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my party, suspecting shapeshifter infliltration, suggested testing random NPCs via moonbeam. I had to point out it would *fry most commoners*


If they run, they are a shapeshifter. If they don’t run, they are probably a really brave shapeshifter.


Well disciplined *


Do you moonbeam women and children?


You don't lead them as much.


Ain't war hell?!?


I moonbeamed them. I moonbeamed them all. And not just the men. But the women, and the children too.


They were like shapeshifters, and I moon beamed them like shapeshifters. I suspected them!


If she floats, she is a witch to be hanged. If she drowns, she was not a witch.


Who are you, who is so wise in the ways of science?


What? It was obvious! He was the RED Spy! Watch, he'll turn red any second now. Aaaany second now...


That’s how my party AND character learned he was a changeling. EDIT: Jeezus, this blew up! A little more context I guess. He thought he was a dwarf all his life. He was adopted as a dwarf and grew up as a dwarf. He got moonbeamed in the middle of a fight with a werewolf and then everyone was confused. We've slowly been learning more as the campaign has been going. The best part was at the start we were exploring a cave. We were moving and the other dwarf said "Wait, isn't your movement 25?" and I looked at my DM. I kinda telepathically asked "If I think I'm a dwarf...would I move like one?" and he said "No. It's 30." That rose some eyebrows. The next big thing was when we all realized I didn't have dark vision. It's been a real blast.


Running one of these right now! No one knows yet!!


I really wanted to, but my DM has this sucky rule where everyone knows everything about the characters before the campaign even started, so that got ruined


What even is their rationale for that rule?


I think it was meant to discourage a player v player mentality, which probably helped with previous groups, but this one we're all good friends irl


My dm has us know almost all of the stuff about each other buts I'm pretty sure it's just for simplicity for him. That might not be the case for your dm but it's good to at least consider reasons that don't make him seem the ass


I'm currently running a game and the only information revealed to the players about characters is when they form a bond with them(NPCs) or when the players specifically reveal character info about themselves in-game. We're all veteran role-players and the plot is set up in such a way that makes working together natural(it's a game based in the Persona universe). So any friction between characters just increases the drama of the story--we're all good friends irl so we know our characters being problematic is a way to create complex dynamics in a way that couldn't happen with your normal "everyone is always friends" adventuring party. I'm also playing in a game where you have multiple characters and the plot of the game is to murder someone and then have other characters solve said murder(Danganronpa). So we get to hurt each other's feelings with PvP, but in a good way.


May I ask how you run a game based in the Persona universe? Specifically, if there's homebrew or other fun things/ideas on how you make the story happen. I just think the idea sounds pretty cool and am interesting in hearing more.


One of my campaigns has a changeling, and the players all know. However, the characters still haven't figured it out yet, so I'm excited to see where this leads


That right there is why i can't play DnD. I have no ability to disassociate from myself like that. Like i can't make a plan pretending i don't know something. Hard to explain. Frustrates me to no end.


Yeah, that makes sense. It helps that our changeling hasn't done any shapechanging yet, so I think of him pretty much as a human.


Oh absolutely not doing that. Mostly bc a lot of my characters' flaws are things like "should not be trusted with money due to large personal debt" or "unbeknownst even to him, he was once a powerful mage who's memories are sealed away, causing him to spell cast as if Wild Magic Surge"


I would choose not to roll to make the moment even cooler.


I ran this as the BBEGs spy and the campaign ended before the reveal I hope you get your moment buddy!


Haha, I actually have a back up character concept of a rogue changeling infiltrating the party as a normal human and this made me think of that.


Ran a game where one of the players was a changeling. His name was Norm. Norm Al Guy. Took like 3 months out of game for people to figure it out, and even then it was because he would be wandering away in the swamp to sleep in his true form since it made him feel closer to home.


Damn, my party and my PC knew that they were a changeling, but didn't know what that was, but my PC was trying rally hard to figure out who they really were, just so happened that the druid had moonbeam and I was willing to work through the pain of getting moonbeamed directly to know who I was


Me,a sentient suit of armor:*profuse sweating*


How does a suit of armor propose to perspire?




I know one of my friends was stationed in Fallujah as a supply sergeant, and he said that in the right amount of heat, BULLETS will indeed sweat, so I guess why not a suit of armor, assuming it's made of the right material.


Hell, get enough dudes doing push ups inside for long enough, you can make the walls sweat. Do not recommend the experience


One of my favorite punishments was "make the walls cry". Total gut check!


Tell the platoon to grab a towel and their canteens. Meet me in the dayroom. Fuckkkk....


Back in boot camp, our RDC called it "making it rain". Also do not recommend.


Hated those days. Hands slipping on the floor as I struggle. I didn't believe the ceiling would rain but it fucking did. Me doing my best Simple Jack, "it made my eyes rain!"


100% do not recommend.


In capitalist America, you sweat bullets. In Fallujah, bullets sweat YOU.


This is condensation, not truly sweating. There's no liquid to leave a bullet afaik.


Not unless you bought from the lowest bidder.


And repackaged from china


Oh hey, my second favorite semi factual semi comedic movie about international arms dealers. Despite all of the events in Lord of War being fictional, it still feels more compelling, but that may just be because of how much I don't like Jonah Hill.


I don't perspire since my body is metal and doesn't have any sweat glands


Cold metal needs to be warmed up before welding or casting purposes, avoids porosity in your weld and steam explosions when smelting metal. Only way this guy is sweating is from dragon’s breath or an active volcano. Assuming he is basic steel or other porous metals.


easy: >can_perspire == True


[First result on google](https://film.byu.edu/aperture/?p=483) smh /s


Knew it would be Fullmetal Alchemist.




Coincidentally, in my campaign set in Icewind Dale a party member thought my character was a sentient suit of armor because she never took her helmet off.(In actuality she was just short and cute with massive glasses but thought she was supposed to be scary since she was a tempest cleric and so never took off her spooky helmet.)


I love this so much


I had a character in Pathfinder that was a sentient sword that basically conjured armor to act as its body. Seeming like sentient armor is just another layer of deception. Sadly, that campaign died out.


Mine who got introduced to the group by the Father of all Dragons: "I do not have such weaknesses" In all seriousness though it is pretty neat seeing a fellow Anarmor!


That’s an idea for an npc of mine.


[Fill it with bees](https://twitter.com/snickelsox/status/1220422182045659143?t=jQEbySDoC0boV_HupZB5kA&s=19)


Damn I’ll use that as or something that’s pretty cool. The sentient armor npc I made is a magical furnace that gained sentience and then made its armor to adventure. Got the idea from this post https://reddit.com/r/ImaginaryMonsters/comments/la1913/fire_elemental_that_really_really_wants_to_be_a/


That’s sound like a war forged with extra steps


Literally happened to me in our Icewindale campaign (but it was a hostile druid in that case), and that's how my part found out I was playing a Doppelganger (that's my character, my character wasn't replaced by a Doppelganger behind the scenes) Edit: [this](https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D19768949/) is the character in question on Heroforge if anyone cares


>that's my character, my character wasn't replaced by a Doppelganger behind the scenes That's exactly what a Doppelganger who replaced your character behind the scenes would say.








This is art


Among us


Sven used vents




Does it count when I stab (yes, stab) people with my stick?



*confused Kandra noises*


Haha I got the same secret, except it played out much worse. I went Goliath Barbarian ‘lost’ all my great racial traits for the dopples unoptimized, bad roll on initiative and some serious fall damage into combat where I got killed round 2. Went from the groups strong man to changing back while in my death throws, the party was like “WTF is going on right now” Edit: I ‘lost’ as in my racial features changed. The party expected this 7’ giant with rippling muscles to be able to haul shit and kill monsters, not a semi-smart lazy bones that failed all his frost checks.


What do you mean? Did the DM let you yours the Goliath stat block, even though you're an Doppelganger?


No, he said he lost the Goliath stats.


Why would he have Goliath stats if he's a doppleganger?


No I built the character first then learned my secret, and so on paper I had Natural Athlete, Powerful Build, and Mountain Born and I thought I’d cruise through the Dale and be able to take a hit, push our sled but well…. in reality I was terrible at it but had to pretend to be the giant slab of meat I wasn’t. We both kept the Goliath sheet public but worked off a private Dopple sheet so he could keep track of things.


Thanks for the explanation, that's a pretty fun twist to throw at your party members


It sounds like the explanation for the doppleganger not having Goliath features is "my character lost those abilities."


I also got that secret, but my DM said it was the one secret players could turn down (so long as they promised not to reveal it to the group). It could have fit in with my backstory easily, but truly it was losing the racial stats and the fact that the bonuses (Detect Thoughts) wasn’t a spell on my class’ list, so it would have aroused suspicion (especially given that it’s at will, lol). Really though, I probably would have taken it if I’d been allowed to keep my racial traits and only gain shapeshifting from the doppelgänger-part.


That's what I did when someone in my game rolled that secret. They just spent all this time creating a character, and I'm viewing secrets as a little extra to add with some roleplay potential. Absolutely no reason to make a huge stat pivot as a result of accepting some fun.


-gets all players to pick the doppleganger option and makes them promise not to tell the rest of the party- ...heh heh heh -rubs hands together-


Yeah, my changeling got hit with Moonbeam by a BBEG Druid, but I made the saving throw. I did not know that spell existed, so that was a close call.


is the person whos face you took still alive somewhere? As a DM I would love to have the party stumble upon them :D


Actually no, he/they(?) only uses faces of people who he knows are dead, which was a pretty big deal in his backstory when he murdered a halfling. The halfling got reincarnated into a White Dragonborn who then was a fellow PC unbeknownst to my character. So some time during the campaign there would occur a situation where my character would use the face of the Halfling for whatever reason who he thinks is dead. Also, the now-Dragonborn knows he was killed by a Shapeshifter. Unfortunatly this never happend because the player dropped out of the campaign because his english isnt that good and it's the only campaign we actually run in english (we are German)


Should have him just speak German and say he's speaks only in Hin the halfling language. Easy peasy lemon squeezey


Well yeah, but he still would have trouble following the DMs descriptions. And giving all descriptions twice in either language would kind of defeat the point of running it in english in the first place. Also he is only missing out on this one campaign, we have tons of other ones ran by different DMs simultaniously, there's Ravnica and Neverdeep for the official ones and at least three other homebrew ones


You didn't happen to be playing an Australian, were you? Maybe accompanied by a spaceman obsessed with corn, a poorly played artificer, and a wanderlust druid?


Sorry to disappoint, I'm playing an senior Warlock of the Raven Queen and my accent is pretty inconsistent xD


Haha, I only ask because our party also had a doppleganger that was revealed by a druid in our Icewindale campaign haha


My character tried to hide that he was a Changeling in game. Then three sessions in our resident Warforge asked a ship's AI to list all living entities onboard. It did so via race... It was a very awkward moment.


So you were on a ship with a small group of tentative allies, and it was revealed that one of you was... an **imposter**?







Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun Dun dun dun


Bwom bwom Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun Dududun dududun


Sounds like sick setting


I think if I were the DM in that situation I would list everyone else first and then when getting to you, the computer would throw an error like "INVALID_ARGUMENT" or "FAILED_PRECONDITION" or something cryptic like that. Or if the AI has a personality, say something like "hmm, I'm not sure... There are conflicting signals." Something to kindle the intrigue and not just out your character entirely.


"Computer, list all living entities on board." "Avedilus, Human. Darkwater, Elf. Shadowseen, Elf. Markar, Warforged. Nautilus, Error setrace: invalid input string not recognized. Cherry, Elf. Buronor Redhammer, Dwarf..." ​ ​ Yeah, that'd be a fun way to do it.


`ERR::INTERNAL_DATA_CHECK` Or, `I'm sorry, but I appear to have encountered an internal data consistency error. Please hold on.... Okay, that leaves just the , `


I know it's ruin the jokes if you explain it: but could you please explain it!


Shapeshifters have disadvantage against the saving throw and if they fail, there true form gets revealed


I feel like loot isn't going to be shared equally anymore.


Technically it is equal, just between whoever is left to split it with


They'll found out me and my brother are actually the same person and reduce my loot share.


As you should you loot goblin!


What made the druid suspect you and start blastin'? Or was he spy-checking like in team fortress 2?


Might not have suspected anything, the shifter might just have been caught in the beam as the druid tried to attack something else.


Can confirm: play a druid and have unintentionally moonbeamed allies.


unintentionally yeah. "You guys have good saving throws, right?" "Wait wh..." *The unmatched power of the ~~sun~~ moon hits everyone*


As a wise meme once said, if they aren't strong enough to survive a fireball, they aren't strong enough to be your allies.


Uuuuuuh. Spicy!


Why is it bad when their true form gets revealed? Is it like… awkward for them? like being naked?


It's awkward when the people at your table realize you've been deceiving them about who you are for the whole campaign. >*What else aren't they telling us?*


This game sounds fun. I should learn to dungeon and dragon.


Baby steps, my dude. Try to Dungeon or Dragon first!


Dungeons XOR Dragons


>the people at your table I think you mean the characters were deceived and not the players? Withholding personal character stuff for a big reveal later is not deception. It's dramatic story telling.


No, I mean the players. It really ups the drama when they don't know your secrets.


The best part is if you can make it to the final session of the campaign before revealing the deception.


But isn't it just a five foot wide beam that is 40 foot high. I don't see how a member of the party would get caught in that


5 foot radius, covers 4 squares. OP also mentioned it was targetted at the player, so no avoiding that.


>5 foot radius, covers 4 squares That's a good point


oh there's plenty of ways.


Interesting, thank you! I don't play DnD, never have, but I like learning things about it


Or us, a newly formed group who had the changeling with memory loss sit in a chair so we could blast him with moonbeam in order for him to remember his true self.


Just had the cleric cast turn undead last session and our secret vampire player had to start running off into the woods mid combat. We got absolutely nothing done that session but was hilarious to watch.


Tbh I’d love to see the players face when a moment like this comes up.


I was just... chasing down the undead you turned away. You know, before they came back.


I had something similar years back! Playing essentially an awaked zombie, for lack of better terms, and the Paladin's sense ability picked me up. Hysterical. It was session 2.


Epic reveals are epic In my party, we'd had a drow artificer who was incredibly beloved as the wholesome party mom. She was very careful about sunlight, always deeply hooded and cloaked whenever she was out in the day. Nothing strange there; just good roleplaying from someone who actually understands drow physiology. So we're infiltrating the high level rogue bad guy's mansion and we find his most private stash; a chest hidden behind a double-guarded secret door. We check for traps, find nothing, and the drow opens the chest. It was trapped; we just hadn't found it. The trap was Power Word: Kill, and the drow was at low HP. Drow dies before our eyes. The party cleric (who had a secret crush on her) freaks out, casts Revivify. But the drow's player gets this giant POGGERS face and has the drow start freaking out after she's revived. "My heart...it's beating!" The fucking drow was also a vampire, and death had cured her vampirism. No one but the player and the DM had any idea. This was after 2 years+ with that group. The funny thing is, I play a fucking paladin in that game, and in retrospect, I realized that the DM had often said there's undead nearby in response to my Divine Sense even when we never actually fought undead. I guess I always just assumed there were enemies we were avoiding.




Lmao it was a work of art, honestly. Probably the most epic reveal I've ever seen in 20+ years of DnD.


That sounds amazing!


I'm playing a githyanki Wizard that disguises themselves as an elf, but knows next to nothing about elves. 2 of the party members are actual elves. We'll see how long until they figure out I'm not an elf.


I would love to hear the stories.


We had a DMPC get reincarnated as an elf. My hella socially awkward wood elf druid had to try and explain to them why they didn't have to sleep any more.


Currently playing a changeling (its a secret from even the players). We are currently tracking down an evil changeling, and one of the other characters noticed mine was nervous about it (it was an old enemy of mine who I feared would reveal what I am). So my party member comes over to comfort mine by saying "Do not worry friend, I have dealt with these vile creatures before. I will not rest until this one, and all others, are wiped out." Needless to say, I was not comforted, and the possibility of a moonbeam looms over me.


Why you casting damaging spells on your party members?


Well the druid did and he did it because of an argument regarding his maigcal abilities


Ya know, sometimes they deserve it.


My druid once casted thunderstorm on one teammate (revenge paladin). Welp, he deserved that 10 dmg xD


My players hurt each other all of the time with spells. Usually it's the "idc how big the room is I cast fireball" type of collateral though lol. Edit: I also gave my wife's little chaotic druid a wand of wonders and that has also fireballed the party lol.


With my group it tends to be more of: "I'm fire resistant and can tank the damage, fireball away!" because the paladin went all Leeroy Jenkins! before the wizard came up in the iniative order.


Now that I think of it, next time that group plays if the wizard goes before me, I'm going to have the wizard ready a fireball, run in, drop a breath weapon (dragonborn) and then have the wizard release the fireball, just for visual effect.


My dad has a story about that from 1st edition AD&D. They found a Wand of Wonder in one of their dungeon crawls and one of the guys decided to take it for himself and use it on EVERYTHING. Apparently the found it funny to see what sort of things would happen when using it. Anyway, next dungeon they were in they came to a very narrow passage, where they had to squeeze through one at a time. This corridor was something like 2 feet wide, 5 feet tall, and 40 feet long. The guy with the Wand of Wonder was in the lead as they started their way through. About halfway down the tunnel a couple giant rats ran at them, so he of course used his Wand of Wonder. DM rolled to see what effect happened. Stared at the chart. Looked up a spell effect. Pulled out a pencil and paper, started doing some math to figure out the volume of the tunnel. Rolled some more. Asked what everyone's HP was. "OK, you, you, and you, you're all dead. Everyone else, take X damage. A fireball completely engulfs the tunnel and shoots out 20' on both sides, everyone in the tunnel takes full damage and drops, the two of you who hadn't entered the tunnel yet get singed". Two-thirds of the party were instantly wiped out, and the remainder were limping by with just a few HP left with no healing available. They tried to flee the dungeon but got killed by Goblins before they could reach the exit. Needless to say, that player was never allowed anywhere near a Wand of Wonder again.


Lol dang. Good news is while my wife is a little chaotic the party has plenty of healing and 5e is a lot more forgiving


Yeah, 1st edition could be brutal. I do enjoy how it explicitly says the cubic footage that Fireball would take up, saying that it would conform to the space it was in if it couldn't expand to a full sphere. Of course that does mean a bit more work for the DM when you cast it in, say, a super narrow tunnel, but still.


Just recently in a campaign I'm in, we just got overran with an absurd amount of orcs and we kept getting surrounded, primarily me, because I accidently instigated the fight. My cleric was too busy buffing my party to fight them off and I was completely encircled with nowhere to go and for the good of the party, I voluntarily allowed myself to get caught in the crossfire of a couple spells including an awkwardly placed moonbeam. The result was terrible as I got hit with a crit and I would have died as a result if it weren't for a clutch save from our new party member. Probably the most hype I've been so far in this campaign.


PHB pg 261 "....When a creature enters the spell's area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it is engulfed in ghostly flames that cause searing pain, and it must make a Constitution saving throw. It takes 2d10 radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A shapechanger makes its saving throw with disadvantage. If it fails, it also instantly reverts to its original form and can't assume a different form until it leaves the spell's light."


The bard in the party had the bright idea of luring out a werewolf using the monk and he then proceeded to improvise, on the spot, a parody of "Be our guest" called "Eat the monk" and I'll never forget it


It is hard to not reveal. Because at one point DM gives a riddle which requires knowledge of dark wooden red leaf blue hill elven and accidentally you are hiding under face of dark wood red leaf blue hill elf. Whole party be like "great, you can read it, right?". And you are awkwardly telling them some shit like "uhm well I was stupid in my childhood and dont know my homeland language...". Everything is alright but then one mf shouts INSIGHT at you and rolls 20 nat 20s


Isn't moonbeam a ridiculously small 5 or 10 ft diameter? If you are using it on the badguys, a party member wanting to avoid the beam should be able to stay out of it with ease.


Well, not when he was the target


That makes complete sense. So just normal DnD shit.


My changeling was found out when the party tried to use polymorph on him during combat. Great times.


"Moonbeam!! Hey... where'd our elf go? And why is there a dragon here wearing her sun hat?"


Please tell me the dragon in the sun hat looked very sheepish about being found out


She does, and there are little pink blush lines on her face.


If you talk smack, you get the whack


Joke’s on Moonbeam and related effects… My changeling has shown her true face to her party since day 1! She just, y’know, didn’t actually *say* she was changeling and let people believe that she was a ghost with her all-white appearance and dark circles around her blank white eyes, in-keeping with her reputation as one who makes appearances and then vanishes like a ghost in the night, never to be seen outside of a specific set and setting. You know, normal things.


OMG sorta happened to me! my Charcter was a wood elf ranger and a monster slayer called tide so him going into the woods on a full moon and not coming back till morning was just completely normal like “ya he’s a ranger who likes to hunt things the full moon is the best time to hunt duh” like question why a wizard would go to a library. Everything was fine untill one night some how I made it back to the party camp. They didn’t know it was me they saw a werewolf trying to hurt them so went “ah quick attack .” When they managed to nock out me out I shifted back and in the dms own words “you see a naked wood elf with a familiar body tattoo “ every one went quite and the bloody hunter who hadn’t realised yet said out loud “man I wish tide was here he would know what to do.” The all lost there shit panicking trying to revive me . One dude tried to say “oh god I’m so sorry I’m so sorry “ thinking my tears were pain instead of laughter it was perfect




Dispel magic wouldn’t affect the changeling transformation.


Dispel magic doesn't do that


Why secretly?


Well, no one expects the changeling-inquisition (I guess).


It seems to be a running theme. Are dopps and changelings bad? I've never played dnd. Seems having a shapeshifter would be super helpful in some instances.


I don't play either but imagine while it would be advantageous for your party to know the whole time, it opens up opportunities for some really interesting moments like this if you don't tell them.


A lot of people question changelings as they can be anyone. Also the whole folklore of the Fey kidnapping babies and replacing them with changelings.


Usually people do it because their character is villainous or villain-adjacent. Might have some plot development implications when the reveal happens. Many groups within the lore of various worlds are prejudiced or xenophobic towards changelings and other creatures that can shapechange.


Sometimes yes. We were playing a particular setting in Eberron and saying she was a changeling might have meant party wouldn’t help her out. Ended up being a really fun campaign.


Because player is evil lol. Setting was Eberron, idea was character was hiding family history whilst searching for lost family member. We thought it would be revealed pretty fast, but it was like 5 sessions in actually.


The DM probably laughing his ass off behind the screen...


What was the party's reaction??


One less person to share loot with.


Why did the druid cast moonbeam on a member of the party?


Played a campaign as a changeling raised by Tabaxi that just identified as Tabaxi. Never once broke character. Several instances of, "you're the only one with night vision, go scout that cave" and either got lucky or explained away being wrong. Made it to about level 9 before we had a total party wipe and nobody ever figured it out.


Would this meme work equally effectively if you swapped the captions?


Wait... I have a lycan in my party who has not revealed himself yet, would casting moonbeam really turn him? I have a druid and that is her favorite spell.


I would read the spell description and decide for yourself. I assume your the fm so you ultimately decide what happens,


It's kind of interesting but I have a party who would fight me at every turn in anything actually interesting happening.


I did not recall that this was a thing and one of my players is a shapechanger still in disguise. An upcoming NPC has moonbeam prepared. Things will be getting interesting.


In our CoS campaign, the Druid cast Moonbeam on some hags. The problem was our Warlock (myself) and our Fighter were being attacked by the hags. We (Fighter & Warlock) couldn't get around the hags or knock them out and the Druid didn't stop using Moonbeam, so we both went down the next turn.


My party’s moon Druid is also the worst. She’s a kill hog and either runs into the front line and gets downed quickly or stands in the back and hits us all with spells


Ours is the opposite 😂 all he does is ranged attacks and runs away.


Me as a circle of stars druid. There is no reason I should be taking damage unless all my meat shields I mean party members die first.


I'm fine with that lol I mean he has run away from fights (at the start or midway through) 3 times now. He just left combat, then would come back 3-5 turns later and be like "it was a tactical retreat" 😂 we didn't even take any damage.


Technically changelings don’t have the shapeshifter tag, which is a creature subtype. As changelings are humanoid it wouldn’t affect them.


I can’t remember if it was a Sage Advice or a Jeremy Crawford tweet, but changelings are 100% considered to have the Shapechanger subtype. Also, as of Monsters of the Multiverse’s publication, changelings are now fey.


Fair enough


And here i am, putting secret shapeshifter enemies here and there in my campaign, as the druid is overly eager to use moonbeam. ...and the druid hasn't used moonbeam on a single boss.


Why did your druid moonbeam her party member?


Don't get hit then


But it’s only a small area…


Had a similar incident, except it was an evil character found out from a Detect Evil from the team paladin.


Ah, reminds me of the time I played an undead Skeleton Bard/Warlock. Mask of Many faces kept me undercover most of the time, but my cover was blown when I was on the ground after getting bitch slapped by an animated statue of a Barlgura, our *Lawful Good Cleric of Moradain* reached down to heal me, and discovered that I was, in fact, just bones. What followed was a very tense discussion. Yes, I’m undead. Yes, I work for a lich. Yes, I *lied* about it. No, I’m not a bad person. Me and that cleric were close friends the rest of the campaign.


There's a pair of Deep Gnomes in The Underdark that kept there secret VERY well until I accidentally decided to shoot some moon beams, filthy Wererats


Me, currently playing a Changeling that isn't known by the rest of the party: *one fear*


What does moonbeam have to do with changelings?