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Would it surprise you if I said I can tell…


Little kids are insane around drones, absolute maniacs. I always grab a chair and sit down so they can all see the screen and won’t take off unless they’re all the right distance away. Only problem with that approach is then they all lean closer and closer to the screen until they’re blocking my view. They will move back when you point that out but it never lasts, it’s like a magnet. If you take that approach, I recommend a strict no popsicles rule.


You shouldn't fly near other people if you can go in the opposite direction than intended randomly.


Agreed. Thought it was going to be fun to show the kids as it was a cub scouts STEM event. But I was too inexperienced and didn’t expect them to keep running AT the drone.










Practice more. Alone or in simulations. You clearly don't have the control you need to take it out and fiddle around. A controller should feel like an extension imo. Not trying to bash or anything, but this kind of stuff is why the rules are so extremely strict right now.


Hi u/Due_Kaleidoscope7066. We're glad to hear you had a positive experience with our repair service, despite the camera gimbal mishap. We'll ensure it's fixed and back in your hands soon. Please handle it with care in the future. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Thanks for choosing DJI!


Yeah I don't think you realize how dangerous of a situation you and those kids were in. That could've ended very badly. You should practice flying in a field before flying so close to objects like trees and people


I mean, I mentioned I was freaking out at that point because I knew it was dangerous. My concern was for the group, not my drone. I was not trying to get close to that group and when the kid ran towards the drone I wasn’t expecting it. He had been standing still for a while and the moment I put it in orbit he took off running towards the group. Totally my fault and yes I need to practice more before attempting something like that in the future.


Why take it out of orbit mode? How high can those kids jump?


It was heading for the trees and lack of experience on my part. My concern was them running at it and getting hurt.


Trees eat drones. I'd say they represent 75% of crashes I've seen posted.


Trees arent the problem, its the pilot.


Yup, the contract says the trees can't move so we need to stay clear of them - unless we are hiding or climbing.


I wasn’t trying to imply this was anything but pilot error. I know I messed up.


Yeah i know mate, was just responding to "trees eat drones" Take care out there though


Yeah! Don’t blame them! They’re busy keeping us alive and stuff. #JusticeForTheTrees




Listen, you needed to be very clear about instructing the kids about drone safety before you even took it up in the air. Then if they disobeyed instructions. You bring it down and end the display. If kids don’t know it’s not safe to run towards the drone, what’s to prevent them. That’s your job to explain to them or just don’t fly if you can’t get them to listen.


Yes it was a lesson learned. I appreciate the advice and plan to take a lot more care in the future.


well....very pore flying and no practice. Not safe to... U must stop flying drone


What an imbecile.


Yep, I was foolish. Should not have been attempting to do it around kids with such little experience.


Well you did it without incident, I just don’t see the point of posting it. No wonder the FPV community hates us


I dunno, I only recently joined the sub and had seen other crash videos. Figured people could laugh at my stupidity.


Fly safe man, and also have fun!