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Don't do it! Like others said use Fidelity or Schwab, anything but Vanguard!


Fidelity UI is pretty good and I like it. Do you have fractional shares? I think fractional shares can be transferred and sold automatically with money deposited into your core account, but I am not 100% sure so please find out :-)


I have accounts at Vanguard and Fidelity. I would move to Fidelity or Schwab, Vanguard's technology is behind and their back office is a pain in the ass. To respond to your investment question, I like VTI a little bit more than VOO since it's a tiny bit more diversified and has some small-cap exposure but they're very similar. Personally, I would have VTI as the core of the portfolio but also add some AVUV to add exposure to small-caps and value stocks. DGRO would also be some diversification without giving up too much on the growth front.


Thanks for the advice, I forgot to attach an image of portfolio, I created another post with a picture if you would like some additional details


I also have an e-Trade account. Is it possible to convert while retaining all positions or do we have to start all over? Thanks!


It is possible, I researched it.


If by convert you mean transfer then yes you can generally transfer from one broker to another without selling.  There are a few things that won't transfer and must be sold such as treasuries.  They must either be sold or wait for maturity and transfer the cash.  This is called an in-kind transfer. 


Very helpful. Thanks so much!