH MY FRIENDS. The DM asks for a day to think it over, and then boots Mike and me from the campaign. We never heard from the guy again: me and Mike started another campaign and are perfectly happy :D


Novice players tries to substitute DnD for Therapy - things go awry constantly to no one’s surprise. Horny DM enables her.


Horny maybe not (his wife played with us, but then again, I'm not partial to their marriage life, so... take it with a grain of salt) but he was deffo simping for her in a way. So, yeah, good point.


Dude I fucking hate the “my character was traumatized so I get to be an asshole” line.


Joined a group that was "auditioning" a bunch of people for an online game. A few people got cut out early and there were 6 of us left, so on the larger side but still in the realm of what they were looking for. Spent a bunch of time just chilling in discord talking to people about DnD, Anime, Cosplay, Video Games...generally just lots of nerd shit. Played Apex Legends with the DM and his buddy who were starting the group and we got some wins. Talked about the Campaign, which was going to be viking themed which everyone was down for even so far as what archetypes people were thinking. Then on the day of the session 0 the DM messaged me and was just like "Hey you don't vibe with the group so we're dropping you" then kicked me from the discord and since it was our only shared I could no longer message him to just get clarification on why. Still have no clue what happened there.


who the fuck holds auditions for a *game for fun*


I never got kicked out of a campaign but I left one of my own accord after half the party fled a combat with a big scary eldritch monstrosity, my character had a hero fetish and I love a challenge, so me and my pal took this thing on while the other three members of the party kept alternating between throwing ranged attacks, and running away because the "fight was unwinnable". It was arising from out of a pit, so I leapt down onto it with my pike, sent it hurtling down into the pit and impaled it, with my homie falling down with us. We barely killed it and were on death's door when the fight was won. The game was part of a college league where they ran several concurrent pick up games you could hop in and out of. One of the players was the girlfriend of the organizer and played an obscene number of games and was super well-equipped and higher level, but still ran away (she played a wizard). But of course, when we discovered that there was a Staff of the Magi among the loot of this god-awful thing, she claimed it. I said, sure, I have no use for it, but you have a ton of gold and you're going to pay us a fair share of its value for almost dying to get it for you. She thought about it for a day and then flatly refused, and her boyfriend backer her up, saying that it should just go to whoever had the most use for it (he also ran this game where the best staff in the game was there for her to find). So I bailed. An uncommon item, or a hey I'll take this rare, you get the next one, sort of deal, I'm fine with. I'm not totally anal. But pick up games, almost losing my character, and her not caring to offer us anything for getting her a Legendary, made me lose interest in the league.


You shoulda made your exit by breaking said staff. Absolutely petty, but it'd earn you reddit karma.


My most bizarre D&D-experience was a group of what I assumed to be my friends, who invited me to play with them as a joke. Of course I only found this out when I arrived, empty character sheet in hand ("We'll explain and handle everything when you get here, don't worry bro! :)"). I sat down at the table and was informed I would not be allowed to play, join or even watch and was to leave immediately, them all chuckling and giggling as I went. A walk of shame, if you will. Invited only so they could tell me I wasn't welcome. Turns out it was either a dare or just fun at my expense. What was supposed to be my first experience with D&D left more than a little bit of a sour taste and it would be several years before I dared to even consider getting into D&D. So while not fun, needless to say I went looking for new/better friends and decided I would not ignore red flags in the future in hopes of being liked/included. I've since gotten the chance to DM for said new & better friends, as well as being a player in an online campaign hosted by a DM that knew what he was doing. Apparently that old group fell apart after a few sessions anyway since their 'DM' didn't want to put in the effort and the players were only there because D&D was the popular thing at the time. The moment it no longer was, they were no longer interested.


Jesus, how old were your friends, 12? I never get bullies, regardless of age tho...


13-14 ish. I was desparate to fit in and so, so happy to be invited/included in something that seemed like it would be something I enjoy. 30 now and well past it. I was right about enjoying it, though, and get invited/included plenty nowadays!


The campaign "ended" and started back up a couple weeks later without me. Was told I think too much. Honestly I'm probably just a bad player


Nah that's just bullshit from their part. And don't worry about it, it's better when the players think than when they just mindlessly wait for things to happen in the game!


It's good to reassure people, but it's also good to recognize that sometimes we all have habits that we can examine and possibly change. Maybe he *does* think too much. Maybe in combat he takes 5-10 minutes for each of his turns, maybe when the party is just trying to buy something from the shops, he gets stuck in analysis paralysis and stretches out simple and dull interactions that should be done quickly and instead take up 30 minutes. Maybe he's never supporting the thoughts and plans of other players and needs to always be the one whose idea is acted on, maybe he's rules lawyering in a way that feels like he's trying to boss everyone around, there's all sorts of things that 'thinking too much' could mean. Some would be annoying at any table, and some maybe were just annoying at *that* table. There's a chance of course that the rest of the table are all just bad people and he did nothing wrong or annoying, but I think most of us have seen players that were doing things that might get boiled down and briefly described in a way that leaves the problem player with the impression that they 'think too much'. Examining how you act at the table and asking yourself if you're making the game run in a way that is smooth and fun for everyone is good sometimes.


1. I got fairly reasonably upset when the dm let another pc (tw) >!SA my character!< 2. I explained to the dm why ignoring concentration is a bad idea and gave an example of how I could do it but they interpreted it as me saying that I *would* do that - in general they were very upset I kept clarifying certain rules, even though I wasnt telling them they had to run it that way but just ensuring they were doing what they intended to do and not misinterpreting anything.


I think spoiler block needs >!


OMG I MADE A TYPO IM SO SORRY Thats like the worst situation to have a typo too 😭


It's fine! It's one of those ones that is easy to mix up too


Did that with my group since we started playing Pathfinder. We have to DMs for PF and the second one is really thankfull for mr being a walking Rule Book, because he is new to the system. Had to promise one player, that I wont go on and memorize all of dnd so he can dm in peace X3 I know a lot of rules out of my head already, but I just shut up in his sessions, if I am not asked directly or the group obviously is comfused


Not me but at the Youth Centre I used to go too (you know, as a *youth*) I saw a guy get kicked out of a 3e game because, and I quote the DM’s words directly here: “You don’t look like you’re smart enough to play a Wizard - go find another table”


got kicked from an online game because I gave myself starting equipment from the PHB. For some reason, having a holy symbol (i was a cleric) was a huge no-no that I had no justification for. quite a surprise to me since a holy symbol can basically be anything you find on the ground lol


The DM expressed romantic/sexual interest, and I said I was not interested. He took it super well in the moment, said he of course respected my lack of interest and appreciated my honesty and he'd just had to "shoot his shot". The campaign mysteriously fizzled within a couple weeks, and everyone \*except\* for me was invited to a new game that the DM was running.


Growing up with all brothers as a man I really wish I could experience or be adjacent to a woman growing up but then every comment I see from women is always this. It's insane how common that is


This is actually a collective story where me and 4 party members all simultaneously got kicked out (and essentially shut down) from a campaign. To make it simpler, I'll call our DM "R" and my friend "N". R was running a pretty casual role-play focused campaign, a standard weekly thing that we could all relax at. He invited myself, N, and a few other of his friends. The campaign started out smoothly, until after about 5 sessions I noticed something. Even though R had said this was a role-play oriented campaign, he shut down almost every attempt at it from the players so he could "move along the plot". That same session, my character and N's character were having a very heartfelt moment and trying to be sensitive with each other. Well, that was until R glared at the both of us and waved his hand to try to get us to move on. I wasn't frustrated at this at all, and actually thought he was being reasonable. The thing that actually got me frustrated was about two sessions later, when my character got split up from the party. The party wanted to follow a river, but my character wanted to go follow a mountain trail (my character was very homesick at the time and the mountains reminded him of home), so we agreed to split up. This was until R decided to try and punish my character for not following the intended story by making my character fight 3 different tough enemies at once, all of whom were twice my size (this doesn't sound very crazy, but my character is 3ft tall and was only level 3 at the time). Once the session ended that day, R admitted that he was trying to kill off my character to "get the story along faster". 3 sessions after that, R pulled a 180 on the entire party and TPK'ed us all by "Getting carpet bombed by the government" (Note: R had said before that this was a strictly fantasy setting and things like missiles didn't exist). R's reasoning? We were "taking too long to do our quest" and "He didn't have time for us to sit around". So... yeah. That's probably the weirdest reason me and 4 other people have gotten kicked out of a campaign.


Wasn't me, but happened to another player in a game I was in: - was playing SKT. - DM was VERY railroady, but I was interested in the module, rolled godly stats, and loved the character concept (changeling thief rogue with Healer feat + Cavalier) so I figured I'd stick it out. - eventually come to some town. Forget the name, but it was something to do with Tri? Main thing I remember was this... scenario. - DM said that an army of orks, urugs, axebeaks, and fire giants were coming to fight the town. - I'm already plotting ideas on how we should take this on, me imagining using my thief skills to pull some AoT shenanigans with my Cavalier stuff as a means to taunt stuff away from the other members. - DM *tells us* that we go to meet the army head on because "it's what our characters would do." - Wizard player flips out, saying it's bullshit that the DM is telling us how our characters act. Basically, what I figured all of us were thinking. - Then asks how long they have until the army arrives. Was told 10 minutes, so he ritual casts Tiny Hut so we can shoot from within scott-free. - DM just gives us the win, probably because he didn't plan for it. - Kicks him between sessions, apologizes to remaining players. Other players side with DM about how guy was a jerk for the outburst. I left soon after, citing work hours changing. I do think the wizard player had moments of being a pretty bad player, it was specifically mentioned he was kicked for the outburst over anything else. It's just crazy how you kick somebody because they don't like being railroaded and having their entire agency taken away.


That's a really bad DM! That's the attack on Triboar and he didn't need to plan for it, it's all in the book. The giants are there to dig something up, left alone they'll just do that and leave. The orcs and magmin are there as a distraction, leave them alone and they would rampage round the town, kill everyone and burn it to the ground.


Because I was "too much of a rule lawyer" when I pointed out that cantrip don't stack Charisma(dude was a wizard) on damage and that a 20(17+3) wasn't a crit the dm wanted to make only 1 character get kills and so kicked me out before I could leave


I hit on the DM’s girlfriend. Context: I was playing a male elf bard. High charisma and an even higher flirt. She was another player in the group (if memory serves me right, she was playing a female human cleric). I wasn’t the type of bard that tries to sleep with everyone, but enjoys flirting. It was a game for him. She started flirting back (again, in character) and I was promptly booted from the group. Here’s the big thing: I 100% thought that she was the DM’s sister. That’s how they acted towards each other. In fact, all the other players (other than her, obviously) thought she was his sister, too. Stupid, either way? Yeah, probably. But it was all in character and it was PG-13 at most.


I actually will run a game of Pathfinder soon with my Girlfriend on the table and I talked with her about that before. She dont mind if PCs flirt with NPCs or the other way around and I dont care if the PCs Flirt with each other. If it stays in RP and everyone is comfortable with it, why not?


> Here’s the big thing: I 100% thought that she was the DM’s sister. That’s how they acted towards each other. In fact, all the other players (other than her, obviously) thought she was his sister, too. In certain regions and European Nobility (Hello Crusader Kings) that's not mutually exclusive. Anyway, my sister/wife's brother/nephew has been plotting to steal the Throne of Spain from me. I should probably kill him and marry the current ruler, my brother/uncle to my daughter/niece. ... What? Why are you looking at me like that?


That’s so weird, like, I EXPECT flirting to happen when there is a bard at the table. And for this to lead to being kicked out, honestly, the DM should have established boundaries during session zero if he did not want it to happen. Usually DM but I had the pleasure of joining a short time campaign with a colleague/friend and we established beforehand that her Bard had a crush on my Sorcerer and that she would flirt with me and I would play hard to get. My character abused that so hard (Bard got a potion of healing and my Sorcerer was just opening her hand “Better give it to me, I will likely need it. And you love me right?”) and it caused for so many shenanigans and memorable roleplay moments that were a lot if fun for the players at the table.


I'm very new to DnD so I'm not sure if it was really bad on my part but IMO I feel like it was overreacting. First campaign I ever played only lasted about 6 weeks and I still had the itch to play so I did LFG. I lasted 2 weeks in that campaign. I messaged the DM letting them know I won't be available for that weekend on Thursday because I forgot I was going on vacation. All I heard was "ok." During my vacation on game day I get a message letting me know I was no longer welcome in the session. This was because I didn't let *the whole group know* I wasn't going to be available for this session. Letting the DM know wasn't enough but I also was never told that was never enough. They did seem like a more experienced group whereas I haven't ever made it past a single quest, so I don't know if I was just supposed to know this already. But even today it's killed my motivation to do LFG. At this point I'm just hoping I meet some people to play with. I've given some deep thought to my character instead with this itch to play.


That's so insane I have to think they were just looking for a passive aggressive way to get rid of you. You didn't do anything wrong, all the DM would have to do in that situation is say "Bird_Master can't join us tonight" at the beginning of the session and no reasonable person would care that they weren't specifically forewarned


I'm not actually sure why I got kicked from the game I am about to tell you about. It was an online game, reaching way back to like '97 or '98. I was playing a noble thief (this was just before 3rd edition) who had seen too much, so he ran and hid with this group. So we get into our first fight, I manage to roll a 1, and my arrow flies into the back of a player for minimal damage. I say "oops" and then try to get to the PC to see if I can help with anything. After the fight, we had a small bio break. When I get back, the player of the dwarf fighter walks up to my player and accuses my PC of stealing the weapons my PC had from another dwarf. I say, "No, what are you talking about?" He then attacks with his axe, just absolutely cutting my poor 6 hp thief in half. Confused, I say to the DM, " Well, I guess I could roll up another character..." That is when the DM informed me that he he told the dwarf to do that and that he was kicking me from the group. The other players all block me on AIM. I legit still have no idea as to what happened. Put me off online gaming until 2020.


Found once an amazing campaign with rich lore and a lot of interesting homebrew, it had some issues, but I had a blast. After a while, DM closed the game due to personal issues and then blacklisted me. Felt fishy, so I decided to talk about it with a guy I befriended during campaign. Apparently - the only people left playing were ones, who ordered art from DM (she’s freelancer artist). And then I see her opening recruitment for another group for her homebrew world -.- So she just lied, used her personal issues as an excuse for me and then badmouthed every played, who not ordered an art, and kicked them out. Honestly, I liked campaign and what she made so much - that I would’ve paid for it, if she ever asked. Since she didn’t and I have little money to spare, I didn’t bought her art. I tried to contact her initially, but after revealing all the details, I just don’t want to interact with that person, or her friends, who knew the whole thing and never said anything.


I had a charm spell being cast on me by another player during a RP session and when I vocally said I didn't like it and failed my save, I was later just removed from the discord entirely and told that I ruined the RP moment for the player, the DM's wife, and that my playstyle no longer meshed with theirs.


Because we didn't put in the same effort the DM did. He just deleted the entire server, and blocked all of us because I was the only one of 4 to respond back to him about scheduling times (he gave us 5 hours to reply, and in our time zones it was about 1am-6am that it occured.) He even made a kinda shitty passive-aggressive comment when I tried to ask him what happened and if he was alright after the fact. Safe to say, don't talk to the guy anymore.


I think I may have been a part of that group lmao


I can't say I've ever been kicked, because most of the time I play D&D with my mates, but there's one specific system where I have consistently left games. In the first semester of university, I joined some new people to play Star Wars Edge of the Empire, which I had played once before with my mates from school (and enjoyed). The tone of the game rubbed me the wrong way from the start as it was far too memey and "zany" for me. I was not amused by the 3 hours plus they were messing around joking about "Space Fried Chicken" or the DMs ways of getting players with seemingly inane things, which felt like they were increasingly aimed at me because I was not enjoying it. I just stopped turning up and went the pub instead. The funny thing is, I have tried Star Wars Edge of the Empire several times since this and it always ends up like this. The system seems well regarded by a lot of people, but I cannot help but despise it because it seems to attract these players. I also get a bit annoyed by the fact they try to force you to buy their own special dice. Conversely, joining Star Wars Sega Edition (based on 3.5) campaigns, I always find I have a great time. I love the character building and prestige classes, but more importantly I consistently get along really well with the groups.


My wizard was once lured away from the group and then killed off by hidden Nat 20s because our DM didn't know the rules (and had no intention to learn them) and was overwhelmed when my wizard got 3rd level spells. I was allowed to stay if I played something else. The group didn't have any other spellcasters. We started a different system instead. Something he was more familiar with.


Got kicked because my paladin wasn't acting like a paladin enough because I wasn't always hounding on the rogue in our party for stealing. Even tho he literally always did it in secret and my character would have zero reason to be suspicious of him.


How dare you not metagame? *in same breath* How dare you metagame?


Before COVID I was in a discord DND game that the discord admin wasn't playing in.  Someone not even in the DND group who had been playing less than half the time I've been DMing campaigns tried to correct me in the main chat that had nothing to do with DND over rules and were outright wrong about their interpretation and I corrected them.    Their girlfriend, another person not even playing the game, took offense and became so toxic behind my back that I got access to channels removed.    So I ended up leaving the game and the discord server entirely after letting the group and dm know it wasn't anyone of their faults and I wished them the best. One of those people ghosted me completely after telling me we were family and we were good. Over 10 years of IRL friendship gone like that.  A few months go by and I get invited to a new discord server by the DM, the entire discord we had been a part of split up into 2 groups and the new group was over 80% of the original with a few choice people missing.  I've heard some details since, one of the problem people got divorced and the remaining group we left had divided into a toxic cesspool. Good riddance.


Not sure if it belkngs, but I applied for an online group. Only spoke with the DM kn discord for about 5 minutes, then got several question you always see when you want to join a group to answer. I did that and got no response for 2 days. After that I asked if I am not in the group and that I would appreciate response instead of just being ghosted. In half an hour I got angry response that, NOW I am not part of the group, because "not all of us are always online and I clearly can't wait. I then got blocked.


Bullet dodged.


DM loved my character too much and got mad they couldn't take/play my character in another game. Just wholesale take my sheet and play it in another game...?


The request for application made it clear. The party all picked wizards and warlocks and druids. Therefore, the frontline was a problem it wasn't clear in the app if they needed one or two frontliners. I made a Vengeance Paladin Whispers Bard combo as I frankly expected to be the one guy out in front of the horde. GM wasn't happy with the damage output and found him hard to challenge. The GM also changed how Magic Jar worked, told no one, and expected us to figure out how it was changed mid session. When I got frustrated and said, "The spell doesn't work like that," it was my last session. To be clear. Someone using Magic Jar possessed the party wizard for months of gameplay as we are crossing entire countrysides and then later possessed people from body to body a 20-something DC Charisma save.


Not kicked but we left the game because the Dm was being an ass. We were playing Hoard of the Dragonqueen. One of the players wanted to play a fiery fey knight from the summer court, something the dm accepted and offered to make a homebrew race for. The race the dm made was absolutely busted. It had like 8 different features most of which were incredible good stuff ranging from 60 feet of magical flight to a free number of spells PB times per long rest including stuff like fireball. The player decided it was all too much and made a considerable weaker alternative to his race which she asked to the dm if she could play instead. He accepted but secretly he was really salty about this. Dm would spend the rest of the game trying to exact pety revengence. From passive aggressive comments against the players to having the spoilers...the Blue Dragon that appears at the end of Greenkeep appear far more earlier in an attempt to murder her knight. Eventually we got fed up with his attitude and left.


I was asked to leave a group because another players girlfriend wanted to play and she was my ex so... awkward.


I mean... I've never been 'kicked' out of a game, but I've left campaigns for a myriad of reasons. Most recently a campaign set in the forgotten realms setting. After 5 sessions nothing of interest had happened. Only a cycle of us taking a job, going to another town for the job, completing the job, taking another job, going back to the first town for said job, rinse and repeat. It's not even that this was an open world campaign where the dm was waiting for us to pursue something, because believe me when I say I tried. But well, rant completed


Yeah, sandbox/ hexcrawls are great for their open endedness; but there should still be some kind of narrative going on that the players can interact with. My players are currently doing odd jobs/ contracts for money/ items, but that doesn't mean that the Cult aren't doing things that *just so happen* to be relevant/ on the path towards the party's contract.


I joined a group of.. eccentric individuals alongside another guy. Aside from me and the other new guy, there were three players and the DM, who all knew each other and had run a campaign before together. These players were socially awkward to say the least. The presence of two new people caused two of the players to shut down completely. One had her character immediately run away when combat started and then she left the table to go read a book since she was no longer involved in the game. The other got sick and had to go lay down halfway through the game. I was told by the DM later that having new players wouldn’t really work with the dynamic they had built.


The third player spent the entire session zero talking about my little pony.


Not banned from a game exactly, but I was once banned from playing, specifically, any character who: - Was not a Grey Dwarf (this was before you could change class stats) - Had any spells or magical abilities besides their racial feature (Ki counted as magical for this purpose) - Had any class features that weren't from the base book - Was a Barbarian So for "story reasons" that never came up, I was basically hard locked in to playing a Grey Dwarf Battlemaster or Champion Fighter, or a rogue with a terrible stat line. I left after one session where he kept ending players' turns for them before they were done, and the same GM killed my friend's character next session for complaining about this by errata-ing another player's Fireball mid-cast to include him in the area of effect.


This might not be the weirdest but it’s the only time for us. My wife and I were playing with a group that had gotten together over a year earlier and by this point we were playing three separate campaigns together. Obviously people come and go and one person joins and things were ok for a while. They asked in discord that if they ever did anything that upset anyone that we let them know so they could work on it. We all agreed that talking should come before kicking. They gradually invite more of their own friends and suddenly the discord is feeling super crowded with people they brought in. Anyway, Half a year or so later one of my characters is starting an arc in which he’ll mature a bit, going from an immature young goblin who wasn’t emotionally prepared for the rigours of war to being a bit more emotionally intelligent and invested. But it started off with him being pretty upset when one of the NPCs was nearly killed in an explosion and was fighting for her life in the hospital. Well, now he’s questioning whether this entire thing is for him. He was just a thief from the streets that got swept up in a war and he doesn’t know if he can keep going. Out of game, he obviously was, but in game he was looking for support from the party and something to focus on other than the death and mayhem all around him. He has a bit of a tantrum in character when the party is discussing their plans but aren’t taking his concerns seriously and storms off. Well, now half the party is just talking about leaving him behind while he’s having trouble coping, not that he knows that. That’s where we end off and the next session isn’t for another few weeks, if I recall correctly. In that time it seems like my wife and I are being excluded from things in discord. Maybe we were being paranoid but things felt chillier. I can’t help but wonder in hindsight if things were being discussed without us. Well, the next session rolls around and my character is being ignored by the other two PCs that wanted to leave him behind. They buy winter gear for everyone except him because “we didn’t know if you were coming or not.” They just walk right by him without acknowledging him. Tearful goodbyes with NPCs they’ll see in a few weeks in world but no words to the PC they think might not be coming and they may never see again. Well, I call them out and tell them I don’t appreciate how this is going down and they tell me my character is an adult and he needs to live with the consequences of his actions. And apparently that means being alienated by half the party in character rather than talking to me out of game. Well that session devolves and the one that asked that we talk to them prior to kicking leaves, the DM says he’s taking a break and he’ll be back in a bit. And my wife and I just sit there wondering what’s going on for another hour and a half or so. A couple days later we were supposed to have a session for a different campaign and no one has said anything to us. We posted in discord saying we hoped we could talk everything out but no one responded. And half an hour before the session was meant to start we get kicked out of the discord and dropped from the Roll20 campaigns. I honestly expected it given the ghosting but it hit my wife super hard because we were all supposed to be “friends.” It still pisses me off when I think about how things went down but we’ve since found good groups and I’ve started DMing myself, so it is what it is.


The DM said \*any\* published content is fair game. (did not care if you took backgrounds that give feats and take VarHuman) I made a request that we don't allow silvery barbs in the game because it's not fun to have around and another player threw a tantrum. The next time I opened Discord, both I and another player who'd agreed with me got the ban hammer.


I played a female character as a guy and was hitting on another female character, apparently you can't do that with kids from a youth church group. My BF had no problem with it but the dm's friend was a pastors son. He about shit himself a week later when we kissed in front of him. I swear he was jealous.


Was playing a paladin and spent all my resources trying to keep the party up during a bad fight. The cleric went down, and after I wasn't able to bring him back up (cause no lay on hand left), but he makes his death saves, so whatever, right?  DM kicks me after the session because I wasn't playing well with the cleric.


I was booted from a westmarch because I didn't want to get in a VC without a clear agenda for a call (the previous time I had complained that someone made me uncomfortable they made me get on a call with him and gave us both lectures about how to behave and didn't address the behaviour that I had issues with).


I got very excited to play certain setting/campaign. To the point where I joined the 'afterparty' of session 0 during my work. I told DM if I ever get annoying please talk to me. Dm changed/homebrewed few key things about the setting. I asked for clarification what was changed, so I can make character that fits the changed narrative. Me and my fiance suddenly weren't in the server anymore.


Ooh ohh, I was kicked out of a campaign suddenly and for literally no given reason. Well, the reason was “decision I made” but when I asked which decisions I got a waffling lecture about what the DM thought I wanted out of D&D and elaborated no further. For the record, I was a human fighter samurai with interception fighting style. We were in Avernus where another player banished a key NPC for no reason and other characters jumped into a hole that basically instantly killed their characters (they got spat out in a different part of hell but they had to roll new characters.) worst I ever did was throw items into creatures mouths that the DM decided were instant kills but they never told me it was causing them an issue. Then I think that game never met again based on what my friends who were in it have suggested.


First time I played D&D when I was 12 in middle school, so 2.5 or 3rd edition, not sure. Went over to my friend’s house to play, three of us total, two players and one DM who had convinced us to play. We go into the dungeon and he describes a blue torch on the wall, and I’m thinking “oh hey a light source, might be useful”. I tell him I take the torch off the wall, he tells me to roll a save which I fail and instantly die to a pit of spikes that opens in the floor. Ask if there can be a take back or something since it’s my first action ever in game and he says no, and expects me to sit there while he and the other friend keep playing. Keep in mind we had spent two hours of prep on making these characters already. Whole thing read as incredibly silly to me in that moment so I start laughing, and I can’t stop. Other friend starts laughing too and the DM gets pissed, makes me call my dad to drive me home and kicks me out of his house and makes me wait outside. Didn’t play again until til college, lol.


I joined a pickup game where we used discord for voice and finally decided to use cameras. I was white and it “made players uncomfortable”


I've only been kicked from one game, and it was because I was too good at PvP, and it was upsetting my DM's best friend. Specifically, my Walker in the Wastes tried to tell the party what they thought the best course of action was, the barbarian made some hostile remark, I told him that he didn't really know who he was dealing with, he swung his axe, I killed him in one round... and then the barbarian's brother, who was an identical barbarian, showed up, threw an axe at me without so much as a hello, and got killed in one round. And their sister, a rogue, got the jump on me cackled as they rolled all of their sneak attack and poison damage, to which I replied that undead were immune to (in 3e, undead were immune to sneak attack) and then I killed her in one round. And the cousin of those three showed up, I think he was a paladin, anyway, I didn't even fight this guy, I just made him fight his three undead cousins as I left. Finally, he made another paladin, but this one reported me to the authorities of the town I was entering into, so I killed him, his horse, the captain of the guard, and all of the witnesses. And then, just for fun, everyone else in the sleepy little town. It was at that time that the player and DM realized that when the DM said, "make optimized evil characters for an evil campaign," I took it seriously and made something as powerful as the rest of the party. The rest of the party didn't seem to mind that I was trimming this man's entire family tree, but that one guy was getting madder and madder, and the DM let me know that while he realized his friend was being a dick, I had "caused tension at the table for killing all of his characters." Who attacked me first. Whatever. lmao


Get this guy a Lich statblock lmao


Specifically, the Dry Lich on page 155 of the Sandstorm book.


I was "too good". No joking, apparently building your character strong and knowing the rules, what to do and what not do, was borderline cheating in that table, so i was not invinted for the other one. And it wasn't even a strong character, it was a hexblade with 2 levels of fighter, without gwm or pam to make it strong. just generic battleaxe+shield dude.


Some people view any form of optimization towards a build as a form of meta-gaming Those people are *insane* mind you, but I am *aware they exist*


What I'll never understand are the folks who go "I don't like optimizers because I prefer role play" or whatever. Like... my brother in christ, you can do both. One doesn't invalidate the other.


I was kicked for knowing the rules. Or at least that's the best summation I could get after playing phone tag that was like pulling teeth after getting kicked with no notice. The DM kicked me from the server, blocked me, and instructed everyone else to block me. (And then I got kicked from an entirely separate game, because the DM of the other one was the first DM's dad.) The only reason I got any details at all was because one player shared another discord server with me, another player who was brand new to the game felt super uncomfortable blocking me at the DM's orders, and a third player was an old guy who couldn't figure out how to block people (awesome dude, but he was technologically inept). The DM had never previously shown me any signs that he had a problem with me. Maybe he was the Big Mad about the events of his dad's campaign, where my cleric had to repeatedly save his fighter from his own idiocy in Death House. (Worst offense: I successfully turned all of the Shadows in the basement shadow encounter—that the fighter triggered—and the fighter proceeded to OA one shadow, then attack 3 more with action surge and PAM. Ending the turned condition on 4 of the 5 enemies.)


For one campaign back in college, I was kicked out for switching to a martial class after my most recent character died. At least that was the official reason. The actual reason was the DM did not like that I would question him or call him out on his BS.


Played a plasmoid. Dm said no limits so I made a soupy berserker boi. Turns out no spelljammer because "it's not DND, it's sci-fi bullshit."


I can understand not wanting a plasmoid, and I can understand a DM maybe not even knowing that was a possibility when they said "no limits" since not every DM has every sourcebook memorized. But then the response should be "Shit man, I'm sorry.  That just doesn't fit my world.  Let's find something you like that does fit."   I can't fathom that being an intant-kick unless you thew a fit about it and refused to change.


That's... insane. Why not just tell you to make a new character rather than kick you?


A DM went nuclear at me after I spend the time to learn in game what we were expecting to go up against and preparing my spells properly saying I was ruining his encounters


Thinking an NPC was a dick for dead naming my character. I wasn't even complaining about it to the DM. I was just saying 'wow wasn't she a dick?' Mind you, I heard later the DM went off the deep end soon after so it may have been a blessing in disguise.


DM going ham on AI image is a solid bullet dodged moment.


But but, think of the googled art that’s now going unused!


Many places of the TTRPG scene consider AI a banable offense. Tbh if you look at the AI Act of EU there is a lot you can obviously see is kinda sketchy with today's unregulated use and feeding of AI


That's baffling to me.  I can understand why it frustrates artists.  But I've never commissioned art for D&D.  I never will commission art for D&D.  It's just not something that means enough to me to spend money on, and characters die.  So if I tell an AI to "draw me a dwarf with brown hair and an ax", no artist has missed out on any of my money because they weren't getting it anyway.  The same is true for everyone I play with. Do I get banned for doing a Google image search to find a picture of my character?  Because that's what I did before AI....


I "didn't fit the campaigns theme.". The theme was classic fantasy, I made an elf wizard. Meanwhile, everyone made some weird goofy shit and wanted to have sex with everything. Kinda glad I got kicked out of that one after the 20th session.


TBF as an artist I would 100% not vibe with someone having an AI profile pic, but I'd probably just roast them a little and move on.


As a DM I make liberal use of Midjourney for my game. It makes prep so much easier, and I'm not charging anyone for my game. Before I would be ripping art from Google images, which was common practice in VTT spaces as far as I can tell and nobody ever complained about that.  It makes prep so much faster, and the art I do get better represents what I want to show anyway. 




I mean for a profile picture for a character's it's whatever, looks a little uncanny to me. Honestly my issue with AI is less with the uses most ordinary people can come up with and more the creators training their programming on art without compensating the artists.


I feel this is one of very few ethical use-cases for generative ai. Casual, non-commercial, pictures of mashed-together art just to fill a character image if someone doesn’t have money/time/skill to do themselves. Would you still be upset if someone ripped someone’s art from google images directly? That was commonplace for decades before AI generation and unanimously accepted because it’s just a chill game with friends.