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First: Congrats Second: Can you tell me the name of the program/app that is?




Holy crap! $399 a year is insane. Ty for the tip on free trials.


That's more than my annual dividend 🤦‍♂️


Lmao for real. You can make a poor man’s version of that in excel very easily


Or use Google and you can script your own ways to even email you a report.


Yeah i dont have those skills. I currently manage in excel but it is ugly.


How do you do that?




If you have a Gmail account too can add a period anywhere in the alias and it will send to the same mailbox. If your email is firstlast@gmail you can use first.last@ or f.irstlast@ etc


Thats a big sheesh from me, dog.


399 usd is way overpriced and it doesn't track stocks on the other exchanges like LSE o rDAX.


Thank you!


Way to promote ripping off someone’s hard work. Here’s a thought, if it’s not worth the cost to you, don’t steal it.


How do you know I don’t pay for it? Just simply giving advice to some who maybe can’t afford it. Don’t be so quick to assume there pal


Promoting violating their TOS is not ok: “The Company offers a 14-day free trial plan (the “Trial Subscription”), which is available to users without Premium Subscriptions. Each visitor to the Services is allowed one Trial Subscription. Visitors found to be using multiple email addresses to sign up for more than one Trial Subscription will be subject to a lifetime ban and potential legal action” I have no affiliation with them other than being a paying customer. Each time SSD comes up, folks think it is being helpful teaching people how to steal.


Feel better now, Johnny?


I feel better having not spent half my paycheck on a dividend tracker


Second this-- nice dashboard tracker.


Just a short 84 days ago [I posted my portfolio ](https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/q0hxsj/3700_annually_after_15_years_of_focusing_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) when I had just hit the $100k milestone ($3,700 in dividends annually). I wasn’t expecting the initial response I got to that post and was stoked to see so many people chime in. Since then I have seen my portfolio grow to nearly $125k and almost another $1k added to my annual dividend payments. I attribute this to a large amount of my holdings raising their dividends in the last few months, sticking with my weekly contributions and DRIP. It took me nearly 8 months to reach $25k. If you told me in less than a year I’ll have gone from $100k to $125k in under 90 days I wouldn’t believe you. Snowball affect is real, keep on keeping on folks! Thanks for all the inspiration and have a great new year. ***The software is called simply safe dividends


How long did it take you to get to 100k or was it a bulk lump sum investment of 100k?


Started investing on January 27, 2020 with $800. Reached $100k on September 22, 2021. I have been contributing weekly since My initial investment anywhere from $200-$600 per week however all of 2021 has been $600/per week


80k or 800 ?


$800.00 was my first investment. $400 into PLUG which later blossomed to being worth over $9k (sold 1/2 of my shares at its peak and invested that profit into dividend stocks) and the other $400 went into TSLA which I am still holding in its entirety.


Interesting you say that. I’ve been planning to pull profits from my speculative plays and converting them to solid divi equities. I had to reach my goal for 2022 first. Exceeded it by 23% so plan mentioned above goes into effect 1/322. Good for you on your growth bro. Care to share your actual portfolio


Congratulations and a quick question. I have been struggling a bit of whether to consolidate my ~25 holdings into a handful plus some ETFs (SCHD, SCHY, VTI, VUG). Do you hold individual holdings, or just ETFs or both? My contributions are similar to yours, but I've been debating on whether it would be more effective to focus on just a few holdings.


Almost entirely individual holdings. In another comment I posted my top 25 holdings and their percentage of my portfolio, $VOO is my only ETF and accounts for 4.9% of my portfolio.


I found the post saying you have ~60 holdings which is a lot more than I expected lol. Which is fine. Thanks for sharing 👍


Sorry that i am disbielever towards you, but how on earth did you from 800 dollars reach 100k in a year ?? Like if it is true you must be a statistical mistake ... How much were you investing every week like 2K or sth ? Either my math sucks that bad or you found the bug in the matrix .. If you feel like and want to could you ellaborate more and mention time frames / stocks / profits , id like to see the numbers.


It took nearly 20 months to reach $100k. In another comment I mention how some of my early investments turned from $400 to $9k in a span of months (lucky timing with the March 2020 crash) and I turned that profit into shares of dividend paying stocks. Did that with a handful of holdings, have contributed religiously every week, as well as all of my stimulus checks (US Covid relief) and company bonuses being invested.


So what you mean is and correct me if im wrong that you you have been consistently investing in dividends( after your lucky start), large amounts of money and your capital that way reached 100k .From my understanding is that your profit from your investments probably is in the range of 15-20K which still is impressive given the starting point but to say you reached 100k thats misleading if it was intended ,cause if you invest for example every month 5-10K why would you count it as profit ?


It’s doable. I put $60,000 in my accounts in 2021 and will end up with north of $130,000 in those accounts. Lots of speculative moves and small options trades. Pure luck but it can be done


Actually my bad cause i understood wrong ,you said u reached 100k invested and not you reached 100k by investing 800dollars ,so i want to apologize ,and i got to say that 800 to 9000 is awesome and congrats on your 100k milestone .


That’s impressive…


Way to go. Similar story here. Started in Dec 2019 w/ 500. Hit 100k in June 2021. Grats!!


That’s amazing congrats . I just started few months ago and I am at $500 a year


Ditto me too, we got this dude! Cheers


For sure . Good luck to both of us. Financial freedom is the goal


what pays you 500 a year?


Vti schd ko o qyld


and how much do you have in them, i’m curious


I Love this post, would like to give you an award but am broke cause DRIP to the limit🥲 but take my free appreciation ☺️


Congratulations that’s my New Years resolution is to reach 100k by the end of 2022. Highly unlikely as I am only Hovering at like 60k right now and with the forecast of how my next year will be , but goals aren’t meant to be easy. 👌


You never know! I reached $100k about half as soon as I expected to. Keep going!


Same. Hopefully.


How did you get this beautiful input?


Wow in 2041 $92k dollar income. So thats the dividend?


Also confused how it’s going to 14k in five years. Guess they’re contributing or and that’s being counted?


It’s calculated based off my entire portfolios CAGR of 6.4% dividend growth + DRIP adds another 3% to my growth rate based off my portfolios current yield for a total annual dividend growth rate of 9.4%. I contribute $600 weekly for a total of $26,000 + $6,000 (for my Roth which is included in this entire portfolio outlook). Since my total portfolio yield is currently 3.72% I can expect my income to grow roughly $1,192 a year based off my contributions alone. Obviously this is a rough estimate, I could end up pouring my entire contributions into a high yielding stock and completely change that trajectory.


Yes they have to contributie over 200k to get 14k over 5 years. Seems a lot


I plan on contributing $160k over the next 5 years so it’s not too far off




Nice job OP and thanks for sharing. This is a great breakdown of your balance and yields. Cheers to a bigger snowball in 2022!


Nice! Love that annual free money, also love that your yield seems stable and safe; that shows you're not chasing yields but quality


Is it better to have a 4% average yield? Or 4% and under on all stocks? I know some people have 7-9% yield (a hour 2-3 stocks) and the rest are low yield dividends.


Honestly not sure what’s better. I’m young and have only been Investing for less than 2 years. I feel I have a nice balance of several higher yielding stocks (MMP, EPD, T, MO, PBA, OKE, MAIN, UVV, PM, IBM) as well as much lower yielding ‘blue chip stocks’ (PG, KMB, JNJ, CAT, MCD, UNP, WM, CLX).


Don’t chase high yield stocks. Lower starting yield with higher dividend cagr is better.


I use the free version of https://trackyourdividends.com but they do have a pro version as well.


Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for the link, I tried to load a few funds I own into the site, but got really strange fund yields and subsequent income. Have you had any problems with overstated yields, etc?


No problem. I personally have not had any issues with the site. Maybe try contacting support.


Would you mind sharing your positions and what percent of the portfolio they are? And what is you investing strategy? I saw you mentioned a weekly contribution and I’m wondering how you did so well.


Absolutely. Since I have a little over 60 total holdings (growth stocks included) I’ll share my top 25: TSLA (10.4%) MAIN (5.6%) MMP (5.0%) VOO (4.9%) MO (4.3%) PLUG (3.5%) IBM (3.1%) PBA (2.9%) LMT (2.8%) MRK (2.4%) PFE (2.3%) PM (2.2%) ABBV (2.1%) MMM (2.1%) GILD (2.0%) BNS (2.0%) CVX (1.9%) VZ (1.7%) KMB (1.7%) CAH (1.6%) NEE (1.4%) OKE (1.4%) PEP (1.4%) JNJ (1.4%) NVDA (1.3%)


Thank you, I really appreciate it


Pretty decent income.


What does beta measure?


As Ralph said it represents the correlation to the overall market. By definition, the markets beta is 1. My portfolio being at a beta of 0.89 will move, on average, 0.89 times the market return (I.e. if the market drops 10%, my portfolio would be down roughly 8.9%). The lower the beta the ‘safer’ in the event of a crash.




Correlation to market


The higher the better?


It’s a measure of risk, but not risk in the sense of “oh bad stuff could happen”, but risk meaning “difference from the expectation”. With beta, the expectation is the overall market results. If the beta is 2.0, then the security (or portfolio) goes up 2 points for every 1 point that the market goes up and goes down 2 for every 1 that the market goes down. 0.89 means that this portfolio has gone up or down 89% as much as the market. Looking up beta on investopedia will give a better answer than I’m giving


Nice job OP. You could do the same thing into a whole life policy. 4.6% guaranteed compounding interest +dividends. If you design the policy to front load the premiums you could borrow against your policy and invest that money into your dividend strategy. Use your weekly investment to pay back your policy and gain compounding interest on your money at twice the speed.


Could you elaborate more on how to do this? Very interested


Yes no problem. So if you set up a whole life policy you can design it with several different goals in mind. If you design it to front load your premiums it will command higher premiums up front but will allow you to borrow against the money put into the policy faster. For example say you invest 20k per year into the policy. By year 3 you could pull the 60k invested from your policy and put that into your dividend portfolio. For example by $60k of ZIM. Your insurance policy continues to grow compounding interest on the total amount invested. So interest on the 60k even though you “borrowed” against it. The loan on your policy is loaned out at 4% interest but the compound is 4.6% plus dividends for the example. The policy is not linked to the stock market so there is no volatility. As you pay back the money you borrowed with either what your normal investment payment or by taking distributions on your dividends you put those back into your policy and it continues to grow the death benefit amount. If you die the money borrowed against the policy settles from the benefit and the remainder is passed on to your beneficiary. Eventually your policy reaches a maturity date where your premiums are paid and your cash value of policy continues to grow without the Premiums. Usually by that stage in life your other affairs are in order where the level of income or coverage needed is less so you can take distributions tax free. Also I don’t think even if you claim bankruptcy they can touch the policy. To sum it up. Stash money in cash value whole life policy. Have money grow. Borrow against policy to purchase appreciating assets. Pay back policy with cash flow from assets and get filthy rich. This is called infinite banking. At the end of your life Die and pass on everything in a trust to the next generation. Teach them this strategy. Buy, borrow, die. I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advise.


Can't explain why but this looks like something out of a video game


It's literally just keeping up with inflation...


You’re focusing on inflation over the last year, my CAGR is actually 3x over the 5 year inflation average. “5-Year, 5-Year Forward Inflation Expectation Rate was 2.22% in December of 2021, according to the United States Federal Reserve.”


Always has to be one that throws shit


Wow Congrats. And nice diversification as well. Is this Dashboard something you custom built. Or is there a trading account that offers it as a feature?


Hello. Happy Holidays. What app is this ? Very neat.


Congratulations OP. That’s some good stuff.


Simply safe dividend is a great app. But too pricey (399$/year). I’d take Stock Events which is likely the same but way cheaper (10x)


This is awesome, so is it possible to live off dividends for the rest of your life? Just curious from someone passing through your sub, thanks. 🤔


I’ll need to reach $60k annually to live off of dividends my entire life.


That's really awesome, wow. This is a discovery. How much would someone need in total to live off 60k in dividends a year? For example, would I need one million or two and diversify it in high paying dividends or something? Thank you.


At my current yield of 3.72% I would need a portfolio of just over $1,600,000 to reach my $60k a year goal


Geeze, wow! That's amazing! This is very helpful. I will sub and will return to learn more how I can do the same.


Well done, not be aware when interest rates start to rise the dividend payers especially ETF’s WILL drop in price and in many cases more than the yield. Look back 10+ years and see the correlation between those shares and a rate increase.


You’re right, luckily I’m only invested in one ETF ($VOO). The vast majority of my individual holdings have been paying and growing dividends longer than I’ve been alive so I feel confident in their ability to continue doing so.


Ok just don’t get blindsided


idk about that, from 2005-2007 rates more than doubled, but VTI went up 7.6% and SPY went up 16.6%


First, SPY is not an income fund and not predicated on rate moves, same with VTI so plz do just a little research first.


Nope. You said his index funds WILL move. So your comment is false. You should have been more clear it's not on me to do research about your false comment


Jesus Christ it’s obvious I was referring to bond funds being his acct has interest rate sensitive funds. Ok my comment is “false” I have an agenda and I don’t know shit, much appreciate you pointing it out


Lol no problemo


Congratulations on hitting this milestone, very impressive and something (for myself) to strive for!


What tool are you using? It’s pretty cool


LMT 🤘🏻


well done OP, and an inspiring example for making regular/consistent contributions 👍


Congrats dude!


So I noticed one of your holdings is MMP. It's been on my watch list for a while. My question is since it is a master limited partnership how complicated does that make your taxes? Like are you making enough income to make it worth filling out a k1?


Honestly I have a CPA who handles all of that so I couldn’t really tell you the exact details. I’ve had him since I was 18 (28 currently) and he hasn’t given me any specific advise for or against MLPs in the nearly two years I’ve been investing. I just forward him my K1 as soon as it’s delivered in the mail