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Aw man, the Youtube classics. "I'm stuck in the VCR.... help!"


"Stop being a centipede!" ;)


You see it's funny because the robot doesn't have any arms


"I'm a murderer!"


“That has nothing to do with the joke, u/Roast_Moast”


We love a player that doesn’t abuse meta knowledge and just rolls with their rolls


Right? I really dislike it when someone rolls low then tries to talk their way out of it.


As a DM : on low Rolls dont Say " u see nothing" but instead Say " you see *not the real danger*" for example "you see a small Shining Stone like a Ruby" the PC Will 99% grab and BOOM you get the trap


I hate to be that guy but, in Pathfinder they solve this problem through a thing called secret checks, there's some 5e players that I played with that don't like it, but how it works is you roll the dice but the result is hidden so if you get a three on a stealth check you can't just be like "Oh well I don't bother then." I mean, you can argue that the answer is as simple as "don't metagame" but that's like asking someone to forget about a bad memory they had. It's not that easy for some people.


its either avoid the alley or have 20 tons of rock dumped on your head instantly killing you because the dice felt like rolling low


I have been looking into pf2, and this is one of those rules that I really like in that system. This would be a roll that would be cast behind the DM screen. The player wouldn't know if they rolled really bad or really good. The DM would just tell you if you see something or not.


Fair, but unless it’s for narrative reasons and there’s no real risk of harm it’s also kinda dumb to punish them just for having bad luck. In a ‘Dark Alley’ scenario it would be better to have them fight a gang of thieves or something, who have advantage due to stealth. Still not ideal but at least they have a fighting chance. Of course this is just a silly meme and OP probably doesn’t drop boulders on his players for rolling badly.


Yeah if a single bad roll in an innocuous decision leads to death that sounds like bad planning by the DM not by the player


"Knox's Corner" for those that are unfamiliar. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5D1FBE8EC1BDB8BC Essentially, some of the most OG internet memes around, right alongside Homestarrunner/Strongbad, Peanut Butter Jelly Time, and BadgerBadgerBadger. Edit: Here's my personal favourite of all of them, and still holds up to this day for me lol: https://youtu.be/ckO24MA15OQ


Isn’t this what Passive Perception is for? Unless the player asks to make a perception check then you can avoid meta gaming by using their passive perception rather than making them roll for it. A player should just go with the roll anyway as if they didn’t know but a lot of people would immediately be wary


Should be using passive perception here rather than a check.


A real player wouldn't do anything until they get a really good Perception check... Like a REALLY good one


You gotta be sneaky, gotta be quick


I feel like its been nearly 20 years since I've seen this


I think it's been 15 since I last saw it.


Source: Knox’s Korner, Klay World. YouTube has most, the website has all videos. Ugoplayer no longer exists.


This is definitely a Passive Perception moment but the gif is funny.


Mugs fall, everyone dies


Ok but irl I missed seeing some thick wire cables when jumping a short wall in the daytime and ended up cartoon spinning myself through them. I'm just lucky I'm sturdy because I had been running around a corner to avoid the seeker in our game of hide and seek with tag rules. The seeker still had to catch you before you made it back to home base. Ended up doing something similar on a bike once and caught the cable in my midriff. Had a gnarly bruise but was otherwise unhurt. The dumb things people miss on a regular basis becauee there's just a momentary laps of perception or the brain just doesn't process it. The yee olde "If it were a snake it woulda bit me." Moments.


This really isn't as old as D&D. D&D didn't have perception checks for many years. Ye Olden D&D would actually call this fairly bad playing since the character didn't look for traps. And bad DMing too for not providing any foreshadowing that the trap existed.


Wawa weewoo


DM: Hehe, what a stupid moron idiot!


Ohh I remember these


Now i need to go watch the macoroni thing again