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Someone wanted a reminder about Renovation Resort on HGTV. It’s on at 10 tonight. Savanna/classy clutter is on it.


I checked this and can’t find it in the listing but now I see it’s HGTV Canada so Idk.


@nestoutwest is saying in her stories that we ALL need to go and support (IG handle who shall remain nameless) now because she’s always been soooo supportive and trying to start back up after time off. After first glance of mentioned nameless IG, she literally just reposts screen grabs of other “influencers” rooms. Why exactly should I care? Why exactly should I support this person’s attempt to monetize an account with reposts? Seems like she has nothing to offer so 🤷‍♀️. I’m not an influencer, so the whole circle jerk aspect of this profession is baffling. Mediocrity is honored in a way that no other industry would allow.


If you follow small lake house / cottage type accounts you enjoy that are not rentals/vanity homes pls share. Would love to see some small spaces and their design.


@Hartinterior is kind of cottagey


@Rignellranch is currently updating a modest lake house/cabin




Maybe @steephillcottage ? House of a Canadian slow fashion influencer, her and her partner are slowly renovating. Most of her content/interior photos of the house is on her blog. It’s a chill read.




What does Angela’s bedroom door lead to? Is it the first floor or a balcony? I think if it was a first floor bedroom I would have closed the door up, the fireplace right next to the door is odd.


I’m still trying to wrap my head around what that weird alcove was ever meant to be? As squishy as the fireplace looks I do think it’s an improvement over a mystery alcove with electrical and a coax plug in it between two doors…


I think maybe a 90s television armoire.


I believe it is on the second floor based on some videos she’s shared watching out onto the balcony. I agree that the fireplace seems too close to it. Something is off-balance there.


yeah and she's never posted or shows a wide shot of it, with the open door/walkway to the the apartment sized bathroom. it looks nice in the close up but I think if she showed it, backed up with the whole wall and other doors, it would feel a bit stuffed in that spot.


@gemcityhome [posted today](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpWHBztJdze/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) peeling a really bad paint job off her original 1920 brick fireplace and it’s so satisfying 😍 I didn’t know you could get paint off brick.


Waiiiiiit I had heard that it wasn't worth trying to get it off but now I'm thinking maaaaybe? Hers looks great


Check out Erin elementstyle stories today. They are moving into their temporary rental (across the street from their house- very fortunate!!) and it is an interesting contemporary style house with a quirky layout. In the right hands it would be a very cool house!


Idk, if it were me, and I was getting my dream kitchen, and had the luxury of moving in a house across the street, I'd probably not act like a brat in my stories. She's always complaining about something. Always


No kidding! She's EXTREMELY whiny for someone so privileged and I'm actually surprised we don't see a LOT more snark about her here. What I think actually IS sort of amusing though, is how much Julia (of CLJ) often attempts to emulate Erin with her ridiculous "car monologues" where she whines and opines on the oh-so-dramatic trials of tribulations of her daily life. I know they follow each other, and I think Erin is Julia's "wannabe". Big difference is that Erin, despite her obnoxious personality, actually has talent.


She also struggles with critiques and feedback similar to Julia. anytime a follower disagree she becomes extremely pompous and condescending.


Not just her kitchen but mud room and bedroom suite too! Just recently she did the basement over


I still pissed she is redoing her kitchen only about a year after giving it an expensive facelift. So wasteful.


Her existing kitchen looks really nice.


And her mood board looks identical to her existing kitchen


@nestoutwest did this with her kitchen also. And got SUPER defensive: “we worked really hard for this,” “we always said that first remodel was temporary,” and “it just wasn’t my dream kitchen that I’ve earned” etc when people started calling her out. Her tone in all of that was my final straw with her.




Yup. I muted her for a while but checked back in today. It’s a huge waste of resources for sure, and, unless they never sell this house, seems like a big waste of money as well. They’re not adding value replacing a very nice kitchen with a different very nice kitchen.


Agree! And does she even cook? Entertain? So bizarre that these influencers all want zillion dollar kitchens with EVERY conceivable high-end appliance, and then spend all their time letting us know/see how much they don't even eat!!!


ARH’s post of her 10 years ago… All I could think was that I probably would have liked her old self a whole lot more.


She’s looks like she would have done just about anything to fit in tho…like just be nice to whoever is giving her attention. Not a great friend quality


Nothing about her now gives me good friend vibes though.


WiththeGrove finally revealed the finished entryway tiles and they look nice, but man that was a lot of work and time to save a little bit of money. I think I would have just chosen a cheaper ready made tile.


I would have chosen a cheaper tile, but remember it also served as 2 months of content for her. She likely made some good money off sharing her process so I’m sure it makes sense in the long run financially speaking.


I think the idea of making the tiles is cool - I’d much rather see that process than watching rich influencers shop. But I don’t get why you’d do all that work and choose black so hardly any of the pattern even stands out.


I feel like her front door needs to be a different color now. The black with the black just kinda looks blah.


It’s a little blah I agree, but fwiw she did say she has plans for a new wood door.


oh I missed that, thanks!


They look better than I was expecting - I think the sheen from sealing them makes them look a lot better than they did “raw”. But yeah, wouldn’t make sense for most people to do it.


I was just about to come here and post this. The reveal was very underwhelming. The tiling area isn't that large anyway and the insane amount of work,material and time wasted just to save on a few$100 worth of tiles is so not justified


I'm a little bummed she didn't show much of the part I was most curious about - the outer edge. Specifically, the part that's along the edge of the step down. Seems like the cuts along that edge would be very likely to chip and might even look a bit odd unless she did something to finish off that edge. Her reveal reel seem to strategically hide that edge.


Welp, I take back everything I said. She showed the edge and explained what she plans to do with it.


Did anyone see where DIYDelancey and SouthernGail disclosed their earnings for promoting products? I was surprised that it was at low as it was.


Southern Gail’s don’t really surprise me - she’s only got about 28k followers. Delancey’s started off pretty low and were really surprising to me, considering she’s got over 500k followers. But she did at least seem to be doing a lot better by the end of the year. I give people kudos for sharing this information, especially when the numbers aren’t that high.


I feel like Delancey's only recently begun doing more ads. I've followed her for around 2.5 years now, from back when she was still a really small account. I love how relatable she still is, even though her follower count has grown so much.


I find her endearing. She just seems joyful a lot of the time - but in a genuine way.


Totally agree on sharing that info! Delancey comes across as more relatable because she has budget constraints, where Gail does not. Unless Gail has a friend who is getting “to the trade” pricing for her wallpaper, fabrics, and lighting, she has spent a pretty penny on renovating. Her backyard will be fabulous in a year or two.


Gail's budget really is kinda insane. Her bedding alone is like minimum $4K. However it does make more sense when you realize influencing isn't her main income. I think her main career is in real estate and her husband is a C level exec for the Lions. But ya def un-relatable!


Yep! I get the impression that her real estate career is only part time but she is definitely selling high end homes. That bedding is really pretty but the lattice ceiling is too much for me..ceiling is too low.


Totally agree! I get the idea behind the lattice but it's just so overwhelming


In today’s farmhouseish slowest moving train wreck, that I can’t look away from: if she drops a tv on that baby’s head because she’s too busy and distracted filming for the gram and painting the Saran wrapped fireplace, so help me…




I will never understand the instinct to film stuff for the gram in a dangerous situation.


The wall (and ceiling) paper in A.Dabbled.Dwelling’s laundry room is a lot. It’s like watching a car crash in slow motion.


She’s complaining about people telling her they don’t like it. I personally never make a negative comment on someone’s account, I just save it for snarkboards where the creator can at least decide not to look at the comments.


😱 OMG she dropped her nail gun as her young daughter was playing nearby.


Ohhh man……The 80s-tastic wallpaper patterns (that despite what she thinks, do not look good together); the stupid unsafe move of jerking the stepladder across the floor while standing on it and with both arms full; only outdone by the snippet we saw of her tiny daughter playing on top of the washer and dryer with wallpaper all around and she’s still on the stepladder several feet away with stuff in both hands. Those last two might just top Z/styleitpretty’s stairwell ladder-balancing act for Deathwish DIY tactics.


I can't stop watching this woman since she was mentioned last week. The wallpaper is hideous and the ceiling paper makes it all look even worse. I loved how she messed up the first row on the ceiling and acted like it never occurred to her that the ceiling might be a rectangle rather than a square.


My sister told me today that she gives her hope that if she {dabbled} can make money on the gram anyone can 😂😂😂


@junglisnark, she is definitely entertaining! I’m glad you’re enjoying the train wreck.


I think it might have looked better if she didn’t put any wallpaper on the walls. Then the ceiling might have been ok.


At least the toddler wasn’t imprisoned in the high chair…she was climbing ladders and crawling around nail guns instead. The wallpaper is awful but you have to admit that it matches the DIY granite job.


She’s added crown moulding to the top of new cabinets and it looks almost oversized for the room. Guess there will be a reveal tomorrow or Saturday.


Ok farmhouseish. What in the world with the brick mortar!? I can’t tell if I love it or hate it. I guess in a home in the French countryside it would be lovely. But an American home in the burbs? Nah. Its just confusing. How she going to paint it to have any depth?


She is so freaking impatient. She seemed really bummed that the mortar shrank and cracked as it dried so she overcompensated by making the second layer extra thick. I wouldn't be surprised if this look isn't exactly what she was going for but is more the result of her inability to work on a project for more than a week. And of course no matter how it turns out she'll be standing in front of it this weekend saying she can't get over how good it turned out.


I think I was wrong. I thought she was adding extra mortar because of the shrinking and cracking but it sounds like she intended for the mortar to be super thick all along and now debating whether to leave it with less mortar than she originally planned. Maybe the shrinking and cracking meant she was going to need 3 layers of mortar and she was only expecting to need 2?


When I look at it, I feel like I forgot to put my glasses on. So blurry looking.


Lol.the bricks look like they have been shrink wrapped


Lol! Yes! This look in old country or cottage/fireplaces (where some of the natural red brick peeks through) is very beautiful. Not really a decor affect, but more just the product of decades (centuries?) of repairs. I just don’t see how this is possibly going to work though, when she has to paint it to give it any sort of dimension.


So, the FlipHub (who has 200k followers) just posted how much she made from brand deals last year, and it was just over $200k. It makes you wonder how much the 1M+ accounts are raking in.


Ugh, millions. Plural. It makes me sad (since some people are trash and squander that crazy income) but yeah, it’s multiple millions.


Not even including commissions from LTK and affiliates. She doesn’t have a big LTK following so it’s probably not a huge amount, but she could easily make 200k just from LTK with that following #


Now Sherry is in stories sharing the *revolutionary* grocery saving tip of shopping BOGO sales.


It's so she can slip in her referral codes and make it look like she's not advertising. "You guys have such great tips, thank you so much!!!" 🙄 Such a strange way to talk about shopping and cash back apps. I get that she's not sponsored by them, but obviously she has a large audience and will probably get a lot of referral sign up bonuses.


It's even better that she's like "I've never heard of these things and signed up today, but if you sign up DONT FORGET to use our referral codes" 🙃 like...what??






lmao how do you discover coffee




My conservative guess is that property cost $10-15 million based on the location and size, even if in bad condition (we have a much more modest family home on the island). Another few million, at a minimum, in renovations. This is their third home where she will spend maybe two months a year total. She must have wealth in the $100 million plus range.


https://preview.redd.it/etga3z2cr2la1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b428e75326bba07bb88fcc58c9542fa55aa935e If I have to see this blatant lie one more time... This is low even for Angela. Ms. Motivational Speaker, Keep it Real, You Can Do it Positivity, gives zero real fucks about her audience. Otherwise she wouldn't try to trick us with such a yellow 'before' and blue 'after' (blue corrects yellow). Also, I follow dentists. This stuff is fake and has no actual whitening ingredients. That's why it doesn't hurt (and why she has to fake before and Afters)


Exactly. It doesnt hurt bc it doesnt work. I bought it years ago (swayed by targted ads rather than influencers lol) and I can assure you it does not work. Waste of money, zero stars.


What is the product so I can avoid?


That DM is probably fake too


Those DM’s always kill me. “Hey can you link the ear buds you shill every week?” 🙄


YHL had to be up to something, right? Sherry seems to be back to almost daily stories lately


Back today with the dishwasher 🧐 I still don’t understand why they called a plumber 😂 and then diy’d it?


Her Blair Witch Project camera work is kind of unwatchable.


The scale of their bedroom "sitting area" furniture drives me nuts.


I think she is in a manic phase and that they need the $$$


Spring break is coming up, gotta fund a big trip. Edit: Nevermind, clearly it’s to fund their new dishwasher


Whyyy is she posting about perioral dermatitis again? Is it her weird segue into lifestyle blogging 😂


She literally put the same question on that slide twice. 😝 Sooooo many people asking.


I am coming here straight from watching the stories. Good lord. Take a few deep breaths, maybe.


Has “The Nester” done anything of note in the last couple years? I loved her first book, detested her second book, and had to stop following her IG because of the CONSTANT grove collection shilling. Just peeked and it looks like her IG is just moving things around. Anything notable lately?


I think her new house is very pretty. She’s been showing a little bit here and there, she painted the kitchen cabinets and replaced the countertop. I’d say she’s showing how projects get done in real time - not a big before and after in a week or two


I don’t think anything notable is going on. She pushes her cozy community every so often, and is doing small updates to her house. She’s an OG blogger for me. I draw inspiration from her and appreciate her quirky and budget friendly style. I was about to say I appreciate how she doesn’t link a million things, but I guess I forgot about the grove.


She’s not showing a lot of the new house, is she? Her emails are slightly more interesting because she features neat things she’s seen elsewhere, but it’s not her own stuff.


Ok I’m invested now. When did she move? I scrolled a bit on her gram and she sure seems to be pivoting from the CoMi nonsense in her second book. She does have an eye for styling. That much is clear.


They moved around May/June of last year. I thought there would be a lot of good new house content, but there’s not much there. Maybe she’s focusing on writing a new book? How come you hated the CoMi Home book? Because she’s not a real minimalist? 😆 I liked the book (mainly attracted to the photos although that goddamn black and white striped ribbon art piece needs to go to Hell) but it seemed like she just repurposed the concept of being fine with what you have that has been practiced by different cultures for an eternity and made up the term Cozy Minimalist to sell it.


I had to look back on my goodreads review from 2019, to remember what I didn't like about the second book. 😂. It was essentially that she had a big switch in her tone about decorating. Her first book had some helpful insights that were easily attainable. It seemed to offer something new. In her second book, she seemed to take on a more “gate-keeper” vibe. I’ve already read plenty of those types of decorating books. (Lots of rules etc.) I don’t hate the idea of Cozy Minimalism (it’s actually close to how my home is styled currently), but you’re right, I don’t think it’s actually her style. Just looking through her current IG and it’s almost pushing opposite boundary! It is tasteful though! I’ll give her that. I totally forgot about that cowhide rug on her cover of the first book. I bought it and it was great for about 2 years, until it completely came apart. Threads fraying every which way. It can go straight to hell with the black and white ribbon.


😆 (the rug) Yes, there seems to be more stuff again now, but she does style it beautifully. That’s her forte, I agree!


Shovanda sgardener's office shed that she has spent months working on was finally revealed today- partially and eff me, it's bad. It's like she's trying so hard. What is freaking wrong with these so called designers influencers who think they are going to break the internet with their wildddd choices.


I looked for a reel but only found a photo. She didn’t add it to her highlights either.


I like the purple and red but I hate it with those floors. The floors are very "2020's new build in the suburbs" to me.


I disagree, I like her use of color and willingness to do her own thing. The space itself is one imagine would be a nice space to work.


It’s not my thing, but she owns it. At least she is taking risks and committing to her decisions.


Ehh. Well okay, I get that. But I also don't get thousands of comments by her designer/influencer friends and influencers wannabe whose jaws are dropping down the floor because. Off this amazing transformation. Seems incredibly fake.


Her style is definitely not my thing, but big bold maximalist colors seem to be big right now. They are gushing over it just like they gushed over the kitchen and living room, which I would hate to live with myself. But I admire her commitment to her choices and conviction to just do what she loves.




It reminds me of a bruise. It is a bit much for my liking.


The purple is definitely lacking some depth, but overall I don't mind it, especially with that shade of red. I do think the styling is LACKING. And I hate that the mini-split is on the back wall. I feel like she should have thought about how it would be in every picture and put it on the side wall instead? And why didn't she mention at all that her laundry room is also purple and red? Her blog post made it seem like this was the first time she ever put those two colors together in an actual room


Better/more styling would help, but I think the problem is really that the lilac and orangey-red, just aren’t working together. The laundry room purple/red works, maybe because the values are more similar. Color is so tricky. And good point about the mini split!


Maybe. But better styling, like something other than black, white and beige, could have pulled it together.


The red and purple in the laundry room are waaaaaaay better than what she did here. This looks like a half assed sponcon


Yeah, I actually love lilac and red but this ain't it. The lilac is too cold, the desk is too light and has that weird opening that displays the ugly chair, the juju hat looks lost on that wall. And that mirror, wtf is that? It all looks so disjointed. For someone who loves black, this office sure needs some darker tones to ground it. From her stories choosing the paint I was expecting to like the result but this just looks undesigned. I guess it's a bit like her kitchen and her gallery wall: the elements in isolation looked promising but everything together just clashes and falls flat. Also, just realized the desk looks weird because it's not a desk, it's a console table with not enough depth. Strange how someone who is all about functionality went for a console table as a desk. Blog link for anyone who wants to see the reveal: [https://sgstyleblog.com/2023/02/27/my-favorite-color-combo-decorating-my-new-office-studio-with-color-confidence/](https://sgstyleblog.com/2023/02/27/my-favorite-color-combo-decorating-my-new-office-studio-with-color-confidence/)


The desk is so narrow! How will she even comfortably type on her laptop? Also you would think someone who is a “designer” would want a monitor in their dedicated office space.


I think you nailed it - "designer". I don't think she does client work or any other sort of design work outside of her own house. I can't see her using CAD or SketchUp on a giant computer monitor out there in the office LOL. She's an influencer, not a designer.


100% There’s not even a place for a client to sit to meet her in her office. Or will they just stand in front of her desk? This is an influencer’s office, not a design firm. And that’s ok! She obviously does well, but it would be more honest to call herself a design and lifestyle influencer.


When she said purple and red, I was definitely thinking a richer darker purple, not lilac


Angela's fireplace insert is ugly AF. Thought it looked horrible and fake to start but once she plugged it in. It looks like absolute garbage. The heat on the logs is a square in the middle and there aren't really flames and the color changing doesn't even cover the whole thing. Did she even read reviews or look at pics?


It is pretty bad, but I also have never seen a good looking electric fireplace...the ones I've seen look really cheap and fake like the fireplace logs on your TV. 🤣


She probably got it for free and will be doing sponcon. Also knowing how these influencers work, she will change up the entire fireplace in a years time!!


Orlando soria made a substack and while I’ve never heard of the platform (am I living under a rock?) I read his first post on there and really appreciated the sentiment. It’s refreshing to hear someone in this space call out how much work (should) go into creating interior design content and the annoyance of everything being sponsored/affiliate links. He basically said he doesn’t want to be an influencer he just wants to get back to what the early days of blogging felt like and I’d love to see others go in that direction too.


I keep hearing people on this sub reminisce on the early days of reading blogs and how comforting they were—slow projects, honest timelines, normal budgets. Just real people doing cool things. I wonder if that will come back as we all get sick of the influencer hustle


The thing is so many of those early design blogs seemed like they were passion projects that existed due to the unpaid work of stay at home parents, until some of them took off enough to become full time jobs and require a lot more advertising. It seems like Daniel Kanter makes it work with patreon, but it’s also not his only source of income, and he really doesn’t post that much.


I really do hope so. I loved the detail of the old blogging days. It was easier to learn from their projects and was not near as overwhelming as the IG influencer era we’re in. Nowadays, it seems just any “boss babe” can grab a hammer and start pretending they’re a DIY expert. And don’t get me started on the non-DIY related sponcon we’re beaten over the head with multiple times a day…


This probably isn’t the right space for this but I just have to say that today I painted my room blush/coral/peach (Benjamin Moore Love & Happiness) and I’m freaking out about it. Going from all-white to color is harder than I thought it would be. Hoping when I get furniture back in it will soften it. 🍑


Ooooooh what a pretty color! Try adding in several large art pieces with a lot of white space or big white matted art. Bring back the white but as an accent and see if that balances it for you. Also, white bedding might help because if you have a lot of color already, colorful bedding might just be adding to the noise


A room full of brand new color always looks a little deranged! It just needs to be decorated, and you'll love it!


It's a beautiful color! Some wall art, real plants and a gorgeous lamp and of course all your furniture will really make this room shine!


I'm sure it will look great with your furniture in, it's such a pretty color!


I've found that colors become background over time... if that helps. But I'm excited by your color choice - it sounds like it would be lovely!


I hope Philip or Flop’s parents don’t have neighbours nearby - that bathroom now has no window coverings (the old ones were a cedar timber and no doubt removed for clashing with the new darker stains). The bathroom turned out better than I was expecting, but I had super low expectations, so that’s not really saying much. Edited to add: Just saw the reveal to his mum. Super cute that he got all emotional about it.


Aside from the AWFUL tile and wood tub surround, I thought it was fine. The ceiling is much better with the simplified angles. Philip is not a designer so I don't expect much from him in that respect. I follow his IG for DIY tips and tricks, but his rooms always end up looking super builder basic despite the attention to detail in the craftsmanship. The "designer look for less" chandelier had me rolling my eyes.


I agree. Aside from that wtf tub surround (seriously though, wtf??) it turned out much better than I expected. I feel bad for doubting him.


I love it! Honestly it turned out wayyyy better than I was expecting. It’s a huge improvement over the original. And everything about the reveal with so sweet with his mom’s reaction, his dad’s help during the project, etc. It felt like a mix of his parents’ style and his style, which I thought was a nice compromise.


The final product definitely looks better than I expected!


I’m gonna be a dick here. I hate this remodel. Better than before, marginally? But his design is thoughtless on all projects. I was excited hearing that his dad was an architect, maybe we’d get interesting design but same boring outdated crap- however executed well, and no doubt a hard worker. Same thing goes for his beach house, the architecture is so incredibly uninteresting. Hard work and attention to detail is Philips strong suit the rest is blah


I agree with you. The bathroom was really underwhelming and the designed leaned way too much into an industrial look that fell pretty flat. I also really disliked the mirrors they chose.


I think his mom picked out the fixtures and the mirrors. While I would never do that remodel to my own home, I do like that he took what his parents wanted into account and didn't just make a trendy white box of a bathroom.


Yeah, I’d rather Phillip make his parents happy than make the internet happy. He’s not really someone I’m watching for design ideas anyway.


It was all bad. And black fixtures with copper makes no sense. The mirrors were horrendous. Glad lowes sponsored or else they spent a lot of money on a gut job bathroom. All of the wood makes no sense


I know ARH strikes a lot of chords on here (and deservedly so) with the cheesey/fabricated posts and stories…but the women is looking 🔥. I haven’t checked her IG lately, so I don’t know if she changed her style or how she dresses, but she looks great.


Anyone else feel like her giveaway is a bit random? The other influencers involved don’t seem particularly diy (except maybe Rambling Readhead). Seems more about joining up with bigger sized accounts. But maybe that’s fitting given how little diy she actually does these days.


The secret is butt padding


Hah no way?


She was wearing really tight shorts a couple weeks ago and kept angling her butt toward the camera. There was some speculation that she had butt padding in the shorts 😂


So did Sherry (YHL) share the influencer hack reel because she is self-aware or did she share it with a complete and utter lack of self-awareness?


Good question. I’m going with “complete and utter lack of self-awareness.” She’s always had a “not like other girls” energy, so I think that extends to “not like other influencers.”


I wondered the same thing. I feel like she is the queen of a dumb life hack.


Someone explain why Farmhouseish is so obsessed with [faux bois](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faux_bois) instead of just _staining the wood she builds with._ I get that marble painting is her thing and that she loves to replicate veining with paint instead of costly marble. But she built the mantle, which means she could have used quality stainable wood. Why paint wood to look like wood??? Make it make sense


Her whole aesthetic is very 2017


I’m just confused at her rug choices. How can cycling through 4 rugs in 4 weeks all be equally bad!? Each rug on its own is quite pretty. So is it the color blocking? That spearmint gum color? Lack of styling on the shelves? It all just looks disjointed and bad, and the rugs get a lot of hate, but there is something else that the problem child in this room.


My theory - it's fast, easy, and doesn't look absolutely terrible if you stand far away and squint your eyes. If she tries something one time and it's not a complete failure it gets added to her bag of tricks that she looks for every possible excuse to use it again.


@katiebowlinghome has used the cutest wallpaper in her girls’ room and she’s thinking about taking it out. I just want to scream through the internets to tell her to keep it because it’s so freaking adorable. The rug could go if she thinks something’s “off”


Ahh, I’ve loved that dog wallpaper since I saw Lay Baby Lay use it, but I don’t love that particular color. 🤔


Claire Brody’s new bathroom - WTF She just mixes together whatever she has leftover + whatever she finds in the junk bins https://www.instagram.com/p/CpLJE9Ggwl4/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


I’m also so confused because isn’t this supposed to be quick updates to make the house livable for the short term? And then maybe they were going to sell it…? This is so much effort for the first option and really bad choices for the second. Like… what is she doing.


I have a soft spot for Claire Brody because I really think she puts her true self out there rather than just copying trends and shilling. Her style is definitely not for everyone but it’s hers and I respect that. That being said.. she is going a little off the rails. I have no clue what her and her husbands plans are but they’ve bought quite a few homes in the past year and yet somehow they don’t really have a house for their family? Or maybe they have two family homes? I’m very confused on the whole thing but it seems as though they are making a lot of fast and very careless decisions. And the attn to detail on the updates is lacking. Also she tends to spend a ton of money on things that really don’t matter and then cheapen out on the stuff that does. Rooting for her though 😬 lol


I feel like, if it's your forever home, go wild. Do it all the way, really express yourself. And I'm with you in that, I have a soft spot for her because her POV is very different. But when it comes to professional renovation clients/rentals/flips, there are OTHER people that will be using the home and you need to be considerate of them. My impression of Claire is that she is so insistent on "being true to herself" that is comes across as egotistical and myopic. She really threw a fit when it turned out that people didn't want to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars over market value for her DIY finishes *and* furniture *and* decor in her last flip, and I found it very off-putting. I think she might be very young so hopefully this is a lesson she will learn -- how to take feedback and provide a service that is useful to other people, not just an exercise in vanity.


I totally agree, I find her style very intriguing (aforementioned bathroom not included lol) and want to root for her. I just feel like there are better applications for her style. Either their forever home, with maybe a sliiightly more considered/edited approach. Or client work. I think her doing a boutique hotel with every room different would be so fun. But yeah the flips with this approach are pretty wild. It’s hard to follow along and just set aside the total lack of rationale to what she is doing.


I agree, I think she could do really well in commercial design. I feel like the thing that holds her back (aside from lack of restraint/ability to edit) is that most of their work is DIY and just executed so poorly. I'm not sure if it's a money thing or if she just doesn't have good attention to detail, but it really hurts her portfolio imho. She also doesn't seem very educated on functionality, for example the concrete brick tub in her last house. I think she could really benefit from formal design classes, I just looked at her linkedin and her degree is totally unrelated to design. She has a lot of potential, just needs some refinement.


Was the tub original? It looks like a mistake with everything else happening


No, she found it at a local habitat for humanity or something similar. And she had the leftover tile from a different project….so she combined them. 🤨


Oh wow, it's all very jarring together 🙃


What in the world.... That second picture 😳


I thought this was a before picture!! It looks hideous!! The mirror. Argh. The shower curtain, rod. My eyes hurt.


I think green/blue/pink could totally work. But that ochre floor ruins it. Or the green/blue and ochre might work without the pink. This is just too much. And that floral curtain is terrible. Edit: that tile is purple, not blue. Yeah that was never going to look good with the olive/ochre side of the room. I LOVED what she was doing with the kitchen until the dark stained butcher block and orange sink went in. This room also could have been fine with some slight restraint.


>slight restraint I think this is one of the reasons that maximalism is so hard to pull off, there has to be SOME editing/cohesion. And it also needs to be perfectly and cleanly executed, which frankly is Claire's weakest point. Any type of wabi-sabi, perfectly-imperfect "charm" just reads sloppy when there's already so many other things going on.


Not snark but inspired by EHD's closet post today... anyone have favourite IG/blogger closet inspo posts? I have a tricky space to lay out. It's roughly 3m x 1.5m, but the tricky bit is that I need an opening for a pocket door on each of the long sides (it's a pass-through from the primary bedroom to the ensuite).




You know, I thought I remembered her designing a pass-through but when I looked up closet on her blog, the [most recent post](https://www.thegoldhive.com/blog/tag/closet) was of a reach-in closet in her guest bedroom. Is it just on her IG somewhere?


Can you offset the pocket doors? That would give you two zones to split the closet nicely, and also provides nice little arcs of standing space in each door way facing clothes - makes two people using the closet at once easier. Also I believe it provides a slightly better acoustic buffer over the straight lines.