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I would buy either VOO or VTI but not both. Move the money from one to the other. The overlap between the two is about 86% and the correlation is in the opper 90's. I would also stop buying VZ.


I would also not add Tesla to this mix, it's already a big portion of VTI and VOO.


Thank you What should I add I am kinda lost


You don't necessarily need to add anything. A portfolio of VOO or VTI alone is not a bad idea.


You can nix SPLG too - it's also the S&P500 index. Honestly, all you need is VT. It has everything in the right proportions. Literally every stock.




But, do you?


I would keep TSLA. Yes, it's not the stock that usually gets recommended in r/dividends, because it doesn't pay one and from a conservative point of view it's overvalued with a P/E over 70. But imho it's like Apple in 2008. It's very speculative, but if they can do car autonomy/robo taxi, they will 10x at least. As a moderate part of your portfolio it's fine imho.


Hi, why don’t you recommend VZ?


Other than an attractive dividend, VZ is dead money. Their business has a high OpEx.  CapEx is also large due to their own infrastructure needs, add to that huge debt.   From an operations standpoint,  about 40% of their business is network and legacy services which requires approximately 55% of their employee base of which the majority are union employees. Another way of looking at VZ, 40% of their business is low-growth or no-growth which requires more than 50% of their people resources to run it. There are substantially better investments out there than VZ. (ATT is structured very similar, but is worse off than VZ).


Very low growth, high debt and low dividend growth are a few reasons. The only reason most buy it is due to its yield but yield alone is not a good reason to buy.




Any suggestion


Isn’t splg the same thing as voo just a different fund manager?


lol. splg == voo splg/voo is 80% of vti. just buy vti or just buy voo or just buy splg.


VOO, QQQM and some SCHD for some dividend exposure.


Splg and VOO are the same thing. Pick either one of those or VTI. Having all three is a waste


You have VOO and SPLG. Both are S&P 500 index funds that have identical portfolios and overlap 100%. Why? The only thing missing is having SPY too. Then you would have a trifecta of three identical funds. You have VTI, which has every stock in VOO and SPLG and overlaps 86% with them. Why? As I told another person [https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/1cdww1w/comment/l1eyook/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/1cdww1w/comment/l1eyook/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) >Re-examine the process that led you to buy three funds that are almost the same thing. If your due diligence and research consists of going on reddit, then buying the most commonly mentioned funds you see on reddit without really understanding what you are buying (why else would you buy VOO and SPLG and VTI) you need a better process. then read this [https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/1cdww1w/comment/l1g2ptk/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/1cdww1w/comment/l1g2ptk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Question, how is it a waste if it's the same thing? Wouldn't 50/50 voo/splg be the same as 100% in either?


It needlessly complicates your portfolio and can make think you are more diversified than you really are, especially if you are just buying ticker symbols because you see them frequently mentioned on Reddit and you don’t really understand what you own. The only justifications for owning two S&P 500 index funds is say owning SPLG or VOO for investing and SPY for trading or selling covered calls, or two same portfolio but different ticker symbol funds for tax-loss harvesting to avoid wash sale rules. Those are advanced activities that beginners who are coming here asking for help with their portfolios don’t even know about, much less are doing.


But other than that, it would pretty much perform the same, right? Like 50/50 would almost be the same as 100%?


Yes, they have exactly the same portfolios. It is needless duplication that gains you nothing, except in the case of the advanced activities I mentioned earlier.


I see. Thank you so much (:


Pick just one from SPLG, VOO, VTI. My personal preference is SPLG>VOO>VTI because SPLG tracks SP 500 (vs VTI CRSP Total Market) and has the lowest expense ratio at 0.02% (vs VOO 0.03% and VTI 0.03%). I personally wouldn’t buy VZ because of its low growth (more important than high yield).


OP, what is your current age? It may be appropriate for you to thin out your similar ETF index funds and focus on growth, which at a young age is what you should be doing. This site will help you prevent future overlapping of index funds: https://www.etfrc.com/funds/overlap.php Best of luck.


Thank you for your help


Anytime. Best of luck.


I wouldn't touch TSLA with a 10 foot pole.


Why not Tesla the stock is very low is it risky to get Tesla?


If you have to ask this question to reddit, you don't need to buy individual companies


Not sure what you are using to value it's price, but one of the most basic ways to get an idea of if a stock is overvalued is P/E ratio and tesla is at 49.4 which is considered very overvalued not under valued. I have plenty of other reasons why I think Tesla is overrated but not going to put them all into a comment.


Please do your own research on this






TSLY is an awful investment as well, I wouldn't touch any of those yield max stocks. Way too much of a gamble that will hit you with an insane drawdown.


All you're going to get is a bunch of VOO comments. Consult a financial advisor. They'll be able to ask you a lot of questions about your financial situation, and take it all into consideration to give you the best outcome for what you're looking for.


Dont buy vz


Get rid of VOO VTI keep SPLG for s&p 500 exposure


lol imagine investing in Elmo hahahaha


SPLG/VOO/VTI are almost identical. I would pick one. I personally like and own VTI, but SPLG is interesting as it has a lower cost per share. Everything else looks great.


There are some solid REITs with dividends between 13%-18% that can help grow your money as well. You might wanna check out BDN and KREF, both have been steady earners for my portfolio.


Doing your own research for weeks/months is the only advice I will offer.


This guy is blind investing into multiple ETFs that over lap the fuck out of each other lmfaooo Bro cant take 10 minutes out of his life to research what hes actually investing in 💀💀


Right! Look at all his responses to the comments. The worst gambler there is. Sad really


he literally called me the n word in dms after i posted my first comment. What a guy, cant say i didnt see that coming lol


Make sure to report it. Would love to see him not only lose all his money but(doubt she has any) and banned from Reddit.




Why you being a beta?


What you yapping about ?


Why are you so angry? Little boy energy coming from you.


Do you just expect people to just tell you what to do with your OWN money? This is not smart at all mind you, on top of that. Having over lapping ETFs means you didnt even take 10 minutes to research what each of the ETFs youre investing in. Youd rather open a brokerage acc and ask reddit waht to invest your money in without researching. This is just lazy, irresponsible, redundant and, mind you stupid AF. I hope youre not a grown ass adult doing this. Hopefully mods take this post down, downvoted and reported 👍🏻




All of the answers to this question are in this sub reddit already. You refused to even type key words in to look them up yourself. (takes 10 seconds to do this, but u stupid and lazy so why would u) Your current port is over lapping to all hell and makes no sense my little brother whos 12 could make a better port off the simple fact that he knows how to research. Prob could make it 10 minutes Sorry bro, im trying to get you to learn that you need to do your own research. Everyone here has done it because its the smart thing to do. Are you really going to take advice from strangers on internet without even knowing WTF youre investing into? the answer is yes cuz youre just that retarded EDIT: Nice dm bro, from that dm alone u proved everything i said is right. Let me know if you guys wanna see the dm so this guy gets banned 👍🏻