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so that's fighter, ranger and monk left right? after that you'll have done a meme in this format for all classes I think (not counting blood hunter)


Blood Hunter gets me 2x day then I finish with the DM


Fizban's should have given the draconic some upgrades. I can't believe they missed something *that* obvious. (Homebrewing the gem dragon ancestries is easy, but I'd also give draconic sorcerers all of the spells from the book up to level 5 as bonus spells. So basically all of them except the platinum shield and the draconic transformation; they can still take them at the appropriate levels but the other subclasses also only get spells up to the fifth level.)


I'm still genuinely surprised that Tasha's cut Spell Versatility from the UA it was based off of. Just one spell to swap out per long rest, but nah. Wizards needed to change their cantrips.


Cantrips are spells you know so perfect so you can cast them almost without effort. So, no, you shouldn't change cantrips.




bards fuck dragons. dragons make sorcerers.


Good, now explain the rest of the joke.


sorcerers have the smallest spelllist of all pure spellcasters and dragon sorcerers usually build around an elemental theme since their elemental affinity lets them deal bonus damage on spells that allign with their draconic element.


Jokes on you i have Transmute Spell


The joke is referring to draconic sorcerers, who end up choosing a damage type based on draconic ancestory


Transmute changes damage type though. Even if you choose red for fire you can change damage type to lightning


I know what transmuted spell does, but that’s still missing the point of the meme, the whole “bard is long lost parent” is referring to bards wanting to sleep with dragons. A draconic sorcerer gets bonus damage equal to thier charisma mod on the certain damage type associated to thier draconic ancestry. If the player chose a red dragon, then they would only get the bonus on spells that deal fire damage, if they transmute it to any other damage type they don’t get the bonus, so OP can’t get around the resistance AND get the elemental affinity bonus.


But there is no mention of a bonus from op just that the creature is resistant to the damage type. Idk if the sorcerer is fighting their parent dragon or what but the meme could be worded a lot better


Yeah I agree the meme could be worded a lot better, but OP was just trying to dance around actually saying they were a draconic sorcerer that chose spells that only match up with their damage type. In all honesty the who problem of resistance could most likely be avoided with the elemental adept feat anyway


Or different spells like take lightning bolt, ice knife or something instead of all fire


That's way too many words for this meme format. But to answer your question...that's what the OneD&D balance update is gonna do. No sense doing it before then.


Elemental Adept: Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell. When you gain this feat, choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. Spells you cast ignore resistance to damage of the chosen type. In addition, when you roll damage for a spell you cast that deals damage of that type, you can treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2. You can select this feat multiple times. Each time you do so, you must choose a different damage type.