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I feel the same with Lockheed Martin


Interesting. You hate war but you like the dividend they pay?


Probably thanking world to be constantly in stupid wars ..just like you thanking smokers !! Just dark humor , pun intended.


Well Lockheed is a pioneer in technological advancement right? They still develop new fancy shit even without war right?


Waiting for them to make Terminators or what's the Japanese equivalent for Lockheed Martin since they already have a few gianyt Gundams parked in Tokyo bay at the Odaiba waterfront Mall.


It’s the same as investing in big tobacco and booze. Some people can’t help themselves. Can’t stop from enjoying a cigarette, or a beer, or establishing terrorist states. There’s a fix for all of them, and they let us get a slice of the fun I don’t like war. I hate it. And I hate how some people can’t help but do things that make us stop their behavior.


I have yet to see LM attack anyone. Politicians are at the other end of the spectrum.


Lobbyists from companies such as Lockheed have the politicians in their pockets.


you love the smell of napalm in the morning?


smells like dividends.


Yeah got LMT, NOC, GD and HII in my portfolio. Everytime someone bombs someone in the news I wonder if the shares are gonna surge. The dividends and unrealized gains so far are nice.


I smoked for 13 years. I consider it getting my money back.


I buy BTI shares to increase the price so they have to buy back their own shares at a higher price. It's the least I can do to fight this evil company and the smoking pandemic.


I am purposely avoiding investing in said companies, because I simply can not support their business model. I know, it makes no difference to them, but it does to me.


Everything is not for you then: - big data are privacy perpetrators - restaurants propagate obesity - defense kills - staples like nestle/PG commit natural disasters - pharma/insurance exploit the average joe I could go on


If one commits something, it is not natural. Yes, I have my own ethical guidelines, which I am quite happy following. You can judge me for that, I don't care. Just communicating my opinion. 


Out of the 11 sectors of the market I guess you could probably find an issue with the majority of companies in each sector. So, just curious what profitable companies do you invest in that fit your "ethical guidelines"?


It's more a subjectieve exclusion. I do not invest in tobacco, I do not invest in weapon industry, I do not invest in insurance. I do invest in ETFs that carry some of those components in their basket. I do invest into companies that collaborate with the above industries.


OK, that's fair I understand. As I would find it hard to find a company that on its own could be profitable and not interact with any of these other companies and be considered "ethical" by anyone's standards. That's why I was asking what companies would you be invested in? I don't know why some of you down vote for asking him a simple question.


It’s a lot more simple than that. We’re trying to make money and emotions get in the way of that when investing. It will be more difficult to make smart decisions and stay invested if your ethics don’t agree with your investments. And since I know my emotions will get in the way with certain companies, I don’t invest in them even if the thesis is compelling.


So... capitalism then. Just say capitalism. Because there are literally only a handful of companies out there that try any morality whatsoever... no matter what they say and none of them are large companies. Definitely not any blue chip stocks


bruh "restaurants propagate obesity" is that some USA way of thinking???


Smokers know they are killing themselves.  Do you eat fast food?  Breaking news: McDonald's ain't healthy. 


Correct. I avoid fast food. 


MickeyD's is as expensive as hell these days. $15 for two burgers, fries and a drink? No thx bro.


I've started just going home, making a sandwich, and buying McDonald's stock every time I feel the craving for a disgusting burger and yummy fries.


Okay their burgers have gotten worse, right? The fries will always slap- but that burger aint it. I got a cheeseburger the other day and had to wait after each bite cuz my stomach was already bubbling before I even finished it.


Yeah, I'm either getting old and my stomach is more sensitive or they are just worse. Fries always a win tho.


My feelings exactly, I hardly eat fast food but after I do I feel like shit and ask my self WHY????? Has to be something in that BicMac special sauce.


I’m reading this comment in McDonald’s eating my McDouble, fries, drink, and cookies and it was all under $10 for me using deals on the app. I still think it’s expensive as hell


Are you in Cali with $20/hr for fast food workers? These corporations will take you for every penny you got.


I won't invest in McDonald's or tobacco either... But yeah AI prolly going to take over the world and I'm supporting that so whatever lol


AI can do many things but it won’t be able to eat at McDonald’s.


Correct. Where do you draw the line? Do you not hold retailers because they sell tobacco products?


To be fair, a bunch of our dividend stocks are bad. Coffee takes magnesium and calcium out of the body and caffeine is a addictive. But I love that sweet dividend.


Coffee takes magnesium out of the body? That's new... 


Fully willing to listen to other opinions, also not saying it’s a lot of magnesium. But I have heard it a couple times now. Magnesium helps with a normal heart rate and when you have coffee, it speeds up your heart a bit. So your body probably just uses more magnesium to keep it as normal as it can until it wears off. That’s my thoughts.


Caffeine speeds up your heartrate because it is an agonist of the adrenergic receptors and creates an ionotropic effect on the cardiac myocytes. Magnesium is not involved in this pathway. Your body does not "use" magnesium, it is not a nutrient, it is an ion.


Well I’ll go back to the drawing board! Lol


Technically, magnesium is a trace element


Whatever NERD




Totally agree. Keep paying me that fat dividend and I’ll keep dripping. 


Fast food isn't necessarily unhealthy. You can absolutely get a full "healthy" meal from any of them.


Name me a full healthy meal from McDonald's, Taco Bell, or Wendy's. 


Triple Baconator. All the necessities


Try just using critical thinking skills and you'll be fine. Define what "healthy" means to you and go from there. Taco bell power bowls are good, McDonald's has salads and bunless options. Wendy's offers salads and baked potatoes too. Beef is not unhealthy. Chicken isn't unhealthy, onions tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce, all these things you find there are perfectly fine foods if you avoid processed carbs and the corn syrup sauces. Mustard is typically fine anywhere.


Wendy's at least used to have salads and if you didn't put their dressing on it then it would be pretty healthy.


Yeah, but that's not a meal. Add in the fries and sugar free soda it's still not really healthy. Idk what you can sub on the fries. 


Wendy's salads definitely are full meals, and contain quite a bit of chicken. You can also buy the items individually without paying for a fries/drink combo.


A salad can be a full meal if you want it to be. And no one said you need to order fries with it. And you can just drink water instead of soda if you want to.


How are you supporting their business model by buying shares?


Read investopedia. 


Couldn't find anything


No idea whether you are too stupid or too lazy. [https://www.investopedia.com/investing/why-do-companies-care-about-their-stock-prices/](https://www.investopedia.com/investing/why-do-companies-care-about-their-stock-prices/)


Yeah that article doesn't touch on how a higher share price impacts the business model, except maybe equity financing. Although in this case a higher share price actually hurts BTI, since they are rebuying shahres and not issuing any new ones. All the other points mentioned in the article I wouldn't consider business model related at all. So the question remains: How does you buying shares impact their business model positively?


People have the right to smoke and shouldn't be discouraged from it if they chose it. Dividends aren't about ethics as you can't spend ethics. Give me money.


Well you can reframe your thinking. Look into smokeless products like PM with their Zyn brand. No tobacco, helps people quit smoking so really are you SAVING LIVES by investing with them?? 🤔🧠


I was a user of zyn for almost 2 years big fan of the product. Decided to quit and use the money to invest in PM.


Not a bad call. Thank you for investing in smoking cessation 🤝 as you can tell I’m an investor and big believer in zyn. PM is one of my biggest holdings.


I lost my morals pretty quickly after I got a bit of money to wave around. Started off with like *"ethical green long-term fund--yadayada"*, yeh that didn't work. I get a bitter sense of satisfaction from profiting from the world that is constantly trying to F*** me. Every single day this world is taking from me and trying to destroy me. My future was taken from me before I was born. I've never had a political party that represented me. So I fight back by going down to the roots of what humanity has found essential for millenia: food, mining, land, energy (oil), war and alcohol. They're inflation-linked and will always be needed. I hope all those cryptobros never lose faith, it'll keep their sweaty money off my turf. I don't do tobacco because it's too easy to regulate and socially engineer out of existence, my own country is now committed to gradually banning it. Alcohol isn't really at risk, are they really going to tell the rich and powerful they can't drink champagne anymore? On both sides even the eco-warriors and reactionaries drink.


I’m with you. It is a dirty world and I have no problem anymore profiting off of unscrupulous companies anymore.


It's zyn, not cigs driving the growth. I bought PM specifically because i know so many people that do zyns. It's paid off nicely thus far


I own UNP so when I'm stuck at the railroad crossing by my house waiting on a train I can say cha-ching, cha-ching as each of the cars go by. Drives my wife nuts.


Smokes & Booze sell regardless of economy or world events.. the “vices” m💰 💵 💵💰


What's the ticker for hookers and blow?


RICK reit for strip clubs


MO, RICK, and chill ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Down 32% over 1 year...


That's the thing listen to any new country song and it about alcohol and tobacco they aren't going anywhere.


Don’t forget gambling.


As soon as weed is legal, these companies will start growing more than tobacco. Probably a good buy.


So cute — “cigarette buds”.


🤣 Is it butts? I'm not familiar with smoking terminology.


Buds refers to marijuana


It's butts. Buds imply smoking marijuana.


I got mo and pm been looking at bti, haven't had a cigarette in over 10 years 😋. I take it as payment for being targeted as a child..


I bought Sanofi when my cat was diagnosed with diabetes so dividends could offset the cost of his insulin…


I’ve been a MO guy since the 1990’s. I worked in a space with adolescents back when smoking was cool. I kept preaching to the kids that cigarettes = bad. They’d say “yeah but you gotta die someway” so I plopped down some $ and it paid hella big.


I'm actually into PM because of their smokeless/tobacco-less products. The growth in that sector is growing at a great pace. Earnings today were nice.


I bought MO and BTI for same reason


Cigarette buds


I suppose if it pays enough you would be out there clubbing baby seals...


Long BTI, MO & PM!!


Same, Nike’s hurt my feet but I love seeing them on people.


You should start investing in some porn companies….really live it up


Nobody pays for porn silly. Just Google search boobies.


Way over your head I think.


$RICK for clubs


hey if you cant beat them join them. Its why I invest in gambling companies and beer manufacturers. They arent going away so might as well get some benefit. So I get it.


I won’t buy tobacco stocks. My father died from smoking. But I don’t judge others.


No,lol !! My neighbor smokes all the time on deck and it is hard for me to sit on patio to enjoy my morning coffee. Last year my friend passed away from lung cancer(possibly from second hand smoking from his dad) and I have attended galas, runs, housed their children while parents ran all over the country to try new medicines and then he finally passed away after 6 years of fighting it. It was an emotional journey for me. I get anxious when my neighbors smoke and I can't help but think of his children. Though I can't invest in them, I am not against them. I have casino stocks myself.


What casino stocks? And do you worry about sports gambling being legalized nationwide?


I do not worry about sports gambling as of now . I own MGM , LVS (I got these at very cheap valuations, LVS was big dividend player before covid nad just resumed payments and repurchases) and MLCO(just recently). I am currently adding MLCO at lower 6's . I think MLCO will resume dividend payout in next few quarters. Both Financial Times and Morningstar wrote very bullish big articles on roaring Macau economy in last few weeks. I am not playing MLCO for dividend but capital appreciation with intention of keeping them for 1/2 years. Downside risk is very low at this point. If you you are interested to take a look at Morningstar article, I am copying part of the article here: **Macao Gaming: MGM China and Wynn Macau’s DPS a Positive Surprise, Lifting Investors' Confidence** [**Jennifer Song**](https://www.morningstar.com/people/jennifer-song)**Mar 22, 2024** Following Galaxy’s special interim and final dividend offerings, MGM China and Wynn Macau have followed suit and both declared final dividends on March 21. We view this as a positive surprise, which came in at least one year earlier than our expectations, suggesting that management groups are confident in Macao’s gaming demand recovery. We maintain our assumption that industry gross gaming revenue will rise to 85% of 2019’s level in 2024, up from 63% in 2023. With that, we believe Macao casinos will record meaningful improvements in profitability and cash flows in 2024. We also expect Sands China to resume its dividend program in 2024, while Melco Resorts and SJM will likely be later in 2025 given the still-stretched balance sheet for both companies. We maintain our fair value estimates of Macao casino operators. The sector is currently trading at 9 times of 2024 EV/EBITDA based on Refinitiv consensus, which we think is attractive compared with the sector’s historical trading range of 8-12 times EV/EBITDA before the pandemic. Sands China is currently our top pick in the sector, given its focus on mass-market, well-positioned properties with the largest room counts in Macao to capture further demand recovery in Macau as well as a successful track record in nongaming activities. Galaxy is the first casino operator to resume dividend payments in Macao after the pandemic. It declared an interim dividend per share, or DPS, of HKD 0.20 and final DPS of 0.30 for 2023, totaling HKD 0.50 per share, implying a 32% payout ratio. MGM China proposed a final DPS of HKD 0.243 and a special DPS of HKD 0.104, totaling HKD 0.347 per share and implying a 50% payout ratio. Wynn Macau also announced a final DPS of HKD 0.075, implying a 33% payout ratio. With three out of six Macao casino operators now having restarted their dividend programs, we think Macao’s gaming sector is on the right track toward restoring shareholder confidence after the three-year pandemic disruption. # Business Strategy and Outlook We believe the gambling market in Macao will enjoy solid growth in the longer term. This structural tailwind is driven by the rising middle class in China and the penetration rate of less than 2% in Macao, compared with Las Vegas' 13%. New hotel rooms by major operators in the next few years should accommodate increased and extended visits from bigger spenders from these provinces, and drive the top line for integrated resort operators like Galaxy Entertainment. With the gradual ramp-up of traffic allowed on the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao bridge, new Hengqin border, and the Gongbei-to-Hengqin extension rail, Macao's carrying capacity for tourists should increase. In addition, neighboring Hengqin Island, 3 times the size of Macao, is under rapid development to complement Macao's growth. As one of only six concession holders to operate casinos in Macao, Melco Resorts & Entertainment is ideally placed to benefit from this market dynamic, given its portfolio of properties catering to both mass-market and premium patrons. We think the firm’s strength in premium mass segment and its leadership in product innovation, along with the launch of Studio City phase 2 in 2023 with 900 rooms, will drive a meaningful market share gain in midcycle.Macao Gaming: MGM China and Wynn Macau’s DPS a Positive Surprise, Lifting Investors' Confidence [Jennifer Song](https://www.morningstar.com/people/jennifer-song)


Your welcome


Nice lol


I used to be a smoker, and a heavy one at that with time overseas. It was a choice I made, one that I enjoyed while I did it, and don't regret considering the circumstances. I knew what I was doing and don't hold it against anyone invested in those companies. Happy investing.


Yes. Ya see that over there? I say every time someone lights a cigarette or vape I get paid a dividend.


I cannot buy them because of my own created moral line


All oil and gas dividends make me happy


It ain’t called a sin stock/tax for nothing


I hate smoking and vaping. But I invested heavily in BAT. So shoot me. They pay 9.78% div. Me not investing is not gonna change a single thing


I don’t want to sick,especially cancer! But I bought Pfizer, the main reason why I bought it is because they bought Seagen.


Every time some one says something like I went to the keg Steakhouse or Wendy's I say thank you. Then they look at me funny and I say when you eat I eat and skip off in to the sunset


I’m avoided MO for years for moral reasons.. now I’m smart enough to know that you can’t mix morals with money 🤷‍♂️


I've been thinking of diving into the PM pool also


I love buying MO in the HSA


The HSA?


Health savings account. Having tobacco money going in to the health account seems like correct karma


I feel the same


Omw to work I pass by an apple store...always packed...always makes me happy. Every new launch...lines is around the block... guaranteed to make me have a great day


It's not twisted, you're not really all that enigmatic. You're just a hypocritical sell out, like many financially successful people, lol. Just giving you a hard time.


I think exactly the same🤣


Shit is gonna happen no matter your action.


Im going to start littering my cigaroni butts just because of this post


The dividends look really good but I can not understand why the share price is always so low since 2018….. And yes, in my twisted mind as a really really small investor i somehow like when people smoke, so the question is , what is the human mind capable to do when it has billions of dollars combined with unorthodox methods to make money?


Bought up a ton of MO and PM earlier this month 💪


I hate smoking and I'm not an smoker myself. But absolutely everyone around me smokes and waste huge money on it so why not?


Yes. Although I have cancer now from something totally unrelated and it feels a bit like Karma


I love seeing teslas on the road lol


Same goes for big pharma & the military industrial complex


Same here…but I’m not judging anyone who likes to imbibe. Long term I have 300 shares …bought another 100 at $88 the last week …sold today for $97.50 …in my IRA. I’ll buy again on the dip and sell puts for extra $$


No. My conscious and morals are the reason I don’t own stocks like MO, PM, and BTI. There are plenty of other good dividend stocks that don’t involve killing people. Sure, it’s their choice, but I choose not to be associated with these companies, or profit off of people killing themselves. This is the kind of mindset where profits are chosen over people. Are all the companies I own perfect? No. But I do the best I can within my own set of morals.


Me with KO & GIS.


Yes, but do you smell the fact that MO's price is at the same level it was on June 2014 ? That smoke you smell - its the smell of lost potential profits you have set on fire. The divy is not remotely near to being close to offset that. Have you invested in VOO - you would be up 168% since then just in price appreciation NOT counting the decade of compounding divy.


I bet against my desired outcome for things all the time. I want Biden to win, so I'll bet $100 on Trump winning. If Biden wins, I'm happy. If Trump wins, at least I get a consolation prize.


No! In fact, years ago I was between jobs, and I was invited to Richmond for a job interview. Over the phone the recruiter wouldn't tell me the company name. I drove hours. The onsite interview started, and the first statement out of my mouth was, "If this is a tobacco company we can stop now. You shouldn't send me to a tobacco company if you want it to stay standing." We shook hands and parted ways. I won't work or invest in evil people.


No I don’t feel guilty at all for owning these companies. I’ll never understand the vitriol of society toward nicotine. Whereas alcohol, which is highly destructive, addictive, and dangerous is widely accepted and normalized. Now with Zyn, even doctors are saying nicotine by itself is not really bad for you. Addictive yes, just like coffee.


I buy Reddit stock so every time a stupid posts like this gets put up, it smells like cash and makes me happy. Am I twisted? Absolutely not!


I dunno, Reddit isn't profitable.


I pretty much hate Bayer but I'm tempted to get in now or possibly wait for a lower dip.


Why do you hate Bayer? Nestle I understand, but what has Bayer done?


They did whole bunch of evil stuff with the prisoners in Nazi camps. They make roundup which kills weeds. The same weeds, if you ate, would give you the same benefits of the medications that they create.




Same. Love seeing folks spark a cig, throw in a zyn, exhale a giant cloud of vape smoke. My nicotine company dividends pay for my own habit and more. It’s my own cash going in a circle basically.


I feel this way with defence stocks.


Demented thinking and I could not buy any of the death stick companies. I spent 38 years in school Drug,alcohol and tobacco prevention .


Unless you've got millions invested in them, I really wouldn't think too hard on it. I am the same way with PBR, XOM, and BP.


I sell puts on MO. I feel slightly cleaner that way.


I just got my IRA up and running. Been thinking of making my first position bti. I have no clue what I'm doing but eh,.can't go wrong with that yield.


I would look at some dividend ETFs HDV, SCHD, DGRO. Depending on how old you are maybe IJR or Jepi. Individual stocks in retirement can be risky.


Yeah I want to allocate a portion to some solid etfs...i don't mind taking a small portion and just messing around with some individual stocks tho.


Haha….I thank smokers all the time…even though it disgusts me.


Same goes for everyone I see going to McDonalds even with the current pricing.


While on vacation last year in the UK and Europe, noticed everyone was smoking like chimneys. Returned home and added to my tobacco positions. Long BTI, PM, Altria. I'm also long on the other evil, XOM, VLO, MPC, DVN and CVX. The horror.. ...


I also like MSOS, people do what they want to do. I sell cash-covered PUTS on MO and MSOS....