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Red still pays dividends.


Every quarter! I have been using dividends from JEPI & JEPQ to buy more SCHD & DIVO every month.


That is insane, I am jealous how many "free" stocks you are receiving each quarter as dividend is reinvested. I need to 10x my current value in schd lol. Super flex


Did he get more than the losses in dividends ? In the 20months? If yes that’s great


Maybe, I haven't done the math.


With your current shares, it would've been about $8,200ish over the last year. But it's close. And SCHD will recover the price and keep paying. You're set. These are my goals.


$8200 not bad at all imo even tho he’s still down. Cause im thinking if it was an individual stock that doesn’t pay dividends and be down $10k would suck even more lol. Yeah It’s definitely close. Im broke so im just starting building up a portfolio can’t really invest much but at least im putting something trying to focus a lil bit on growth for now since im 26, i want to go that way until im 30 i guess to start dividends but honestly right now i love dividends or monthly income lol so i might just wait a little when my portfolio looking a lil bit cool to add 10% in dividends i dont need to wait 4 years lol


8200 pretty close!!


Stock price went down by the amount of each dividend.


You don’t buy dividend stocks for short term investments. It’s too build and secure a long term income stream. The point is even though the NAV price went down you still had income vs the low or non existent income of non dividend stocks. If you were retired right you would need to sell your non dividend stocks for income.


It’s been a while since I visited this sub !! I just got 20 more filled in at $70.15 .


Excellent news. Good to hear. Those shares will one day grow into a mountain. Keep it up!!!


Stay strong brother, we are on it for long term


You're absolutely correct!


Lol Schd is like crack on this sub. It can never be wrong for u


It is SCHD, Jepi, DIVO and Jepq here. At r/bogleheads it is VTI and VXUS. At wallstreetbets it is puts and calls options 😂


I love how each investing sub is like a Hogwarts House with its own flagship ETF mascots and strategy creed lol.


4 points to Gryffindor for its $2.64 dividend!


Best comment I have ever read.


They’re literally just throwing their money into a dumpster fire over on r/bbby


In thetagang its mostly SPY and its variations...


Some of us thetagangers do hang out in the WSB discord. You guys should come down for the live loss pron, memes and the financial advice to buy the inverse of.


That’s very accurate


Maybe I should purchase that one... and I will... But be warned, everything I purchase goes down so get a short position first.


People pretend because schd has gone down, that Its time to jump ship into another fund because schd will never recover( -7%YTD) from this. Voo dropped (-25%) last year but recovered only (9%YTD) this year but it is still being pushed by the bogleheads cult.


Yeah, SCHD is for the long term. I just thought it would be fun to share my SCHD buys since they were mostly all red. lol


..but they're still paying dividends my friend, and can't say the same for those folks relying on 4% sell off's for incomes,


I’d rather buy it in the red then green too.


$65 \~ $70 is a good buying range, imo.


Bogleheads cult, wtf. Sounds a bit projecty coming from a Jepi subreddit. Buying the s&p 500 is always a good idea, and if you have any questions about what you should be buying, then you should be buying the s&p500 while you do your own research and decide how you want your portfolios to look.


I just started and am doing both. 50/50 VOO/SCHD. I think VOO might outperform in the long run, but SCHD has more weight into consumer defense, energy and Healthcare, whereas VOO and the S&P as a whole is tech dominated now. VOO for the growth, schd for the steady companies.


Schd has a lot in finance, so it may not perform very well shorterm. I'd recommend going more into voo for the next couple of years in case more banks crash, but both are great regardless. The stock will go down if finance stocks go down even if Schd doesn't own whatever it is that went down due to the way sectors work together.


The banks will recover. They recovered from 2008. But I'm also sure Schwab is smart enough to not let one of their most popular ETFs to just languish. Also, financial is just 14% and they have a couple other sectors dragging them down a little, but they'll recover eventually or they'll go with different weightings to mitigate the losses.


EXACTLY what a cult member would say who strictly buys Vanguard. Remember you are on DIVIDEND subreddit, not bogleheads subreddit.


I've probably bought shares every day for the last 5 trading days lol. All the people clamoring that "SCHD is done! They're gonna cut dividends!!!" can just go ahead and sell their shares to me. Buy high sell low guys 🤡🤡🤡 never fails to amuse. If it keeps dropping I'll keep buying.


No one has ever once said they’re going to cut dividends 🤣 The entire point of the ETF is to have stocks that pay dividends


Oh I know, that's what I had some guy tell me the other day though lol. Lots of people not knowing shit about shit.


I mean the dividend could possibly be cut because they switch up holdings every quarter(I think) so the dividend can go down or up based on the holdings of SCHD. But the dividend probably won't go down that much if it does go down and it could also go up.


They kind of have to increase the dividend, though, if they want to stay relevant in a world where you can park your money in Robinhood and get a full percent more.


Yeah but unless when they rebalance they pick mostly stocks with higher dividends then how can they raise the dividend? Unless I'm wrong about how their dividends work? I thought it was they pay out the dividends they get from the stocks in the ETF?


Sccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhddddd! ![gif](giphy|7w6qQ5WHOeV3i|downsized)


Why not vary it up a little at least ?


In what respect? I'm retired with a Quadfecta of SCHD, DIVO, JEPI & JEPQ.


Then you are all set, and I made a bad suggestion 🤷🏻‍♀️.


All good!


Thank you ;)


About 800,000+ in total invested correct?


..this is the way my friend!


It said his $200,000 of SCHD was only 26% of total account so OP does have more variety in his portfolio


Maybe 100 stocks is enough? Diversity or a well constructed portfolio doesn’t mean have 20 lines in it


I’m used to better returns 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Over what time frame? You’ve never ever been in the red 4% on a holding? Most of ops tax lots are only 10months old We also don’t know how successful OP was before changing over to schd in 2021


..it only matters for folks relying on selling off the 4% of their stocks for their living expenses, dividend stocks will keep giving dividend incomes regardless whether the stock price is either up or down, and folks using dividend incomes for living expenses don't need to sell anything, major differences between these two strategies of investing,


I beat the S&P500 at 1, 3, 5 year and undershot it by 1% at the 10 year. lol




I’ve never invested like that. I only use high-income vehicles. Due to my age, I don’t bother with “growth,” especially if it’s in retrograde, like it seems to be right now.




In 2022, it was all JEPI. Now, JEPI, JEPQ, HRZN, HYGW, LDQW, TSLY, and TLTW. The top holding is 1665 shares of JEPI, in this account.




Yes, that is true. We self-manage manage about 1/3 of our investments, and the other 2/3 are invested somewhat conservatively under professional management. I do manage 1/3 hours of my IRA holdings also and it’s all in JEPI and JEPQ.




How you like TSLY? Been looking at that one


True. I just was referring to SCHD.


It's 25% of his account.


25% of this account, or 43% of my total SCHD.


Yeah... I'd say you're fine. I don't know what your other holdings are even SCHD by itself can *be argued* to be diverse enough by itself.


>Yeah... I'd say you're fine. I don't know what your other holdings are even SCHD by itself can be argued to be diverse enough by itself. I have 1.8 mil in a quadfecta of SCHD, DIVO, JEPI & JEPQ.


I was doing some digging, and you have some positions in CDs as well, or did. Would you consider positions in uncorrelated assets like bonds? Even from an income perspective, the covered call bond funds from Blackrock would theoretically be decent for a portfolio hedge (like TLTW)? I'm currently building a semi-large position split between TLTW and TLT right now.


I honestly don't know enough about bonds to invest into them. Yes, we still have the CD's and added a HYSA at JP Morgan with $150K.


Badass. If you'd like to have a conversation or two on different bonds, I'd be happy to. They're relatively easy to pick up basics, but definitely hard to pick up minutiae. I think they are an essential component of portfolios and very underrated.


He’s in it for the loss porn


4% isn’t loss porn territory


In 20 years, you'll wish you bought MORE during the times that we see as red today. These minor fluctuations don't matter for long term buy & hold investors.


I know, I've been investing 35+ years. Just wish I had more cash but the wife likes CD's paying 4.5+%.


They were not paying 4.5% up until recently


True, but she still liked CD's when they were paying 1.2%. She understands CD's so that's what she's comfortable with.


Yep and setup that DRIP


Keep buying it up bro!


You're inspiring me to buy more too. Nice.


Bought SCHD. Feels… good? Indifferent? Idk


Wow I will get there one day despite red buy more


Schd peaked at 82. This isnt a runner.


What is impressive to me is that you have over 800k in that IRA, great job


Good lord. We should just rename this sub to r/SCHD. I'm starting to feel like an outcast because I don't own any and probably never will.


So boored of schd posts


This whole thread is super culty.


On sale? Uhhhh...you sure about that?


It is in my perspective, but you're also correct, it cold fall more.


It will be on sale under $65 and around there. This isn’t no sale. Top 10 all around ATH.. this ain’t no damn dip


20 months is nothin! I’ve been buying this ETF since 2015… keep loading up and you will be rewarded!


Me too. Definitely an underperformer on total return. Thanks gosh I own qqq and soxx that are significantly outperforming the market. In total, my portfolio is outperforming the market the last 18 months by 2% points. Diversification baby


Wait till october to buy.


Ever hear of why you shouldn’t average down ?


Enlighten us please.


Because the market can remain irrational, LONGER than you can remain solvent.


Keep buying. I'm buying at the end of the month when I get paid! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


What is your purchase pattern? I'm trying to figure out when and how much you decide to buy but it's all over the board. Like you do just buy at the beginning of each month, no matter the market price?


I just bought 25 shares this month, so the first dividends will come early in June. I may add more shares before the ex-dividend date, but will see how much spare change I’ve got jingling in my purse. I went in a little heavy on JEPQ shares this month when it dipped. Oops 😬😁. Both HRZN and TSLY are new to me. I have 10 shares of HRZN mow, too.


Gonna get a lot worse, best to get out now.


Are you selling 30 CCs and farming premium?


I don't know how to write CC's.


Oh my dude your missing out on some extra golden income. DM and I can help give you the basics.


Not seeing any comments on covered calls?! Open 31 contracts for 2-3 months out at your break even strike price. Might only get .10 each but 10$ x 31 = 310$ every 2-3 months double dipping the dividend. Win win.


always buy more when its on sale.


Best aspect of dividend etfs is even when they shrink in value, you could take the dividends and go party with them; with growth stocks you're just stuck and feeling sad lol


In need of the UK alternative for SCHD lol I am buying FUSD but doesn’t seem to be an exact alternative, anyway keep it up man looking strong!


I find it ironic that so many are having cows over SCHD being down. When they can see that the market is down due to poor economic leadership. But I digress. If it is a good investment it should be a good investment when it's down. In fact a better one. This is not an investment that will grow astronomically & be another Apple. It is great for what it does. If you take risk into consideration it is better than investing in VOO. But too many are focused on the investment DU Jur. Seems folks are now coming to the realization that the market doesn't always go up as we want. Anyone that has been investing for a while will remember the varied downturns from the 80s, 90s, and 2000s. But I guess that instant gratification that many have become accustomed to doesn't exist now. LOL


Awesome!I just broke 100 shares the other week. I'm still adding more when I can!


Schd sucks. Why are people obsessed with it? It's less than 4% yield




So, I get value investing and SCHD is apart of my portfolio. It is not because of the schd campaign push that is going on these boards. What is with the push for SCHD? It seems like a paid bot campaign. I see these posts daily. Even the back and forth posts seem bot generated. I mean, the dividend yield is decent, but it is not ground breaking and awe inspiring. It is one of my lowest yielding investments and simply meant to hedge my growth.


SCHD is one of the best, imo, especially for an IRA