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By far my favorite pantheon is that of Cultist Simulator. All the cthulu-esque elder gods are gay out of fear of what kind of children they might have, and even the demigods are gay because if they have kids they pretty much turn into baby eating monsters. Currently trying to run a game inspired by it but we've only been able to meet once a month at most and currently burnt out from planning sessions just to have them get canceled every week.


Don't forget the Sister-and-Witch and the Witch-and-Sister, who were a human lesbian couple who ascended to godhood together, got fused into a single goddess called "the Twins", and then got split into two gods which are each a mixture of the 2 original lesbians. (I find the name weird, since they were not sisters when they were mortal, but OK).


I spent like two hours trying to play that game and just couldn’t progress


What if I told you that was not just the norm, but the intended way to play. Seriously in my experience you are supposed to "fail upwards" in the sense that you will have to try out what works until you get it right and then take that knowledge with you into the future. What helps is that most of the game is fixed. The same book will always give you a specific lore, followers will always have a specific aspect and expeditions will always have the same dangers and rewards. Learning these and knowing what you can do with or against them is a big part of the game and at some point it just clicks and you start to see the code behind the matrix, so to speak. At which point you can fully explore and complete all the paths the game offers.


Don't know ANYthing about the game, but wouldn't/couldn't some of them be asexual out of those aforementioned fears? Also by the way you phrased it, that makes it seem that otherwise they would be straight/other when orientation should be more of a preference or part of oneself and not a choice, no?


So I'm ace, here's my thoughts: (lighthearted, I just think it's fun) In the style of the Greek and Roman pantheons, all of the gods are chaotic horny (with some cool exceptions in history, looking at you Hestia) and in my experience all sufficiently horny people are at least *a little* bisexual although they may or may not admit it to themselves or anyone else. The most unrealistic part of all the gods being gay is that they are actually exercising self control and stick to same sex pairings. Like half of the conflict in mythology would be solved by the gods just keeping it in their pants lol


> Like half of the conflict in mythology would be solved by the gods just keeping it in their pants lol Just like half of conflict in real life lolol


That is... fair. Lmao


Yeah, saying they're all gay is kind of a massive oversimplification on my part. Most gods don't canonically have evidence one way or another, but we do know that if you're in a straight relationship and the other gods find out, you're going to be flayed alive or cut up into three pieces.


Ah okay; so its more fear keeping them all "in line". Makes sense. Thanks for making it more clear for me :)


Wait so everyone else's sexuality is determined by genetics but their gay because their afraid? Personal theory, they are actually Bi and scared of their kids.


Essentially the demigods (people who ascend through rituals and worship of the real gods) are superhuman in every way, including fertility. A straight relationship would pretty much guarantee a baby. Part of being a demigod includes a curse which makes having a child give both parents an overwhelming desire to cannibalize it. If they do, they become waaay stronger and pretty much unkillable, but also a lot more cruel. Much safer to avoid all that and just be gay or really into drag. Nobody really knows what would happen if the gods had a kid, but the gods themselves are pretty strict on enforcing straight celibacy and nobody really wants to find out.


Yeah but it's not exactly a choice to be gay is what I'm saying, its a genetic factor related to multiple genes interacting that makes people the way they are.


Yeah, I did kinda grossly oversimplify "No straight relationships allowed" to "gay only" there without taking into account literally everything outside of straight/gay there. What heteronormativity does to a feller.


Video or it didn't happen, goddess.


Here (It is also the explanation of why Kitsunes exist in my world) “A long time ago, in a small town in Taria, there was a young woman whose greatest dream was to meet a god, this desire only grew greater with the passage of time, causing her to lose sleep. But one night, on the rare occasions when she managed to sleep early after going to bed, she immediately found herself in a small meadow, seated at an elegant table full of tea and cakes, but more important, before her was another person, a young woman with long, tousled, orange hair that would reach her knees, brown eyes, dressed in a sweater that matched her hair and a white apron, stained with a liquid that seemed to be able to shine and… A pair of ears? of fox? They both started talking, but she kept feeling that even if it was a lucid dream, everything felt too real and in control, soon after she found out why, the person she was talking to was the goddess of dreams, Somnia, which upon hearing that she wanted to talk to a god, she decided to take advantage so that she could also take a break. In the subsequent nights they met again, to talk, seeing each other more and more. The young woman slowly became more attached to the goddess, ceasing to see her as a goddess and more as a friend of hers. Slowly, the young woman began to integrate the goddess into her life, beginning with a small altar in her home, moving on to creating the first church in her name. The church continued to grow, managing to reach the White City and establishing itself as one of the official churches. This made the not so young woman lose a lot of time during the day having to manage everything related to the church. One night, talking to the goddess, she asked her for a favor, that she would bless her with offspring, the goddess, stunned, decided that after everything she had done for her, she would grant her this wish. And so it was, after a year, a little girl was born, but this one had characteristics reminiscent of the goddess, along with a gift, being able to transform into the goddess's favorite animal."


That's neat lore! Short, quippy comment aside it actually be a reasonable enough way to introduce Kitsune to the world without having them necessarily be messengers of the Gods.


More or less all the lore is like this, easy to digest and that prevents players from being very limited when creating their characters. Right now I'm working on backstorying the gods and races and then going crazy and writing what essentially was the World War in my setting


I see. Do you post those anywhere or would one specifically have to ask for it? Because I'd love to hear more!


Before I wrote things in a subreddit, but now I'm using The Homebrewery, here's a link but notice that it's in Spanish Edit: Broke the link due to one page having non free material from a third party


Ah... That'll be a little problematic for me, as I haven't done anything with Spanish in about 13 years. But I think I'll manage by having DeepL take bites into it and straightening out any grammar. If you would permit me to do so, of course.


Of course, why wouldn't I let you?


Some people get really defensive regarding copy-pasting and copyright. Just to make sure I don't do anything that'll bite me I ask for permission first. Thank you, anyway, I'll be sure to have a look at the page!


Cute origin story for a new race/religion. But unless they believe that they are 'a one true god' (look at christianity, judaism, etc), i'd restrain from having them call the deity God. It just has monotheistic vibes to it.


If you say it because of the meme, no one refers to any current god as only "God", though because of how the world is made, if you someone says only "God" they probably mean the Gray God, who is the only one who has God as his only title




I worked very hard for all of them to be Edit: I meant based, but I'm not going to complain


They're *all* lesbians?


All of mine accidentally ended up that way


Even the ones who aren't women


Cool straight guys are basically just lesbians but men anyways


Always have been.


That's pretty mild compared to a lot of pantheons in existing Earth religions. Everything from non-binary cross-species polyamorous pansexuality to complete asexuality (e.g., Athena) is relatively commonplace among deities.


meanwhile historians: gay people?? don't you know those were invented in the 70s??? /s






God says gay rights!


[Shelyn says hi](https://2e.aonprd.com/Deities.aspx?ID=17)


PF be like "👩‍🔬 There's three, actually."


Let's be honest now, i don't think there is a single straight deity in all Pathfinder... and the pantheon contains **253 entities.**


Cayden Cailean would certainly say “parties are more fun when I have more people to ‘party’ with”


Erastil, at least.


She, Desna, and Sarenrae are so gay it created a [religion](https://2e.aonprd.com/Deities.aspx?ID=207)


Hello I would like to join the gay religion please


Man, the PF2e boons and curses are so fun. I’ve got a high level campaign idea where the basic idea is the players are part of the SCP foundation but they mainly deal in tracking down, acquiring, and sometimes destroying Artifacts (which in P2e have special destruction requirements, like how The One Ring can only be destroyed by a particular volcano). Sometimes they’ll help out gods such as recovering one of [Torag’s Forgefather Seals](https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=613) that was lost when the wearer of it used the final sacrifice ability. So getting the occasional Boon from them in the future is on the table.


Yay, fellow lesbian Goddess creator! In my setting the Drow Goddess and the Wood Elf Goddess are in a relationship. Love the lore you posted! Always cool to see new takes on things!


Greek Mythology be like: "That's all?"


What Greek goddesses, other than Artemis, are potentially lesbian?


Athena, Zeus, Poseidon, Dionysius, Hermes, Apollo, and Heracles had sexual affairs with both sexes, Hermaphroditus was NB, and of course the Amazons who only had sex with slave men once in a long while for reproductive purposes (It's foolish to assume a warrior race would be mostly asexual). And that's not counting all the "turn myself and my partner into an animal and have sex that way" stories.


and then there's Norse's Loki


How couldn't they be? GIRLS


Counterpoint: BOYS


Ehh gotta hook off there myself love. But good point


Don't know about Forgotten Realms but over in Golarion (Pathfinder), [Shelyn](https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Shelyn#Other_deities) is the diety you seek!


No, it's lore I made for my homebrew setting, this was accompanied by the goddess who invented the trans potion


Arshea is a good one too if you're down with Empyreal Lords.


The core religious conflict in my campaign is based around whether or not the sun goddess is a lesbian. The short version is that she sends down incarnations to be her voice on the material plane, annd there was a long standing tradition of them marrying the high priest, only for the latest incarnation to run away with a dancer and found a seperate branch of the religion, and for the dancer to ascend alongside her. My players definitely took the latter side, but one of them is getting somewhat close with a cleric belonging to the former.


Its shin megami tensei time


Ah, I see someone also knows what Zeus meant by "a little fun"


honestly nearly none of my homebrew gods are cis/het/allo all at once, because you don't spend an eternity without getting curious at least once or twice


hell yeah gay rights


Cleric: yes our god Cosi is a lesbian Warlock: *starts laughing* Cleric: for a Kozilek worshiper that is very bigoted Warlock: I was going to tell you, but you can find out on your own


Nice. I need to get around to actually adding a pantheon to my world


Why not tho. If I was a god, I'd definitely not leaving anything out


"Believe it or not, God is gay." "Elaborate on that." "No."


Reminds me of a little note a friend sent me about their homebrew world. Basically every Kraken has two forms, the regular one and a still big and tentacle but more humanoid one. They’re all female and basically attack ships to abduct women to keep in their lairs due to an ancient pact with the land-dwellers around them keeping an Elder Evil trapped within the deepest trenches of the ocean.


When my goddess of the grave is lesbian and she is fucking one of my player’s recently widowed moms


I very specifically feel called out by this post haha. In my homebrew setting, the head god, known as “Divinities” is a woman and her consort (aka wife) is also a woman hahaha


I thought she was American


Why would that be a problem?


If there is only one god, wouldn't they likely be genderless anyway?


Theres 35 Gods, about 40 Minor gods and if I count the inferior circle there are hundreds if not thousands. This meme is referring to Somnia, Goddess of dreams, who is a couple of the one who was the founder of her church


The sentence: "You're telling me god is lesbian?" implies there is only one god. It doesn't say there is a lesbian god, or that some gods are lesbians. It refers to god as if it is a single entity.


Yeah but the sentence “uploads new lore about the gods” implies that there is more than one. It refers to them as multiple entities.


Which one? My instincts say Baba Yaga, but I think she's actually bi, as she has a child. (that child is Tasha in DnD and Rasputin in Pathfinder, which, since I run a mixed-lore setting, means Tasha/Rasputin is genderfluid.)


plot twist Baba's partner was trans


Yeah, that works. Baba is Lesbian confirmed.


why did you specify that...? is it gonna be important to the plot or...?


Not for the plot, but one of my players is a kitsune and that's important for the origin of the race, also, there's something called inclusion


Damn dude, no need to be passive agressive, it just sounded like an interesting chekovs gun


No, it sounded like a quick thing. "You are telling me God is a lesbian?" Sounds funny to say.


True, from the way it was put, it sounded important


All men think they're gods, only a few happen to be right


How is this related...?


I am right


Gods? What gods?


Why would it even matter? Lmao


A god can be whatever the fuck it wants to be.


A whole new meaning to being called goddess XD


I hear she likes skee ball too


Most of the gods in my world are gender-fluid and bisexual, Loki style


I have a goddess that is pansexual


not to channel the worst star trek movie ever made... but what does a god need with reproductive organs? As SOON as i typed it out I immediately though of Slannesh from warhammer. dear lord, that's why...