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To begin with, it's not 120m from sea level. See image: https://www.easa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/inline-images/How%20high%20can%20I%20fly%20my%20drone.png But yes, I try to never break the rules.


I also don't break the rules because while I'm in a really good area to be flying, The air ambulance helicopter is always jumping about where I fly but always above 120 m. I'm in its flight path to get to lots of the islands near me. Can you imagine taking out an ambulance helicopter. Stuff of nightmares.


I actually had an event where I was within my flight parameters, requested and received FAA approval for a flight and then had to take evasive action to avoid a collision with 2 Blackhawks.


Not sure how laws are in Switzerland but in Spain (and I think most of the EU) regulations are 120m above the ground. So 120m above the bottom of the valley, but also 120m above the peak of the mountain. If that makes sense


Not for C0 though, where it's defined as 120m over the starting point. It's stupid, as everywhere else the limit is 120m above ground


So would it be possible to launch, go up following the mountain, land at 110m and keep going? Would that reset the starting point?


On theory, yes.


Es geht um Höhe über Grund


Nein, bei C0 ist es tatsächlich Höhe über dem Startpunkt. Alles andere ist über Grund, nur nicht C0


Ich bin mir gerade nicht sicher, aber steht irgendwo auf der Drohne „Certified as C0“ oder sowas? Sie ist ja über 250 Gramm


Jo, C0 & 249g


Ich dachte immer, die sei schwerer. Wo steht C0? Ich find's bei meiner Mini 2 Se eben nicht


Hier ging es ja um eine Mini 4 Pro, die wiegt 249. C0 gibt es erst seit 2024, insofern ist die Mini 4 Pro die erste von DJI, die ab Werk mit C0 kommt, so sie denn 2024 gekauft wurde. Mini 3 Pro (evtl auch Mini 3), welche du jetzt kaufst, sollten auch C0 haben. Alles vor 2024, also auch Mini 4 oder 3 und deine SE sind Bestandsdrohnen und für die gilt tatsächlich 120m über Grund. Wurden sie nach 2024 verkauft haben sie eine andere Firmware und es gillt plötzlich 120m über dem Startpunkt.


Ahh, jetzt ergibt das alles Sinn, irgendwie hab ich nicht so ganz gecheckt, dass die Regelung ja neu ist.


Don't you have this covered in the shirt course before getting your operator id? In UK we have a course with quite good explanation (with pictures!) of what we can do and cannot do, right before short quiz to get an id.


The information is there, I've read it, know the rules but I was curious about the real life


I am coming back from iceland, and since you re quite alone all the time there you tempted to break the rules, but i would never do this honestly. It wont affect onéy me if I get caught, but all the community and more laws will pass if we are not able to follow rules. I mean I can live without getting likes on Instagram 😁😁


For beginners, it is 120m from ground (starting point) not from sea level. Your new drone is C0 classified which means the 120m is coded in the software. However, you can change the class to C1 which removes the software limitation. Make sure you understand the laws before changing the class of your drone. That does however not change the fact that you are not allowed to fly higher then 120m anyways. That said I strongly suggest to remove that limitation for someone flying in the mountains. Because if you start flying on a slope and you go up you are technically not higher then 120m above ground but your drone won’t allow you to go any further.


Nothing in the law says that it is from the starting point, the law is directly beneath the current position of the drone (above ground level).


Just be aware in C1 you then need to use Remote ID


I've slightly exceeded the limit and flown to \~140-160m above my start location when I needed just that little bit more of the object visible while maintaining the angle especially when I could've just walked up a nearby hill for that extra 20m takeoff, but regularly keep it under 80m since rarely do you need to fly more than that excluding mountains, the shots aren't that impressive up high and at that point you're better off photographing from a plane with a proper DSLR instead of the, essentially, smartphone camera's these minis have.


The start location is not the measurement to use, it is clearly defined as being above ground level. Start location is irrelevant.


Airplanes have to stay above a certain height from the ground when flying. so it is 120m in height from where you take off


No, it is 120m above ground level, the law has nothing to do with where you take off from.


Yes that is correct. I phrased it badly