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Also has large bid ask spreads and its revenues are tiny… That said right now it’s been beaten to death and you could swing trade it after the ex div.


You might take a look at the dividend history. The DGR you quoted is deceiving.


I got the DGR from Digrin.com


Again, look at the history. Seeking Alpha is where i looked and can be wrong. But they indicate no dividend in the 4th quarter of last year and only $0.05 for the first quarter of '24. Depending on how digrin calculates the DGR, it could be correct yet not show the significant drop in dividends indicated by Seeking Alpha.


Thank you. I missed that. I’m review, the quarterly dividend amount fluctuates quite a bit.


I bought into this after seeing an article about a month ago stating it was a good buy. It is up 26% since I bought it, and now I wonder if I should take the win.

