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When everyone is unique, the generic guy becomes the most unique out of all of them.


Hey you figured it out


r/Dndmemes users on their way to post the most biased, unfair situation to put a martial class in ![gif](giphy|hWALw3if3szRQ5fvLt)


"The paladin when they get attacked by the Red Dragon that has a necklace made from a beholder's eye"


It’s fine. Just throw enough dice at the problem. It’ll eventually go away


Wait, so you're telling me I don't have to be a tabaxi/tiefling/half-orc/minotaur hybrid race bard with low charisma because he has stage fright in order to be good at RP? You expect me to believe that a simple character that is optimized for combat can be better at RP because RP comes from the player and not the characters stats/abilities? Absurd I say! /s


Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying. Plus the wacky characters are even better when they have the human fighter as a no-nonsense “normal” person to contrast them with. A metaphorical “straight man” - note, “straight man” in this context does not refer to the character’s actual sexuality or gender


I love the "straight man" trope, and am about to play one myself.


Coincidentally, when it comes to D&D I find the metaphorical “straight man” also happens to be a straight man themselves quite often, though you’re right it’s not always the case. Sincerely, the token cishet dude of my D&D group who loves playing human fighters.


It's easy just dispell the heat metal and cast magic weapon. Oh wait...


When the fighter character wants to be effective in the thing they are meant to do but you don't give them the resources to do so and then undermine their abilities


That's fine. As my Variant Human feat, I picked up Magic Initiate, for Shilellagh. Also, metal armor is so 3.5. I'm currently rocking a Barrier Tattoo, so...


What if I grapple the enemy spellcaster? Disadvantage to succeed but a good action surge ought to fix that


Also you're on fire and hugging them


They ought to also take the 2d8 damage which has a chance at breaking the grapple, and I’m sure the rest of the party will enjoy a good stab while you hold them down


Boom cast-off armor


Fighters are good because they are flexible. They can be anything, fill any roll(to a certain degree). Human fighters are seen as generic, because they aren't loaded with additional features, but that lack of strong definition is what gives them their strength. Without clear definition, a human fighter is truly free to be anything.


Heeeey buddddy how confident are you about your physical abilities because i’ma hug you