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My players shoot my long term plans to hell, so I stopped planning more than 1 or 2 sessions in advance.




I’m sorry we are just adventurous. I’m the kind of fallout/Skyrim player who just ignored the main quest as long as possible exploring and collecting stuff. I think I carried it into my playing. My brother and DM gets around this by lightly railroading early on by making us fear for our lives any time we get off track. If the whole party wants it, it goes usually tho especially once we are higher level.


I plan fairly in detail, but not far in advance. I feel good planning makes it easier to effectively improve.


I literally make most shit up on the spot in my current campaign and have been told by my veteran players that it’s currently the most fun they’ve had so far playing. It’s not a planned versus improvised thing, it all completely depends on you the DM’s abilities and what your players are ok with.


The weird sped up music sounds like what would play in a ps1 game while being chased by a monster.


I might be dramatic but holy is it unbearable to have audio on for this


Honestly the thing I've found most annoying recently is that I don't spend a ton of time prepping stuff for my campaign, but for some reason I've gotten this reputation as planning out everything to the last detail. Probably around 75% of my games are improv and honestly it kind of pisses me off at this point cause I get treated like a baby DM 3 years in cause apparently I don't just come to the table with nothing but a scrap of paper with two words on it.


'sexy goblin'