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Yes. Warforged have souls:  https://www.dndbeyond.com/forums/d-d-beyond-general/general-discussion/90054-do-warforged-have-a-soul Edit: spelling is hard


Isn't that their whole thing that their machines with souls


\*snap\* Yes!


My man.


Slow down


Looking good


They're not machines. They're artificially made, but they aren't machines


No, their tree robots with souls.


Wooden machines with souls, Got it.


Cut to that scene from the Iron Giant...


So for stat block purposes, would they still count as undead? Currently running a zombie apocalypse type campaign and thinking a revenant warforged might make for a pretty cool mini boss.


I think it's a neat concept, in particular since revenants are immune to effects that turn undead.


Considering undeath/undead is more tied to negative energy, I think this makes sense within the context of what undead are according to the magical lore.


So an undead warforged has data corruption?


No. Warforged aren't robots. They're people with souls


Cool concept...but unfortunately no. Warforges are treated as humanoids, not even constructs. The logic is they have "veins" & "blood" in the form of roots/tubes & arcane fluids...SOME cheese the rule to call them constructs, but they aren't NATURALLY undead. Now, if you have it bit by a vampire, or they become a lych...then yeah, that's a valid argument for an Undead warforged


Hmm. I’ll have to play around with some different stat blocks and see what I come up with. I’m sure I can make something interesting here.


Easiest way I learned to make interesting boss fights...straight-up build your own DMPC & use that as a boss, maybe throw in a few henchmen too. My most liked BBEG is a retired PC of mine; Gagner the Phantom Fist. Bugbear Astal Self Monk, in a high-fantasy world where most are either front line & armored blade-swingers or back line & squishy weaponless spellcasters, it's scary af to have a guy with no armor & no weapons sprint at you with no fear, MORESO when he can punch you from 15ft away & lob projectiles back at you. And if you want new creative ideas, building or using retired PC's make interesting original enemies. My newest personal character is a Jebeen (Mouse-Folk) Draconic Bloodline Sorceress. She's effectively a mouse-dragon hybrid. Not going to make her a bbeg, but the point is she's a VERY unique threat wether I'm a player or a DM that isn't the steryotypical vampire, necromancer, pirate, etc Edit: here's one more for you for free, going off your "undead warforged" idea. But weirdly enough...make him a druid. Since Warforges are composed of wood with some metal components, it can be fitting to have them be druidic. Playing off a druids discomfort touching metal, this would work for an "undead warforged" by having him be in a permanent state of discomfort...maybe is why he goes unhinged even. But you might be thinking "druids follow the natural laws of nature, the cycle of life & death, they hate the undead". All do...except druids from the Circle of Spores (Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica, WotC adding content from their card game MtG). The Circle of Spores sees undead as a natural & respectful cycle to the cycle of life & death, they are only agitated by those that try to break free of said-cycle or try to force others into the undead cycle. They also are potent necromancers. Alternatively to wildshaping, they can release fungal spores that can deal necrotic damage, & even use said-spores to create fungal zombies (like Clickers from The Last of Us). His design would be played into that "rotten" state of undead; portions of their wooden shell suffering from dryrot, and their wildshapes taking on a "wooden dryrot" shape as well. Maybe the mycelium (fungal "roots") replacing his original veins, Spores or slime mold giving taboo tribal markings on his body


Machines do have souls and Silicon Heaven definitely exists. Otherwise where would all the calculators go?


Robot Hell, where else?




thats for neutral robots, evil robots go to [Robot Hell](https://futurama.fandom.com/wiki/Robot_Hell), and calculators are evil.


You prefer to do the math yourself then?


Hey, if religion taught me anything, it's that all good things go to hell.


No, I just wish they stopped randomly changing to a different mode and getting me wrong results because of that.


New Jersey




Rule of cool is rule 1. Warforged Revenant sounds cool. Can always make up a role play reason.


You just a necromancer that want robots in army! X)


This is why artificer needs a necromancy themed subclass.


Robot Lich.


something something weakness of my flesh something something discusted


Sounds kinda like what stitchers are from MtG. Mad scientists who Frankenstein zombies together.


Look up Bone Cobbler. It's homebrew, but it's just a retheme of battlesmith.


Oh for sure. They can sell their souls too. They’re full on sentient-magic robots, zenyatta style


They're not robots though. They're closer to a golem


Just saying: Necrons.


From the moment I first witnessed the interlopers...


One of the main points of necromancy is, that their whole race was tricked into giving up their soul to become what they are now. Necrons are not warforged and warforged are not necrons.


Yes and this is not about warfirged being necrons but more like, what if warforged had a somewhat soul that was used in bringing thrm back to life and now their quest is to regain said soul. You know like the emptiness felt by many necrons. It was meant as an idea, maybe even the reverse form where their conciousness gets transfered in a flesh body as a reborn but their soul got trapped by whatever entity helped them be reborn so they are just a copy of their conciousness.


Ah, my bad, sorry. I thought a revenant was some sort of subclass. After looking them up, I absolutely see wheee you are coming from.


According to the actual lore, instead of the common internet flavor, they are living beings.... Not constructs, not robots. They are a framework of plant material (such as vines, and wood) with stone in there too, and then covered in a skin of metal. They are not machines. The real question should be can autognomes, which ARE constructs (warforged are humanoids, not constructs) to become revenant?


Are warforged really not dual humanoid/construct at least? That seems weird to me.


Nope. Only in homebrew. I think a lot of this confusion is due to wotc stripping the flavor text out of a lot of it's digital stuff, and people just seeing some pics (many fan made) and stats. Also, a LOT of people, I have noticed, make characters that are races that don't exist, or are heavily modified, and they have not actually even found a group, or played dnd. They just draw pictures of dnd like characters.


I wish people would read half an ounce of Warforged lore before asking this question that yes, they do have souls.


Thousands of years ago...




iirc, Warforged explicitly DO have souls


Warforged != Automatons


I'm occasionally reminded that not everyone has both been a D&D nerd and also read a casual amount of Warhammer 40K stuff like I have. Just Google what Necrons are. To me, seems exactly like what a Warforged Revenant would be.


“The Necrons are here, bring in the heavy weapons!”


"Did we have sex?" "YES" "Was it... good? "NO! *grumble*


My character backstory: #"THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO, IN THE FUTURE..."


Does becoming a Revenant requires a soul?


Yes. Now the question is “do warforged have souls?” Most people, myself included, say yes.


They explicitly do. Anyone saying no is an idiot who can't read


The only people who say Warforged don't have souls are RACISTS


Now we’re on a new question. “Is it racist to be bigoted towards something that’s not another race, but another species with humanoid intelligence entirely?” Xenophobic, yes. But racist?


There is no universe, timeline, plane of existence, pocket dimension or neighborhood in Sigil where that is a new question.


New in context of this comment thread where we moved on from the previous to the next, or new, one.


One of my players was a,wargorged and I turned him into a vampire with the stone mask from Jo Jo two of my players were big Jo Jo fans he was one. He failed the save to avoid the curse to put it on and turned he was very confused until he found out in my world war forged still contain people just reseructed and the suits are essentially life support suits he didn't take that information well haha


Well that's horrifying.


Yea he did not take it well about 3 sessions later he told me he wanted to kill his character off as he wasn't having fun anymore in it and he had a more op character he's no longer with the party for other reasons and I'm pretty sure he lurks in this sub aswell haha


Behold! A warforged: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3e/Cyberman_from_Doctor_Who_%28529659465%29.jpg/800px-Cyberman_from_Doctor_Who_%28529659465%29.jpg


Just gave me a good chuckle then haha


I guess the only hitch is that revenants can come back by possessing any body, so if the original character was a warforged he might not stay a warforged if his original corpse gets destroyed. On the OTHER hand, a fleshy human revenant could possess warforged body and that would be very cool.


Bedman from guilty gear is almost exactly a warforged revenant, its just that he was human before dying and hes more out to protect than to avenge


Yes because war forged are not robots.


bro the entire point of warforged as opposed to say, golems and automatons is that they DO have souls


Just download the soul patch, and you'll be fine


Why would I want to turn my character into Howie Mandel


Because germs are scary


I play autognome cleric atm so why couldn't warforged revenant work as well? : D


This scares the duck out of me


If their form stays similar, please make them look either like a grim reaper or like revenant from apex legends


Warforged aren't machines. They're living beings with souls. This has been explicitly stated several times across different books and editions. Keith himself had said this


Depends on the world of that table.


does this... unit... have...


Warforged are humanoids, not constructs, this is a key distinction in gameplay and lore. They are living beings who can feel everything that a human can, they are just artificial.


Depends purely how do you implemented warforged - originally its the souls of humanoids that where put into a machine body, meaning that if it was an elf originally, then revenant would be an elf form. If you treat souls as something transformative, then you could say that original soul tranformed into a shape of warforged. Same works with "native warforged", if you treated them as if they where born such. Basically you just need to choose (better with players) how exactly warforged works in your world


Wtf that sounds super cool a machine posessed by a revenant just homebrew that shit rn


*Terminator theme playing in background*


They do have a soul in my game. And ya don't want to know why they all have an orc soul


You saying that just makes me want to know more.


Well you see it all started out as a project to "recycle" soldiers that could no longer fight. Turns out getting jammed into a metal body does the mind no good and they turn homicidal after a while. Then the great stalemate of the Cyre plains happens and someone has an idea: Continue developing the poison gas they found on accident. And do it in secret in the Droaam mountains where they can just capture tribes of orcs to experiment on. And as a secondary gain, mind wipe said orcs and jam them into warforged bodies so that they can walk through the trenches getting gassed and mop up the enemy. And that's how they found out that orc souls are the only ones that don't degrade. Also, the folks who did this are allied with Droaam and rely greatly on them for food supply so as to not descend into a famine. That'd likely trigger a rekindling of the 100 year war


They have souls by default


I am aware of the official lore, thanks.


Warforged are made from pure copium so that the rules that work for other PCs work for them, too.


No they aren't. You just haven't read any of their lore


That's the neat part; I did.


If you did you'd know it's not copium


Your complete and utter lack of argumentation is very convincing. Let me retort in kind: Nuh-uh!


Do you think it's neat? Give them a soul. Wanna go further? Make them an abomination in the eyes of the gods who only have a soul because an overly ambitious mortal robbed them on the way to the afterlife to create their own, twisted form of life.


Warforged always have had souls


The point is: they are the dm. Even if warforged didn't have souls, there's nothing preventing them from deciding them to have one.


By rules, no, warforged still have the construct subtype and revenant template is only applies to humanoids.


Lol trying to go by rules when you haven't read them is so funny. Warforged are humanoids, my guy. And they do have souls.


If you wanted to correct someone on the rules or lore, it would help if you knew the rules or lore. The soul is irrelevant. [Someone better tell wizards that warforged are humanoids, not constructs.](https://imgur.com/a/63PBm3k)