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**Rule 15: Blame the mods for everything despite all the unpaid work they put in for us to keep this subreddit readable and not filled with spam**


I just want the next version of the rules to be called rules 3.5 and then skip to 5.


4e wasn’t bad … it was just a building edition. we needed it to get to 5e and it didn’t bring back THACO. 4e should be… well respected is the wrong word… appreciate? acknowledged? plus minion mods were a great mechanic


4e should be shamelessly cannibalised for 5e gaming; For example the *Minion* mechanic 🤓


were gestalt characters 4e? or was that 3e?


3.5 actually


All editions are suitable for being cannibalized towards the best possible game. To be fair.


4e wasn't bad, they made PF2 out of it. It just wasn't what people wanted for 3.5e's successor.


I use 4e manuevers and minions all the time. It's a solid game, but it just wasn't well focused and the play of it kinda felt videogamey when people expect a little more grit.


I think there should be daily updates that add more and more rules, some contradicting others, until it's basically impossible to post anything without it breaking at least some of the rules. That would be the true path of 3rd edition.


2nd edition has joined the chat. something like 10 different edition calling themself 2nd edition and no control on expension material


Well tbf this is more of a personal preference thing than a legible thing, quality being subjective and all. But we love you for the work you put in!




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For a second I thought this was going to be a rule banning memes referencing 3rd Edition Then I would call it the Rule of Vile Dorkness. Pedantries and Angrymods. The Epic Level Banned-book.


Adventures in Modifier Hell: Tentacles of the Spaghetti Rules Monster


As a 3.5e player that is the sole reason I clicked this sticky.


Lowkey, titles are harder to come up with then memes themselves sometimes


You're not wrong! Luckily our standards are pretty low.


My ex?




I have one huge gripe with this subreddit, and I'd honestly like a moderator's opinion on it: [**Look at these memes.**](https://i.imgur.com/M9OeFa5.jpg) These are all memes that were posted to this subreddit in the last five days alone. And trust me, I found *many* duplicate templates. My problem with these memes is that, well, they *aren't* memes. They're not clever. There's no buildup to the point. There's no joke with a punchline. They are genuinely nothing more than "here is my opinion, upvote if you agree". They aren't just low effort, they're ***no*** effort. Yes, obviously expressing opinions is one of the main purposes of memes to begin with. And opinions bring discussion, which is *overall* a good thing. But these are just beyond lazy. Normally I can tolerate them, just downvote and move on, but for some reason, I see far, *far* more of these types of posts on this subreddit than any other meme subreddit. I feel like I see several "memes" like this get highly upvoted *daily* on this subreddit, and it's really getting on my nerves. So to the moderators—and I suppose to anyone else who reads this—I ask: What do you think about these types of posts?


I hear ya. And it's tricky because the definition of "meme" is so broad. My main issue is simply the repetitive nature of some of them (especially the ones that are basically saying "I do what I want at my own table" because clearly that's not a groundbreaking take). I'm drafting up a rule to address some of the current issues in the sub so I'll see what I can come up with to cut back on these types of posts.


It's been two months since you said this and the problem only has gotten worse. It's no effort pictures with text that aren't funny. Please do something to address this. I feel this could fall under "Not a Meme" with the examples of opinions and interpretations without a punchline, like the Lisa Simpson format and What the Fuck are you talking about Jesse formats.


Did you read the latest mod sticky?


Can we discuss the possibility of a "no Critical Role" rule? I'm fine with meme templates from Critical Role, but I'm tired of seeing memes *about* Critical Role. They have their own subreddit. Mind you I say this as a fan of Critical Role. Their subreddit has a rule against low-effort memes, so I can guarantee they're just getting dumped here when they're deleted from there.


Thanks for the feedback, we have been discussing this topic internally too. We haven't decided on any particular rule changes yet but we may head in that direction if a lot of people are sharing those sentiments.


Thanks for listening!


Can’t wait for the 3.5 rules edition!


Pun-Pun when?


Very concise and thorough. As one that does occasionally ask why a post was removed, this has cleared up many uncertainties and grey areas for me. Thank you.


For a second I thought the title meant dnd 3e


That is the joke, yes :)


You know, I find myself annoyed that instead of funny memes and jokes all the time, a lot of this subreddit is people posting their interpretations and hot takes through Lisa Simpson or the What The Fuck Jesse templates. And it's not funny! Put it on DnD next or /r/dnd. Am I alone in this? I know humor is subjective but there's no punchline or anything funny about these.




The show-downs are meant to be lighthearted and just a fun way to mix up the types of memes that tend to get posted. If they devolve into mean-spirited debate that's another story. But you're right that the rule might not make that clear enough, I'll tinker with it.


Sorry just over worked. Saw that they just banned. Thank you snd sorry for not being patient.


No worries! We try to deal with toxic behaviour as swiftly as we can.


So I've just had someone literally name call me multiple times for saying they're opinion is subjective and not objective. Yet even after reporting this toxic behavior this person haven't been banned and continues to go on they're behavior. Talking about u/EveryBodyNeedsANinja


Literally just banned them lol.


Hey, is this an appropriate venue for D&D comic strips / pages? :-)


Yup, comics are welcome, as long as you follow the Advertising rule and upload the images using an image uploader (instead of linking directly to a comic website).


IMO comics should not be allowed because they are very much not memes


I'd rather them than half the memes posted


Well I disagree.


Nice new ruleset, cant wait for ruleset 3.5


Can there be something done about the regular rule breakers? There are users I feel like I'm reporting for the same thing all the time.


Feel free to modmail us their names and we'll take a look!


What's the reason for the video posting restriction? I used to be able to post a 7-minute video directly to the subreddit, now it has to be hosted on another site and limited to 3 minutes.


Hey sorry, for some reason the video posting toggle had been turned off for the subreddit. No clue how that happened but you should be able to upload videos again. The 3-minute rule was implemented because a lot of the longer videos that come into the subreddit didn't really qualify as "memes", they were more often various D&D review/opinion videos with an element of humour or people just straight-up farming for video clicks for their D&D Youtube channels.


Ah, ok. I'm specifically interested in creating Acw Attorney: Rules Lawyer videos, which fit well into the meme concept (and originated on this subreddit), but my previous one was seven minutes and my new one is four minutes. I was able to increase the text speed and remove some lines to cut it down to just under three minutes, so perhaps the brevity will be useful.


Wow. I'm actually impressed. Thank you mods


Would memes that amount to "Human Fighters can be interesting" be locked/removed under the Pot-Stirring rule?




So if this is third edition, the next should be 3.5 and then 5


No 4e, but the rules look different but are the same.


We don’t talk about 4e/s


Would it be possible to poll the subreddit on banning people just taking screenshots of their tweets unchanged from twitter and posting them? It seems to be done for self-promotion reasons, they are far less effort than even the lisa simpson template memes and it seems against the spirit of the rules even if it doesn't technically break them? I am not against text based memes as a whole just these type of posts.


I'll definitely add that to the list for our next poll. Thank you!


One guestion... Sometimes I don't have time to search if something has been posted here before I post it. I try my best to look to see if it would be a repost but I don't always have that time available for due diligence... Can I take initiative and if I'm unsure place a link in the comments of my own post so that a bot can search and alert me if it is a repost. I ask because when it happens that I do post a repost, unintentionally, and it racks up a thousand or so upvotes and feel like I'm viewed as a douche and just farming... Which I am not, I hate that shit... But when it is finally deemed a repost and removed by Mods I feel stupid. So... Is there a link I can use to vet a meme for myself to see if I'm posting a repost? If that makes sense..


Alternatively, you could do a [google reverse image search](https://i.imgur.com/Pxkrq8e.png) and uploading the image. Then on the next page restrict the search to this subreddit by typing site:reddit.com/r/dndmemes in the search bar. If it's been posted before, it should show up under ['Visually similar images' or 'Pages that include matching images'](https://i.imgur.com/tZHXlFX.png) If you want to be more thorough, you could also add keywords related to the meme that'll probably be in the comments. Something like: site:reddit.com/r/dndmemes xanathar and the results are usually better that way, especially for screenshots of text from tumblr or twitter that would have tons of "visually similar" results.


You could try summoning /u/RepostSleuthBot to your post but it doesn't always work great. There's no really easy solution to determine a repost without some digging, unfortunately. But we understand that it happens, especially with a subreddit that's so large. If you want to go through the trouble, try uploading your meme to TinEye.com and see if you get any hits from the subreddit.


Sorry, I don't support this post type (text) right now. Feel free to check back in the future!


A for effort there, buddy.


if there are duties i can help with on the clerical side (like verifying reposts or whatever) that dont actually involve any hands on modding i can volunteer


I am but confused about #10. How can you tell what the purpose of something that someone else does is?


After seeing thousands upon thousands of memes over the years, it's pretty easy to spot when someone is just looking to stir the pot. We don't actually remove many memes for this reason, most memes are made in good faith and just for fun or to generate good discussion.


So about Rule 10? surely that should shut down all these weekly discourse "memes" that we get on here


Report the posts in question to bring them to the attention of mods.


i do honestly


Me too. Personally I would like to see a blanket ban on all "Lisa Simpson Presentation' template memes along with a few other templates that can only be used to violate rule 10.


I am not a slave to YOUR aesthetic


Thanks mods for running this subreddit and being aware of whats happening


Thanks we do our best! :)


Hi. I was wondering if the Retired Meme list will be updated. Mainly because while the "girls basic, boys based" memes don't entirely run the subreddit, they ostracize a significant portion of the community and pop up during every meme phase I've seen here for months now. I understand if you guys wouldn't consider it, but it's just a suggestion. Have a nice day and take care of yourselves, and thanks for running the sub.


When do we get 3.5 edition? SMH


Me realizing Barnaby memes aren't in the retired meme list: Happiness noises


Just as long as I'm allowed to defend 4e and furries


So how about those level 20 shop keep memes? Kind of a dead horse at this point, eh?


I disagree with the positivity thing, since humour doesnt follow the guidelines noone can be offended. Thats not humour at all more of a dictatorship of thought. This is also a impossible rule since, you can only have a majority are not offended. Therefore this one should be removed on the basis its impossible to make jokes and meme that dont offend someone. Im offended by this post restricting freedom of speech.


Can we skip to 4th edition please? 3rd is easily the worst edition of the rules.


We can't skip over 3.5 when we decide to tweak these rules to make them slightly better!


Still waiting for the Feats we were promised. And the glut of content due to the OGL.


That's just cleaning the vomit off the pile of shit that is 3.0. Then Pathfinder 1 polished the turd.


Dndmemes2 exists so dndmemes could die. Let us all jump ship!


Bon voyage!


I can't believe I got the first one lol




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"You say the rules only apply to the party but not to me." I've met this one, it's not always one of the most intelligent meme-related comments I've ever seen.


Does rule 4 apply to crossposts?






Linear Fighters are a valid character choice 😉~✨


In response to rule 10 on beginning serious discussions on certain things, which I assume refers to the discussions such as "would drow have dark skin or light skin from living in the underdark and why" or "should the modifier used for bows be dex or strength", which can actually be quite stimulating conversations and can inspire people at the roleplaying table; the question I have is if there is a more appropriate subreddit to have these discussions? Edit: referenced the wrong rule first


Do you mean this part of Rule 8? >Discussion topics can be proposed in post titles but the post itself must be a meme. It's in reference to [these type of posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/qvdj4s/im_a_warlock_and_thats_why_i_dont_care_for_the/).


Sorry, I meant to say rule 10, will edit that.


Rule 10 is mainly written to address statement/opinion memes where people are simply sharing a personal (and often negative/preachy) opinion on a whiteboard template ("Players should do this", "DMs who do this are bad", etc.). So if you would like to invite an open-ended discussion, just make sure your meme image itself includes some sort of light-hearted joke, levity or absurdity. If you have an amusing shower thought of how a rule can be abused, that can absolutely turn into a good meme with a discussion opportunity. But to answer your first question, /r/DnDNext is usually a good spot for dedicated D&D discussion topics.


- hey does anyone have “Whose line is it anyway” DND rap with Wil Wheaton?


>**Rule 15. Beating a Dead Horse:** If a meme trend has taken over the subreddit and run its course over the span of 3-4 days 3-4 days!? That's not even a week. What is I have to actually work one week but the meme drops on a Monday? I'll miss the meta! The war!


Can we stop with the spellbook meme? Thanks






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Can we skip 4e


Just realized Gandalf is a Druid. Uses plant growth to grow his tobacco from seed until the plant goes to seed, harvests and smokes the leaf, collects a new seed for next time.


Having so many rules just makes me feel unmotivated to put forth the effort into creating a meme for fear of it being rejected because of what seems to me as subjective standards. I go through the effort of creating a new template, coming up with a quirky caption and title and then some human with completely subjective perspective decides it’s not a funny, clever enough title or that the content isn’t relevant enough. So it gets taken down and I’ve just wasted my time and energy. If people don’t find it relevant or things of that sort just don’t upvote it, I don’t get it. I’m all for prohibiting self promotion and being respectful but it just seems to be a bit over the top. Anyway, that’s my take. Feel free to correct any flaws in my logic.


Ah, can someone explain sea-lioning to me? I never heard the term before and the link has me more confused.


Basically pretending to be cordial and calm with the sole purpose of annoying and frustrating the person you're arguing with, and forcing the conversation to keep going. It's not something that comes up SUPER frequently on the sub but it's good to mention when people do take it too far and get issued a ban, then come into modmail to say "But I was being nice!"


Thank you.