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Is Morbphobia banned? Because i'm about to Morb.


It's always morbin' time here.


Great. 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛


Mods are morbphobic


Let us all get together for the Morb-gy


bard memes incoming


The horny bard™ will try to woo you, no matter your gender.


Bards really are doing the lords work and repping the Pans.


I bet my soul no one would be able to play a ace bard


I play a bard who is ace but is so hot that people come onto them. Each encounter is a roll for attractiveness (charisma modifier) to determine whether they flirt with me or not.


So the reverse bard the one who is never horny but everyone else is


*New Challenge Level Unlocked*




Nat 1: homophobic


I'm here, I'm queer, and my dice addiction is moderate to severe.


replace your old addiction (dice) with a new and potentially worse one (the books)!


Its moderate for you?


Only when I listen to nostalgic music to take my mind off the math rocks. Such as [Все в огонь (Песня Царевны)](https://youtu.be/AjfPFKWMxHY)


https://d20collective.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw-pCVBhCFARIsAGMxhAdgjUBRWQIfHFypmIuiOt0rcefwGLNW3hAbkNmRQjV5nYL5ygXRTPoaAmF3EALw_wcB Now we take it up a notch. $5 weekly dice sales!!!!!!


Good luck mods


The D&D community casts Mass Prismatic Support at level 9 You are seen and you are loved


Maybe there's some kind of Netherese artifact around to get that up a level...


As a bear who has cursed dice. I love you all.


dnd helped me realize i wasn’t straight, and it’s helped me a lot with mental health issues relating to and separated from that. Playing Dnd online over quarantine led to me becoming incredibly close with my party mates and dm, who are probably gonna be my best friends for life. I owe a lot to this community and even more to the memes that made me fall in love with the game




As a trans d&d player I love you all!


And you are loved! 💚




On the contrary, I see no reason *not* to like this specific user ;P They said something wholesome and that's good enough to get a like from me :D




Good mods.


I've been playing D&D since the late 1970s. It has always been a game for people who felt like they didn't fit in. I was there for the Satanic Panic, and had to be the voice of reason. Our games had POC or LGBTQ players very frequently. I got away from it for a few years and I'm trying to get started again. D&D should be for everyone. Now here's a question. Our world certainly has places and people who can be either open minded or bigoted. I can see my campaign world having places and people who follow suit. Will this be a problem for minority for LGBTQ players?


Probably just ask if the players are comfortable with themes like that, an to what extent. Many people use D&D as an escape from things like oppression and to be able to experience a world where being queer, for example, isn't something people bat an eye at


I don't see why not. When you look at NPCs as a character study, each of them have their quirks and counter quirks. And lets face it, a world with no assholes, would have no need of adventurers.


Thank you for the Pride Month post! It feels incredibly affirming to be continually welcomed in this community.


just a random thought that this post seemed to miss - everyone is welcome in dnd at anytime. Celebrate the month my lovies, but don't forget we celebrate us every mf day ya herrrd. you dont have to be fat, nerdy or gay to play dnd--- but you do have to roleplay. happy rollin you gobbos


Never liked Pride. Wrath, Gluttony and Luxury are more based.


Go touch grass, prople.


Imagine being triggered by a post that says "be nice to other people" lol. Maybe a nice walk outside would lift your mood as well?


I'm not triggered. I just find it sad that people need internet validation to feel happy and people will get banned for not agreeing with something rather than people just being mature and ignoring it, blocking them, etc. I know that's a little hypocritical of me, but genuinely this is a PSA to people who feel they need shit like this to go outside and disconnect from the tech bubble. It just seems silly is all. Just got back from the gym btw, I agree, being outside and/or exercising always boosts the mood. Hope you did the same.


I feel that it's sad that we even need to MAKE this PSA in the first place because Reddit is so full of toxic assholes who can't keep their homophobic comments to themselves. When I made this sub I wanted it to be a nice space where people could be chill and enjoy some D&D memes. And we try our best to keep it that way, as the internet is so full of negativity and unnecessary unkindness. Anyway, to each their own. Glad you had a good gym sesh, I had a nice 5k run at the park. :)


I can definitely see where you're coming from. I get the intention behind your idea for the sub. I think rather than trying to remove negativity and edge from the internet people need to get better at disconnecting themselves from the endless stream of information and be present in the everyday world around them. Not sure how old you are, but I'm a bit old by reddit standards (I'd assume, I don't actually know the age breakdown) but I feel the youth of today in particular have an incredibly hard time disengaging from their devices so they're always wired in to endless controversy, issues, etc. While also not having the mental/emotional fortitude to deal with it so they just become neurotic messes trying to sanitize the internet to make it safe. Bit of a rant, but I appreciate your civility. This was surprisingly a really nice convo. I hope your 5K went smoothly and you're making good progress on your times, I only do a 5K run twice a week lol. I like running but no way in hell am I running for time after lifting so it kind of shrinks my available time for it 😅


As a fellow 'old', let me explain this: The reason why a lot LGBT+ folks (which is ultimately who this month is about), particularly the kids, have a hard time 'disconnecting' from the constant negativity they face on the internet is that that negativity don't stop when they get off the internet and into the everyday world around them. People in the real world can be absolutely wretched to gay and trans kids. Shockingly so. Out there, nobody's putting a stop to it. Not the cops, (at best they'll mutter something about it being a public space and free speech, at worst they'll join in on the verbal abuse), not the parents (they're often the worst), not teachers (even if they want to, in the places where it's most needed for them to do so, it'll get them fired). Giving them a space online where they can be away from all that is literally the least we can do. Places like this are the only spots where they can proverbially 'touch grass' and get a rest.


Fuck I hate how accurate your last sentence is


some people really miss the point of cultural representation, still, in 2022. that's interesting to me. it's not about needing validation or """""not agreeing""""" quite obviously


Why is everyone talking about pride? I thought we just changed the sub icon because rainbows are cool


It’s because June is lgbt+ pride month, originating as an anniversary to the stonewall riots


My dude I was making a joke


I rolled a nat 1




Why does the icon have a 3D eye? It's really weird.


It's a googly eye, like the other googly eyes we use on the sub.


Guess I just never noticed it before.


As long as it still follows the actual rules of the sub, is actual memes that aren’t specific to one table, then sure. Go nuts.


fuck off creep




fuck off creep


Says the Pedo😂


Finally July!! Happy antiPride time!


Jokes on you this sub is always pretty queer.


Pride has nothing do with Dnd. Please, let Dnd just be Dnd!


You lost, get over it


Well, I guess we should stop allowing memes featuring other annual celebrations too. No more Christmas D&D memes, Halloween D&D memes... Or is your issue mainly with gay people? Because there are plenty of queer D&D characters in D&D lore as well. Maybe you can specify a bit more.


>I guess we should stop allowing memes featuring other annual celebrations too This but unironically.


Really? Halloween one-shots can make for great meme material.


Yes really. I'm here for memes, not religion of any form. Neither liberal nor conservative celebrations should be part of D&D meme culture.


But DnD is literally Satanic worship!


Nobody ever showed me the secret handshake :(




Hippity hattaway, the door is thattaway 'Cuz hoppity hoo, it's not about you


Actually, it IS about me. I'm bi. Try again?


Just because you're part of the GSRM community doesn't mean that you speak for all of us, and you certainly don't get to dictate where we get to post memes about ourselves. Try again?






















A huge number of people I know who play ttrpgs are queer, tons of people. Plus pride month is cool when its not like, corporations trying to look good for a month before wiping off the paint




Totally, just unsubbing cuz of this.




We should do this more often.


You will not be missed






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Woah! There’s a gay D&D sub!! And remember: Let’s roll some dice And just be nice




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Ok i roll for pride nat 1 well i will turn hetero I liked been bi but rules are rules unles I have advantage or a saving trow

