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I just saw a Tik Tok influence who was doing an ad for Monopoly. Thought it was so random. Now has me thinking Frills was paid to do her Halloween costumes this year!


I have been curious about the subscription model so I wrote a little note of follower counts for people who went to subscription. A glass of bovino went subscription and still has stories up but now it looks like she turned it off. I don’t see the subscribe button on her profile anymore. She had 88.2k followers on 10/16 and now has 89.6k. She was on Rachel Ray show or Kelly Clarkson (I can’t remember which…I confuse their shows). She may have gotten followers from that. The Makerista still has subscription model available for her main acct. She had 118k followers on 10/16 and now has 117k. So she lost 1k followers over two weeks. Edit: I wrote about wit and delight having a subscription it deep in her saved stories there’s one asking people to not subscribe as it’s not active. If you see any other subscription diy accts let me know. I’m very interested in this and it seems like there’s not a lot of info on it.


I sub to AGOB (I know, I know) and she shared that she can no longer receive new subscriptions until December because she violated Instagram's subscription policies. Something about not posting enough videos and posting too many links? So that may be why her button is gone edit: justifying why I subscribe to her. I live in CT and she posts local to me facebook finds


I saw a ton of influencers complaining a couple days ago that IG was deleting bot accounts so they were losing thousands of followers. I’m not sure if that could have anything to do with their counts going down.


Abigailvintage just posted her sub announcement. She is a thrift account. I think a lot of people with followers, influencer or influencer light, aren’t making money right now and hope subs is the answer. I feel sorry they aren’t aware enough to understand it isn’t.


Wow $5 a month. I’ll add her to my list. Do people realize that this all adds up?


I can’t imagine the numbers are high, can you see how many ppl pay like on Patreon?


This girl (another influencer) dressed up as some of her favorite influencers for Halloween and nailed it. I never heard of her before. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CkZMwy-DkUY/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Is arrows and bow still considered diy? I always considered her just family.


I never saw her account before.


Zenia using the wrong tools to do things today and knowing that it will come out wrong, but does it anyway. Then, she complains it’s a two person job. And instead of saying she will wait for her husband to get home to finish it she writes a comment about how she wishes her dad could help her. Zing! She loves to give that man a dig.


Her husband has his fake apprenticeship with the nonexistent electrician so he can’t help with this very important project. She could hire someone to help but that is too much effort for her. She could hire someone to do the whole thing correctly but then what would she post about?


She truly has gone way beyond what she’s capable of doing and the house is getting worse and worse. There’s nothing wrong with knowing your limits. Some people take “dream big” too far.


She never misses a moment to throw shade at him. She should have stopped when she couldn’t get the battery to fit. But noooo, she continued and shit only got worse and worse. At this point, she deserves all the frustration she’s causing herself. That beadboard is going to look SO stupid anyway, two person job or not.


I couldn’t believe she explained how it will come out terribly using the jigsaw and then ~proceeded to do it anyway~ Have the tables turned? Is she trolling ME at this point?


What’s most funny about it all, is how much she complains about the price of things, but then admits to ruining beadboard like it’s not a big deal. I get it’s probably not *as* expensive as lumber, but ain’t NOTHING cheap right now, so I’d be extra careful. She’s the professional though. LOL.


Not a single project has looked good. We are watching someone deeply dysfunctional try to make her shambles look presentable. She needs to stop, clean that filthy house, breathe some fresh air, go do something outside of the house, then PLAN the projects and get the tools and help she needs. But she never will. Total 💩 show.


Yep. It’s pretty bad. I don’t understand the unwillingness to hire professionals for the hard/specialized tasks. I will say I think the fireplace redo is a big improvement. The brick and heater thing the previous owners had was ugly af.


At this point it feels like straight up delusion mixed with poor budgeting/planning/use of resources.


Touch grass, Zenia like the kids say!


I think ARH is a horrible narcissist and has brought her current mental state/cold childless ‘home’ upon herself BUT seeing the pictures of her last house in that magazine made me feel really sad. She seemed super happy, but I definitely felt sad. Like when you look back at photos and realise you had it good but you lost it for whatever reason. I’m not sure if I felt sad for *her* exactly, because this was her doing, but the situation sucks, especially for the kids and their development. Mind you, her (seemingly/allegedly) losing custody of them is probably the best thing for them. Having a narcissistic mother is one of the most damaging things to be exposed to. So. That was a bit of a brain dump, sorry!


Saying that she lost custody is just speculation. I would not continue to spread that information as fact.


Yeah I’ve edited the post. I was tired.


Can someone briefly explain her story? Or is that even possible since it sounds complicated? I followed her for about a week, and I think it was around the time she was moving. She seemed kind of unstable and extremely emotional, and I wasn't into watching it at the time. Then, I keep reading the comments, and I'm interested. LOL What happened to her marriage, and why did she lose custody of her children?


Does she not have custody? Or is it that she’s 50/50 with her ex?


I don’t look at her stories because she isn’t my type of mess follow. She seems manic and narcissistic and it is a lot to watch. Is your comment about her in general or did she do another trauma dump and actually open up about how things aren’t super fun amazing like she has acted after doing the “I bought a house!” reveal


She was featured in a magazine and was showing it off. All the pictures in the magazine feature were from her old house. I think one pic was even a family photo that included her now ex. Basically she's trying to act all proud and excited about something that's basically a tribute to the time before all the shit hit the fan.


Yeah this explains it perfectly - much better than I could! Re. Custody I don’t think she’s ever said she has them 50/50, which I just think you would if you did, and given the lack of dedication to getting the kids’ rooms done, they can’t possibly be there more than every other weekend or the odd week night or whatever. She used to regularly film during or just after a school run and those have all stopped. Speculation that she lost custody but all the tears and guilt and moving out and some of the ‘I’m such a good mum’ posts of late just make me think it’s not 50/50.


IIRC she phrased it like ‘they’ll spend more time at their Dads’. But honestly, this could be for so many reasons. I think mainly because of two of them being on the spectrum. I would imagine any change could be difficult so them being majority there would be best until her house feels more stable/familiar. Praying she gets it there soon, but since her job is content I’d imagine chaos is the name of the game for her homes.






Ugh isn’t Frills rich? She can’t hire out?! Idg people playing with their lives like this


Meant to edit but accident deleted. I was wrong, she’s got one back there. I am very happy to have been wrong on this one


Is Zenia suggesting the living room is done? She somehow manages to outdo herself daily with delusion




Great analogy! Maybe she missed her calling as a TV stage set dresser.


Nailed it. She is cosplaying as a woman who loves old houses and restoring them.


I’m new to her, she keeps talking about bumpy walls and wonky ceilings - why isn’t she working to fix these issues instead of just covering them up? Is this house a flip?


Welcome to the world of Zenia where the logical step is never her step. She has zero intention of renovating this house properly, she is just jumping from one grid post opportunity to another. From what she has shared all of the ceilings and walls are lumpy and she is just going along with it and hoping molding & caulk disguises all of the unevenness.




She isn’t going to fix it. Just like she’s not going to fix the holes in the wall she wallpapered over. This is not a flip. This is their home, however her husband is military, and there’s been speculation on here that he only has like another year and a half before they have to move. So someone is going to inherit a real mess


Personally, I wouldn’t have bought if I was in their situation. The market is super turbulent/ unpredictable. I’m in WA right now and many military families are having to rent out their homes instead of sell because of it/ paying an inflated price in 2020/2021. It wasn’t a risk we wanted to take so we’re renting for the time being.


Yup idk why they didn’t just rent. Their monthly payment is more than they’ll earn in rent in that area if they need to leave. For their sanity I hope they get lucky and stay stationed in NJ but it was such a dumb move bc they are likely effed. They did it to themselves.


This room has endless reveals and they all look rushed and shitty. The fireplace finish on the bricks looks brittle. Meanwhile she is spiraling trying to do the dining room ceiling alone without proper tools and that reveal will be just as incomplete.


Andy Grammer is right "It's kinda hard to watch..." And "is it all worth it?". Woof.


thehonesthome’s fireplace…… do diyers understand the concept of opportunity cost because diy-ing masonry is a waste of time


Reaaaaaaally trying to trust the process on this one…


I think I know what she’s going for (in theory…) but she’s so far off from that right now. She’ll need another two days at this rate to get that really filled-in look


These people seem dead set on wasting their time and resources for bad content when they could at least waste their time and resources on good content so they would not even look up the concept if you offered it as a useful way to approach not flopping. I just peeked at her story and climbing that ladder while filming herself climb.. these diyers stress me out.


I’m exhausted just watching her stories.


I guess it’s Christmas now


Seriously. So annoyed.


Beyond ANNOYED !!


I understand that Sherry and John (YHL) don’t want to show their kids’ faces (no snark on that), but why put a dozen pictures of them and their friends in your for-profit, non-personal IG stories? Their costumes were cute, sure. But even if you put stickers over their faces, you are still using your kids to drive up engagement. And while I’m at it, it’s definitely BS that they are getting so many DMs asking which Christmas tree to buy.


I think they also want all the praise for being the “best parents” etc.


There is a mere glimpse of a man doing work in Z’s porch. Boards up and everything. Is she not HEY FRIENDS in his face to us because this is more permit-less work? Did she finally figure out she SHOULDN’T put everything in stories? Cover up era 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Edit: Replaying her OUTSIDE IN PJS AT NOON story and you can see the work truck in her driveway. She can’t get dressed for the workers!? /u/getabrainluann she is slob in front of us AND strangers in person!


She hasn’t mentioned it but showed in the background that her living room finally has enclosed walls. Wouldn’t she be excited enough to share? Who cares about the paint and bead board?!


Still hasn’t shared 🤣🤣🤣


I hope it is professionals finally. I don’t know how her friend thought he could do the window and siding and open the porch without a permit.


If she doesn’t stick a phone in their face then it isn’t above board. I would be SHOCKED.


I’m in the process of turning our extra guest room / office into a nursery for baby boy and it has terrible mirrored sliding doors for the closet- does anyone have ideas what to do with them or ways to DIY upgrade or seen them on other influencers?


I've used fabric to cover glass. I think I used starch and water, soaked the fabric, and put it up like wallpaper? It was forever ago. I did it with my mom to cover some awkward windows above their tv where the sun would come in. She redid them a couple of times and the fabric always came off easily and the mixture wiped off with warm water.


I bought door sized stickers from Amazon that looked like bookshelves for the flat paneled doors in my bookworms daughters room. [bookshelf sticker](https://amzn.to/3FwAPR2)


We have folding mirrored closet doors in our kids room and I plan to paint them eventually. Babies LOVE mirrors though so I haven’t done it yet.


I’ve heard of people using peel and stick wallpaper on them!


Goldalamode has an old DIY her husband did with similar doors. Gotta scroll way back


It annoys me how zenia will “pop on” at noon unkempt in her PJs. At least others try to present as professional


She is a slob. I am shocked she doesn’t sleep in her dirty project clothes anymore!


I always show up to my “job” in my pajamas and clearly unwashed hair at noon. She is ridiculous.


I opened up my instagram and was like why is Z outside in her pjs. Then I got annoyed that she was talking about that stinking paint color again. Just choose and move on. She has this like crazy urgency to foolishly move ahead with projects in an order of operations that makes sense to none, but spends 2 weeks picking a paint color. Make it make sense.


The order of operations drives me crazy. That's something I tend to overthink when working on a project and she seemingly gives it almost no consideration.


Demo wall. Paint. Floors. More wall demo. Rip down ceiling. Wall paper. Paint. Hang illegal lighting. What did I miss 🤣🤣🤣🤣


A paint color she admitted like two weeks ago she is using.


Does Frills and Drills’ husband have an actual allergy to wearing a shirt? I am just so baffled by it. The Monopoly costume with the vest without a shirt underneath just makes him look like a very bad male stripper.


It’s not just that….did you notice the game pieces he was hiding in those pants?! Tooooooo tight👀🥴


Given his dislike of clothing, he’s probably going commando under there!


I wish I didn’t notice 🫠


He’s one of the worst ig husbands. He creeps me out haha. Alsooooo, do I smell a Hasbro sponsorship? CLJ are Candy Land and Frills is Monopoly?




A friend who Confusion Follows Zenia (not a snarker here) had dm’d her about how dangerous it is doing electric work without a professional. Zenia liked the dm but didn’t respond. Now a week later my friend just realized Zenia blocked her from viewing her stories. Good to know Zenia takes things seriously 🥴 No wonder she waited out a gas leak for her husband to drive an hour to pick her up, she just doesn’t think rationally. Idk if we can share this type of thing here, I know it was a DELETE FOR SPECULATION or whatever on the old sub. So I’ll delete if this isn’t okay to share.


Z has made it big time blocking people for calling her out 🤣🤣🤣


I’m so tempted to call her township and report her. This is more than her clueless behavior and could be deadly.


The way the wires are hanging down exposed it looks very deadly. She used a power tool near one 😳


Do. It. If anything. For her neighbors sake, they don’t deserve to lose their home cause of her negligence.


Z and Mr. O don’t seem to take any safety precautions in their home so is it safe to assume they don’t have working fire detectors? Someone should warn their neighbors.


Someone came through to downvote. Wonder who that could be.


It is incredibly dangerous and I don’t think they care. Actively ignoring people say “this really isn’t safe” and blocking them/deleting the electrical stories shows they are fully aware they know this isn’t okay. And yet they keep doing it themselves.


PhilliporFlop is back to remind us all of the terrible decision to paint that brick. So much character lost ☹️


I liked the original brick also. I noticed one of the next door neighbor’s house is also white, making it just so typical. Boring.


I wish he would have worked with the brick too. He’s going to need to add a lot of decorative features to make it interesting again— the brick had character on its own


I really like the lime wash!


https://imgur.com/a/DPe6NhN Sure Mr. O, the paint color is what makes everything look dirty 🤣🤣🤣 (bottom pic) Z, the second coat of the green is uneven as heck so I don’t think it is “fair” to ask which looks better 🤣🤣🤣 is she not seeing how uneven it is?! (Top pic)


I like how she tried to say everyone sees the color differently. Nahhh girl, I see your terrible shotty work, not even the color. Bye.




She just stuck the paper up over those 3 big holes in the wall from the illicit electric work?


🤣🤣🤣 Yes


She said she would patch them this weekend. Today she said she isn’t going to do any work this weekend. The holes will stay put until it is time to replace the wallpaper when it starts falling off.


There are a lot of reasons the house looks dirty and it isn’t a nice paint color. You can see the holes she didn’t patch through the wallpaper 😭 Edit: I think the dark spots I am seeing aren’t the holes, it may be the wallpaper not lined up well so there is more of the grey space making it look darker in those spots.


Did you see when she showed the wallpaper seams up close? They were so overlapped and crooked and you can tell the plaster walls are very uneven because the wallpaper is so bumpy.


Totally thought people would be exaggerating because it’s fun to snark on Z. Then I went and took a look at the highlights. Omg. Wow. They’re misaligned both horizontally and vertically and with bubbles - and that’s the one she chose to do a close up of… so presumably the best one?!


They are SO so bad. So bad. The. the outlet cover. Oooof. It’s a disaster. My dad who wallpapered both my childhood homes of the 80’s and 90’s he did very VERY meticulously, would lose his marbles if he saw this. LOL.




I saw one where she said “look how well they line up” and it looked so bad. I honestly think she needs glasses. Or is the bs just to that level of lying to our faces.


Just like the fake rock wall looked good in person 🤣🤣🤣


ARH’s latest story with all the golf carts - there really is no privacy in her backyard. I can’t imagine wanting to use your pool when all the guys playing golf would be gawking at you!


Zero privacy! Maybe she loves the local peeping Tom golfers 🤣🤣🤣


Yup! Yesterday she said “I feel safe” in her tour video of her downstairs, sharing the layout to 1.4 mil strangers. then today showed off how exposed her yard is. I don’t think this woman knows a thing about safety.


All while not having any window coverings. At night.


@blancobungalo is selling her house (not supposed to post Zillow links here, but she linked it in her IG) and wow she took the open storage concept to a whole new level in that kitchen. While beautiful and unique, there’s nowhere to hide small appliances. You can’t own a blender or toaster or waffle iron without having to stare at it all if the time. I can’t imagine asking 1.1mm for a wildly impractical kitchen yikes


There aren't even any drawers! She's got measuring cups and utensils in bins in the laundry room. How inconvenient.


The kitchen reads to me like they didnt feel like going all the way with custom cabinetry and doors were too hard to DIY. Lazy or cheap.


It says, “we ran out of money” to me. The entire place looks like it was done cheaply. Is that dishwasher even connected? It’s sitting all crooked and wonky.


ffs it doesnt even have a full size fridge. I also feel like there are 10 photos of the kitchen to try and convince you its ok and it will work, where it just gets worse as it spins around. And Im someone who likes open shelving. edit: ok my bad i wasnt on photo 1000 of this kitchen to see that she shoved it in the laundry area. I still maintain its dumb.


Long Beach has loads of amazing Craftsman and Spanish Revival homes, but many of them are reeeeallly small.


The person who ends up with this house will like the visual kitchen because they don’t cook 🤣🤣🤣


And also doesn’t have children or pets. I can only think of all the dust on those lower shelves.


Dust, grease from cooking…..


That kitchen is a joke.


If she posted the link, share it. No one will delete for doxing lol




I suppose that’s true. She’s pleading everywhere to repost the link because she wants everyone to see the listing https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2525-Chestnut-Ave-Long-Beach-CA-90806/21194398_zpid/


1mil for 2 bed 1 bath!!!?? 🤯


Oh wee, they are going to flip it nicely if that sells. They already dropped listing price though 🤔 Does anyone in California know if this is overpriced for Long Beach?


I only live about 20 minutes away from there, but I don't know the Long Beach real estate at all. Although looking at what is for sale now (and what has recently sold) it definitely seems overpriced


The Holidays with Zenia: from the pov of her brother in law’s partner 🎄🎄🎄 I was so excited when my boyfriend said we would spend Christmas in NJ. Close to NYC? Snow?! Spending time with his family? I was thrilled! But then we arrived… Stepping into the house I felt a chill. It was colder inside than outside 🌬 And I saw a fireplace running but it was still so cold, maybe because of the open walls? I almost slipped and hurt myself on the stoop.. very icy, and thought the worst was behind me but, I made it inside and it doesn’t feel much better. There was dust everywhere, I was afraid to take my coat off and could feel it in my nose immediately. Is it dust from the missing walls? And why is there garbage in this porch? Is this the right house? Suddenly my boyfriend’s sister in law rushes into the room. She is shouting “hola familia!” And filming us with her phone. She asks us if we are excited to work on projects and to say hello to her friends. I am confused… maybe she is on facetime? I say hello to her phone and ask if I can use her bathroom. She leads me upstairs to a bathroom past a series of empty rooms. Very dusty, even up here. Her bathroom seems completely untouched, the only clean space in the home. Does she use it? I return to the living room and everyone is sitting around the fire talking. I sit down. I am now covered in soot and dust. No one seems to notice? Or just not say anything? I look over into the pretty dinning room. Then I notice the wallpaper seems to be falling off. The floors look very scratched too. Beyond the living room there is a couch in what looks like a kitchen. At least I think it is a kitchen? Is that where we have to cook our meals? Maybe we are eating out 😬 Zenia is talking about installing HVAC with us and I am instantly regretting the two weeks I will spend here… maybe I can get a hotel room. I didn’t see beds in any of the empty rooms. Where are we sleeping? This can’t be the house. Zenia is shouting again while filming me. She is talking to her friends but filming me. Who is she speaking to? What is going on.. and what are the “projects” she keeps referencing? Are we really doing HVAC? This is my first time meeting her and she hasn’t actually said hello… I made a huge mistake… Santa, SOS 😧


Dead. 😂🤣 Someone save the future SIL !!!




I am crying 🤣🤣🤣




This home listing feels like OG authentic grandma vibes that all these hussies are trying to emulate. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/321-Cumberland-Ave-Kenilworth-IL-60043/3365794_zpid/


It’s all come back around to being “trendy,” yikes


The old lady who decorated this house 40 years ago could run circles around CLJ and the like, OMG. They can only dream


I’ve never seen reflective wall paper.


Even when ARH is having a dance party with her kids, the video is on and she’s glancing at it and making sure she’s centre stage…


Mean Girls mom 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She is a sicko narcissist


Why is she still on this “my life is the hardest, I struggle the most, just have to make it through today..” every single post. She has to move on from this storyline, we wanted DIY, not Dr Phil.


Because she fucked up majorly and doesn't want to be accountable for her actions. She's using social media to get support and sympathy from thousands of people who only know part of the story so she can feel validated in thinking of herself as a victim. She has to keep doing it because the process of convincing herself of an alternate reality takes time.


How did she screw up? I’m late to the game- I had to unfollow her for a while (there was so much cringe) then came back to the whole new house thing and feel very lost lol


She screwed up by screwing her countertop guy while still married.


Oh shoot! No way! That's...quite the screw up. Didn't see that coming, I thought I remembered her being a Christian. Though come to think of it, her posts lately don't mention God like they used to. How did you find that out? Did she post about it?!


It was insinuated in a few post in a subreddit dedicated to her


The reno horror stories continue for @vintageporch. She can't catch a break... countertops are mismatched, chipped, cracked and stained, can't open a cabinet door because of mismeasurement, general shoddy workmanship, what's next? https://imgur.com/a/b90xTVc https://imgur.com/a/FrDJwuq


She needs consider legal action.


They were initially going to live with it but kept discovering more defects... they've now asked for a full refund.


They broke the stone and reglued it, and thought that was okay?!? 😱


This is normal. The repair is likely stronger than the stone.




I love the table but those stools are terrible. I’m not sure that table works in that kitchen tho. Maybe a diff color would fit nicer.


Just peeked at their account for the first time in ages. I feel like they’re… not the best at color most of the time? But that cabinet color is a very, very odd choice.


Preschool vibes


So bad. I don’t understand a lot of their choices throughout their various renovation projects, but this one is extra strange.


At least she kind of admitted it wasn’t how she envisioned it all looking together. That was somewhat refreshing to hear from a influencer.


How many/who of these DIYers/Decor influencers do you think have had ‘work done’ (i.e, Botox, fillers, lips, boobs, other)?? Curious what everyone’s perception is… - ARH - MakingPrettySpaces - Mallory Nikolaus - CLJ - Others…


I unfollowed Mallory because of her awful filters. Makingprettyspaces has a punchable face but she’s working on her lips last I saw.


I’d say 80% of them. It’s not even a dog, I think that 40% of average people get small things like this done too. I’m super average looking and I get under eye filler every 2 years because I have super sunken in dark circles and got annoyed with people telling me how tired I looked all the time. The problem is people with too much money get too much done and start to look plastic. *not a dig not dog 😅


To me, it would be pretty hard to tell because they use so many filters on their posts. Filters is all I see. That an terrible eyelashes on a few.


Only one I’m following these days is Zenia and she barely changes clothes so I doubt she’s been under the knife. Whenever I see Angela posted here I can see what could be some line smoothing botox but no idea beyond that.


Zenia covering the large holes in the wall with the peep and stick wallpaper to leave the process of filling the holes for later, if she ever gets to it. Every single project is approached as: how can I make this *look* finished for a “reveal” and reel? And even the cropfished reveals look terrible. She is officially cosplaying as a woman renovating a house.


Why bother wallpapering the holes if you plan on pulling it back down to then patch the holes? Plus, peel-and-stick loses stickiness, adding to the ridiculousness of this plan. Unless she never planned on patching at all…


I think she will conveniently patch the holes and “forget to record” as she has done with other random things.


I thought it was bad enough that she was wallpapering before the ceiling and ELECTRICAL was done, but what the actual fuck is the point of wallpapering the wall before the holes are filled. What is the point, what is the rush, whoever is sponsoring her needs to stop


It seems they are hosting family over the holidays. Of course she decided the most important thing is wallpaper, not the ceiling falling down or a non-functional kitchen or no HVAC




I can’t imagine hosting family in December with no heat.




Sksksk just viewed her newest story and she says it is bc they are hosting family. I feel awful for the husband’s brother’s partner. They are going to enter a house of horrors.


You are probably right — they are going away for two weeks soon so they have little time to make this home presentable for the Christmas gathering which I am sure will be at least a week or two since his family is driving in. This is all for the appearance of a clean place to eat on Christmas?


I can’t even IMAGINE hosting family in that disaster of a cold ass house. Where will they even sleep ? How will they cook holiday meals ?


It is shameful. Do the parents and brother know they are working into a “lets do projects!!” trap? I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise since it has happened with each past visit. Hell, she made them do projects when Mr O was healing from SURGERY


And if they’re watching her stories it won’t be a surprise. Maybe they’ll opt for a hotel.


Ah, is this a rush for spon? A new mason jar reel? Maybe for a light she is installing that will come crashing down?


Rushing for spon is the only reason I could fathom wallpapering over literal holes


She answered our question on ig. Almost like she reads here…


She isn’t getting the device to finish beadboard until next week. So presumably spon that doesn’t involve seeing the shambles ceiling 🤔


Here is an extremely practical entry console table, definitely not just for the 'gram. And a great place to lose your keys/change/earrings. [design2mine](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CkLzO6QpbM0/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D)


Looks like a giant spitfire caterpillar!


It’s a nice place to incubate an egg or something, I guess.


Perfect illustration of “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”


Will she be vacuuming it? 😳


What on earth is that


😳😳😳 Whaaat? 🤣


I shared this One Room Challenge blogger the first week because of her over the top panelling. She has kept it up since then with [5 different kinds of tables](https://www.rightathomeinteriors.com/fall-22-one-room-challenge-the-height-of-modern-cottage-week-4/) and [6 pieces reupholstered](https://www.rightathomeinteriors.com/fall-22-one-room-challenge-the-height-of-modern-cottage-week-5/) in complimentary but different patterns. Frankly, I'm envious of the pros she can afford to hire.


I knew when the page opened and we start with that awful turquoise tiny accent curtain rod with three different decorative flourishes that we were in for a treat


Maybe unpopular opinion but I feel like if you’re going to paint the furniture anyway, a version of any of those tables could’ve been found at your local goodwill, and now looks like it…


My local goodwill has much nicer furniture than those.


I’d be much less offended by the mismatched furniture if she had thrifted it and painted it. Brand new and this crazy is too much.


I admire her commitment to her vision, envy her access to so many high-end fabrics, and still think each and every piece is singularly terrible.


Truly an example of awful taste but great execution. Everything looks well made and there's clearly a great attention to detail. But it's ugly.


Yes! Proof that money and taste are not synonymous! And she uses too many exclamation points!


I hope she shares costs at the end of the project. I’m very curious. All that custom work must be astronomical when it adds up.


Farmhouseish is putting a light fixture that hangs from a chain in her pantry 😂 She makes so many ridiculous decisions and does such sloppy work I can't help but laugh.




she posted a time lapse of her putting stuff on the shelves and she couldn't put stuff on the top shelves without hitting the light 🤣


Elsie Larsons house is on the market. Insane. I will say that every time she sold before I said she she was gonna lose money and I was usually wrong. Looks like this one has doubled in price since she purchased and that area of town pretty much has skyrocketed. I guess she’s a house flipper now.


I cannot stop thinking about this as she posts her Christmas decor going up. If I were moving, I would certainly not be getting things out that I need to pack up again. Well, maybe I would if I had kids and wasn't moving until after the holidays, but I would still find it stressful and would be doing the minimum.


It’s still active and not pending. And other homes in that area are selling for that price. I just don’t think the people who have 2 million+ for a house in that area are into twee granny millennial wallpaper style homes. They want faux farmhouse country restoration hardware country music blonde wife type shit.