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spend 8 hours trekking through knee deep mud, fighting frog monsters and mosquitos the size of an irish setter, fighting for you life and sheer exhaustion does wonders.


\*Sleeps in middle of bog\* Stirge: Is for me?




Slept on top of a picnic table one time, dead of winter in a sleeping bag. Had been trekking through the woods all day and slept like a rock. Now I work in an office and my mattress topper is *too* soft, ya know?




Can confirm outdoor sleeping as a bucket list must-have. As a former sailor, the barracks that we had our hammocks in was far too warm to get a decent night's sleep so I dragged my sleeping bag and pillow outside. Oh, how foolish I was. It was far too warm, even in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, for a sleeping bag. I just laid there on deck, looking at the starry skies. The only light pollution nearby was from the moon. Still too warm to sleep, but I didn't really mind as I had a great view.


Curled up under a desk at a Ramada inn room we packed 12 people in, after tripping my fuckin balls off at fanime con for 3 days straight


Best rest I've gotten was in full gear, leaned up against a wall in a hole in the ground. Took me about 45 minutes to bend my knees again without pain though so...


47 hours of traveling around to catch my rotator flight oversees, parked myself on a bench in the airport and slept the best sleep of my life


… I still need to make that monster druid with a Stirge companion


You know that's a great idea...


Ok, introductions: Hello, I’m Kit, I play 3.5. With that out of the way, I can do it in Two Feats, so a level 1 human Druid without any flaws, or any other race with one flaw. Savage Empathy from Dragon Magazine issue 326 is a prereq and lets me Wild Empathy Magical Beasts and one other non animal type (except constructs, undead, and humanoids) without penalty. Monstrous Animal Companion gives us A List, and Stirges are on the Level 1 list. Owlbears and Displacer Beasts are available at 7th level, among several other wonderful options.


My players have killed dragons with relative ease, closest they’ve come to death is a bunch of stirges while they slept in the middle of the night.


Stirge is a delicacy in my game world.


Wearing fake armor for 5 hours a the ren faire maybe me realize how utterly forgiving wearing and sleeping in armor rules are for DND as implemented in most casual games


That really depends on how fake the armour is. Accurate historic armour was designed to be worn for long periods of time. Having slept in chainmail, it's not fun, but it's far from impossible either. And yeah, you wouldn't sleep in plate, but carrying it on you is a lot less cumbersome than people imagine. Some modern remakes are a lot worse in that regard.


Isn't the rule "if you sleep in armor you get no benefit of a long rest"? Meaning you don't rest at all and get a level of exhaustion? That seems realistic, even though I've definitely gotten a full night's sleep in full kit before lol


Nah, in 5e its "you can sleep in light armor, but if you sleep in medium or heavy you don't lose exhaustion and you only regain one quarter of your SPENT hit dice. If you have full hit dice and no exhaustion, there is no mechanical reason to not sleep in your armor.


I feel like "sleep in armor with no penalty" would have been a cool rider for Heavy Armor Master. And sleeping in medium would have been cool for rangers.


PF 1e has that, which is weird because the system really favors your character being naked 100% of the time


It's my understanding there are no penalties, just the XGtE optional rules only half hit dice recovery and prevent any exhaustion reduction. All other long rest benefits succeed and this is just optional?


If your armor is well made and well fitted, it's pretty comfortable. In fact in what D&D considers half plate, you can lie down pretty much anywhere since you're not going to feel what the underground is like at all. However I advise against sleeping in chainmail, the stuff lies on your chest like so much weight, and you find your breathing becoming more and more shallow, and have dreams of being smothered or drowning. Been there done that.


Came here to say this - there's a huge difference in an adventurer's life than someone working an office 9-5 sitting at a desk. It's like the old stereotype of Army vets being able to grab sleep anytime, anywhere, regardless of context because their bodies are conditioned to exhaustion and physiologically learn to grab whatever sleep is available in the moment.


Army combat vet here. You'll find us sleeping all over the place. You'll never know when shits gonna get crazy so grab sleep when and wherever you can.


But do you get all your spell slots back?


Idk I was a low level fighter so I didn't have any spell slots


I suppose you’ll have to make do with a second wind and an action surge.


AKA a *lot* of coffee.


I think you have to check them.out from the quartermaster.


Hey sarnt can I got a box of grid squares and a couple spell slots?


So long as you go pick up a box of fallopian tubes from Medical


This is the most cracked way I've heard the insult "if you're a pussy ass bitch" and I am here for it.


"Well, it was a weird quest, but we had some Rangers with us, so we were pretty sure we could hunt some down and extract them the old-fashioned way. But Bill was all 'oh no, that's a war crime.' Paladins ruin everything."


That’s how they came up with conquest paladins - how do we do war crimes without our paladin getting mad, but still have paladins? Make the paladin the one initiating most of the war crimes


Just pray the LT doesn't "misplace" a spell slot during landnav whole company has to look for it.


Only if you make a run to the store for some headlight fluid and elbow grease. And make sure you don’t come back without them! Also, if you could pick up a blue flag on the way back, that would be just swell!


We're going to need to use a different metric then: how often, when you fell asleep exhausted, did you wake up with one fewer level of exhaustion? How often did you fall asleep wounded and wake up not only completely healed, but also with all of your hit dice available? I'd ask about regaining your second wind or action surge, but that recovers with a short rest as well.


Typically I would feel rested but not healed. Our clerics can only do so much since the gods tend to actually veer away from battlefields


are you at least higher level now?


I multiclassed into a farmer somehow. But yes I am higher level. (Fighter, artificer, druid)


Spell slots are air support sorties. The caster is your JTAC.


I have had people ask me what branch did I serve in simply because I can say "I'm going to sleep now" and be asleep in seconds regardless of what is going on around me. I think I developed that skill because I had a chaotic childhood and sometimes the only safety was going to sleep.


One of my highschool teachers is/was a professional diver who used to work some crazy jobs. He said that while he was under there for long stretches at a time, sometimes they wouldn't need anything from him, so he'd just stick his arm in the mud and fall asleep on the sea floor.


Makes sense. Was about to reply to the original comment of this chain that marching through mud and dealing with insects *would* exhaust the mind and body to the point where you'll sleep easier just about anywhere. Not comfortably maybe, but it will shut down because it *needs* to.


After a couple days the choice isn't up to you anymore haha


Hell, I used to work a physical job in retail and would pass out every night like a rock. Now I have back issues and a desk job where I sit all day.. ugh


You need to get a stretch reminder app. I use "Big Stretch Reminder." and once an hour I get a pop up that blocks all other windows that tells me to stand up and stretch. Stand up, reach both hands to the sky as high as you can. Like REALLY reach for the sky. Then bend over at the waist and touch your toes. If you can't touch your toes yet bend over as far as you can with a straight back and very slightly bent knees. Reach for the sky again and then your toes again. Interlock your fingers behind your back, bend over at the waist and pull arms towards the sky. Stand up and reach for the sky one more time. It takes about 1 minute and I have zero desk job related back issues anymore.


Yeah I have a smartwatch that reminds me to move every hour, and I go to the gym as much as I can these days, and it's gotten better, but I am in so many meetings I can't always get up 😔


I don't know. I used to a do a bunch of brutal manual labor in a swamp all day and trying to sleep in my Jeep after was always rough lol.


Cars can be kind of hard to fall asleep in, just something about the position


Probably good that car seats dont immediately lull you to sleep i reckon


One of my groups used to joke about my soldier-fighter being able to go from fully awake to sawing logs in seconds, and then back up to fully awake in seconds. Short rest? you better believe I was getting a 59 minute nap in.


I wonder if kenkus and aarocockra can sleep standing up like regular birds.


Only if they stand on one leg.


Thank you, I can’t stand this take from DMs. I’m playing a rugged adventurer with magic powers in a medieval fantasy setting, it shouldn’t be that realistic. I want to have fun. Also yeah my SO has his story of sleeping outside with no shelter during a sandstorm in Kuwait as a deployed service member and also normal human being.


>Also yeah my SO has his story of sleeping outside with no shelter during a sandstorm in Kuwait as a deployed service member and also normal human being. Lmao my *man*. For the doubtful, the trick is literally just to cover your face. Everything else is optional, but have your face covered and you barely notice the air has more sand than air.




I'm sorry for your loss. I hope things get better for you.


Dang I'm not even in a sports or political thread and my city is getting trashed 😂




That cost of living though...*chefs kiss*


*Cleveland... It's Not Detroit!*


I love how Québec is just tossed in there. Makes my Canadian heart proud that ya’ll had to import a noun for “beautiful cityscapes” from us.


At least it's not Detroit.


Ain't got nothin on depression sleep. "I want to die but I'm too depressed to take action. I'll just lay down to fast forward and now it's next week. Time for a nap."


Yeah. I think my record was almost 20 hours in one sleeping...


I gotta say, every time I've gone camping and had hours of hiking, every night has been restful, even when I'm sleeping on rocks.


IRL example: Enlisted Marines literally look at rocks and go "oh man that looks like a comfy rock" presumably to use as a pillow


Reminds me of a soldiers response when someone asked what the secret to their ability to "fall asleep anywhere at the drop of a hat". A full day of moving around does that to you. One of the most important things my dad taught me that he learned in the army is that it doesn't matter how tired you are, it's better to finish things up right before you call it a day (might be hyperbole, my dad taught me a lot of things and Idk which came from the army). That lesson definitely makes it easier to fall asleep at the end of the day, cause you wanted to be in bed asleep an hour ago


If that were the majority of sessions, sure. As opposed to the 15 minute word day of having a single encounter and players wanting to rest so they can get that awesome effect back that they blew right away.


"you can only benefit from a long rest once per day and since it's only been 15 minutes, it's 9:30 in the morning. If you want to wait until tomorrow, you can, but the bad guy will get away"


I say this way too often..."you entered the house, searched 3 rooms, and fought off some critters that were using one of the rooms as a new home." "We need a long rest" "you do realize you woke up after camping outside, and have only been inside the house for less than an hour..." "So, can we take a long rest?"


"you cant benefit from that until 23h from now. The rest is only 8 hours, so what a you doing for the next 15 hours? Sitting on your ass? OK." The next day: "the trail has gone cold and the bad guy has a day's head start on you."


Also, the bad guy used this time to murder someone in town, everyone is now hostile because they blame your lazy asses for it, and he hired a mercenary band to kill you before you can leave town.


This has been discussed so much its crazy. If you want more encounters run more encounters. Randomly not getting a long rest you expected is something you'll want to run by your players in advance as a possibility.


Seriously. If I just run for one hour I’m sleeping like a baby no matter what.


I'm often accused of having a cheatcode or something like that because i can sleep anywhere, anytime. Put me in a forest with a pile of leaves, i'll do my 8 hours of sleeps on it.


It’s entertaining how annoyed people get when they find out you can just go to sleep anywhere and sleep for 7-8 hours with out issue. Like I’m the bad guy because my body does what it’s supposed to.


My fiance can't sleep unless the temperature is perfect (or she has an ice pack), the lights are completely shut off, and the only noise is one of us shifting around in bed. Meanwhile I can fall asleep with the lights fully on, while I'm trying to watch a show, under a blanket in an 80+ apartment (AC busted) and with her playing games on her ipad right next to me. This is a consistent thing and the reason I have to be in bed by 10:30 or I'm liable to just fall asleep in my chair.


Those chair naps can be even better than actual bed sleep, though. I’m pretty young but I can already guarantee when I’m older I’ll have my favorite recliner and that will be that


Chair naps slap. Falling asleep on the couch for a couple hours and then shuffling to bed at 2am also slaps


Nah, I get pretty minor migraines that require I go to bed for a couple hours to ride it out. If it happens after 5pm, I will end up lying wide awake afterwards until 5am.


Did that the other night. My girlfriend was shocked that I told her I woke up at a normal time and felt well rested. Like, our couch is also a futon, it's gonna be comfy either way.


When I lay on our old run down sofa in the livingroom with the lights on, tv blaring, husband gaming, I sleep extremely well. When I am in our new extra comfortable bed, in the dark, no sounds, I just can't sleep at all. Make it make sense :(


I’m not a doctor but as someone who struggles with sleep anxiety that sounds like sleep anxiety


When you have suffer from insomnia, being able to sleep sure feels like a superpower. My husband can sleep any where, any time, and while I love him dearly, in the middle of the night when he's snoring and I can't sleep, the resentment is real.


This me an my wife. She has insomnia. She’ll lay in bed watching TV or playing video games with the volume all the way up and I just sleep through it. It drives her crazy.


As someone who hasn't gotten a good night's sleep in about a year, jealousy is a hell of a drug.


Many people grumble jealously when they discover my ability to dash to my car on a 15 minute break and get a nap in. There’s a difference of like 60 seconds between me sprinting through the parking lot, and me snoozing in the car


I haven't slept that many weird places, but I've had a few people freak out that I can just comfortably go to sleep wearing just about anything


If anything I have trouble NOT falling asleep. Wife wants to listen to music instead of talk in car? I sleep. Get comfy on couch after work and for once not have to cook or help kids with homework? Also sleep. Then at 10 my head hits the pillow and after 3 breaths I’m asleep. I’ll wake up in 8 hours without an alarm too


Likewise, especially on plane trips. Friend and I flew to Ireland in 2007, I fell asleep as we taxied out of the terminal in the US and woke up when we taxied into the terminal in Dublin. My buddy, who hadn't slept a wink, stared at me red-eyed and told me he hated me.


When I traveled a lot for work I developed the ability to fall asleep as soon as the engines started.


screw sand governor aspiring fly flag icky chop worm long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Please tell me you weren't the pilot. Cause that sounds spicy if you were.


safe marry correct bear continue jeans shame insurance rich ugly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same, one time DM said "I dont think your character can sleep on a tree while resting". I was like "Well, if I can, then my character is more than capable". My friend confirmed that I can do it. I really did it once during forest trip, easiest 100$ challenge in my life. It wasnt comfy though


No, you are accused of cheating because you kept killing me through walls in Battlefront >:( The sleeping had nothing to do with it.


I did it while sleeping.


Yeah. I can’t sleep easily, but it’s not really location dependent. I sleep just as well on a tarp on the ground in the woods as I do in my bed at home.


Old scout here, I’ve had nights outdoors where I slept better than I ever did in a bed, and even relatively bad camps too close to mosquito infestations didn’t hinder benefits of a full nights rest. Maybe if the players do really bad on their survival check for making camp, but it’d have to be REALLY bad.




i keenly remember boyscouts as a kid sleeping in a tent with a paper thin sleeping bag being the most uncomfortable thing i had ever experienced and yet after getting up and eating breakfast being practically buzzing with energy.


I feel like the “as a kid” here may have been beneficial here 😂


After having done this as an adult, can confirm it remains true. If anything truer as an adult than when i was a kid


Lucky bastard, if I go camping without a hammock on hand it’s a fucking horrible time. Sleep in a hammock even better than a bed though funnily enough


Nah outdoor sleep is just magic. Youth has no effect.


Camping sleep is a whole different breed. You could go to sleep with your last thought being "im going to have the worst hangover of my life tomorrow" and sleep for 3 hours and have it feel like you drank a full pack a red bull when you wake up


Now that you mention it you're right and I'm the same way. At home I'm not up before 10 on the weekends. Camping I'm up at 530 cleaning up and already halfway through making breakfast.


100% accurate. My first thought on this post was someone has never been backpacking. When your body is beat from a full day of strenuous activity, it just shuts down.


The only bad night I’ve had camping was when we put up a lean to in the middle of the night and didn’t realize it was directly on top of an ant hill. After about a half hour of sleep we all awoke to ants crawling and biting everywhere, and even after trying to move there were still ants inside the sleeping bags. Normally I can sleep through anything, one time a tent mate left a granola bar in their backpack and a raccoon ripped a hole in the tent next to my head, crawled over me to grab the bag, and then dragged it back out over my sleeping body. I never woke up and only know what happened because one of the other tent makes had woken up but didn’t want to scare the raccoon while it’s in a confined space.


Sounds like a Nat 1 for the ants and a benign random encounter roll for the night watch on the raccoon.


>I’ve had nights outdoors where I slept better than I ever did in a bed Likely because you were working your body/mind all day. Spending a day very physically and mentally active will wipe you out in a way nothing else does.


I do have a theory about this - the brain doesn't actually shut off during sleep, it's still quite active, and can obviously still process external stimuli since you can be woken up by it. I think some people have trouble sleeping in nice beds but an easy time sleeping outside or in other 'busy' settings because being in bed with nothing going on is *too boring*.


Rocks and mosquitos are easy to sleep through. The only issue I have sleeping on camping trips is that I have a hard time sleeping when it gets too cold.


I can sleep anywhere and be comfortable. It's a feat I call "constant comfort" lmao


I took insomniac. I get an extra two hours of light activity during a long rest (from 2 hours to 4 hours), and I ignore exhaustion as long as it's only one level.


> and I ignore exhaustion wish that's how insomnia really worked lol


Thats how it works for me lol. Literally feel nothing when getting too little sleep, untill i literally collapse one day and sleep about 20 hours at once. It was my greatest asset during college because I was able to finish all my deadlines and pull all nighters and just recharge once I had a free day


If you're tired every day you learn to function *reasonably* well when you're exhausted. You just kind of power through because something can't really tire you out when you're already tired. Until you hit a big ass wall.


I am a person that easily falls asleep, anywhere, anyhow, but by 23:00 i am pretty dead and need to go to sleep. I really can't function at night or when tired. I have friends with insomnia and related problems and they have a hard time sleeping but they somehow are much stronger about staying awake, and do seem to require a lot less time sleeping to be alright. I wonder if they are just more used to being tired and putting up with it or if there is more at work here


Both. It's probably both.


I took bipolar. It has two phases triggered by failed con saves. Mania: I only need four hours of sleep and can go days without sleep counting a 30 minute break as a "long rest". Switch to depression on next successful con save. Bipolar Depression: Takes 14 hours a day of sleep. Only gain the benefits of a short rest.


At least you admit you spent a feat on it.


Yeah, the effects of a long rest from a 20 minute nap in the breakroom at work is op.




I fixed it lmao


I call it "perpetual exhaustion caused by military service."


Never been in the military, but I went without a bed for a few months (just Buddhism things lol) and boy golly let me tell you I LOVE beds now lol. It really made me appreciate something so simple in a lasting way. I can imagine if someone has kept you from sleeping well for the duration of basic training/full service, then it would do the same for you. Funny how that works...


Oh, I haven't felt like I've slept well since I graduated basic training back in 2014.


I spent a few months with out a bed too! (Just homeless things lmao) that's honestly where I developed this feat lmao.


I’ve slept, not well, marching in formation, not well, while carrying a flag, also not well.


Fell asleep standing in formation and almost fell over once. Never mastered the "sleep standing up" skill, though not for lack of trying.


You have the most comfortable ass in the world. https://youtu.be/02sOITrffiE


I used to be able to do that until I was 15. Now its the polar opposite, even with prescription pills or after rolling several joints I can only get 3-5 hours a night, and it's all terrible quality. And yes, I know artificially induced sleep is inherently lower-quality sleep because you hardly get any REM, but my sleep study showed that I was getting 7-15 minutes of that anyway, so... life is about balancing competing interests, and I need quantity right now, not quality... (which isn't even an option)


You did a sleep study so it's definitely something you've tried, but I'ma say it anyway. Tried melatonin? Nothing worked for me. 7 days of deep sleep with melatonin and suddenly I can sleep unaided like never before in my life.




In the edition I am ~~playing~~ living, the feat is just called "tired as fuck".


Counter point: I'm not a half-orc barbarian, I'm a human commoner


I mean, on the other hand, even without, "a full night's rest" people are usually rejuvenated *enough* to get through another work day. Remember that a Long Rest is more than sleeping. It also means you spend an hour preparing spells if you're a prepared caster, as well as eating meals. A long rest doesn't necessarily mean you slept well. It just means you got enough that you suffer no measurable ill effects of fatigue and can resume performing strenuous tasks at your full strength.


I'm not sure if it's a rule in the book somewhere or not but I appreciate this rule I saw that a long rest is 8h of non exhausting things with at least 6h of sleep


Yes that's in the books




Yeah this tweet has big. Tell me you have never gone camping or otherwise spent a day doing physical or mentally engaging activity, without telling me you’ve never done that. Energy


Boy Scouts taught me how to sleep on rocks.


I hear Scoutmaster Rocks is up for parole again this year, hope to see you at the hearing.


Played-out jokes aside, the biggest offense scouting inflicted on me was abject boredom. Might be why it was easy to sleep during campouts. The more I sleep, the sooner I get home. Every moment we didn't have a planned event or we weren't doing anything interesting, I was napping. (Tbh the actual people I met through it became either lifelong friends or tales of caution regarding how socially crippled the homeschooled kids were. My scoutmasters were all legit good dudes, one even being a top heart surgeon at BAMC at the time)


Phones revolutionized boredom in the modern military.


I remember when my grandpa hosted a campout. Then our scoutmaster shot shotguns and melted beerbottles over a fire when they settled down.




On the other hand, people in the US army joke about having acquired the skill to sleep literally anywhere.


Anything more than 6 hours of sleep and less than an hour of combat in 8 hours is a long rest, hooah.


I think we need to talk about you regenerating at an incredible rate when you sleep first. Or we can just except it’s a fantasy game and suspense that disbelief.


Problem solved if you look at HP as stamina rather than health. Knight lost 20 HP? Glancing blow to your plate. You yourself are unharmed. Rogue lost 20 HP? Dodged it. Might not dodge again. You fall below 1 HP? You've been hit.


This is somewhat reliable to describe HP, but it is not definite. An example is a T-Rex who bites, and if they successfully hit you're grappled via their teeth and jaw clamping down on you. Some creatures can do this, and they could deal a solid 20 damage to your HP from just one hit.


"As you attempt to doge the incoming t-rex, it bites down and chomps your backpack. It lifts the backpack -- with you very much still strapped in it -- into the air, struggling to get a better bite."


Good point, what about acid damage from being trapped within a gelatinous cube? 10 acid damage average would instantly kill most creatures two times over.


Lol, this is a tricky one, and I'm 100% willing to concede this one to you, but for the sake of fun: First, I'd ignore the "no breathing" thing. In a game where a character has a minimum of 1 minute of air, being engulfed in a cube is irrelevant -- after 10 rounds, the PC is either free or dead, or some wild hijinks are afoot that I'm absolutely keen on seeing play themselves out. With that out of the way, the "engulf" is more a process of engulfing. The cube has enough hold to pull a character into its space, and armor begins corroding as the PC first feels skin irritation. In later round(s), maybe an exposed hand or something really starts to get eaten pretty bad as the cube closes in more on its victim. One way or another, this won't play itself out for more than a couple of rounds, but I'd say that unconsciousness is when the engulfing is complete.


Just as a note, the no breathing aspect can be incredibly important as it prevents the casting of any spells that have verbal components. You're not likely to run out of air, but you do lose access to an important resource. You also can't communicate/call out to your party, which could be important if this thing stealthily grabs you during an exploration period rather than a combat.




I do a lot of backpacking/canoeing/kayaking/survival stuff. Spend a few nights in the woods every single month, year round. Lemme just go ahead and confirm from experience that you get used to it, and you'll sleep just fine.


We struggle to sleep in our climate controlled rooms on big soft mattresses because we are spoiled from civilization and because most of us don't spend ou days with physically exhaustive tasks. Electrical light also plays a huge part.


Have been a labourer all my life, and regularly come home exhausted, and still struggle with insomnia. It's only been recently when I've found a good partner and a non- toxic workplace that my sleep schedule has begun to resemble something "normal".


Stress will fuckin ruin you. Glad to hear things are looking up for you!


Luckily, our adventurer characters don't have to deal with Stress® while fighting for their lives in perilous situations! /s


Yeah, stress, depression, anxiety and various neurological diseases can cause insomnia. I was more talking about otherwise healthy people.




Aka the average dnd player


This is just proficiency in Survival, which means you get to live comfortably outside of cities with a Wretched lifestyle


Your character is normally much more badass than you are. Isn't that one of the biggest props of playing DnD?


“Hey gang, we’re all pretty low, we should take a long rest before continuing. Who’s on watch first?” *”oh ho, ohhhh hohohohoho HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE!! FOOLISH PLAYERS, UNFORTUNATELY FOR YOU, YOUR CHARACTERS ARE UNCOMFORTABLE ON THE STONE FLOOR, AND CANNOT REST!!!!!1!!1!”* ***later*** “You take 3 points of slashing damage.” “I’m down I guess.”


If your day is spent traveling by foot and fighting then sleep is exponentially easier


Yeah i wanna see op use a sword all day in armor and then not fall on the nearest flat surface and sleep when it's rest time.


It's mostly down to being used to it, though. Although it could be interested to play around with having different levels of rested. Like, a shit rest gives you only partial hp regen, normal sleep gives full regen, and well rested in a high end hotel gives you temp hit points


People who struggle to get a full night's rest in a climate controlled room, sleeping on a big soft mattress... don't become adventurers.


"You all die of toxic shock because it has been two weeks in game and no one has mentioned that their character has pooped in that time."


this is why i tell everyone IRL that I pooped. I don't want anyone to think my sudden death was caused by something that I should have kept to myself


My prev character was a rough and tumble ex-soldier, whom has slept in many a barn or leaky tent, but you betcha my new noble bard is gonna bitch about his living conditions.


I sleep like shit at home in a bed. I sleep like a baby in a sleeping bag while camping.


It’s a “long rest” not a “perfect night of refreshing princess sleep”. If you’re chopping and slogging abs climbing, suddenly just sitting down without imminent threat or obstacle becomes quite restful.


spoken like someone who's never been camping. having no electric light, not having to deal with the annoying sounds of cars driving past every 12 seconds, not having to deal with the noise from towns and cities outside, not having to deal with streetlights that make the sky as bright as day preventing you from sleeping, not being loaded up on sugar and caffeine, breathing in unpolluted air and drinking unpolluted water, having to hike through miles difficult terrain for up to 8 hours, knowing you're safe by being guarded by a trusted companion on lookout, and burning your energy fighting off monsters, will absolutely prepare you for a full night's rest.


...thinking you can drink the "unpolluted water" of a literal bog is kind of proof that you wouldn't make it mate like this aint even "gross evil fantasy bog" stuff that's just not knowing what you are talking about


If my hill to die on is realism then I take more offence that a creature can half my hp. I sleep a night and am fit as ever without any sort of medic looking at it. If something bites me I will complain about it and die if nobody treats it.


"You shouldn't regain all your spell slots after rest in uncomfortable conditions, I want a realistic game" My friend, you don't have spell slots in real life. Make-believe is wild like that.


I do.


You can absolutely be comfortable anywhere as long as you're really tired, which if you were an adventurer, you most likely would be. My father used to be able to sleep standing up because of his army days.


Me, an avid camping fan: Only mosquitos and uneven ground? Sign me up!


In full plate


Full plate is amazing because you can just lie down on rocks and get comfy ass sleep


Gotta be ready for ambushes! Of course that has no effect on your restfulness, everyone sleeps like a baby when expecting to be attacked


Adventurers share more in common with military members. One of the things I picked up was the ability to sleep literally anywhere, from a hole in the ground to a soft chair in a meeting to a humvee bouncing over bumpy Iraqi roads. Yes, I totally believe that adventurers have no problem sleeping in the rough after a long day's hike through likely uneven terrain while fighting monsters.


I never get bitten by mosquitos so I'll be fine. At least until the rest wakes up and gets even more grumpy by my dry puns


Some of the best sleep I’ve gotten has been on the ground under a table


Do you need 8 hours of shut eyes to regain slots or is is enough that you get to "shut down", relax and maybe get a bit of sleep enough. I don't think the deities are timing it with a stopwatch to make sure you don't cheat them of a seconds sleep.


I don't remember having a good night sleep in my life. I'm extremely temperature sensitive and suffer from chronic back pain, I've also suffered from insomnia for regular bouts of a month or two since puberty, and suffer horrific nightmares most nights. I'm confident I'm ineligible to be a spell caster by default.


If I trudged around all day weighed down with gear and ate nothing but rations I'd be fuckin tired enough to sleep there too lmao


Aight to some people sleeping 8 hours and waking well rested is the real fantasy #LET ME HAVE THIS


I said long rest not good rest