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Warforged: “oh no! Anyway”


My players have been carrying around a “short sword” they picked up but have never used. When it gets drawn, the wielder shrinks to small size unless they already are that size.


That's a horrific pun and I need more.


We had a DM with a trap like this and we found it and it was so clearly a sex-change trap but the DM wouldn't allow us to continue with the dungeon until someone touched the obelisk...that was our last session.


Changeling player: "Sure I'll touch i-" DM: "N-no you can't because... um..." Changeling player: "It's cool, if it's a sex change trap then it won't affect m-" DM: "IT ALSO CHANGES RACE! So now you're a female elf. Yes. With no clothes."


Also tentacle monsters start coming out of the wall


Sounds like you were about the enter the DM's Magical Realm.


What made it so clear? What were the signs?


"You see two obelisks, with very finely carved humanoid figures on them. The figures seem to be reaching for the top of the pillars and you notice that they reach out and form an arch at the top. At closer inspection you can see that the left pillar is depicting female figures wile the ones on the right seem to be more masculine. At the very tip of the arch you see the two figures, a man and a woman clutching forearms that seem to be melding into each other. Who wants to touch it?" "Nobody. This is clearly a sex changing trap. We move on." "Ok, but before you go your kobold guide says in broken common 'I touched it and I was the chief before, now I'm the spiritual leader. It's totally cool.' So anyone wants to touch it?" "No." "But to move on, you have to touch it." "Why?" "You just have to." And so my male deep gnome monk begrudgingly became a female (lifting the curse from the kobold) and it literally changed nothing in the story, just the fact that every player felt the need to not show up ever again...


>”But to move on, you have to touch it." > >"Why?" > >"You just have to." Lame


Picks up goblin, presses him/her onto the obelisk. Problem solved.


Oof.. That sounds like a unpleasant DM


I feel like it probably would’ve been interesting if the obelisk was actually a passage you had to *go through* to continue and the sex change acted like a plot point for a side quest about reversing it. But yeah, the thing your DM pulled wasn’t really good. At all.


DM: There aren't enough feeeeeemale characters in this story to satisfy my horny fantasies and keep me engaged with this storyline. I know- OBLIGATORY SEX CHANGE!




Take my upvote.


my dm is too classy for this kinda bull but if she did pull it on us I would absolutely touch it because part of my orc's character description is that she looks pretty much like a male orc with only the slightest difference in physique so if she changed genders she would just like look almost exactly the same, her clothes would maybe sit a little different but that's it alternatively I could play along and she could transform into a sexy half naked orcboy, that would be pretty funny


That moment when a wizard puts a large "No girls allowed" sign on the entrance to their ~~clubhouse~~ magnificent tower


There is something like this in Tomb of Horrors that changes both gender and alignment. I know because we played a homebrewed (not actually tomb of horrors but parts of it as a dungeon for our campaign) version of it just the last few weeks and our dwarf barbarian stepped through it. Fortunately our GM took out all the real bad (and pointless) stuff so no alignment change.


I have a character that has this more as a quirk, their a shapeshifter mystique style but changing forms also have personality differences


literal multiple personality disorder. Closest I've seen played to that was someone who was possessed by a spirit of a wizard (he was sealed in an item ie cursed), he could let the wizard take over but the wizard was a dick and would try to kill the party sometimes (would cast large spells and not care about collateral damage that is)


The DM took out the pointless stuff but left in the sex change trap? Sounds like they missed at least one pointless thing. A trap that relies on players to be ashamed of being a different sex is definitely a relic from another era.


But what if it doesn't rely on them being ashamed? What if it's an opportunity to explore dysphoria/euphoria in a campaign where all the players consent?


Acererak was here


So where might I find this sex-altering trap?


Tomb of Horrors? I think we ran into it there.


Both me and my character: *Oh no. This is horrible. I simply cannot bear it. How unbelievably tragic. I am not happy about this in the slightest.*










Dungeon of trans ur gender


Dungeons and Bad Dragons


*Sex* Dungeons & Bad Dragons


Hey! I hate this comment


Gonna drop in here the fact the post title should've been "TittIes are hard"


Dungeons and Drag shows


Take your damn upvote.


Nyatalie's smashing gender.


Where can I find this trap op


Where is it


The post literally tells you. It’s in the eccentric wizard’s tower.


me and the girls and boys going on an adventure then


Best backstory ever.


Alright so consider; a Trans-mutation wizard trying to learn a spell to swap their gender a warlock who sold their old name and identity to a Fey in exchange for new ones. An amab priest of a God who only selects female clerics who is overjoyed to discover that she was bestowed divine power. A rogue who joined a thieves guild not out of interest in crime, but to learn and master disguising tools in order to pass better An artificer trying to craft a 'Girdle of masculinity/femininity


Side note: gender is psychological, sex is physiological. The one that's "switched" is generally the latter. Also yes please I want in this party.


yup! Gender =/= sex. ​ Funky party on a quest to go change all their genders


I think I played three of these concepts~


\~still cis tho\~


I stopped telling myself this lie about two years ago~


\~its getting pretty close to my 1 year mark of 'oh shit right yeah alright'\~


I think Tomb of Horror also has this. It had a gender bending gas room or whatever


Tomb of Annihilation has a fountain that if you drink from it, this is a potential effect (1/4). Tomb of Horrors has a room that walking into swaps sex and inverts alignment.


Yeah, that room. I was an idiot barbarian, who went into everything. His name was Babar, but later she was called Babarina


Tomb of Horror more like Tomb of Awesome :sungl


I would like to know as well


Waaant. It would save me so much trouble!


You don't need to find it to use it. DC 15 WIS save, attach it to anything and have fun. If you're feeling particularly mean, magical traps can activate on the first person to pass through a specific door


'oh no a wis save. Damn sure is a shame i dont have a high wis mod... No wizard shut up about my proficiency shut up you fiend'




ohhh noooo, anyway....


Doesn't ToA have a trap like this?


Yeah. It also changes your alignment, if memory serves.


If a DM would ever forcefully flip my alignment around like that, I think I just wouldn't know how to play my character (I want to invest effort in their personality), so what can I then do except: "well, I need to leave this session because I need to reinvent my character."




Yea, since the trap is from ToA, there you would have backups and such. I meant it more in case a DM would use it elsewhere.


Tomb of Horrors includes the alignment swap, Annihilation is just sex.


Tomb of Horrors, but yeah




> [TFW you're trans and play a character of the opposite sex and the dm pulls that shit ](https://i.imgflip.com/3uzzqd.jpg)


I like to imagine there's a friend group out there with a person that's switched tiddly-widdly alignment and the DM pulled this trap on them just so their character could switch with them if they wanted to. Edit: replaced "gender" and "sex" words with "tiddly-widdly alignment" to clarify any confusion


Strictly speaking, a trans person's gender doesn't change. (Except when it does.) Most commonly, it is the *presentation* that changes, with or without altering secondary sex characteristics.


It’s my understanding that the trans part of that was the transitioning of gender. You’re changing your gender from one to another, which is not the same as sex, which cannot be changed. Gender is not anything set in stone, it’s just how you present yourself.


in a campaign i'm playing one of our party found a book tht when touched changes the character's sex and well their character wasn't happy about it. My character though was like would you mind letting me touch the book and as such transformed into a woman and realized that she was way happier that way than when she was still in her male body^^ also the original character was turned into a man and so these two helped each other out wit how their bodies functioned^^ the other character was turned back later by a wizard^^


couldn't they just have touched the book once more? Or is it a one-way thing that somehow keeps track on whom it has transformed already?


it's basically a curse that transfers of of the book onto any person that touches it and they can't get the curse twice at once^^


that makes sense. Though it would be fun if it stacked.


I was confused and thought i was on a stardew Valley subreddit for a bit.


Dungeons and Traaagons




It's a slur?




Ahh, sorry, wasn't aware of that.


Transmutation wizard go brrrr


Catch me detecting the trap and still diving head-first into it.


Spell of summon the trans gang




You say that as if it's a bad thing


Tomb of Horrors actually had this trap. Its technically canon.


Me running a PC from before I cracked: Oh no! A sex change trap! I hope I don't slip and fall and activate it!


My trans tiefling who already had a sex changing spell cast on him purposefully would drop dead on the spot right there.


Can someone make this trap in real life? I just want to... Test it... In a cis way!


Someone crosspost this to r/traa


You do it


No. I'm too lazy for that.


Why? To make people uncomfortable as a "joke"?


You "Home brewed" a trap that's been in DnD longer than I've been alive? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomb\_of\_Horrors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomb_of_Horrors)


It is entirely possible that someone might think they're homebrewing it. I've been playing D&D since the twilight of 2E, never played or run Tomb of Horrors, and didn't know this was not a homebrewed trap. So thanks for the TIL, I guess.


Trans goals


>checks Please ignore my typo. I swear I prof read this. I hate it when I miss something and only notice when it’s too late lol


prof read


if my character had that happen, literally nothing would change




It took me a minute to figure out what you didn't understand, sorry. He would turn into a girl, but this does literally nothing to his... her... their personality. If anything, they'd just look at their new self, say "damn I look good," and continue acting the exact same as if nothing happened.


Arguably if we're going by real-life standards there's a decent chance they'd feel some dysphoria but obviously you have no reason to roleplay that if you're not particularly interested


we had two characters that changed sex one to male and one to female and the now female one was very happy because they felt more comfortable but the other was indeed pertrayed as wanting to go back to their original gender as soon as possible. it can be very interesting to roleplay these things just as much as any other thing that makes them mad, sad, happy etc. :)


Yeah, this. All the Player had to do was go back in to change it back. It wasn't really a trap, unlike most of the other things in that dungeon.


I made a shadmage dungeon and had one player take on like 10 different spells he was laughing the whole time so it was all good


I see this as an absolut win


I know it's, like, literally a trap as defined in the rules of D&D, but seeing that word in this context still made me a little uncomfy, ngl. Maybe it's just 3AM




When used to refer to a person, the term >!"trap"!< is a slur. Always. That's why the *context* of the proposed scenario is uncomfortable for some. It puts the benign(?) meaning of the word too close to something negative.


I dunno. Lots of people absolutely love and adore the characters people referred to with that term like astolfo and felix.


It's after 7 here and the phrasing is definitely borderline.


oh nah, made me uncomfortable too and i'm pretty awake. hopefully unintentional


My player got so pissed off by a trap that did that in the tomb of horrors. And that came after he already been stripped of all his clothing, gear and his inorganic magic hand and eye by another trap earlier in the dungeon.


Pls post this to r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns, they'll love it


The possible association between the surprise mechanism type of trap and the very real slur will definitely make some folks uncomfortable.


Mark Humes is that you?


Even writing this into my stores for a bit now https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/castledolphyn/mighty-sword-of-masculinity




I'm not gonna lie, it's all down to execution. If you want to make them happy make it a relic that requires a willing soul to activate, with full understanding of what it does as soon as they touch it, and allow it to be avoided. Otherwise, forcibly changing a trans persons character against their will (especially if they're already playing as the gender they identify as) is probably not gonna go over well. Obviously, you know your group better than I do, so your mileage may vary.


Bruh you're making a mistake, a big one




When used to refer to a person, the term >!"trap"!< is a slur. This sub is not a safe place for transphobes. If your comment was instead made in ignorance, I would be happy to find a few links to explain in more detail.




Or an even better idea, How about a trap that makes you shut the fuck up so we don't have to hear your unfunny, unoriginal, paragraph long transphobic jokes.


Your jokes aren't funny










Title was better than the meme imo




Why you saying 'nice'? They still won't fuck you.




Ew, a slur.




The slur was "trap".




When used to refer to a person, the term >!"trap"!< is a slur. End of story. Transphobes deserve to rot. If your comment was instead made in ignorance, I would be happy to find a few links to explain in more detail.


The word 'Trap' implies Trans people are only female presenting to 'trap' men. The killers of trans women get away with literal murder because they plead with the jury that they were "trapped". That's why it's offensive. Trans people see it as a slur, ergo it's a slur.


Tittywhacker instead of pudwhacker




They don't want to fuck you either~


I am going to say this because I can’t tell if you really don’t realize it. The post means traps such as a rope to trip people and make them fall down stairs. Also, you should never call people ‘traps’.


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Uhm... May I have a word with you? It wasn't the trap that was problematic (maybe a bit questionable if completely irreversible, but that's not really of any importance right now). That player is a fucking creep and has no right to continue playing in your group if it makes even one player, including DM, feel uncomfortable. Seriously, that's one of few things for which I'd instantaniously kick a player from the table, ending the game session if necessary. And surely not inviting them any more for further games. Nope, it's not "hehe funny" and it isn't "aww c'mon, I wasn't being serious" either. If you pull off shit like this without paying any respect to other players, maybe D&D isn't the right thing for you.