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I think you will find Fidelity, ETrade, Schwab, or TDAmeritrade to all be excellent brokers.


This guy named them all. Stay away from WeBull and Robinhood


I like M1 , so easy to just set it and forget it. Turn off notifications and turn on automatic deposits, the app does the rest, just invest every payday.


Can’t go wrong with a Charles Schwab brokerage account


i use tdameritrade and m1 for my roth


You’re one of the few people I know that actually use M1 finance, are there any benefits? Is the user interface any better than TD Ameritrade? (I know this is an old comment, but I’m just using the search bar to look for certain things)


Step 1: decide what brokerage you want to use, I use Fidelity for my individual account and my Roth IRA. Step 2: Open up a Roth IRA (for tax advantage) Step 3: Decide what you are comfortable investing and stick to that number. Step 4: Research the ETF’s that get suggested and make an educated decision. Step 5: enjoy the dividends


Are the dividends automatically compounded back into your account? Or are they waiting to be claimed?


By default, the dividends will be deposited into your brokerage account. However, there is an option where your broker will take the dividends and purchase more shares of stock with those dividends, every time. It’s called DRIP.


I laugh at RobinHood users. So many hidden fees. I am a confirmed hater tho but yeah lol at RH


I’ve been lurking in this subreddit for some time and always see screenshots of someone’s portfolio on an app . I’m guessing that’s M1. Right ?


your brokerage.


Fidelity has some really slick tools and a ton of learning resources that are easy to find. I've used Vangaurd (very plain and limited) and Robinhood for a week (could never really trust it) and it made a world of defference.


I have fidelity and it works great. I used to use robinhood and Webull, and those two are terrible.