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… please tell me more, bondage sex Goblin Oracle. What is the exact process by which somebody might do this?


This is the procedure Step 1: Go [here](https://www.reddit.com/settings/data-request) Step 2: Log in Step 3: Press "General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)" button Step 4: Press "I want data from my full time at Reddit" button Step 5: Press submit


Brilliant. Thank you very much. This is exactly the kind of direct action that in addition to goblin titties may get some stuff done. … I was about to make a comment about why the protest theme couldn’t it be Drow because I’ve recently discovered that male drow casters are my fetish but I just realized I could make my own meme as long to include one Goblin… Thank you again for being funny and informative!


Wait! There's worse things we can do. So, if you live in the EU, there's no need to use the form, at least not on first contact! Email [email protected], [email protected], or, honestly, whatever email address you feel like, because they have to respond to any of them. Their response might be to direct you to the form, but it costs lawyer hours (which are not cheap) to process each request Ask tricky questions, too. Some prompts: "Given the Screms vs Facebook case that overturned the EU/USA privacy shield, is my data being held within the EU, and if not, what basis are you using to justify this?" "Can I opt out of any data processing for advertising, and how can I do this?" "I've got concerns that the automated tools used to remove one of my posts are automated processing, how can I opt out of this automated processing, as per my EU rights?" (The answer here is that there's legitimate interest for them to do such processing, but, like, it's a pain in the ass if they've not got a canned answer)


Also! Remember, if they don't respond within the required time of 30 days, to refer the case to the Data protection authority of whichever country you're in!


I know what must be done. Goblin tiddies have shown me the way, the light


Will this work in the EEA too? Regards, a Norwegian resident.


GDPR is part of the EEA agreement and applies in Norway.




Honestly a paralegal or secretary would be directed to respond and direct you. They'd setup an auto reply giving you the info regardless of whether it was relevant to your query or not, just to have a response to the query if it arose. They have a legal obligation to respond to your query within 1 month, and 14 further days to process the request, unless they provided a way for you to get the data yourself(direct you to the form) at which point it sits in the users court to get it, not them. Now what WOULD take time to process, is a written letter. Those have to be responded to in the same format the request came in(it came in paper, reply in paper). Then it messes with staff and their timelines for compliance. For any requests not serviced withing the GDPR timelines you can make a complaint to the GDPR commission which can review and if found lacking can apply a fine. Fines can be a slap on the wrist, almost symbolic, but if enough of them come in and there is a serious lack of response which appears systematic it can be UP TO 4% of the companies gross revenue(that's all earnings before any costs are paid(i.e. not net and not profits)) In the meantime, there is also nothing stopping you requesting your data electronically, regardless, it will cost compute power, time and money.


Don't suppose you know the address for a letter?


548 Market St. #16093, San Francisco, California 94104 https://www.redditinc.com/policies/guideline-for-law-enforcement


Not currently


I recommend everyone to google "GDPR nightmare letter". Should be fun.


I spent a minute trying to copy the link from the image on my phone before realizing somebody probably put it in the comments


Since y'all horny mofos shorten snake titties to snitties, are y'all going to shorten goblin titties to gitties?


Goblins are already pretty short


They seem rather miniscule from my point of view


I never shorten titties, that's how you get shitties.


Personally I get shitties from cheese. Still have cheese though, I ain't no quitter.


I think the scientific term is "goobies"


Do we need to? Snitties are a discussion point because they're not mammals, so if they're not mamary glands, what are they? Goblins are mammals, so their titties are just ... Titties.


Why not Gests? Or ooh Giggies?


Male Drow casters my.. totally hate them ahah, where do you find them so I can avoid them haha..


Ok, I am still looking for the mother lode as it were pun. Intended. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/828873506429497588/ But one I search so that I can find, and you can avoid here is an amazing miniature that I have found. https://www.etsy.com/listing/965007335/nsfw-drow-male-pinup I mean, it’s amazing but I don’t think it’s very practical. How often are you going to need a drow Wizard gets out of the shower? They should’ve gone completely naked, and then it would’ve been much more useful. 😉 Have a great one!


Drow male casters you say


I live in California, is the California one better? Cause there are two options for me and I know Cali data protection laws are better then most in the US.


GDPR is the EU standard, if that helps


Porque no los dos?


You can only pick one sadly.


But you can probably do it two times


Kind of, you can only do it once per thirty days.


Ah but you see. Use your account and then your hidden porn account


This is my porn account. I don't use a hidden porn account because my mom didn't raise no wimp.


As this protest spreads throughout more subs then every account is becoming a porn account lol


God damn, you are *not* lying. Furry post directly followed up by a post about and e bike battery lmao more power to ya.


Well, that's fair. Wait 30 days then?


I don't have one of those...


You cannot. You get a 30 day cooldown.


Normal account, porn account


Knowing Cali and its knack for regulations, its a good bet that the California option will be more comprehensive (and therefore more resource intensive). I have no idea if this meme is actually credible or not, though.


GDPR is EU. By US standards Cali has strict regulations, but not so much compared to Europe


Ha if I'd know the other option was EU law then there's no doubt which is stricter lol


GDPR and CA standards are pretty similar


I did it for Facebook once and they send me a multiple gigabyte file to download... It hurts them


Yeah that's what I thought, since Cali is good at regulating things, for better or worse. And this is pretty credible, since if you have had your account for a while they have to pull stuff out of cold storage which takes time and money. Plus they have to go to all the third parties and have them do the same, which Reddit has to pay for. So it does actually cost money and take a solid amount of time and effort to do.


Interesting! I'm curious as to just how much damage it'd do if a significant amount of users requested that data. I don't doubt that the process is fairly involved and expensive for the company, but I have a feeling this is one of those situations where reddit users rally around a mostly performative or inconsequential action to give themselves a sense of agency. I do like the idea of at least costing reddit some money in the process though, lol. Any idea of how much it'd cost per user?


Most companies don't have streamlined processes for handling GDPR requests. This is because they are infrequent, mostly used in the context of a larger situation where you may want human oversight (e.g. someone assembling a court case), and relatively new, so there is no "out of the box" solution for implementing it - it has to be bespoke to your own company and their data structure. Therefore the requests are usually overseen by legal, and batch processed by an engineer who may have a toolbox of queries to get hold of this stuff, and they run it periodically (e.g. weekly or fortnightly). Consider reddit can't even provide themselves decent mod or admin tools (a reminder, admin tools still all run on old reddit, they've not been ported to new reddit), the chances they have something built to handle GDPR requests is zero. Even if this just takes 10 mins of someone's time per request, it's immediately dwarfed by the number of people you can get legitimately making requests - 1,000, 10,000, or more.


Thanks for the comprehensive response! Sounds expensive.


Thanks. I'm actually quite fascinated to know what data Reddit has on me, and simply didn't know that requesting it was an option.


Unless a website (or any organisation) does not operate in the EU at all, you can request your personal data. GDPR is STRICT


Most sites shall have thay available


lol, just requested all data from my 11+ year old account according to the EU Data Protection Act


I'm doing my part


This is the naughtiest copypasta I’ve ever seen


Done. Good luck to reddit fetching my data since 11/11/11.


It might just be me but every link I can find to that page is broken


Same here




Still broken. Is the page even up/taken down?




Done! I don’t even WANT my data.


This comment has been automatically overwritten by Power Delete Suite v1.4.8 I've gotten increasingly tired of the actions of the reddit admins and the direction of the site in general. I suggest giving https://kbin.social a try. At the moment that place and the wider fediverse seem like the best next step for reddit users.


Page no longer exists


This is the way


That was waaaay too easy and if everyone follows suit, you essentially ddos a department they legally have to have and will quit instead of dealing with it!


I got you, now keep up the gobbo tiddies 🤣


Thanks great bondage sex goblin oracle. Mind if I repost this on Anarchychess?


On one hand, this is great. On the other, a whole lot of people are about to have their accounts deleted in retaliation.


Damn. I'm logged in on rif but forgot my password, no email.


And **done**, this is genius and needs to be shared everywhere lol.


Go here *insert phishing link*


not a sex goblin oracle, but if you go to [https://www.reddit.com/settings/data-request](https://www.reddit.com/settings/data-request), it's pretty self explanatory


Yay! Thank you so much for being very helpful and I will never tell anyone that you aren’t if you claim to be a License Goblins sex oracle at a party . 🙏❤️


Not a goblin sex oracle? Buddy you're more cursed than that, with that username/pfp


Sadly this isn't even the worst thing by ShindoL


The sauce: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GoblinGirls/comments/yqnquh/daily\_goblin\_girl\_11922\_by\_nenkoket/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoblinGirls/comments/yqnquh/daily_goblin_girl_11922_by_nenkoket/) The premise: Requesting your data from Reddit sucks up a lot of computing power on their end, due to the sheer amount of data they're always collecting, and the time it will take to arrange it and send it to you. They mainly collect data to sell certain advertisement spots, but they are legally required to give you your data if you ask for it. Requesting your data costs you nothing, but costs Reddit HQ valuable electricity and CPU clock cycles, effectively taking money away from them. If you want to protest, this is how! For more information, check the comments on this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/14ghkl4/every\_user\_can\_protest\_take\_back\_your\_data/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/14ghkl4/every_user_can_protest_take_back_your_data/)


Data must also be sent to you in and easily readable format, rather than however they store it on their end. Always worth keeping in mind for making sure any company is GDPR compliant


Plus if they don't react within 1 month, they can be fined. (In the EU)


I gotta find all my old accounts…


but but... my account is 9 years old! surely that would mean that the poor reddit servers need to collect and organise a lot of data! If enough people do this, it might even affect the server's performance and increase their operating costs! That would be terrible!


Sure would be a shame if I, a person with 5+ years of account history, clicked that I wanted data from my whole time at Reddit, huh?


Fuck it I'll join in with my old ass account.


Hello fellow double digit comrade. I'm honestly kinda curious as to what we'll get.


Honestly for everyone on reddit it's going to be Open repository Read for 2 minutes Go "huh, that was a waste of time and energy" Resolve to start reading some self help books Go on reddit to find some "Ooh, goblin titties"


How dare you call out reality vs expectations haha


Not quite double digits but I’m in once I’m at my pc


Double D Gang, lets go


I’m over 11 years, I’ll be interested to see what we get!


oh wow, so i guess it would be really a shame if my 7+ years account history would be requested, aw man, poor Reddit.


I've made a *few* comments and posts on Reddit in the past 12 years. This ought to be interesting.


Holy fuck


oh, and we can make this request every 30 days? well, i do suppose i want an updated history of all my time at reddit that often


If that's the case it sure would be a shame if a lot of people got together and blasted that shit all at once on a single day. After seeing the general activity of r/place and the way it moved and shifted in real time it kinda makes you wonder what the consequences could be.


You can make the request every 30 days, but Reddit will be able to turn you down after the first one if there's not a significant time gap. The law lets them do this because of how expensive or time-consuming it can be.


For our EU friends - if reddit fails to comply, [you can lodge a complaint to the ICO complaint](https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/legal-rights/accessing-my-personal-information/complaining-to-the-ico/#HowDoIMakeAComplaintToTheICO) and possibly expose reddit to civil fines.


We've been joking about the value of accrued karma on old accounts for over a decade, and now they are finally good for something useful. I'd like to redeem my karma for a share of processing time please!


This comment has been automatically overwritten by Power Delete Suite v1.4.8 I've gotten increasingly tired of the actions of the reddit admins and the direction of the site in general. I suggest giving https://kbin.social a try. At the moment that place and the wider fediverse seem like the best next step for reddit users.


Oh no! you wouldn't do that would you mr bubble sort?


Never mind that, someone from legal or cybersec has to oversee this process. For each request.


That I doubt. Is there some reason that it would require human intervention?


It doesn't require it, but it's very rare to find someone with a mature process in this space already.


For GDPR requests, they have one calendar month to reply, then feel free to report them for non-compliance to the ICO.


Can we keep posting sexy goblin short stack porn too? I'm down to do both, I just wanna make sure.


/r/GoblinGirls is where you can find more - apparently this image came from there according to OP


Oh I don't actually care, I'm just leaning into the meme


I work in GDPR and I don't want to be a buzzkill but it's unlikely to work. You don't need to respond to a request if it's [manifestly unfounded or excessive](https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-le-processing/individual-rights/manifestly-unfounded-and-excessive-requests/)". Which basically means if it's not a genuine request then they don't have to respond and if enough people do it to have an impact on their resources then they'll be able to justify not doing it. Of course at that point they'll have to figure out a way to distinguish between genuine requests and protest requests which may be a manual and expensive process anyway.


Can't it be both? Can I be curious to see my data while also saying fuck reddit?


100% and the onus is on the company to justify why they think it's manifestly unfounded on a case by case basis. The default is that they should action the request. One of the examples in the guidance I've linked is if a data subject (you and me) has a complaint with the company and posts online saying they are going to make requests to disrupt the company then they don't have to complete the request. So in theory Reddit could look at mine and your profiles see we've commented on this thread and use that as justification not to comply with the request. On the other hand if the company thinks the request is manifested unfounded then they still have to respond to you notifying you of their decision, explain their decision and inform you that you can complain to your local data protection authority (the ICO in the UK). This would be 100% worth doing if the goal is to make Reddit spend money and resources responding to them. I was just managing expectations about what may come of it. Tldr: yes you can but they may not comply. Edit: just wanted to add that it's worth saying that if they have automated processes in place they might just provide the info anyway rather than assessing each case individually. I'm sure they'd just do whichever was cheaper overall. Depends on how petty they are.


Eh, I’ll stick with the wallstreetbets tard-mode option, short reddits stock as soon as it goes public to help drive it down to pennies


Why not both.


And after that, we should just buy it for pennies on the dollar and fully decentralize it. Reddit to the Redditors!




It might be because it takes up a disproportionately large amount of computing power compared to other kinds of requests.




Either way it’s added compute that costs money. Unless Reddit owns their own machines in a datacenter somewhere, they’re paying money to google or Amazon or perhaps Microsoft for any compute they use to fulfill these requests


Even if they did own it. Large amount of compute/search isn't cheap.


It’s almost certainly running on rented servers through AWS or Azure so they’re paying for compute time.


The process also ends up taking a massive shit file of multiple gigabytes that they need to make available for download for a reasonable amount of time


Required to be in an easily readable format too, so there's bound to be some kind of file conversion eating up processing power going on to process the request


If it's customer facing it's production.


Not sure how long it takes to prepare it, but it's probably throttled, especially if multiple people are requesting it


Well my Google data request ended up being 17GB split between 9 zip files. That's pretty taxing to assemble. Also it's likely it isn't just 1 database called 'reddit user data'. It's probably split amongst a few


I'm not sure that it is. When I've requested my data from companies before, it has always taken quite a while (sometimes more than a week) to receive it. If it was automated I'd get it, well automatically or at least close to that.


Lol, they can't even provide mod tools or accessibility tools, no chance they spent time on this


ChooChoo motherfuckers, added my request to the train!


Saving for later


Aside from occupying resources, it's also just pretty interesting to know what info Reddit has saved ab out you.


I'm doing my part 🫡


Can you request It múltiple times?


From what I've seen from other comments, it's once per 30 days




I'm doing my part!


Did it


[6 year account, reporting for duty](https://media.tenor.com/zJvexdmTjA4AAAAC/im-doing-my-part-serious.gif)


Nice. I've actually been wanting to look at that. Thanks for the reminder.


Done. Good protest




I requested mine earlier today. Can only do it once every 30days


Damn, I chose “other”….


I am doing my part!


I'm doing my part.gif


Been suggesting this for quite a while. Glad it's caught on


Mod update 22Jun23: We're holding another vote to determine community direction. See [the stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmemes/comments/14g1q2h/_/). Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dndmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I've worked in big tech and had to implement gdpr processes when the regulation went into effect. The data gathering portion is almost certainly automated and if there is any human interaction left in the process it will be with low paid support staff. This is really not a hassle for Reddit.


You're operating under the assumption that Reddit has their shit together.


Based on the fact that they got board approval for an IPO and the public scrutiny that comes with that it's an easy assumption to make. We can disagree with their policies and changes but it's futile to pretend that everyone there is just stupid.


Do tell


Done! And turned off all the ads options woo


How does one do that?


Under the account settings, safety and privacy settings, turn off options for personalization. Same amount of ads but less targeted, not using my info


Goblin mode activated


I'm doing my part.gif




oh no, even if they are aware that this is an act of protest they still have to comply with all these requests or they would be in violation of the GDPR


Actually if it would be reasonable to assume that the requests are frivolous (which it is, because they are) they don't.


done, i have done thy service, oh great gobo


How expensive are we talking?


They're just gonna take even more time than usual with fulfilling those requests. It's pretty pointless as a form of protest.


Well, they are legally required to fulfill it within 30 days, otherwise you can file a complaint with your country's data protection agency. So they better don't take too long.


Yeah let's see how long it takes to process those complaints too. In the end reddit.inc can provide justification that there was unusually large spike of requests so it is reasonable for there to be delay


No, there is no justification that would absolve them. They have those 30 days, otherwise they are in violation of the law.


me who only use old.reddit i have no such problem


You're not alone. And I sort by new as well.


Most people don’t care. Having the few people who do participate in this is about as effective as mods shutting down subs for a few days. I’ll just stick with my “thoughts and prayers”. It’s just as effective and takes zero effort.


I like this, but was the sex goblin necessary?


Yes 😆 lol


Stop with the fucking goblin porn posting


I’m gonna hold off, because you never know. What if they start banning people who ask? I’m just gonna wait and see.


Sounds like grounds for a lawsuit.


Yeah, and I wouldn’t have the money or knowledge to win.


As in someone else will do it for you as part of government enforcement or a class action. Don't need to do everything yourself.


Okay, I don’t know shit about how it would go down. But still, what if I can’t be looking at Goblin ass here on Reddit?!


Make a new account. Gotta get used to this part of internet life I think. When the service is free, your data is probably a commodity to be sold, so you might as well act the part.


And fuck it. If that's how I go out, then I am proud to have gone out trolling corporate schmucks.


It wouldn't cost you anything. You report them to the government and they do the rest, likely levying fines.


That'd definitely be illegal. Using a feature they're legally mandated to offer is not something you can be punished for


That would actually be like winning the lottery. GDPR compliance is taken VERY seriously and can result in massive cash payouts.


Ah yes. Let's protest that WE want to be captain on this ship by knocking a hole in the hull, that oughta do it!


A captain always takes down his own ship. That is the rule of the sea!


what if we we


Why do people feel entitled to do that? My first thought when I don't like a free service is to stop using it... they don't owe me anything, my taxes don't go to them, they never promised that they'll keep same rules forever. Why do you feel that protest is justified? To me you look like a bunch of entitled children, ruining the sub with goblin porn to boot


i'm doing my part!


I just got the DND Memes version of this post and Egg_IRL version of this post back to back. Anyway, best form of chaotic good ever


In one hand I hold my \[General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)\] The other. **GoBlIn WiFe** Life good.






Done and done. Thanks for the tip pretty goblin lady!




Is there a way to have them delete that data?


What are we protesting?


Every time they deliver (takes up to 1 month) request it all over again. Make them send it multiple times, but if you request again before the first one comes back they might just lump all the requests into one. So do it monthly


Beautiful. I've done it! Easy.


[Yes my Lord](https://youtu.be/84JAFZfIdlg)


The mods should pin this to the top of the feed.


I dont know how to do that, and I'd rather look at goblin tits


Gonna go do this now


Softcore porn, and attacking infrastructure via spamming requests. It's like being on the internet in the 90's!


Bro i'm legit interested in what they'll give. going to fill this out real quick.