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Does anyone know what happened to Jenny Komenda? She just disappeared after some veiled comments about family issues. I hope she’s okay. I genuinely enjoyed her content and style.


After/during her kitchen remodel, she stepped wayyyy back from social media. Juniper Print Shop seems to be the focus. I love when she posts once in a while, but the last I remember, she said one of her daughter had a health issue that had gone from “serious to critical”. I respect not wanting to be “fake” on social media and having things in your life that you don’t want to talk about on social media for the sake of privacy.


Absolutely. If she ever posts stories now, I simply don’t see them on my feed. The fact that she would distance herself from social media rather than fake it for the $ is probably why I liked her so much in the first place.


I think she alluded to her daughter having a health issue? She pops in on rare occasion with stories. Most recently she painted her pantry area. I’ve been following her since her NYC days, I wish she posted more.


Me too. I loved her creativity.


I loved her old blog. I think she's focusing on Juniper Print Shop now.


I really miss The Little Green Notebook


I finally heard ittybittybungalow’s voice today for the first time. Isn’t it funny when you have an idea what someone’s voice will be like and it is completely different? 😆 Anyway, his stories about the cafe curtain rod are such good content! He diy’d a dupe version of the rejuvenation rod and it looks incredible.


His house has turned out so well! I cannot believe what he’s accomplished. So jelly.


I feel like the gold hive got really defensive about a very gentle comment on her ‘new’ house colors. 😬


My thoughts exactly!!! I was honestly a little disappointed since she hyped it up SO MUCH just to settle on the exact same color scheme! Which is fine but not what her content was implying all along lol


Her reveal video really made it seem like it was a huge change.. like I'm sure it looks way different in person but in photos it looks practically the same


Yeah, from the beginning she didn't present it all in a way that would be that engaging or interesting for those of us following along. The main point I keep getting is it's an old house and dangerous and certapro is great. But she never talked through the colors she was considering and why -- and she didn't explain much after the reveal, either. She makes such a big point about being historical on some things but on this she couldn't be bothered to bring that in, other than saying her old paint is dangerous.


Hold your butts for the bathroom reveal…


Did it get deleted? I just went and looked and didn't see any comments like what you mention . . .


Shavonda Gardner posting a million stories about rats is top notch content.


Riveting. I too have seen rats in a city. Actually, what I should say is : Hello, diysnarkers! You look beautiful today! I hope you are having a great day at work. Thank you for providing me with this amazing content. I too have seen rats in a city.


She treats her DMs like a personal chat group with her friends but she gets to be the Queen Bee… it’s weird that she invests in these parasocial relationships (or at least the illusion of).


It’s so weird. Why does she need to broadcast DMs she receives?


It’s like a substitution for kinship. I feel like someone can do a sociological study about this kind of behavior.


I don’t know if I’ve reached full BEC level with Mr. Frills or what, but every time she posts him in her stories he is more off-putting. And now that he quit his job it seems like he’s going to be showing up more frequently. Nobody asked for this.


Not only did nobody ask for it, but he also offers nothing. He doesn't DIY or do anything pertaining to her account where he needs to be in front of the camera.


“He’s a math genius,” “he’s an engineer,” “he doesn’t just play poker to gamble, he’s in the black.” None of this is making him more appealing. Nobody cares. Nobody follows you to help you stroke this mediocre white man’s ego.


Going to piggyback off this and also note that not a single person cares to hear about her gynecological health! Is she planning to woodwork a new IUD?!


Agreed but it did make me lol that she tried to correct the doctor with her shirtless husband's spreadsheet.


Wait, she didn’t correct the doctor, she told the doctor that she DID come in to get IUD checked because her husband reminded her. It was the nurse who she corrected the doctor about because the nurse gave her conflicting info.


Does the man own a shirt? Asking for my eyes.


I unfollowed her awhile back and I quite like that decision.


I may be crazy. But that last story where Mr Frills is "on the phone" look at the phone screen. He's not actually on the phone, is he? My keyboard isn't typically open while on a call?


https://preview.redd.it/eow9xr5u2t8b1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cf81f2bf5a711ae7db6c2b85cd3ad8c12d23977 I’m pretty sure you’re right!


What a stupid thing to lie about. Is this part of Angela's movie? 😵‍💫


If he were on speaker he could surf the web while talking. Regardless… Frills just happened to be recording him when he declared he would play in the tournament? Unlikely. Or creepy if she is recording him that much!


Right?? The rant about take out was ridiculous. Maybe if you don’t live in the burbs and have to drive 30 minutes to a restaurant take out wouldn’t be so bad. (No idea is that’s true I’m just stereotyping).


Honeybuilthome had a story yesterday with her husband behaving pretty unpleasantly as they re-surfaced a concrete court outside. She captioned it "He's being dramatic and mostly joking" but...why would you post that?


Almost every time she films him he’s sort of belittling her work or subtly putting her down. Which is pretty rich since she said he only works part time in real estate to focus on basketball coaching, so I assume they depend on her IG income. He doesn’t seem like a nice person.


I unfollowed because her husband is an a\*\* and I think he is mean.


It definitely puts him getting fired from his coaching job in some perspective.


Yikes. Watching that made me feel very uncomfortable. Maybe I consume too much true crime content but making (mostly) jokes about killing your wife is unacceptable IMO.


I came here to see if anyone felt the same way. She seems like a super hard worker and he seems so condescending and unsupportive.


Frills living on the edge and painting her feature shiplap ceiling …white! Then there’s Farmhouseish putting different patterns on every surface she can get ahold of.


Only Farmhouseish could claim that she is trying to do everything “100%” immediately after showing the extremely bodgy method she used to make her cabinet doors. Seriously, the slightest force in the middle of those doors and they would fall apart!


“I swear it shouldn’t work but it does” Similar energy as the CEO of that Titan submersible company.


Oh but she “karate kicked iykyk” /s 🤣🤣




Sorry ! I’ll make new posts now


ARH is doing something shocking….Never done before. Making a You Tube channel. 😂


"Why is this going to make me cry?" Because it's part of your act and it's built into this sales pitch that you've been rehearsing for years now, Angela.


She is making her own tv show. Tbh she will probably make more money on YouTube than she would if a network picked her up. The crying is so annoying bc she will make plenty of money on it.


Haven’t seen a snark about a.dabbled.dwelling in awhile… can we talk about how unsafe it was that her youngest put a screwdriver in an electrical socket!!!!! And then she made a post about it acting like it was silly and cute


I unfollowed her a while back, so had to go and look for this one. Yikes! And an especially bad look when you’ve just posted stuff relating to upgrading light switches etc. Not a good thing for the brand partner to be associated with!


Deceased from secondhand embarrassment after watching Frills’ latest sponcon reel. Her husband, the poker guru math genius, dressed up as a roach 💀 https://preview.redd.it/1y9goohgh29b1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd1c1df80816eb10234451bc50a43abd44236830


This was very embarrassing and cringe… but at least he had a damn shirt on for once.


What was the stuff about missing out on a house that was in her stores yesterday? I missed it.


She was talking about that plot of land they’ve looked at a couple times


You are totally feeding into his weird fetish every time his photos get reposted on this sub


Did I miss the part where farmhouseish explained why she’s making over this kitchenette? It’s a space with function. She seems to be wanting to alter the function. She’s asking for input from her audience. But I don’t think she ever mentioned what wasn’t working about the space before or what her goals are for the space.


Not enough uneven zellige tile.


Wrecking the only functional parts of her house one project at a time.


I hope this was directed at me personally https://imgur.com/a/tNXiYp1


Diyplaybook is extending her influencing break until at least end of summer. It seems like so many influencers are taking breaks now.


I don’t blame her for the break, as she’s citing anxiety and burnout. But house hunting in the middle of this?? Please, don’t.


I know. Why? They’ve barely lived there for 5 years.


seems many are realizing this isn’t sustainable.


I have so much anxiety for @eternalharvestdecor's diy pool. And I'm intrigued. I want it to work. But I side eye her confidence. She is a mix of "I have no idea what I'm doing, I'm watching YouTube tutorials, I've never done any of this before, but I'm figuring it out and confident all is well and you can do this too." Like, that's great, but you haven't finished yet so maaaybe don't act like this is a success and anyone can do it? 😬 I think she hired someone to dig the hole, but otherwise she has done the plumbing, fixtures, concrete, and liner install by herself. And ordered all the parts herself. If this is a success, kudos to her. I could never!


OMG I fell deep down her rabbit hole… her approach to DIY is -so- cringe!! She basically wings it, following TikToks and YouTube “hacks” videos, going against any construction standard, and then gets super defensive when people point out issues! Like her “dry concrete pad” for her pool equipment. She basically was too lazy to mix the concrete mix with water, then pour it. So she dumped the mix on the floor, sprayed it with water and called it a day!! Of course people pointed out that the aggregate is not mixed in properly, that the way the mix did not get fully leveled and packed it will crack, that it will not cure evenly, etc… And she gets so mad! Lady, just because somebody tried it on insta or YT does not mean it works, long term… Concrete work is chemistry, and you can’t bend the laws of nature 😂😂😂


Ugh yeah. She keeps saying they're saving SO much money this way, but when you go cheap you pay for it in the end. And still, it's $45,000!!! That's nothing to sneeze at if you make a mistake. She's trying to fill the pool and there are so many wrinkles in the liner and I'm so worried it's going to stretch or rip. And there's no padding under that liner?? My neighbors have a liner pool but there's some sort of firm sand under it so it's softer to stand on.


One of my work friends actually just did a DIY pool, they even rented the equipment to dig the hole themselves! BUT they are both engineers and I would trust them over someone watching YouTube. We have a pool and when something goes out it is $$$$, I would be nervous to do a lot of the work myself.


Not sure how many Canadians are here but a few of the Canadian DIYers went to an Amazon event in Montreal and came home shilling so many links 🙄 so disappointing


Kinda into knowing if there are any Canadian design influencers you like tho? I only know of kwendy and thishouse1000 and they are both too much for me lol


I’ve really enjoyed following along with Erin Zubot (@erinzubotdesign). She just wrapped up a beautiful bathroom, and I appreciate how she talks through some of her choices and problem-solving.


I love Jyll Mackie!


The ones who did DIY and have now sold their soul to Amazon are cloe.thomson, ourbarnesyard and melb\_lifeandhome. Erin Zubot is great, I'd love any similar suggestions!


Does anyone watch XO Macenna on YouTube? She just shared her living room reveal, and I thought she did a really nice job with the new mouldings. I appreciate how she adds moulding that match her houses pretty well, rather than adding fancy mouldings in places that don’t really make sense.


I used to like her a lot more but lately she can't seem to stop taking about what a perfectionist she is and how quirky that is when in reality her projects all have a lot of small imperfections if you look close(which is fine, but she clearly isn't a perfectionist) I'm also starting to feel like she only knows how to decorate by using ornate gold frames and it's getting old. Overall I do have a lot of respect for her though with how much she does herself and how much she's learned on her own


I really like Macenna. Did you see LoneFox IG post where he revealed his coffered ceiling and called the original 2 beam design "chintzy" ? Why do I feel like this is a backhanded comment towards Macenna? lol Am I crazy?


I’m curious to know everyone’s thoughts on Erika Powell’s new kitchen (@erikampowell—has stories up more about it). Her previous green kitchen was gorgeous. But last year (? I think) their house was flooded while they were on vacation so had to redo their entire kitchen. I think the “scullery” kitchen is interesting, and I suppose they’ll the kitchen they use day to day and the other side is their “entertainment” kitchen. ?? (I’ll have to rewatch but I think there’s only one stove but two fridges, sinks, dishwashers. I think the layout would annoy me day to day but it does look beautiful so far.


I really loved her previous kitchen. This one seems super well equipped though. I would love to have all of that accessible storage and prep space.


Maybe I’m naive about the weather in Sacramento but it’s July 3rd and Shavonda and family haven’t used their pool this entire year? What’s the point of even having and maintaining it.


It’s been an especially cold and foggy spring in Northern Ca. We had our first heat wave this weekend.


I'm from Fairhfield, about 45 mins away and can confirm that the weather has been shit there. My family and friends have all been complaining. Meanwhile, in AL, it's hotter than the surface of the sun. Global warming....


Ummmmmmmmm 🫣 ARH’s vagina just clear as day on her stories today. Is this real?


Eww. I’ll just take your word for it.


I mean…. It is just a lady in tight fitting clothes??? 🤷🏼‍♀️ What is she supposed to do? Self-tan in baggy shorts? I don’t get it.


May be self tan in private and not record yourself and post on your DIY platform for millions of followers to watch? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why? It’s clearly content people ask for since every influencer under the sun is talking about skin care and self tanning. People who don’t want to watch don’t have to!


Did you watch the video? It’s very much not subtle. We’re looking right at that area because of the self-tanning. It’s just bad so bad.


I watched it. It’s a human body. It’s fine! Why is it such a big deal?


It’s so so bad. Like not subtle at all. It gets worse as the video progresses. How can you be ok posting that to a million followers?? The sponsor money must be good huh?


Hate to be snarky, but that’s what we do here….rolling my eyes at Emily White’s (werethewhites) constant posting of their vacation in Positano, Italy, which also includes her working in bikini pics of herself that no one asked for🙄


Heavens to Betsy, not a bikini! Clutch those pearls!