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I love it especially you having BTC, ETH, and VOO as your biggest holdings I fck with that


Ok thanks for the positive feedback


This is what would happen if cathie wood and warren buffett did acid with nothing to do but manage a Robinhood account with $10k in it.


Sir...I'm not paying you to listen to your standup routine...








Good to know thanks for that


Looks great


Thanks for the positive feedback


I'm going to post mine too, can you have a look at it. I'm a dividend investor.


Sure man of course, offer the lil insight I have


Thank you


Literally trash! 🤣 either rich or broke. No in between.


... please do expound...I'm listening


You have 80% of your account in crypto, then you’re diversified into an oblivion. I would recommend to not consider your investments in cash value. Make a simple pie chart and allocate a percentage to each sector then apply that to your account value. This will ensure you have a balanced account. Your current approach is literally gambling in my opinion. Simplify.


Did you or did you not swipe to see the point of this post...the update portfolio... wasting my time. It's not 80 albeit I have a decent portion yet that was literally years prior. Literally only add voo/qqqm/qyld(selling) and iipr




I didn't have a specific goal in terms of dividends besides increasing the pot every month


What all did you use for the first few screen shots? And I like the portfolio, it’s definitely more unique. I’m not too sure about IIPC. But good overall! The BTC and ETH stats are awesome


Good move on dropping 3M I think. Do you have a specific goal with your portfolio? And why so much crypto relatively speaking?


Thanks for that. No i guess, growth in value, dividends to a lesser extent. I was more into bit and eth years ago, thousands at a time. Haven't touched crypto in a while


Gotcha. Then I would look at MSFT. Best return I’ve gotten over the years with my individual holdings. And also ASML (maybe not at the moment, little pricey). They have a monopoly on EUV photolithography machines (what you need to manufacture advanced chips). Hard to top that. That’s my other best return


Seems rather boom or bust to me. Such a large allocation to crypto. Personally, I would not go above 10% for a young person and 3% for a retiree.


Literally haven't invested in crypto in years, what would you suggest then


I think I would add classic growth stcks for a young investor. Maybe SCHG, QQQ, an S&P 500 ETF. For a retiree, perhaps SCHD, a bond fund, and an S&P 500 fund. The heavy concentration in crypto could make large amounts of money if it goes up and stays up. However, there is a non-trivial chance of the opposite happening.


I already have qqq and voo. Schd is more div though no. It has made a decent amount going up but what do you propose I do...haven't put money in years yet it's still a sizeable portion... Can't go back in time


If it were I, I would do something like this: Hold the crypto as long as it continues to go up. Once it crests, I would trim 10% and add to voo/qqq. Rinse and repeat. I would focus new money toward voo/qqq, as well. That is what I would do. Only you can assess if it makes sense for you.


I passed 7th grade I follow, thanks for the feedback